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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Slicing post-nerf, please look at the numbers BW


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This is what I suggest until BW gets their act together and fixes this debaucle. Since it was all those ppl out there who lacked the foresight to see that the slicers brought the money to the economy, i.e., AH to buy crafters' stuff, we should come together and do the following:


1) I know we all have alts with different profs


2) We get certain recipes that no one else gets in the game from slicing that they covet


3) We keep them OUT OF THE MARKET ALTOGETHER and send them to our alts or horde

them in the banks


4) Alternative to number 3 is to place them on the AH for MAX PRICE starting at 1.5mil credits - I believe that way we can recoup our losses. Either nobody will buy them - no prob - alts can use them or people will be forced to buy them


As Kreia once held the galaxy by the throat, we too will hold the financial galaxy by the throat...

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1: So - you're saying the starter level is broken. You do not get any money back on it. This says the craft IS broken. Carry on though.


You all are acting like this is a mission ONLY skill. It's not. You also gain points by GATHERING with it. What this means is that you get off your ***, go out into the world, and FIND notes to harvest. Skill and credits are gained. I make tens of thousands of credits this way and it works great.


As a bonus, you ALSO can CHOOSE to do some mission runs and GAMBLE that you will come out ahead. But when you consider that you don't have to do anything for this, even a little gain is good.


You also act like this is the ONLY way to make money in the game. Part of being a good farmer is to learn the system and work it to your advantage, not go crying to the forums about how miserable your life is. Pathetic...

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i wonder, how many more people need to unsub for bioware to actually talk to their community about a major game breaking nerf? I have 22 days to see! Then i walk back to wow. Its not even about the nerf. Its about the fact that the people running this game refuse to even talk to the players that pay their salary.


t h i s ! !

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You all are acting like this is a mission ONLY skill. It's not. You also gain points by GATHERING with it. What this means is that you get off your ***, go out into the world, and FIND notes to harvest. Skill and credits are gained. I make tens of thousands of credits this way and it works great.


And if you had been paying attention, you will have known that the better nodes HAVE BEEN REMOVED FROM THE GAME. kthnxbye

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You all are acting like this is a mission ONLY skill. It's not. You also gain points by GATHERING with it. What this means is that you get off your ***, go out into the world, and FIND notes to harvest. Skill and credits are gained. I make tens of thousands of credits this way and it works great.


As a bonus, you ALSO can CHOOSE to do some mission runs and GAMBLE that you will come out ahead. But when you consider that you don't have to do anything for this, even a little gain is good.


You also act like this is the ONLY way to make money in the game. Part of being a good farmer is to learn the system and work it to your advantage, not go crying to the forums about how miserable your life is. Pathetic...


Nodes have been nerfed in both location and content. This has been pointed out numerous times. While, in some areas, they may be somewhat profitable, you will make more doing almost anything else. If you actually do some homework, you'll learn that while you "might" make a small amount of cash on some missions, you WILL make significantly more on some others...skills not even having cash as a primary focus.


THe last paragraph...insults, hyperbole, strawman...at any rate no, we're taking a look at the big picture for the entire game, not just ourselves.

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I am way down on the list here but most of what is said I agree with I actually broke down and calculated my gain for my level 360 slicing. I sent my companion on a lock box mission spent approximately 1400 credits to send him on the (level 50) mission when the droid returned after 30 minutes he had 1700 credits in his lock-box if i am looking at it right then that means I made 300 credits. that's not worth sending a companion away for 30min- 1 hour.


It is possible that I mis-read the way it works but if not this is a major problem. As was said on the introduction post I am not saying we need to go back to spending 1200 credits and coming back with 3900 but some balance is in order.

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Also, one poster mentioned a couple out of the box solutions for slicing. IE, making it so slicing could (depending on the item level) change an item from BoP to BoE on a very long CD (2-3 days).


Although it would not fix the reason slicing was there in the first place (casual players), it would at least provide a purpose to slicing.


A lot of people are saying 'well the lockboxes are on the ground.' This is true, but relative to the other non-crafting professions, slicing is not worth it in its current state. That is the only counter I will make to that argument when they either refuse to read the thread or refuse to accept logic. Edit: I'll add one more counter. When searching for lockboxes on the ground, the high nodes were nerfed so you have to deal with the sub-par nodes. Now, that is fine, and on a mount I can accumulate them decently quickly.


However, why would I waste the time speeding through lowbie zones and stealing their lockboxes when I could simply run space missions for more credits / minute than slicing was BEFORE THE NERF.


At this point, however, I am less concerned with the nerf itself and more concerned with the way BioWare is handling (and has handled) the situation.

Edited by Pansophist
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that's not worth sending a companion away for 30min- 1 hour.


I send my companions away and sometimes they bring me mats that I never use and vendor for 20cr. The mission costs 1400.


However, if I let them sit on the ship, they produce nothing. I still think you're doing OK, personally.

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A nerf was expected, but not nerfing it to the point that the majority of the slicers are looking at a net loss.


Slicing is still very profitable. You slice a node out in the wild, you get instant gratification. I can do it at level 17, I'm sure you can do it too.

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We're 10 days post launch; they're going to fix about ten thousand other things such as dual specs, busted flashpoint bosses, broken quests, and stuff that hinders progression or makes the game unfun before they even touch the completely optional aspect of Slicing to appease its neediest users.


If you guys want to get rid of Slicing and take Underworld Trading to make thousands of credits every waking moment, I encourage you to talk with your feet and get moving on that. Perhaps this is everyone's first row-day-oh, but just because you can get the same 20 people patting each other on the back for 80 pages in between the smattering of "YEAH! AGREED!" doesn't mean it's as huge an issue as you think, or even anywhere near BioWare's pile of Things To Do. You are naive to think forum outcry accomplishes anything, either in this game or any other MMO. There's nothing different about BioWare. This is how it has been done and will be done, because to do otherwise is to invite headache; please, get a job in the games industry or become a community manager if you think the system seriously needs help.


Complaint threads that get official responses were going to see their issues addressed officially before the thread was even made. The community speaks to developers through means other than the forums, and stuff that will be fixed will be fixed without your continued outrage. To respond to any thread that hits 50 pages of posts longer than two sentences would mean that the first six pages of every forum would be cluttered with stickies, and still the whiners would be making new threads on the same subject or demanding to know why the issue hasn't been solved within two hours of the response.


Go play your game, take the money Slicing gives you, or give up Slicing. This thread and the eight like it will accomplish nothing.


So no explanation from BIOWARE. Thousands of responses in dozens of threads. They just don't care????
Bigger (actual) fish to fry. Edited by Gorgewall
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We're 10 days post launch; they're going to fix about ten thousand other things such as dual specs, busted flashpoint bosses, broken quests, and stuff that hinders progression or makes the game unfun before they even touch the completely optional aspect of Slicing to appease its neediest users.


I couldn't agree more. ...which is why it's strange they touched it 7 days post-release. Now that they did get their fingers in a broke it, response is expected.

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The way in which Bioware/EA continues to work from the gut while simultaneously ignoring actual facts, data, and outcries from players is why I will not likely re-sub. Thousands of posts in this topic and not one GD post from someone on their side.


Anyone who had taken even a cursory glance at the numbers might have noticed that slicing posed very little threat long term. Anyone with even the most base understanding of economics might come to the conclusion that slicing was probably the only thing keeping the ALREADY useless crafting skills afloat in such early stages of the game. Combine all of these facts with the over-inflated perception of the worth a credit and you have a perfect storm.


Stay classy, San Diego.


Also - O/T --> We got BABY NAMES before loot table fixes?!

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The changes to Slicing did not come about as a result of 14 days of EA and post-launch statistics; there was plenty of time for information gathering before that. And just because the patch came out 7 days after launch doesn't mean that the particular bit about Slicing wasn't being worked on before that or was even finished and just ready to be flicked on with the next reset.
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I send my companions away and sometimes they bring me mats that I never use and vendor for 20cr. The mission costs 1400.


However, if I let them sit on the ship, they produce nothing. I still think you're doing OK, personally.


And if you send them out on something else instead, they'll make even more credits. Significantly more.

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The changes to Slicing did not come about as a result of 14 days of EA and post-launch statistics; there was plenty of time for information gathering before that. And just because the patch came out 7 days after launch doesn't mean that the particular bit about Slicing wasn't being worked on before that or was even finished and just ready to be flicked on with the next reset.


If that's the case, some communication, ANY communication might help. Their intentions, what they think of current numbers, what they feel the state of the economy overall is. Just sort of a quick rundown on something obviously many players are upset over. The silence is the worst part of all this.

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The changes to Slicing did not come about as a result of 14 days of EA and post-launch statistics; there was plenty of time for information gathering before that. And just because the patch came out 7 days after launch doesn't mean that the particular bit about Slicing wasn't being worked on before that or was even finished and just ready to be flicked on with the next reset.


Ah so you have inside sources I see? Son of the nephew of one of the devs? Oh I get it! You saw the yellow post telling you all that info. Right?


Thought not. No need in being creative in the story telling. My guess (like your post) is that it was close to the holidays. A few people spammed the devs twitter with complaints. they tossed out a quick killer nerf and then headed out on the yachts for "Boats N ***s"


When they return from the all-nighters, we might get lucky enough to get some insight from them.

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You know I had an idea. Since Bioware isn't listening to us, why don't we approach their other partner - LucasArts. Star Wars is George Lucas' baby. If enough emails/complaints are sent to them, they may actually come to his attention - who knows after all, Star Wars is HIS brainchild. We ARE his loyal fans and if we are not happy, he should know about it. Just a suggestion...


Plus I get a feeling that EA and Bioware can't do anything, in regards to the Star Wars franchise, without George's explicit permission.

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Ha Ha - I heard those were removed yesterday. Not sure if info is correct :(



No you are DEAD wrong. The spawns on Tatooine where removed. Lots and lots of (340) spawns on Ilum but people to busy whining here to go farm..


I guess they want credits for doing NOTHING.


Go farm. Slicing is a GATHERING SKILL.

Edited by Zilliztra
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