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Most Powerful Force Users


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exar kun


Exar Kun doesn't achieve the same feats as Sidious. He had an army. So did Sidious. Sidious destroyed the Jedi order. Kun didn't have the level of strength Sidious had. We've never seen that level of power from Exar Kun. We also know ExaR Kun relied heavily on Sith artifacts. Palpatine didn't need them and he still exceeded Exar Kun. Besides, it's Canon that Sidious is the most powerful Sith lord of all time. Many sources outright state it. Given that their are characters more powerful than Sidious.. kun doesn't hold the title.


I will state that Exar Kun is extremely powerful and definitely up in the top ten somewhere but most powerful force user? That belongs to Luke and Abeloth.

Edited by Rhyltran
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Exar Kun doesn't achieve the same feats as Sidious. He had an army. So did Sidious. Sidious destroyed the Jedi order. Kun didn't have the level of strength Sidious had. We've never seen that level of power from Exar Kun. We also know ExaR Kun relied heavily on Sith artifacts. Palpatine didn't need them and he still exceeded Exar Kun. Besides, it's Canon that Sidious is the most powerful Sith lord of all time. Many sources outright state it. Given that their are characters more powerful than Sidious.. kun doesn't hold the title.


I will state that Exar Kun is extremely powerful and definitely up in the top ten somewhere but most powerful force user? That belongs to Luke and Abeloth.


I covered Luke's side against Kun in the post above yours. heh.


I didn't even talk about Luke's lightsaber nor should I really need to.

Edited by BrandonSM
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1. Galen Marek (also known as Starkiller) - please check canonic history

2. Freedon Nadd

3. Anakin Skywalker

4. Yoda

5. Darth Bane

6. Darth Revan

7. Darth Caedus

8. Naga Sadow


Personally, my favourite character in SW universe is Revan.

Edited by CormacAlClian
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1. Galen Marek (also known as Starkiller) - please check canonic history

2. Freedon Nadd

3. Anakin Skywalker

4. Yoda

5. Darth Bane

6. Darth Revan

7. Darth Caedus

8. Naga Sadow


Personally, my favourite character in SW universe is Revan.


Galen Marek is around equal to Vader. He barely defeated him. Not to mention when he did he was drawing on some of Sidious own power (first force unleashed.) and even then he still died to Sidious. Vader was stronger than he was as Anakin as he continued to improve years later and his suit offered advantages. However, he'd have been more powerful at that age if he never got wounded. Darth Bane couldn't be the most powerful force user due to the fact that he was surpassed by his student Zannah, who was surpassed by her student, and this goes all the way up to Sidious, the most powerful Sith in history.


Darth Caedus does deserve to be up there considering he injured Luke Skywalker who's practically a force God. Naga Sadow wasn't very impressive. Many people think he created a supernova with his own power. He didn't. He used a relic to achieve this feat inside a meditation sphere which greatly enhanced one's own power. So pretty much it'd be like saying Tarkin can destroy planets because he has the death star. Naga Sadow refused to fight Marka Ragnos.

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Galen Marek is around equal to Vader. He barely defeated him. Not to mention when he did he was drawing on some of Sidious own power (first force unleashed.) and even then he still died to Sidious. Vader was stronger than he was as Anakin as he continued to improve years later and his suit offered advantages. However, he'd have been more powerful at that age if he never got wounded. Darth Bane couldn't be the most powerful force user due to the fact that he was surpassed by his student Zannah, who was surpassed by her student, and this goes all the way up to Sidious, the most powerful Sith in history.


Darth Caedus does deserve to be up there considering he injured Luke Skywalker who's practically a force God. Naga Sadow wasn't very impressive. Many people think he created a supernova with his own power. He didn't. He used a relic to achieve this feat inside a meditation sphere which greatly enhanced one's own power. So pretty much it'd be like saying Tarkin can destroy planets because he has the death star. Naga Sadow refused to fight Marka Ragnos.


It is never really clear how strong Starkiller is. the Emperor believed he had the potential to be stronger than himself so if at the end of Force Unleashed 2 *SPOILER* it is unclear whether he really is a clone or not. If he isnt a clone he could have reached his full potential.


Read is Wookiepedia page it is CANNON that Starkiller had the potential to become one of the strongest if not strongest force users in history.

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It is never really clear how strong Starkiller is. the Emperor believed he had the potential to be stronger than himself so if at the end of Force Unleashed 2 *SPOILER* it is unclear whether he really is a clone or not. If he isnt a clone he could have reached his full potential.


Read is Wookiepedia page it is CANNON that Starkiller had the potential to become one of the strongest if not strongest force users in history.


Had the potential doesn't mean achieving said potential. Note that in force unleashed 2 he still struggled with vader. In fact. Vader was fighting against him "disinterested." meaning he wasn't even going full force and Starkiller still struggled with him. As of now there's absolutely no evidence that Starkiller surpassed "Old Sidious." let alone Palpatine reborn.

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Had the potential doesn't mean achieving said potential. Note that in force unleashed 2 he still struggled with vader. In fact. Vader was fighting against him "disinterested." meaning he wasn't even going full force and Starkiller still struggled with him. As of now there's absolutely no evidence that Starkiller surpassed "Old Sidious." let alone Palpatine reborn.


True I guess we will just have to wait and see if they ever add more to Starkiller's story.

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Also really curious to know who is stronger in terms of Sidious vs Vitiate because the things they say about Vitiate in Revan's novel are extremely interesting.


Sidious is. Vitiate can't destroy planets willy nilly and yes his rituals are powerful but take time to setup. He doesn't seem to possess the raw power Sidious has at his disposal and Sidious is capable to bring about even in the middle of a duel.

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In my opinion Starkiller would beat Yoda hands down, Yoda couldn't even finish Dooku........or atleast had problems with Dooku.


the thing about yoda was he wasn't about finishing his opponent, aside from a plot device, he was more about measuring a situation and figuring out how to proceed with other players in the mix.

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It is never really clear how strong Starkiller is. the Emperor believed he had the potential to be stronger than himself so if at the end of Force Unleashed 2 *SPOILER* it is unclear whether he really is a clone or not. If he isnt a clone he could have reached his full potential.


Read is Wookiepedia page it is CANNON that Starkiller had the potential to become one of the strongest if not strongest force users in history.


keep in mind he was desperate to find an apprentice due to vader's failure, but ultimately the force potential thing is a wash once you reach the levels of the elite. in other words the potential for say mara jade to be equal with luke skywalker is reasonable, its the resulting actions of the character that determine if they become yoda or yaddie.

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I'd say Abeloth would be the strongest so far, based on the books that are out so far, with Luke not so far behind. That may change as the final two come out though.


i would venture to say abeloth is more like a force enitity than a force user, and it also is akin to darth nihilius who uses a technique that ascends his powers but also weakens the user and creates an unstable product.


my point being that if luke (or any elite force user) tapped into a forbidden art or power source he could reach at or beyond what abeloth has done. I think a more vaulable assessment tool of force adaptiude is being able to accomplish force feats while in a normative state.

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I'd say Abeloth would be the strongest so far, based on the books that are out so far, with Luke not so far behind. That may change as the final two come out though.


I'd say their about equal. What does Abeloth have over Luke in terms of battle advantages??


Luke has already beaten her with a lightsaber.

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Are the force users really that strong or are the movies not giving them enough credit? Because the emperor in the movies aside from swinging saber around slowly and throwing some stuff really slowly it looked like a safe falling on his head could have finished him off.
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Are the force users really that strong or are the movies not giving them enough credit? Because the emperor in the movies aside from swinging saber around slowly and throwing some stuff really slowly it looked like a safe falling on his head could have finished him off.


The movies is limited by budget and acting. Lucas has stated that Sidious and the other top force users were capable of moving so quickly you couldn't really see them. The reason this isn't shown on screen is because you wouldn't be able to tell what was going on. In short.. even in the movies they are that powerful. The reason the members of the jedi council died without doing much when Sidious jumped in is because it happened too fast for them to even react. Only Windu could keep up.

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The movies is limited by budget and acting. Lucas has stated that Sidious and the other top force users were capable of moving so quickly you couldn't really see them. The reason this isn't shown on screen is because you wouldn't be able to tell what was going on. In short.. even in the movies they are that powerful. The reason the members of the jedi council died without doing much when Sidious jumped in is because it happened too fast for them to even react. Only Windu could keep up.


I have a question.


Is it true, that Sidious was using Force Slow on the Jedi that went to arrest him? And Windu managed to resist?

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I have a question.


Is it true, that Sidious was using Force Slow on the Jedi that went to arrest him? And Windu managed to resist?


No. Lucas stated he was moving too fast for them to react and only Windu could keep up. So it was the other way around. He blitzed them.

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How does anyone think Sidious > Yoda?


He clearly only lost the battle because of his shorter arms.


On the movie fight we saw:


- Lightsaber duel = both seem very skilled

- Force duel = Yoda ultimately overcomes Sidious


If they had kept the fight on a firm ground, Yoda would have killed Sidious anytime. After all, Sidious lost to Mace Windu, and I don't see Mace Windu on people's lists.

Edited by ozirizo
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By the lore and by the thread name. powerfull force users. Force is debatable.

Force can be used in my ways, to boost lightsaber power or telekinesse.


by force users it must be 1.YODA 2.STARKILLER. Those 2 actually brought down imperrial fleets from the sky.


By sword fighter its DOOKU he is a real ****** saberfighter. But mace windu is supose to be stronger. Lets not forget Palpatine , he was fighting 4 jedi master ranks and 1 shoted 2 of them.

And yea, what a make the most strong character is the one that use brain. Palpatine killed his master that was devo much stronger then him by using his brain.


Tell me what you think about this. :)


I agree. In terms of use of the force Yoda > Almost any modern Jedi/Sith anytime.


And Sidious killed his master while he was sleeping. Clearly he couldn't take him 1 on 1.

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I agree. In terms of use of the force Yoda > Almost any modern Jedi/Sith anytime.


And Sidious killed his master while he was sleeping. Clearly he couldn't take him 1 on 1.



Read the past 4 pages, and then read Sidious Wookieepedia Page.

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How does anyone think Sidious > Yoda?


He clearly only lost the battle because of his shorter arms.


On the movie fight we saw:


- Lightsaber duel = both seem very skilled

- Force duel = Yoda ultimately overcomes Sidious


If they had kept the fight on a firm ground, Yoda would have killed Sidious anytime. After all, Sidious lost to Mace Windu, and I don't see Mace Windu on people's lists.


If you read the novel in it Yoda realizes Sidious is too powerful for him to defeate and essentially retreats. As for Mace Windu beating Sidious the theory behind that is that Sidious knew Anakin would show up and so he wanted to look weak and fragile so that Anakin would help him.

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If you read the novel in it Yoda realizes Sidious is too powerful for him to defeate and essentially retreats. As for Mace Windu beating Sidious the theory behind that is that Sidious knew Anakin would show up and so he wanted to look weak and fragile so that Anakin would help him.


Mmm I've never really felt the need or curiosity of reading any of the novels since those are not written by Lucas himself, but I might give it a try.


If you're right, I find it kind of... sad. For what I've been reading, users of the Dark Side seem to be more powerful (even if the Dark Side itself isn't stronger than the Light Side).

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