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How many players go 'romanceless' as Jedi & Sith are 'supposed' to be?


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I was just making a response in a romance thread when the idea struck and I thought it would be interesting to find out how many players make any of their Jedi & Sith characters go romanceless to reflect how Jedi and Sith are supposed to be?


Note 1 : By romanceless I mean the whole 'Love' thing. One night stands are permissible to both orders (even if discouraged by Jedi).


Note 2 : Before someone states the Sith do not forbid Love, they do believe that falling love is a major weakness for any Sith because all their rivals will take advantage.

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I can't do it! It's not because I'm a sappy girl who needs everyone to be paired up. My problem is both the Jedi and Sith Code promote psychosis! Really, All beings need a form of love in their lives to thrive. Most of the romances are so well done, especially the JK and SW romances. When Arcann is available my Consular will happily keep him on the path of light and healing. Ironically, it's the Smuggler male romance I hate! My 2 have to unfortunately be monks for the lack of decent women!
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I've had a few Jedi that stuck to the rules, but Sith? Sith embrace all kinds of passion, love for them may be rather different then for non-sith but it's still there. Pleasure, passion all their stuff so them choosing chaste I'd say would be rather odd. and falling in love is tempered by their ability to kill the one they love if pressed. They fall, but don't stay, in love I suppose, or get distracted by other shinies.

I do have a lady Sith Warrior that did not get in a romance at all, but loudly declared to Quinn that he was going to sire her children anyway. That sounded Sithy at the time , lol.

Edited by Asmodesu
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I don't think a story of the size of the JK/SW/SI/JC's can have as much flavor as they do without romance. In my opinion, every good story needs a romance subplot. Or two, if you're Darth Pimp Wrath.
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My female Sith Warrior didn't bother during her class story. She had other things to do, and the only option presented to her for a romance was Quinn. And I couldn't stand Quinn. My SW did have a one night stand with Pierce, so she wasn't totally celibate, though.


In Forged Alliances she eventually went for Lana, and she's stayed there, but it actually took her a while. I didn't even choose any of the flirts for her until the second cantina scene in Forged Alliances.


My Sith Inquisitor is not happy with her choices, so she's not playing w/a romance. I've already decided she's not getting a carbonite nap, but in Forged Alliances she might end up with Theron.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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I've had a few Jedi that stuck to the rules, but Sith? Sith embrace all kinds of passion, love for them may be rather different then for non-sith but it's still there. Pleasure, passion all their stuff so them choosing chaste I'd say would be rather odd. and falling in love is tempered by their ability to kill the one they love if pressed. They fall, but don't stay, in love I suppose, or get distracted by other shinies.

I do have a lady Sith Warrior that did not get in a romance at all, but loudly declared to Quinn that he was going to sire her children anyway. That sounded Sithy at the time , lol.


I agree with this - and I'd go one further and say that at least some of them can stay in love. They embrace their emotions. It just might not look like a non-Sith romance.


I think the Lana relationship is actually probably a good illustration of a Sith romance that might be a keeper - not a romance in the traditional moonlight and roses respect, but something built on an intense personal connection. Lana freaks out whenever the LI is not reachable, which is actually adorable.

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Both of my jedi are female as per my rl gender and it would have felt wrong to jump in to a romance on them as a matter of being a jedi on top of the fact that I'm not into guys.. so yeah a relationship wasn't going to happen.


I love the fact that on my sage Irreso is a good enough person to take a hint "sometimes a ship is just a ship and you have to admire it for what it is, nothing more." to not push the issue, I really liked that he didn't get angsty over the rejection like some of the much less pleasant guys girls get stuck with (doc.. yeah, why /did/ i bring you along??? That single line made me want to dump him on the nearest planet and never look back, what part of my lack of interest didn't you get before deciding to tag along?)


Now.. on my sage i could actually see a relationship with Nadia happening but only /after/ her entire regular romance free quest chain after the two characters force bond and she has had time to grieve and grow in confidence and as a person in general, then a romance arch would have felt appropriate (the guy version was too.. "my father is dead and I'm all alone and vulnerable so i am willing to have sex if it keeps you from leaving and makes you love me!" for me to even touch...)


On my knight a romance just wasn't ever going to happen, she is a dedicated jedi, she may have attachment issues twards Kira as a friend but that is her only fault and not one she would allow to get in the way of her devotion to the order.


On my warrior i made him male because his voice is amazing and the character "feels" male, and he romanced Vette because there was no way I wasn't going to do so, she's his light.


My twilek inquisitor went romance-free because frankly i can't help but think she is too far gone mentally to process any kind of relationship that extends past "i am a slave, sith were my masters, I'm a good slave see? I will be whatever my master expects me to be! *proceeds to force lightning a guy strapped to a table because it's what the interrogator would want* everything will be alright now <3" In the start and "i am a sith.. sith are like this, thus i will be like this *proceeds to faithfully do everything Zash wants and horribly murders anyone who gets in the way even a little, yes even you kindly dad on balmora who was nice to me until your son was captured) later graduating to unchained lunatic* she force lightninged her possible love interest out of habit before shyly apologizing (which was kind of adorable admittedly) it's.. not happening


Honestly the female love interests in the vanilla storylines are almost all such... scumbags except for a couple, it was really easy to just not be interested even outside of story and personal reasons. And Lana is just too dark for my squeaky clean jedi girls, my inquisitor may be interested when she gets that far along but I'm not sure.

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Sith don't have limitations as to romance. They simply don't believe in love, but otherwise they use romance as a tool, so I do wonder where you got it from Sith are supposed to be "romanceless". The Sith value bloodlines, very, very, much so they use marriage as a tool to secure stronger bloodlines for in the future. In the Fatal Alliance novel it is even shown that there is an entire datacenter on Dromund Kaas that harbours every single Sith in the Sith Empire and the Dark Council itself uses that database to determine the best matches for marriage that are either politically beneficial or will result in strong Force Sensitive offspring.


The Sith don't believe in love, as you state in note 2, as it is a weakness in their eyes, just as is shown in the "Deceived" novel. Malgus is viewed as "weaker" by his fellow Darths and Sith Lords by having fallen in love with Eleena, so he kills her as to eliminate his weakness and have her become his strength in death, where she was his weakness in life. However, that doesn't mean it is forbidden and doesn't occur.

Edited by Ylliarus
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The way I see it, Sith don't care much about their fellow Sith's love life. Of course it is a kind of weakness they can exploit IF they know it is love or they want to defeat that particular Sith . They might think they just sleep together and that's it. If they want to plot against an another Sith, they would probably exploit it but otherwise they don't care.


I'm sure many Sith use relationships/marriage as a tool but I also believe there are several Sith who don't think like that and their feelings are true, even if they don't show it in public. Being Sith is about freedom anyway, at least much more freedom than in the case of the Jedi. That is one of the things I like about the Sith that they don't meddle with my personal life like the Jedi do. You are also entitled to your opinion if it doesn't threaten the order or traditions of the Empire.


In the case of the SW and the SI, marrying a soldier (Quinn) or a pirate (Andronikos), not to mention a slave (Vette) may not be the best choice politically and in regard with force sensitivity, but nobody seems to care abut that. When the Wrath and Quinn marry, they even receive a gift and congratulation instead of saying 'Look at this loser, marrying some Captain.' If it was only power and politics, no Sith would marry a non-Sith.

Edited by Dylinrae
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If you go through the JK male love story with Kira you will discover that love and marriage are not totally forbidden. So long as the couple can prove that the "attachment" will not cloud their judgment, Jedi can fall in love, get married, and even have children. How do you think Theron Shan was born? :eek:


that said, on topic, I have a sith warrior female who strung Quinn along before saying no thank you (pure Light side BTW). She now has a relationship with Koth. I have a female Jedi Consular that I decided was more interested in women and therefore gave Iresso the "I just want to be friends" treatment (DS1 by the end of the original story; pre-KOTFE she "married" one of my other characters (yes you can setup same gender relationship links in your legacy), post-KOTFE I initiated a relationship with Lana).

Edited by psandak
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Honestly the female love interests in the vanilla storylines are almost all such... scumbags except for a couple, it was really easy to just not be interested even outside of story and personal reasons..


truth. Scumbag and boring.


How Doc could be a temptation for a female jedi, I'll never understand. Scourge, on the other hand, would have been perfect. They COMPLETELY blew that one. And I don't even remember Mr. Bland for the Consular, so again, not even a temptation. Should have went with the Miralian on Corurscant for the Consular to fall for. Then maybe it would have been an actual decision to go romanceless.

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In the case of the SW and the SI, marrying a soldier (Quinn) or a pirate (Andronikos), not to mention a slave (Vette) may not be the best choice politically and in regard with force sensitivity, but nobody seems to care abut that. When the Wrath and Quinn marry, they even receive a gift and congratulation instead of saying 'Look at this loser, marrying some Captain.' If it was only power and politics, no Sith would marry a non-Sith.


Yeah, that seriously disappointed me the first time I played this game. Having no options as a female sith to marry another sith. Quinn would have made an amazing Sith and it would have made the Quinncident even more exciting. Instead, we got another military man. snnnnnnoooooooooze. And the line about him siring the warrior's children would have made infinitely more sense. Why would my powerful Sith warrior want a non-force sensitive for her children's father?

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Even Pierce would have made more sense as an ongoing LI for the female SW than Quinn IMHO. The one-night stand was the one thing with romance in that class story that actually made sense to me - two strong warriors fresh from the battlefield with lots of adrenaline, and they're able to screw around as a purely physical exercise without getting emotional about it. Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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If you go through the JK male love story with Kira you will discover that love and marriage are not totally forbidden. So long as the couple can prove that the "attachment" will not cloud their judgment, Jedi can fall in love, get married, and even have children. How do you think Theron Shan was born? :eek:


Two points:


1) Theron Shan was born from what was basically a short term relationship between his mother and father. Which goes back to my point about 'one-night stands' not being forbidden by the jedi. (In other words if you are just releasing urges with random partner X, the Jedi Order is not going to make a fuss. If you are actually getting 'attached' to a partner and seeing them frequently...Jedi Order is going to forbid it.)


2) It's been a while since I looked at the Kira romance but if I remember correctly doesn't she say that marraige can only be between jedi who entered the order as infants ? and is completely not allowed if a jedi entered the order at an older age? Plus there were plenty of restrictions placed on the couple (I got the feeling they would need to submit an application so they could meet and another one if they wanted to sleep together. As I said, it's been a while since I saw the Kira romance though, so I could be mistaken. )

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I was just making a response in a romance thread when the idea struck and I thought it would be interesting to find out how many players make any of their Jedi & Sith characters go romanceless to reflect how Jedi and Sith are supposed to be?


No, because the Jedi code is ridiculous. It's a cult doctrine.

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My very first character (female consular/sage) hasn't romanced anyone (no romance from either the class companions or from the KOTFE/KOTET new companions.)


Back in the good ole days, you could only advance class companion conversations by increasing your companion's influence/affection, which back then, took a lot of time.

Although I saw once or twice a flirt option for Tharan Cedrax, I found him to have a hint of creepiness to him, so i didn't want to try to pursue a romance with him.

At the time, I had no idea Iresso was a romance option for the female consular.

Also, since we were able to draw out our legacy/family tree in game, I headcannoned that my consular was married to one of my alts. So, I have decided to keep her romance-less..

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I didn't think Sith were restricted from romance or other dalliances, I mean lore-wise Malgus had his Twi'lek lover. I kind of figured the Sith could do whatever they wanted, given that their philosophy tends towards selfishness.


Of course, given this selfish nature, I imagine it would be more common that such relationships are casual and/or exploitative. I can't imagine many Sith having genuine love in their hearts. It wouldn't shock me if some of the higher-up Sith have a harem or concubines. I'd imagine there are a lot of Sith who engage in the bow-chicka-wow-wow. :rak_03:

Edited by FortuneHost
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Being in love doesn't necessarily always mean one is in a healthy relationship or that they are a good person, so I think Sith could be in love. In some cases they may see it as a weakness, but in others they may see it as a source of more passion emotion. It probably depends on the context.


Jaesa can experience an extremely passionate and devoted love for her Master, but that just spurs her on to commit more atrocities in the name of the Dark Side.

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My Jedi Knight followed the code, but my Consular dallied with Iresso. In tha end, she refused his proposal and declared it just a "shipboard romance" and went back into the code.


My Sith Warrior, however, went full tilt in love with Vette and will destroy anyone who messes with her. The Inquisitor opted for no romance story, but went for all the flings he could get. He's just selfish that way.

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I actually haven't purposefully engaged in romance on any of my 20 characters. Firstly, being asexual, the aggressive and extremely direct form of romance presented is a little offputting. If it was much more subtle, slow and emotionally oriented rather than physically oriented, I may have considered trying it on a character or two for the extra story opportunities and drama it would present. But that's not the reality of it so, c'est la vie.


Only one of my characters has gotten tangled in any romance or flirting at all, and it was entirely by accident. See, I was present at launch and quit playing shortly afterward due to lack of time. I never made it very far, so when I began playing again last September, a lot was new to me. Playing on my Warrior, I mistakenly made the assumption that choosing a humorous flirt in a moment of particularly high spirits couldn't possibly put me on a one way track to marriage. However, it did.

So it's become a bit of a running joke between me and my friend that for all of his power, my Sith Lord got stuck in a shotgun wedding he didn't want and can't remember having. That aside, I actually do like Vette as a character, so I wasn't intensely dismayed.


Another reason I haven't gotten involved in the romance subplots is simply a lack of romance-capable characters that appeal to me enough to bother. To be honest, I barely even think about it at all- I don't seek it out and I don't (purposefully) pursue it when the option presents itself. It honestly wouldn't bother me if there were zero romance options available. I'm just not the target audience for it and I'm okay with that.


-Edit- I forgot to mention another thing that would likely stop me if I ever entertained the notion of trying the romance plots. Lack of choice based on your character's gender. Were I to engage in romance subplots, I would choose the character that made the most sense, or seemed the most interesting in relation to mine, regardless of their gender. Personality and story would be far more important to me than what reproductive organs a character happened to have.

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