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Seriously what's the deal with lopsided gear?


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Maybe it's just me who knows but it seems like all the great (potentially) looking gear looks '*ahem' not because the designers seem to think all we want is one shoulderpad. I don't know where they got this idea but imo there needs to be more stuff thats symmetrical then not. As it is it seems that the amount of asymmetrical gear out there is very...lopsided.
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:) Some of the Clothes and Armor are a Bit...Radical. The Lopsided tops and others are something I've tried to avoid and choosing the more normal attire. I don't really remember seeing anything similar in Any of the Movies or animated series but maybe some of those people wanted to look ..Unique, 3000+ years before. My characters are Outfitted casually, when I can find it that is.
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Not as bad as the outfits where the helms/shoulder pads are super wide. Seriously an invasion of Sith would be stopped by a narrow doorway.


I never understood how ginormous pauldrons ever became a thing in RPG or MMO armor design.. Besides being impractical it looks absolutely ridiculous.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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I don't mind asymmetry personally when it is at a reasonable scale


Ex. Ambitious Warrior set. It is believable that a force user would want one arm totally unencumbered/protected more


Where it gets stupid is something like the Jori Daragon set. That monstrosity on the one shoulder is just... what? It's a shame too, it's one of the few relatively regular looking (when worn with pants mind you) easy to dye sets

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Not as bad as the outfits where the helms/shoulder pads are super wide. Seriously an invasion of Sith would be stopped by a narrow doorway.

There, I have tea all over my desktop now.


Thank you so much for the mess... I mean, still laughing.

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I dug out the old gear from Oricon for my sage. Can't recall the name, but it has an equivalent in Alliance gear: Remnant Arkanian Consular. I was a little disappointed at the weird shoulderpad, and hunted around in TOR Fashion for an alternative. Lo and behold, there IS an alternative with no shoulderpads!

...and it is entirely unavailable! :( Dang it.


Someone made a comment in the "Players' Wall of Crazy" thread about being able to modify gear - remove/add hoods, shoulderpads, etc. I so wish this was an option. I'd be able to get rid of so many weird bobbles and doodads on armor...it bugs me when things aren't symmetrical. XD

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The unbalanced armor is annoying, but the headgear... ugh. I am reasonably convinced when Valkorian said the Sith Empire was a failed experiment, he was using headgear that even Derek Zoolander would draw a line at for being over the top as a prime example.


And so many face masks.... Seriously? Did anyone read the Evil overlord 'to do list'???


Number 1: My Legions of Terror will have helmets with clear plexiglass visors, not face-concealing ones.


I guess I should have expected no less from a galaxy that has yet to discover the concept of railings...

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