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Class Changes: Madness Sorcerer / Balance Sage


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lightning nerfed, madness nerfed, heal nerfed, class RIPed what are u doing? i want enjoy game why the hell any other class do much better dps and have greater dcds? u RIPed my bubble long ago when DPS and now this +5% "buff" its ridiculous. For all the suffering sorc should get buff for a week or two every class who fight against sorc dps dies instantly Edited by Darrahsrhaw
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Aside from the listed changes, the team is looking into the "Force negative" nature of the rotation also. It is possible changes could happen there for 5.3 as well, but nothing is settled yet which is why I didn't include it above. I will let you know if/when I get more info.



good to know u're thinking about it, but really +5% to 2 abilities:eek::eek::eek: will not do much of any change to anyone except the maybe top5% of the sage / sorc dps madness / balance htat is. we kinda need at least 1 spec that's u know.... actually GOOD lol. :D:D

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Aside from the listed changes, the team is looking into the "Force negative" nature of the rotation also. It is possible changes could happen there for 5.3 as well, but nothing is settled yet which is why I didn't include it above. I will let you know if/when I get more info.




Do it please. The best way I have seen to solve the rotation problems in Madness is to make Force Lightning a 1.5sec channel down from 2sec (and adjust damage accordingly to the new channel time). This solves the clipping and clunkiness in the overall rotation. But also have the damage ticks from Force Lightning regain 2% instead of 1% force pool back, or even 1,5%. This solves the energy issues. And allows more use of wrath abilities like Lightning Strike in the rotation, without running out of force or not as quickly at least in longer sustained fights.

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The biggest problem aside from the system scale implemented that guarantees the classes wont ever be balanced, is it seems that most of the changes unfortunately are geared to appeasing poor PvPers. The changes created will cause great disparities in PvE and make class/role selection that much thinner. To have a successful group you already only have so many classes to chose from as it is and the changes made have seemed to all but eliminate sorc heals and merc dps from raiding. I was hoping that at least you could scale a few of the dps up to par so we would have more options, so that individuals that raid can at least have a chance at playing their preferred class in raids. I'm just curious if anyone before suggesting these changes thought about how much they impact PvE? As of 5.3 sorcs and pts wont have a viable spec for almost any NiM raids. Just some side food for thought statements:

Merc healers have been out performing sorcs for heals in most boss fights

Carnage Maras are perpetually passed up for the nerf hammer where they actually have it easiest in ops between having the easiest, seemless, target switching (with no dps loss or energy regain management issue), being able to use all of their abilities while moving, gap closers to ensure 100% damage uptime, and having the best aoe damage in game, i would suggest everyone play it if the apm didn't make your hand hurt.

Each class should have one spec able to do a NiM ops without being completely and utterly carried, and it would be best if you gave some of the other severely underperforming classes buffs instead of just giving the top one's hard nerfs.

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LUL. Force is a confirmed crutch by bioware. All they have to do is buff it up so its still as trash as viru so everyone goes melee.


I think that may be what they are doing here. Because 5.0 was so pro-ranged, and melee was the one on the bad end [least in PVP], they are doing a 180. That doesn't make melee OP, but, it does seem that perhaps this is what they are doing because Pyro and Hatred [melee specs] buffs are seemingly better than this.


I could be wrong of course, it's just a theory.


Also, 10k is not the target number, that figure they used as an example, I've have seen it mentioned in other class forums that have gotten either buffed or nerfed. 10k is not the official target number. That was just an hypothetical example.


Touching the bubble and self-heals though for DPS sorcs, I can't even begin to imagine what they were thinking.


This madness buff looks like it will help more in PVP than in PVE though. It's a bit skimpy for a buff for a spec in this condition. But than, things don't always play out as they appear on paper, so even though it looks less lackluster, it may perform better in live, and we also don't know for sure all changes that will take place, they say all these things are subject to change at anytime before release.


Sorry it wasn't more guys, but, considering Lightning, it could be worse heh.

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I am still so angry about this crap that I cancelled my sub. I cant believe that I was such an idiot and trusted in the devs. I am desperately disappointed.


I don't blame you, friggen ridiculous.


Bump the DPS up some more. Undo the the bubble and self heals nerfs and than buff the self heals some, make the force resourse managment more reasonable so that a proper rotation can be facilitated ongoingly, and give them some sort of raidwide buff so as to add some incentive for both PVE and PVP.

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static barrier needs a 3x strength multiplier when used on self. that should fix the dcd

give leach a 5% base increase too, and increase afliction / creaping terror by 5%


then the class will be worth using in operations, and might have a hope in hell of suviving an arena


or just give sorcs medium armor!

Edited by Scatmanworlds
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Sidious is Spinning in his Grave right now......


if lighting will be similar too im OUT....... balance my ***.... looks at assassins buff................


Lighting is actually ok. Yesterday a one lighting sorc on t3m4 in 242 gear dps'd 60 millions lol, was r1 by dps and killing blows. If you dont know how to play it it's your problems

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Aside from the listed changes, the team is looking into the "Force negative" nature of the rotation also. It is possible changes could happen there for 5.3 as well, but nothing is settled yet which is why I didn't include it above. I will let you know if/when I get more info.




Eric, tell the dev teams not to make a new fotm pls. Or you will have numerous messages about "nerf sorcs pls". We don't need new merc but without a gun, ok? All classes must be balanced.

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Eric, tell the dev teams not to make a new fotm pls. Or you will have numerous messages about "nerf sorcs pls". We don't need new merc but without a gun, ok? All classes must be balanced.


are u serious. Look at assassin 5.3 buff. Hatered assassin does 9.7k and they are getting a lot more than madness (9.3k). They need to buff Madness sorc so we can do 10k because its a dps rarget. People will leave the game if they force us to wait 1 more month for another sorc buff. You should get worried about melee classes buffs, madness is broken has 0 force tolerance 0 dps compare to other classes, PEOPLE JUST DON'T EVEN WANT SORCS DPS IN THE RAID!!! DO U KNOW HOW IT IS LIKE TO PLAY 6 MONTHS AFTER 5.0 NERF AND DO ONLY HARD MODES EC, SNV, TFB, SICK OF IT

Edited by BraverDre
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lighting is actually ok. Yesterday a one lighting sorc on t3m4 in 242 gear dps'd 60 millions lol, was r1 by dps and killing blows. If you dont know how to play it it's your problems


60 mills are u ok? Are u only do unranked pvp? There is olso master mode raids mister in the game and sorcs are unwelcomed

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Eric, tell the dev teams not to make a new fotm pls. Or you will have numerous messages about "nerf sorcs pls". We don't need new merc but without a gun, ok? All classes must be balanced.


We are talking about Hard Raids. We aren't taking about unranked pvp for noobs. And we are also talking about madness not lightning. MADNESS IS BROKEN PERIOD PEOPLE WILL UNSUB AND THERE WILL ONLY PLAYERS LIKE THIS GUY... 60 Mills lol get sober omaan.

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Lol stop crying guys, no one wishes to have a new fotm, the buff is enough since it will affect all dots. If you want to be super powerful go play single games.


We want 10k on a dummy not 9.8k. Dont tell up please u don't know about parseley... because it looks like the only single game player is u that has 0 clue about swtor hight end content. You also have zero clue about the class in general. We are talking about numbers here, statistics and raids. You are talking about 60 mils haha in pvp. please go back to unraked warzone matches

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Aside from the listed changes, the team is looking into the "Force negative" nature of the rotation also. It is possible changes could happen there for 5.3 as well, but nothing is settled yet which is why I didn't include it above. I will let you know if/when I get more info.




I hope u will fix force management for Madness sorc. Listen to people feedback that actually play the game. The class is broken and not welcomed in MM Ops.

P.S. balance the game for ranked pvp and high end pve. don't listen to people that do unranked pvp only.

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We want 10k on a dummy not 9.8k. Dont tell up please u don't know about parseley... because it looks like the only single game player is u that has 0 clue about swtor hight end content. You also have zero clue about the class in general. We are talking about numbers here, statistics and raids. You are talking about 60 mils haha in pvp. please go back to unraked warzone matches


You are just crying to make your class fotm. I agree that dot sorc (not lighting sorc since it has good dps) needs some buff but from what i have read in this thread you guys want to make this class super fotm: good force management + huge dps scale. And as a both ranked and unranked pvp player iam concerned about fighting new fotm classes. Bioware made serious mistake by listening merc whiners, now i dont want them to make same mistake with sorcs. Advanced prototype pt is also in a bad position but no one cries so much about buffing them to god mode. One class cant have both perfect force management and huge dps scale.


P.S. later ill send here screen shots with telekinetic/lighting sorcs dps to prove my point that lighting sorc doesn't need buff to dps, and it's a skill matter.


P. P. S. Thinking only about pve adjustments is a wrong way of making class balance, both pvp (ranked and unranked) and pve must be considered. It's same if i play on pt, and will start to whine on forums that pt must do much more dos than other classes. In this case people will laugh at me lol. Your selfish messages may ruin class balance changes.

Edited by omaan
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P.S. balance the game for ranked pvp and high end pve. don't listen to people that do unranked pvp only.


I can only agree. You shouldn't balance a game based on "easy" content like story mode operation, heroic2+, Kotet chapters and unranked pvp.

If you're making these changes to make these things "difficult" or "challenging" you're going in the wrong direction. These things aren't made to be difficult and shouldn't be difficult for anyone that play the game without doing any keyboard-rollfacing.

Balance class so that they are interesting to play in really high-level content such as Master Mode Operation and Ranked PvP. I don't mean "so that high level content would be easy" but at least clearable with any class and any spec, wich isn't the case for the moment. Even if you're one of the top 10 dps sorcerer, I would still prefer taking a random marauder, since they are way more usefull for master mode Operation at this moment. :p


And also, we would really like to know exactly on what you based these changes, with actual numbers or even the rotation that you used to test these changes and what it really affect. (I'm sure you did test these changes, like really test them. Yeah ? è_é )


Because for now, we're only seeing number and math done by the community and they're clearly showing that the swtor dev team don't know what they're doing... or, to be honest, you know what you are doing : not listening or answering to our feedback, even if you said that it really matters. :p

I know it's a lot to ask, to answer at least a bit to everybody, but it would really help both devs and community to have some REAL talk about this, with proper answer and reaction. :p

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