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Rogue One being a disappointment


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What wasn't happy about the ending?

The part where it dove headfirst into the Uncanny Valley with CGI!Leia? :p


I kid though, overall I thought Rogue One was great! Personally, I go back-and-forth from ranking it as tied with RotJ as the third-best movie, or tied with RotS as fourth-best.


(But seriously, that CGI face was creepy as all heck - Tarkin was at least hit-or-miss in his various scenes.)

Edited by DarthDymond
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I watched Rogue1 again recently. And this time I wasn't trying to take ( and cram) everything in: - the story, the characters, the scenery, the background characters, the technology, the tie-ins..... Just sat back and enjoyed the ride.... And it was much more enjoyable 2nd time around.


Yes Tarkin and Leia were a bit creepy knowing the back-story - but they only had a couple of scenes. It was a sad ending, but It wasn't really unexpected.




If you hated it, there's nothing that's gonna bring you round, but if you're not sure, disengage brain and re-watch it. -It's actually pretty good.

Edited by Storm-Cutter
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It was a sad ending, but It wasn't really unexpected.


The word you're looking for is "bittersweet", but the ending wasn't sad.


The part where it dove headfirst into the Uncanny Valley with CGI!Leia? :p


(But seriously, that CGI face was creepy as all heck - Tarkin was at least hit-or-miss in his various scenes.)


How would you have tied the movie to episode 1 without CG Leia? That was the entire purpose of the film.

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The word you're looking for is "bittersweet", but the ending wasn't sad.



When none of the characters survived,- even the bad guys, all for 1 person's revenge on his captors. Jyn had a crap life starting when she was a child. The other 'rebels' were fighting what turned out to be a losing battle. - They had no way of knowing whether their suicide mission was a success.... It was a desperate gamble after all....


How would you have tied the movie to episode 1 without CG Leia? That was the entire purpose of the film.



There are cinematic ways around not having actors on screen. They could have had the plans given to a driod to give to an offsceen Leia, they could have had Tarkin's voice over the comm, Or have him with his ( body-double's) back to the main characters....


-Rather than spend millions re-creating him in CGI. - After all, David Prowse didn't play the body of Vader, even though James earl-Jones was his voice. There are probably scores of ways to overcome such problems.

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When none of the characters survived,- even the bad guys, all for 1 person's revenge on his captors.


Let's just agree to disagree because I'm not denying that it wasn't a happy ending. It just wasn't a sad ending, though I can see why some people might think that.


But saying that none of the characters survived is a lie. All of Jyn's squad just didn't survive.


Jyn had a crap life starting when she was a child. The other 'rebels' were fighting what turned out to be a losing battle. - They had no way of knowing whether their suicide mission was a success.... It was a desperate gamble after all....


But, the movie wasn't about Jyn. It also wasn't a losing battle, because the rebels did win.


There are cinematic ways around not having actors on screen. They could have had the plans given to a driod to give to an offsceen Leia, they could have had Tarkin's voice over the comm, Or have him with his ( body-double's) back to the main characters....


-Rather than spend millions re-creating him in CGI. - After all, David Prowse didn't play the body of Vader, even though James earl-Jones was his voice. There are probably scores of ways to overcome such problems.


Well, sure, but that isn't the Hollywood way. :D:rolleyes:;):)

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Seriously... one of the BEST SW films ever.


Funny how YMMV.


And Chirrut Imwe is a FANTASTIC example of a Force-sensitive left without proper Jedi training. He knows the Force is out there, he has learned to use it Daredevil-style, perhaps having been trained up to the level of a 6-10 year-old youngling, with superhuman martial arts prowess and... that's it. No lightsaber, no force jump, no force speed, no Ataru, Makashi, Juyo, Soresu, nothing. He's running on faith. But he can spot a kyber crystal from afar, a portable prison in the heart of a man carrying the intention to kill, and basically, use a Force point to get things done, and embrace the path of destiny! Marvelous character.


Anakin as a kid used to see things a split second before they happen through the Force, without even knowing it, without training. Probably what allows Chirrut to go Daredevil-style while surrounded by stormtroopers with fingers on triggers, and one-shoot Tie fighters as well...

Edited by BenduKundalini
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I LOVED Rogue One. And I hate TFA. Rogue One was fresh and had the right sense of humor, depicted the dark side of the universe and had a simple but enjoyable story.


TFA was just a very bad joke.


Yeah I largely felt the same way. Although the fact that the Force Awakens undid the ending of Return of the Jedi means it arguably by extension preemptively ruined the ending of Rogue One as well.

Edited by OldVengeance
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How would you have tied the movie to episode 1 without CG Leia? That was the entire purpose of the film.


Well, it would have been much better from our perspective, having seen Ep IV how many countless times, to simply see anyone in a white robe with that hairstyle from behind. I wish they hadn't shown the face. It was unnecessary to all fans of the series.


BUT, from Disney's perspective, they want newer and younger people watching these and getting invested into the series for the first time. There probably really are, hard as it is to believe, people who haven't seen Ep IV but they watched Rogue One.


That's really my only idea for why they felt the need to do that. I actually didn't mind Tarkin that much.

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There probably really are, hard as it is to believe, people who haven't seen Ep IV but they watched Rogue One.


It's not that hard to believe. My 6-yo cousin has so far only seen Rogue One and Episode VII. In time he'll catch up but RO was his first contact with "young" Leia and when he'll watch Episode IV, he's probably going to think "Those were the guys from the end of Rogue One" first and foremost.

At any point in the saga, one film could be someone's first contact with Star Wars.

Some were lucky and started all the way back in 1977, or at least before the Prequels. (Personally I started with the Special Editions of the OT so I never got the outrage ^^)

Other might have Episode VIII, Han Solo or IX as their first Star Wars film.

So your theory that CGI Leia is here to tie Rogue One and Episode IV for less hardcore fan (That's how I understood your post at least) is a sound one.

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I thought Rogue One was a decent film. I'd go so far as to say it was the best Star Wars film since The Empire Strike Back.


For me (I have varied likes) my favourite was the revenge of the sith, later on comes empire strikes back, rogue one wasnt the best film but also not the worst from my pov.

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Seriously... one of the BEST SW films ever.


Funny how YMMV.


And Chirrut Imwe is a FANTASTIC example of a Force-sensitive left without proper Jedi training. He knows the Force is out there, he has learned to use it Daredevil-style, perhaps having been trained up to the level of a 6-10 year-old youngling, with superhuman martial arts prowess and... that's it. No lightsaber, no force jump, no force speed, no Ataru, Makashi, Juyo, Soresu, nothing. He's running on faith. But he can spot a kyber crystal from afar, a portable prison in the heart of a man carrying the intention to kill, and basically, use a Force point to get things done, and embrace the path of destiny! Marvelous character.


Anakin as a kid used to see things a split second before they happen through the Force, without even knowing it, without training. Probably what allows Chirrut to go Daredevil-style while surrounded by stormtroopers with fingers on triggers, and one-shoot Tie fighters as well...


Good post. Chirrut Imwe was my favorite character in the movie.


"I am one with the Force and the Force is with me. I am one with the Force and the Force is with me." That scene punched me right in the feels.

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Good post. Chirrut Imwe was my favorite character in the movie.


"I am one with the Force and the Force is with me. I am one with the Force and the Force is with me." That scene punched me right in the feels.


Me too! Thanks! It totally reconnected with a 7-year-old version of myself where "hey maybe somewhere in a galaxy far far away this is real":eek: :o:)


I thought Rogue One was a decent film. I'd go so far as to say it was the best Star Wars film since The Empire Strike Back.


Absolutely. When I came out of the theater I chalked it up there with Empire and IV. Now it's been 6 months and I kinda still do.


You know how they always say "such and such must be rolling in his grave".

Well here Ralph McQuarrie must be DANCING in his grave with Peter Cushing, Carrie Fisher and Kenny Baker !!!


The only gripe with the film I have is the intentional lack of an opening crawl - I know, it's to not confuse the wider audience - and also minor plotholes. But then again even IV and V have minor plotholes as well so...


Seriously, a work of art. A masterpiece even.


Krennic's face realizing his toy is going to be his doom!

Edited by BenduKundalini
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  • 3 weeks later...
None of the Star Wars (and Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit) are my favorite movies. I'm just a huge fan of them and enjoy watching them more times than 10. Rogue One is arguably my favorite. It felt more like a Star Wars movie and I liked the sci-fi action. Also, watching A New Hope right after watching Rogue One gave A New Hope a different perspective. I'm still hoping for a Shadows of The Empire live action movie.
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Just saw the movie for the first time tonight. The fangirling started when the Death Star first fired, heightened exponentially when Mustafar appeared, kicked into overdrive when Vader came on-screen, and didn't let up until the end. The whole battle of Scarif, I had my knees drawn up to my chest, grinning like a madwoman in pure glee. And then the Death Star showed up and I instantly knew what was going to happen. Went right from :D to OH NO NO NO NO NOOOOOOO and actually cried a little when Jyn and Cassian were hugging on the beach...

...and then went right back to a slightly horrified grin at Vader's end scene.


My mom and I both said: "I loved the movie! ...and then EVERYBODY DIED, THAT'S NOT OKAY. >_<" Other than that, the movie was everything I wanted to see in a Star Wars movie and then some. And on a visual level, dang...yes, Krennic, it is indeed beautiful. All of it.

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Just saw the movie for the first time tonight. The fangirling started when the Death Star first fired, heightened exponentially when Mustafar appeared, kicked into overdrive when Vader came on-screen, and didn't let up until the end. The whole battle of Scarif, I had my knees drawn up to my chest, grinning like a madwoman in pure glee. And then the Death Star showed up and I instantly knew what was going to happen. Went right from :D to OH NO NO NO NO NOOOOOOO and actually cried a little when Jyn and Cassian were hugging on the beach...

...and then went right back to a slightly horrified grin at Vader's end scene.


My mom and I both said: "I loved the movie! ...and then EVERYBODY DIED, THAT'S NOT OKAY. >_<" Other than that, the movie was everything I wanted to see in a Star Wars movie and then some. And on a visual level, dang...yes, Krennic, it is indeed beautiful. All of it.


Hey, loved reading your review :D

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Just saw the movie for the first time tonight. The fangirling started when the Death Star first fired, heightened exponentially when Mustafar appeared, kicked into overdrive when Vader came on-screen, and didn't let up until the end. The whole battle of Scarif, I had my knees drawn up to my chest, grinning like a madwoman in pure glee. And then the Death Star showed up and I instantly knew what was going to happen. Went right from :D to OH NO NO NO NO NOOOOOOO and actually cried a little when Jyn and Cassian were hugging on the beach...

...and then went right back to a slightly horrified grin at Vader's end scene.


My mom and I both said: "I loved the movie! ...and then EVERYBODY DIED, THAT'S NOT OKAY. >_<" Other than that, the movie was everything I wanted to see in a Star Wars movie and then some. And on a visual level, dang...yes, Krennic, it is indeed beautiful. All of it.


Good fun reading this, as I suspect that I'm a great deal older than you, let me share this; When seeing Vader cut down Old Obi-One in E4 I had a similar feeling as i suspect you experienced when "Everyone died". R-One is indeed dark in that aspect. What happen to me was that it brought back an instant flashback from Mon Mothmas mission briefing in RotJ "... many Bothans died while retrieving this information ...". Maybe an odd connection to do, as it is about a whole other Death Star . . .


George Lucas stated at Celebration that Star Wars e4 was mostly a "coming of age" film, a threshold to adulthood and by that dealing not only with issues of growth but also about separation and even death. My wish is that the Movies will have somewhat of a mature take on it all . . .


My personal take on R-One is, well no mystery on this forum, that it embeds and evolves the heritage from ESB, and as such is a worthy homage to the OT movies.

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I really enjoyed Rogue One. I enjoyed the fact that is was about the war and people fighting it, and the ones who made sacrifices to ensure victory. I thought the characters were quite well done, the effects were good for the most part, it helped fill a plot-hole the original film held, and they had a nice short treat for the fans. It's not perfect, and there are things that could've been changed, but I think it was a great film for this era. Outside the original trilogy, I'd say it's my favorite SW film.
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3. Galen Erso being a COWARD, not destroying the Death Star himself, as the chief engineer he could have said " guys, i need to check the generator, alone, it might be dangerous to follow me there"



Big projects like that require large teams of scientists who are monitoring each other and are being monitored by imp intelligence 24/7 (welcome to the Empire) and the said design flaw is the only thing he could've passed under the radar.


1. Galen & Lyra Erso look dirtier than pigs, if he's such a genius engineer why doesn't he make a water extraction machine?


You'll find that being dusty doesn't get in the way of life. Character development is great here.


2. Lyra Erso being hysterical, what chances does she think she has against a group of armed people?


She's acting on emotion, not reason. Common occurrence in stressful situations for many people.



4. The blind guy should have been a jedi and have an epic duel with Darth Vader - all the public would have loved that..


No, the planet is ripe with imps and they would have most likely found out about the monk (if he were a jedi instead of just a force sensitive). Most of the remaining jedi lived in seclusion and remote places.


5. The Imperial droid saying " i'm taking the prisoners to be imprisoned in the prison" . LAME! Pathetic!


Far from being the 1st lame droid model. Their intelligence is made to not exceed their function.



With that out of the way, Rogue One was awesome and I wish that new SW trilogy were more like it and less like dropping us and characters with little or no background story into the heat of action, Kylo Ren's whimsy teenager identity crisis (TEH TRU darkness and freedom from paternal advisory) and so on.

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