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So they just Ninja nerfed DPS sorcs ....


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You people freaken did WHAT !!!????


Realy ?!!!


REALY ???!!!




both heals and bubble ?


Static barrier was getting instantly removed by single hits from DPS classes max 2 hits with weak filler abilities.... soooooooo WHAT kind of Laughable broken Logic was behind of nerfing that ????


Also heal nerf ??? it allready drained almost all our force to heal with it.... + cost us like 10+ casting to top us..... 10+ casting while we arent doing dps or anything............ and you guys nerf THAT ???


LOGIC PEOPLE !!!!! use Logic when you balanced something............ Wow this got me pissed.....


we are not touching utilities they said.........................


Meanwhile Merc healing......................................... who cares NERF that sorc bubble.....


yes im angry..... and yes this is a rage post.....

Edited by Zolxtren
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You people freaken did WHAT !!!????


Realy ?!!!


REALY ???!!!




both heals and bubble ?


Static barrier was getting instantly removed by single hits from DPS classes max 2 hits with weak filler abilities.... soooooooo WHAT kind of Laughable broken Logic was behind of nerfing that ????


Also heal nerf ??? it allready drained almost all our force to heal with it.... + cost us like 10+ casting to top us..... 10+ casting while we arent doing dps or anything............ and you guys nerf THAT ???


LOGIC PEOPLE !!!!! use Logic when you balanced something............ Wow this got me pissed.....


we are not touching utilities they said.........................


Meanwhile Merc healing......................................... who cares NERF that sorc bubble.....


yes im angry..... and yes this is a rage post.....



remember tho Keith listens to the community LOLOLOLOL!

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they listen to some people thats for sure.... buts its not the players its 100%....


all it has been about is the 100 percent if it isn't money they do not care its been this way since the game launch and they clearly didn't listen after the majority quit and its still continuing. It's a shame really this game could have been something amazing but bioware also has no clue how to run a mmo and with anthem on the rise it would not surprise me if that to bombs like the division due to incompetence.

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'Starts hugging her DPS Sorcs/Sages and screams hysterically' Frelling Bioware- seriously not fixing DPS Sorcs straight away and hurting our defensive capacity? I feel so loved... :t_confused:


DPS sorc players are in need of serious amount of hugs right now.....

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'Starts hugging her DPS Sorcs/Sages and screams hysterically' Frelling Bioware- seriously not fixing DPS Sorcs straight away and hurting our defensive capacity? I feel so loved... :t_confused:


Whoa, hold, we still dont know what changes are coming to Madness. Now if it isnt something amazing, because madness was my main, im done with this stupid *** game

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what defense does the DPS sorc has besides the static barrier? lol


i'd stopped playing DPs Sorc and was using my heals for Vet mode Ops and MM FPs but now I guess I'll stick to my Sentinel :D

Edited by Yezzan
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remember tho Keith listens to the community LOLOLOLOL!


the combat team listens to keith and he listens to himself.

"i am playing merc and ops so how to balance that?" --> "hey combat "team". good to have you back from parental leave. please nerf sorc massively. merc is good as it is, but buff ops heal pls".

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the combat team listens to keith and he listens to himself.

"i am playing merc and ops so how to balance that?" --> "hey combat "team". good to have you back from parental leave. please nerf sorc massively. merc is good as it is, but buff ops heal pls".



its really no surprise is it i mean the team behind this game has been ******** the bed for 7yrs since it launched. I'm just tired of people defending this new guy like he will actually give a crap here is a hint ...he don't

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Whoa, hold, we still dont know what changes are coming to Madness. Now if it isnt something amazing, because madness was my main, im done with this stupid *** game


Same. I am not buying a subscription before I see a huge madness dps buff..

Edited by BraverDre
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  • 3 weeks later...
They really messed sorcs up. They hate them.

well. it's not THAT bad really, but indeed we need some +200 DPS to match up with at least engi lol. ... and fix to deathstack||force suppression would be nice. kinda tired of them being eaten by other sorcs and sins lol.

but for sure the defensive utilities for cloud mind and unnatural preservation have and any other defensive u can find are not more or less a must or u shall melt super fast. :D:D

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what defense does the DPS sorc has besides the static barrier? lol


lol indeed


you might want to try phase walk, force barrier, knockback, cc, self heals, kiting, or los.

oh let me guess, you want god mode sorc back.


on top of that sorc can static barrier, offheal and pull its team members to safety.

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lol indeed


you might want to try phase walk, force barrier, knockback, cc, self heals, kiting, or los.

oh let me guess, you want god mode sorc back.


on top of that sorc can static barrier, offheal and pull its team members to safety.


Phasewalk doesn't shield, absorb or defend against incoming damage.


Overload doesn't shield, abosrb or defend against incoming damage and it doesn't prevent people from attacking you.


CC? Every class has CC.


Self -heals, almost every AC that has a healing spec has self heals.


Every every range class can kite (its not an ability)


Everyone has to LOS at some point, doesn't matter if melee or ranged ( its not an ability)


Sorc has two DCD's Force barrier and static barrier.


Prolly should go join a DPs contest with a merc and see how that turns out

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lol indeed


you might want to try phase walk, force barrier, knockback, cc, self heals, kiting, or los.

oh let me guess, you want god mode sorc back.


on top of that sorc can static barrier, offheal and pull its team members to safety.


Nah I'll take 3 God modes like a Merc :rak_03:

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Phasewalk doesn't shield, absorb or defend against incoming damage.


Overload doesn't shield, abosrb or defend against incoming damage and it doesn't prevent people from attacking you.


CC? Every class has CC.


Self -heals, almost every AC that has a healing spec has self heals.


Every every range class can kite (its not an ability)


Everyone has to LOS at some point, doesn't matter if melee or ranged ( its not an ability)


Sorc has two DCD's Force barrier and static barrier.


*shrugs* a bit obvious that many of them aren't "abilities"... I was just pointing him to some basics he overlooked in saying they have only 1 defense. It's not a facetanking class but can pump out good damage and has fairly good survivability if you're willing to use it as a RANGED class, but of course there are so many idiots playing it as a melee then complaining. Obviously if he wants raw dcd's then he should reroll merc or a melee class.


Prolly should go join a DPs contest with a merc and see how that turns out

oh, are mercs overtuned? thanks captain obvious! go complain on a merc thread.

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. It's not a facetanking class but can pump out good damage and has fairly good survivability if you're willing to use it as a RANGED class


Omg the ammount of wrong you just said.......


a sorc cant do good dmg even if let alone freecasting all match.. still will get beaten in Dmg by Maras/Snipers etc who died like 3 times more lol


all the good dmg you see on the score board are from Aoe spam and dot spread you know dmg that everyone can ignore and pasively outheal..... THAT DMG DOES NOT MATTER..... you wont kill as a sorc anything that has half a brain....


Sorcs dont have the Dmg to out burst/sustain someone...

Sorcs dont have the Def CDs to Out live/sustain someone....


right now a dps sorc only can run away from anyone who decides to jump on him an while kiting all day hoping that someone comes there and helps him with some dmg on the target to actualy kill it befor the chasers pops all its burst CDs and melts the sorc in a single stun....

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Overload doesn't shield, abosrb or defend against incoming damage and it doesn't prevent people from attacking you.

Choosing the right utility, it will immobilize players for up to 5s and can interrupt an activated or channeled skill with proper timing.


Phasewalk doesn't shield, absorb or defend against incoming damage.

With the right utility, It will raise all defenses by 30% and prevents charges, leaps, pulls or harpoons for 10s. But even without that, it still has a range of up to 60m and can put you out of the line of sight. So it can protect you against incoming damage.


CC? Every class has CC.

Not every class has an effect that might last for up to 8s (like a Whrilwind).


Self -heals, almost every AC that has a healing spec has self heals.

Almost? Name me one that doesn't have a self heal. BioWare has to put some of the heals in the skill set of the adv. class because each spec is limited to 4 unique skills.


Sorc has two DCD's Force barrier and static barrier.

Choosing some utilities, Cloud Mind can provide 25% DR for 6s every 45s. Whirlwind might cause a 20% miss chance for 8s, Electrocute causes a 25% damage loss for 10s every 50s, Static Barrier can blind enemies for 3s every 20s and Unnatural Preservation grants a 15% DR for 6s every 25s.

Edited by realleaftea
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