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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Class Changes: Corruption Sorcerer / Seer Consular


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I have to agree a NERF was needed to a degree, but this is just plain gutting our heals across the board and spanking our butts at the same time for future nerfs to come. (Main is SORC HEALS)


Throw us a bone here and leave SOMETHING unnerfed as this appears a tad too deep.


Can we at least remove the GCD on Consuming Darkness now? I mean seriously you slowed several casts down and give us less time to regain force.

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The tears in this thread are glorious.


Such a long time as the top dog healer, blatently overpowered which ruined pvp and made pve healing trivial. The moment they get balanced to be equal to mercs and operative healers the crys of OMG unsub and not playing anymore come out.


If you cant heal on anything that is not overpowered, dont heal at all, period. Balance is good for the game.


Balance is good, yes - decimating a skill which already is inherently weak and blows major biscuits, is not good for the game or anyone. Revivification DID NOT need a 10% nerf on top of what it received last patch, it's such a near-useless skill already.

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The tears in this thread are glorious.


Such a long time as the top dog healer, blatently overpowered which ruined pvp and made pve healing trivial. The moment they get balanced to be equal to mercs and operative healers the crys of OMG unsub and not playing anymore come out.


If you cant heal on anything that is not overpowered, dont heal at all, period. Balance is good for the game.


sir...... your blind............


1st : add together all those nerfs and look at the HUGE number you get....

2nd : look at what state the 2 DPS spec for sorcs are..... ( crap state )

3rd : look at the Nerfs thatt effects the nonexistent surviability of DPS sorcs also making it even worse..

4th : think as a whole what gonna happen with this class and with all 3 of its specs after these nerfs go live...


right now Sorcs seem Delete worthy....


you are not playing a sorc btw i can tell from this....

Edited by Zolxtren
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The tears in this thread are glorious.


Such a long time as the top dog healer, blatently overpowered which ruined pvp and made pve healing trivial. The moment they get balanced to be equal to mercs and operative healers the crys of OMG unsub and not playing anymore come out.


If you cant heal on anything that is not overpowered, dont heal at all, period. Balance is good for the game.


Well mathematically they are not currently overpowered, now obviously what maths says and the reality are a wee bit different however bants numbers for healing etc (http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=918622) are not wrong so the reality is that a sorc is too easily accessible not that its actually massively overpowered in terms of pure numbers. The main issue with massive hps nums is the aoe (because although it is complete **** as something to heal up real damage its low cost and spam ability give you awesome hps) but easiest and best solution to that are far higher cost and give actual heals that make a difference

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My concern here is that our healing was buffed to compensate for nerfing our DPS and Defense. I already don't contribute meaningfully to group runs until we get to a boss, now I feel like people are better off taking the companion than me... Of course I'll wait and see, but I'm already dependent on my comp for DPS. Now I feel like I'm going to need them to keep me alive too.


Can Sages and Sorc please get two companions to run with since a companion can only cover us for one stance at a time? I'll take the GSI droid too.

Edited by Xo-Lara
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The tears in this thread are glorious.


Such a long time as the top dog healer, blatently overpowered which ruined pvp and made pve healing trivial. The moment they get balanced to be equal to mercs and operative healers the crys of OMG unsub and not playing anymore come out.


If you cant heal on anything that is not overpowered, dont heal at all, period. Balance is good for the game.

I have had all three healers since launch and enjoy them all. For sure there have been ups and downs in terms of effectiveness over the years - I remember when it was hard to play any healer but scoundrel/operative in PvP - but I never felt a single one of them was bad to the point of unplayability. To me, this nerf looks overly harsh. However, we'll see if it actually plays that way.

Edited by Estelindis
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Well there goes a new set of people leaving this game. I hope the devs realize that every time they nerf a class this hard that they are esentially making more and more people leave this game. Nobody wants to grind to rank 300 cxp on new characters just to then have that character nerfed later. How about you guys try and bring the other classes in line with the top class or try very small nerfs. The way I see it, those who do stick around will probably move to Scounderl/Operative heals (which is already better than Sage/Sorc heals in pve) and when 5.4 comes out you'll nerf that class and piss them off even more. It's already bad enough to try and find people to do stuff outside of my guild. I fear it's going to get worse.


Lot of truth in this statement. I main a Sorc Heals and it took 2 months to get 300 on him. Now... I can still gimp heal or chase my CXP on my Operative healer now after back for a couple months (not looking fun). Which with the 25% Legacy CXP it's not likely I'm going to do that grind again. (Insert speech on Legacy wide 300 CXP like Reputation)


I've played SORC from founders day and never left my sorc, but now this (Worse that last big one). This is very lopsided hack/slash across the board. Several self heals and defensive CD's should be left alone and we should remove the GCD on our FORCE Recoup (Sage/Sorc) if 75% of this happens.

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sir...... your blind............



3rd : look at the Nerfs thatt effects the nonexistent surviability of DPS sorcs also making it even worse..



Between bubble, bubble stuns, god bubble, phase walk, force speed, range, off healing, ect, dps sorcs are in a better position than most other dps in terms of survivability. It's the damage that they need the buff in.


If you choose not to take utilities that enhance your survival then that's your choice. If you have trouble surviving on your dps sorc, then it's your own personal issue.

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DevNotes: The slight Force cost increases for Resurgence / Rejuvenate and Dark Infusion / Deliverance and the reducing of the cost reduction for Revivification / Salvation provided by Force Bending / Conveyance were necessary to keep Force management from being completely trivial at low levels of Force. These cost increases allowed an anomaly for Dark Infusion / Deliverance and Resurgence / Rejuvenate in that they both saw at least partial increases to their healing output while all other healing abilities saw a decrease.



This needs to be re-written to be more clear.


They increase the Force cost because it was trivial at low levels of Force? If you're at low levels of Force you can't cast. Plain and simple. How is it trivial when you are unable to cast heals?


These cost increases allowed an anomaly for Dark Infusion / Deliverance and Resurgence / Rejuvenate in that they both saw at least partial increases to their healing output while all other healing abilities saw a decrease.



The Force cost increases allowed for an anomaly? And they're keeping the anomaly? This makes no sense.


Please someone help clarify this.

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Didn't read all the answers to this so apologies if this has been mentioned already but...


Is something being done to address the excessive aggro sorc healers seem to generate, especially for pve solo content like heroics?

As it is, with a tank or dps companion at influence 50, enemies ignore my companion and all swarm to me when doing an heroic making it a very tedious activities to the point I already avoid some planets now.

If not, then I guess I can forget doing any solo activities on my imp main and only ever play her in flashpoints and ops :(

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The tears in this thread are glorious.


Such a long time as the top dog healer, blatently overpowered which ruined pvp and made pve healing trivial. The moment they get balanced to be equal to mercs and operative healers the crys of OMG unsub and not playing anymore come out.


If you cant heal on anything that is not overpowered, dont heal at all, period. Balance is good for the game.


If you healed anything of import, you would realize how completely stupid you sound.

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Hey folks,


The healing changes for Sorcerers / Sages pull the Corruption / Seer discipline down to the target HPS. We say the target HPS instead of their target HPS because all three healers have the same target HPS




Let me ask you/this thread a question.


Exactly why must all healers in the game have a single target HPS? Are all healers the same? Are burst healers the same as sustained healers? Is it so wrong to have a class, which is good at nothing else, at least be good at healing?


More questions.


Is there going to be a single target DPS for the game, and when can we expect Merc/Mara DPS to be reduced, or immortal jugg DPS to be raised, so that they all adhere to the target DPS for an swtor player?


Final question.


Please tell me what class you'd like me to play. You didn't want me to play Lightning sorc, and you sure as heck don't want me to play as a sorc healer. So what class would you, as developers recommend. Which class is your baby, you know, the one you like and don't mess with. I'll play anything, just work with me here. "Be open and honest" like you keep saying. What should I be playin?

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Let me ask you/this thread a question.


Exactly why must all healers in the game have a single target HPS? Are all healers the same? Are burst healers the same as sustained healers? Is it so wrong to have a class, which is good at nothing else, at least be good at healing?


More questions.


Is there going to be a single target DPS for the game, and when can we expect Merc/Mara DPS to be reduced, or immortal jugg DPS to be raised, so that they all adhere to the target DPS for an swtor player?


Final question.


Please tell me what class you'd like me to play. You didn't want me to play Lightning sorc, and you sure as heck don't want me to play as a sorc healer. So what class would you, as developers recommend. Which class is your baby, you know, the one you like and don't mess with. I'll play anything, just work with me here. "Be open and honest" like you keep saying. What should I be playin?


They want a paycheck.


It's a wonder this game is still around, tbh.


But meh... I will play a bit here and there.


There is a reason that this game, with all the marketing they could do with SW... is where it is.


Find a new class and move on.

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They basically slapped Merc and Commando with a feather but crushed sorc heals with a freakin ton of bricks. I was not expecting that. We will know if they over did it when a single OP or Marauder global sorc heals in arena which is what I am expecting


don't they always do it? it's like a circle of:

nerf sorcs>

omg they're too weak now - buff them again>

oh crap we buffed them too much for our liking - nerf them again.


i recall not too long ago sage healz needed to be buffed, and now of course let's back them down.

couldn't even bother to start with the dps buff :eek::eek::eek:

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As a forever sorc healer I absolutely love this. All you fotm ****lords who have been disgracing sorc heals for so long, bubye.


These nerfs are big, and we needed big nerfs.


I do not, however, agree with the way they have implemented these nerfs and it looks pretty apparent they use the "dart board" tactic to figure out what changes to make because they are woefully inept.


I would have rather roaming mend be tapped in charges over total % healed, increased force costs/constraints and increase force return from reverse coruptions.


The resurgence nerf is asinine but ok.


Innervate nerf is good.


I do think we'll be the bottom of the barrel on HPS now and I'm happy with that, this should have never been an HPS class. That's for Ops. As long as we can still bring burst response we will be ok as a class. If we have **** defensives, **** burst response and **** AOE heals, that will be problematic but I don't think thats where we'll be.


The fotm ****lord sorc train is leaving though, get the **** aboard 95% of you.

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Fair, accurate and incisive feedback which I hope you combat team take into account before this goes live:

The crux of this nerf that is too much at times is that the penalty to tight windows/ burst damage situations is too strong with these proposed changes. Resource management was already quite bad on sorc when forced to unload a bunch of "big" healing quickly. Because the way to recoup your resources once they are spent is plain bad right now (Pol shift+ consuming darkness, polarity shift on 1.30min cd???). For end game content like mm operations and ranked Wzs where you cannot necessary just use Polarity shift in this way, as you need it in other situations than just when rebuilding resources, these change becomes an excessive gimping of the spec's hps output in those critical decisive moments which really matter.

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this should have never been an HPS class. That's for Ops. .


Oh cool, I never realized sorcs weren't supposed to be healers. That makes so much sense because we are so good as a DPS class. Well that solves everything. Glad you're here to educate all of FOTM sorcs who don't rise up to your standards.


Thanks so much! :D

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This feels very harsh to me. Meh, I don't pvp at all, and most of the positive sounds I hear seems to be from pvp crowd..


I don't have a main, I play all classes and many specs, I have multiple characters for every heal spec on either faction, but.. this looks incredibly harsh to me.


I have trouble translating the math to the field, so I guess I'm going to have to wait and see, but I'm not optimistic about what this will mean for pve at all.


Just more balancing by sledgehammer.

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This feels very harsh to me. Meh, I don't pvp at all, and most of the positive sounds I hear seems to be from pvp crowd..


I don't have a main, I play all classes and many specs, I have multiple characters for every heal spec on either faction, but.. this looks incredibly harsh to me.


I have trouble translating the math to the field, so I guess I'm going to have to wait and see, but I'm not optimistic about what this will mean for pve at all.


Just more balancing by sledgehammer.


The PvP crowd utterly screams about sorcs/sages. Except when those sorcs/sages on on their team. Then it's just "fair balancing".


And sure, why not cheer the downfall of the strongest healing class? Surely healing only helps the enemy, and not their team.


My issue is, what will this do to hardmode content in endgame. A lot of good sorcs were doing a lot of good work in ops. And NiM really is a nightmare. I had far better sorcs say it would stress them severely (I've never risen to the NiM challenge myself. I'm a PvP Pug healer. No premades. I just take luck of the draw and try to help my team). But I mean, if it was that bad before, how is it even doable with a double digit nerf across the board?

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The PvP crowd utterly screams about sorcs/sages. Except when those sorcs/sages on on their team. Then it's just "fair balancing".


And sure, why not cheer the downfall of the strongest healing class? Surely healing only helps the enemy, and not their team.


My issue is, what will this do to hardmode content in endgame. A lot of good sorcs were doing a lot of good work in ops. And NiM really is a nightmare. I had far better sorcs say it would stress them severely (I've never risen to the NiM challenge myself. I'm a PvP Pug healer. No premades. I just take luck of the draw and try to help my team). But I mean, if it was that bad before, how is it even doable with a double digit nerf across the board?


That is exactly what I was referring to in my previous post. There are situations/ "windows" in Nightmare raid boss fights which are literally a nightmare to heal through. You can do it but it severely taxes your resources. Now those resources will be taxed even more with the overall hps gimp, and there is no really good way to recover resources as a sorc once spent except once on a 1.5min cooldown. So it will be brutal without some sort of buff to consuming darkness. Also in PvP if the opponent team is good and knows how to effectively target switch and line up their bursts.

Edited by ottffsse
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