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Queues again??


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Just tried to log into Ebon Hawk this evening and saw one pop up. I only took about a minute to go through, but... really, EAWare? Is this going to be an every week thing?


Edit: And as soon as I went to change alts, my game entered an infinite loading screen. Sigh.

Edited by AscendingSky
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I just came back a few days ago after being gone for 2 years(longest I've ever stayed away from TOR) after being burned out with WoW/GW2 and the ping issues I've had every day since are making me regret it. If I'm not spiking or getting dc'd I'm consistently at 180 ms and every pingplot/tracert I've done shows the issue being the TOR servers.


Giving Black Desert Online a try is looking appealing right now and I know I'd prob get bored of it after a few days. That or finally go get 100% completion in Breath of the Wild.

Edited by Stncold
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Hey folks,


The team is looking into it now. I will pass on information as I have it.




I got kicked out into a queue again. Hooray. Before I got kicked, I couldn't access mail, and I couldn't open my legacy bank. Same symptoms as the last 3 times this has happened in the past month.


Could we get some answers at some point here as to why this issue is now cropping up on a weekly basis? You guys have been so good at transparency lately; this repeated server issue would seem to be a prime subject for an open explanation to your players.

Edited by AscendingSky
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I got kicked out into a queue again. Hooray. Before I got kicked, I couldn't access mail, and I couldn't open my legacy bank. Same symptoms as the last 3 times this has happened in the past month.


Could we get some answers at some point here as to why this issue is now cropping up on a weekly basis? You guys have been so good at transparency lately; this repeated server issue would seem to be a prime subject for an open explanation to your players.


I agree with this.

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Thank you everyone for confirming I am not losing my mind. It is late where I am at but I wanted to jump into SWTOR to do some crafting before bed. Low and behold I have a "you have been placed in the queue" message that I haven't seen since Launch. Crazy part, Shadowlands pub side is pretty much dead these days and while Empire seems to be busier, I can't see how it is so over populated we need a queue. I seriously thought something epic had dropped and scrambled to google and the forums to see what I missed. :p


FYI to the Dev team who may read this, I am on Shadowlands and it is now 12:40 am Eastern DST.

Edited by Baby-Girl
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So would this possibly be related to not being able to get onto Iokath? I just transferred a handful of toons to EH, been decorating SH's without much issue, and wanted to jump to Iokath to do stuff, but it just sits on a loading screen, then boots me to character select after a couple minutes of not moving.
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Hey folks,


The team is looking into it now. I will pass on information as I have it.



Eric and the Dev's I am petitioning you to please allow us to have Double CXP event through July 4th weekend. Given this issue almost weekly for the past month. Can we please have some kind of reprieve?

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I got kicked out into a queue again. Hooray. Before I got kicked, I couldn't access mail, and I couldn't open my legacy bank. Same symptoms as the last 3 times this has happened in the past month.


Could we get some answers at some point here as to why this issue is now cropping up on a weekly basis? You guys have been so good at transparency lately; this repeated server issue would seem to be a prime subject for an open explanation to your players.

Same for me. East Coast servers down again. I was briefly ingame and I could not open mail from successful GTN sales. I logged out of that character, and tried logging in to another character and the game stopped responding. When I tried to log out of the game, the game wouldn't log out or do anything. I had to manually shut it down. When I tried to log back into the game I got queue messages for all East Coast servers.


I can be patient, and I understand that problems happen. However, this problem with the East Coast servers is happening too often, too regularly. I would like to know what is causing the recurrence of the East Coast server queue problem.

Edited by Nmyownworld
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I got kicked out into a queue again. Hooray. Before I got kicked, I couldn't access mail, and I couldn't open my legacy bank. Same symptoms as the last 3 times this has happened in the past month.


Could we get some answers at some point here as to why this issue is now cropping up on a weekly basis? You guys have been so good at transparency lately; this repeated server issue would seem to be a prime subject for an open explanation to your players.


Yes please; I agree with this.

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Am I the only one who's tired of not hearing any response as to what is actually happening. We get a little hey we are working on it. It's happening weekly now. WTH is going on?


To plug in her vacuum cleaner, the cleaning lady unplugged the UPS for the login server and forgot to plug it back in when she was done....

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