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Sith Empire v Galactic Empire


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Both empires against each other. On even ground. Not a skirmish, but a full blown war.


Who do you think, and why?


It sure did happen in the olf and Newer version of the Empire under George Lucas. You don't ever need Sith to have an Empire.


It is something that should happen, but would have to be very skillfully written, and the Sith would have to be able to stay in the New Galactic Empire or be in the Alliance faction, but i don't think Bioware would take on such a project.

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This is hard in term of tech there is not difference which is strange because its thousands of years in the future but I guess they reached a bottleneck that they could not overcome.


The problem is the Galactic Empire has more ships and manpower far more then the Sith empire even at its peak with ruling half the galaxy. That is a serious advantage you are outnumbered and outgunned and the worst of all you do not have any capable generals. Neither does the Galactic Empire but that means that the sith does not have any way to overcome the outnumbered and outgunned problem.


Then yes they have more force users the problem here is this are good on planetary battles not space ones in space they are gonna be whipped out and that is what matters in the end. You are gonna save some planets with planetary shields but its matters little in the long run when you are gonna be stuck on those planest until you die.


The Galactic Empire is the superior force.

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Both empires against each other. On even ground. Not a skirmish, but a full blown war.


Who do you think, and why?

Hard to say, but one small point that lots of people forget. The Galactic Empire is a corrupted version of SWTOR's Republic or one of its successor states. So we're talking two forces with a 3600+ year time (and technology) difference. In our world, that would be a crushing defeat for the older force.

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Then yes they have more force users the problem here is this are good on planetary battles not space ones in space they are gonna be whipped out and that is what matters in the end. You are gonna save some planets with planetary shields but its matters little in the long run when you are gonna be stuck on those planest until you die.


The Galactic Empire is the superior force.


The hell? What makes you think having more Force-users isn't an advantage in space battles? It pretty clearly can be.

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for one, the galactic empire had more ships and more technological advanced, the sith empire has a lot of sith, both had quite a few ships but with the galactic empire having over 2500 star destroyers, not counting other warships and with 2 death stars and with the sith empire with not even half that number.


Also the galactic empire still had a few clone chambers that they could have created many more troopers than what was needed to outnumber the sith empire troops 10 to 1

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The Galactic Empire has more troops, more ships, but less Sith. However, the two primary Sith the GE does have are extremely powerful. I could easily see Palpatine being able to crush teams of 5 or 6 standard Sith from the Sith Empire at once without breaking much of a sweat. Same with Vader. Some of older Sith from the Empire, like Vitiate, could pose some problems for the Galactic Empire, however.


The main problem I see for the Galactic Empire is that, while they have an advantage in manpower, their standard troops don't seem to be nearly as well-trained as the soldiers in the Sith Empire. I still think the Galactic Empire would win, but they would suffer some serious damage and losses, and it would take a long time to rebuild from it.

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The hell? What makes you think having more Force-users isn't an advantage in space battles? It pretty clearly can be.


No its not in space combat non force users do not have the same disadvantages as they have on ground combat. Han Solo, Wedge Antiles, Lando where non force users and they where considered among the best pilots in the galaxy,

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This is hard in term of tech there is not difference which is strange because its thousands of years in the future but I guess they reached a bottleneck that they could not overcome.


The problem is the Galactic Empire has more ships and manpower far more then the Sith empire even at its peak with ruling half the galaxy. That is a serious advantage you are outnumbered and outgunned and the worst of all you do not have any capable generals. Neither does the Galactic Empire but that means that the sith does not have any way to overcome the outnumbered and outgunned problem.


Then yes they have more force users the problem here is this are good on planetary battles not space ones in space they are gonna be whipped out and that is what matters in the end. You are gonna save some planets with planetary shields but its matters little in the long run when you are gonna be stuck on those planest until you die.


The Galactic Empire is the superior force.


There is in fact one huge advantage the galactic empire has,some of their soldiers used mandalorian based armor which is lightsaber proof. THAT would be a game changer even if the manpower and tech disadvantage wasnt an issue.

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There is in fact one huge advantage the galactic empire has,some of their soldiers used mandalorian based armor which is lightsaber proof. THAT would be a game changer even if the manpower and tech disadvantage wasnt an issue.


That would be more useful against jedi but sith will probably just crush you or kill you with lighting or break your neck or make you turn against your fellow soldiers.

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I would almost think that Vader and Palpatine would be god like compared to the Sith in the Sith Empire. Palpatine and Vader are the beneficiaries of a few thousands years of Sith Evolution, they had gathered power and knowledge that the Sith Empire didn't have.


Plus Palpatine was no ordinary Sith. He probably would have made the Sith Empire turn against itself, just think of all those minor Sith's craving power, he'd be able to manipulate them easily.


Technology wise, I've always liked the Stagnating Galaxy theory of the GFFA. That they had reached their technological apex thousands of years before. However I would probably bet that the GA ships were a bit faster, a bit better shielded, the computers a bit faster and the shields a bit better.

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No its not in space combat non force users do not have the same disadvantages as they have on ground combat. Han Solo, Wedge Antiles, Lando where non force users and they where considered among the best pilots in the galaxy,


I'll remind you that in KOTOR, Bastila uses battle mediation to sway the tide of battle. It's also used by the Jedi Exile in KOTOR 2. It could affect entire fleets, as described within the game.

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It sure did happen in the olf and Newer version of the Empire under George Lucas. You don't ever need Sith to have an Empire.


It is something that should happen, but would have to be very skillfully written, and the Sith would have to be able to stay in the New Galactic Empire or be in the Alliance faction, but i don't think Bioware would take on such a project.


You don't need Jedi to have a republic.


I can't understand why anyone thinks it is ok to simply end the class story for 2 classes?


I noticed they changed Emperors Wrath to Empires Wrath in the Sith Warrior version of the story.


Lame lame lame.

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You don't need Jedi to have a republic.


I can't understand why anyone thinks it is ok to simply end the class story for 2 classes?


I noticed they changed Emperors Wrath to Empires Wrath in the Sith Warrior version of the story.


Lame lame lame.

Not lame. It's a very, very important distinction. If you follow the theory of the storyline, the Wrath is faced with an impossible situation - he is, in essence, betrayed by the Emperor, and being named the Empire's Wrath by Marr is, in effect, Marr co-opting him to serve the Empire *directly* as he previously served it *via the Emperor*.


For Marr, the events on Yavin make it so the Emperor has rejected actually being Emperor, so the very *idea* of "the Emperor's Wrath" no longer has any meaning, but "the Empire's Wrath" - an enforcer who exists outside the normal Sith power structure - is something useful.


As I said, not lame at all.

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It sure did happen in the olf and Newer version of the Empire under George Lucas. You don't ever need Sith to have an Empire.


It is something that should happen, but would have to be very skillfully written, and the Sith would have to be able to stay in the New Galactic Empire or be in the Alliance faction, but i don't think Bioware would take on such a project.

Observation: the Galactic Empire of the fiilms is NOT the Sith Empire. It is a corrupted version of the Galactic *Republic* (FFS: Moff Tarkin even effing says so in the first film - the last vestiges of the Republic have been swept away).

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Not lame. It's a very, very important distinction. If you follow the theory of the storyline, the Wrath is faced with an impossible situation - he is, in essence, betrayed by the Emperor, and being named the Empire's Wrath by Marr is, in effect, Marr co-opting him to serve the Empire *directly* as he previously served it *via the Emperor*.


For Marr, the events on Yavin make it so the Emperor has rejected actually being Emperor, so the very *idea* of "the Emperor's Wrath" no longer has any meaning, but "the Empire's Wrath" - an enforcer who exists outside the normal Sith power structure - is something useful.


As I said, not lame at all.


Using the story to justify the story. Circular.


Like I always say, Lana should have been killed as a traitor and everything after should have never happened.

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And WHY do the Sith care about saving Yavin 4?


Or any planet for that matter?


Emporer: I want to consume all life on Yavin 4.

Sith: I can lure more pubs there for you?


Sith Dream: Have Death Star, destroy Alderan :)


Somehow some writer lost track, it is like a "Light Side Sith" story, Save the Galaxy? WHO CARES? :rak_03:


The writers need to re-read the dark side conversation with the general at the end of Black Talon till they understand:


It Will Be Glorious

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Using the story to justify the story. Circular.


Like I always say, Lana should have been killed as a traitor and everything after should have never happened.

Parts of most stories rely on other parts of the story to justify them, just as I did. Not circular. I didn't justify the SW being "The Empire's Wrath" because he's the Empire's Wrath. That would be circular.


I justified him being declared that because doing so is useful for Marr to do so, and because the very reason for being "The Emperor's Wrath" is no longer valid.


(A pile of stuff happened in the story, and because of that stuff, this other stuff happened after. That's not circular. It's normal cause and effect.)


And yes, I'm quite sure that if the Empire had managed to get its hands on Lana in between the end of Forged Alliances and the events on Yavin, they *would* have executed her even though it was the player who killed Arkous. She even ----ing said so. But once the player showed who the true traitors were, she got to keep her head. (Being made head of Sith Intelligence, however, might feel like being executed.)

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And WHY do the Sith care about saving Yavin 4?


Or any planet for that matter?

Any one planet? No reason.


All of all of them? For sure they care, but not because they care about the planets themselves. No, it's because if the Emperor sucks all the life out of everywhere, he kills all of the Sith as well. Darth Marr, for sure, sees that as a really, really bad thing *for the Empire*. I think I would, in his position.

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I'll remind you that in KOTOR, Bastila uses battle mediation to sway the tide of battle. It's also used by the Jedi Exile in KOTOR 2. It could affect entire fleets, as described within the game.


This. We don't even have to delve into literally every space battle Anakin/Vader won almost single-handedly.

Edited by BradTheImpaler
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I'll remind you that in KOTOR, Bastila uses battle mediation to sway the tide of battle. It's also used by the Jedi Exile in KOTOR 2. It could affect entire fleets, as described within the game.


palpatine uses battle meditation as well.


the way i see it the galactic empire win most space battles there ships are bigger more armed and better guns. on the ground how ever the sith empire troops and extra sith give them the advantage unless palps and vader are in the field

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