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300 crate drops


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OK, climbed the mountain and hit 300 with my toon. Was so happy to finally get to 300 and start getting gear........:(


Mostly set up with 242s and noticed that 99.999% of the gear I was getting was 244s which really wasn't much if any of an improvement over my current 242 gear.


After 40+ (lost track since there are no ranks after 300) crates I got 2 246 pieces and 1 248.


Now my question is I see tons of peeps in all 248s, how are people gearing out so quick?


Only thing I'm currently grinding is pvp, is there a better way to get gear?

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OK, climbed the mountain and hit 300 with my toon. Was so happy to finally get to 300 and start getting gear........:(


Mostly set up with 242s and noticed that 99.999% of the gear I was getting was 244s which really wasn't much if any of an improvement over my current 242 gear.


After 40+ (lost track since there are no ranks after 300) crates I got 2 246 pieces and 1 248.


Now my question is I see tons of peeps in all 248s, how are people gearing out so quick?


Only thing I'm currently grinding is pvp, is there a better way to get gear?


Ops bosses drop tokens that you can take to a vendor to get a specific piece of gear. Harder level ops like master.mode.drop higher level tokens that you can trade for the highest level gear.


Also grinding components via PvP as well you can trade for higher level gear.

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OK, climbed the mountain and hit 300 with my toon. Was so happy to finally get to 300 and start getting gear........:(

So sorry to hear you opened all those crates and didn't even get one piece of gear. You should report that as a bug.

Mostly set up with 242s and noticed that 99.999% of the gear I was getting was 244s which really wasn't much if any of an improvement over my current 242 gear.

Oh. You meant "start getting BiS gear". OK, understood. Never mind.

After 40+ (lost track since there are no ranks after 300) crates I got 2 246 pieces and 1 248.


Now my question is I see tons of peeps in all 248s, how are people gearing out so quick?


Only thing I'm currently grinding is pvp, is there a better way to get gear?

PvP is one way.

Nightmare mode operations is another. (For Ops, NiM drops T4 tokens, Veteran drops T3, and Story drops T2.)

Or I think you can get UCs from GSF like you can from Warzones.


Or you grind lesser stuff and hope.


That's it.

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Pretty much what they said. I am 200 plus crates in and still don't have relics/implants. PVP grind is really the only way to get a specific piece you want need. (Assuming you are not part of a Nim raid group). And I am with you on the 244 stuff. I don't want to spend the credits to swap out and augment for such a small stat change.


I have stayed away from BioWare bashing, but I have to say that even after the improvements to the new gearing system I have seriously contemplated unsubbing. I have put a stupid number of hours into a couple of toons and am only half-geared on them.


PVP grind is not so bad for Imp toons, but I prefer pub-side and on my server that means getting your butt kicked in 95% of unranked warzones. I was on a team that actually lost an ancient hypergate 1230 - 102 (I didn't even know that kind of an a$%-kicking was possible).


So to sum up:

  • Congrats on 300!
  • NiM Op great way to gear
  • PVP only other way to guarantee specific gear (but its a grind, and hope you are imp)
  • Gearing is currently very frustrating

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Pretty much what they said. I am 200 plus crates in and still don't have relics/implants. PVP grind is really the only way to get a specific piece you want need. (Assuming you are not part of a Nim raid group). And I am with you on the 244 stuff. I don't want to spend the credits to swap out and augment for such a small stat change.


I have stayed away from BioWare bashing, but I have to say that even after the improvements to the new gearing system I have seriously contemplated unsubbing. I have put a stupid number of hours into a couple of toons and am only half-geared on them.


PVP grind is not so bad for Imp toons, but I prefer pub-side and on my server that means getting your butt kicked in 95% of unranked warzones. I was on a team that actually lost an ancient hypergate 1230 - 102 (I didn't even know that kind of an a$%-kicking was possible).


So to sum up:

  • Congrats on 300!
  • NiM Op great way to gear
  • PVP only other way to guarantee specific gear (but its a grind, and hope you are imp)
  • Gearing is currently very frustrating


Yeah, I went ahead and set up augs for my 244 relics/implants etc, but the gain is sooooo slight it really was a waste of credits, but I had to mentally justify the grind with SOME progress you know?


PvP is fun, no doubt, but it would be nice if you got unassembled components from other activities, that and the gain is soooo slight. You get 2 for a loss and only 5 for a win and most good gear costs well over 200+

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Yeah get 242's via HM Operations then painfully die in pvp over and over until you get around 270ish unassembled components to upgrade one 242 part to 248 then rinse and repeat. Or find a competent NiM OP's team and get 248 drops from the bosses there.


EDIT: Oh and once you upgraded the part you wanted you can bet the dog on that you will get that same part in the next coming 1 or 2 rng crates.

Edited by zappito
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Now my question is I see tons of peeps in all 248s, how are people gearing out so quick?


Only thing I'm currently grinding is pvp, is there a better way to get gear?


Its been 8 weeks, this isn't quick. When they announced 5.2 I was in 242 bis on both specs and I felt I'd been shoved back into the pack but with CXP crates, the gear drops faster now than ever. Ok, maybe not as fast right now as it was for the cxp events, but the usable drops in the crates are faster than any other time in the game in my experience. (Caveat: other than 2 man Ops grinding in 3.0, which was ridiculous).


Grind whatever it takes, its great that everything pushes you along... there are several low hanging dailies that give at least a crates for a few minutes work (Oricon, CZ, BH, Coruscant) - all of these are down to around 5-10 minutes, all give at least 1 crate, some give more. Do these while queueing for pvp and gsf, grab your dailies and move on, people say alt play is dead - there are many opportunities. The weekly master flashpoint is a great return, one of those a night. Always be using a superior command boost.


I was back in bis within a fortnight or so on my main spec and off spec another week after that. I do play two main chars, one imp and one pub, if that helps... both same class, and they share the gear and I play pub until dailies are done and then switch to imp... rinse and repeat until weeklies are done, basically maximising the return on play time, and getting those opportunities for cheap, low time cost cxp and UA. I say they share gear, they don't anymore, you get so much 244 and 246 gear that its not worth the hassle after a while, just gear them - consolidate the legendarys on your main.


This is without even getting into Ops. Your char should by now have a stack of upgradable legendary shells... they simply don't go away... use these to fill in the gaps with the UA you have earnt in pvp. Of course once you are fully loaded in a class, that's when you no longer play that class... cos why? Getting a 5th relic on a char is :/ I'd rather get it on a different char/class.

Edited by leehambly
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Welcome to rng hell that starts at t4.That warm fuzzy feeling deep inside when you open 100 crates and get 80% blue relics or implants and 19% junk gear.That 1% left is a gear drop that you already have.You think I'm exaggerating?Start taking note of what your getting from the crates.

After doing it on my main it's put me off ever doing it again,it's that bad.Cxp should be legacy wide once you get 1 toon to 300,having to do it 8 times is just retarded.

Edited by SentinelThain
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You are doing it wrong... Weekly quests for tactical FP, HM FP and Master Upriisings, SM GF ops, EV and KP HM and all of this combined with the 100% boost - this is the way you get lots of crates and hope it was worth it.


Doing just PvP will get you nowhere, too long a grind.


NIM ops are hard and only last boss drops 248, not to mention the lockouts.


I am all in 246-248 stuff, only have 1 244 armoring just for grinding simple stuff. Never killed any NIM boss.

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RNG gearing is terrible. SWTOR RNG gearing is even more terrible (terribler?). Destiny, for instance also uses RNG with its engram system but the higher light level you have the better chances have of getting better gear. It's bearable. SWTOR implemented RNG like a really really bad "loot lottery". It's mind-numbing for me.
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Since Yam hasn't responded, I'll do it in his stead.




The only bosses in Nim OPS that will give you a token are the 5 final bosses (and Tyth HM). Every other boss will drop a random 244/248 set piece that could be for any spec in the game (meaning it may not even be useful to anyone in your raid group).


You cannot get BiS by doing NiM OPS alone, unless you count getting lucky with rng from the CXP gains. The only way to get BiS in this game guaranteed is via pvp, and save up enough components to upgrade 242s to 248s.

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The gearing system in this game went from beyond terrible to just straight up terrible... some of the players adopted Stockholm Syndrome and are convinced it's not that bad and Bioware "made it better"...


In my mind Bioware still has a major amount of work to do before the gearing in this game is acceptable.

Edited by Soljin
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Also being in full 248's is not needed unless you intend to pvp or go for NiM progression raids. 95% of the pve content today dont give a crap about what you got on.. im pretty sure you can do heroic missions naked just as an example.
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All of the 248's ran out long ago, there are no more in crates. Or at least thats how it seems.


When t4 came out, i thought everything was going to be ok because I popped two 248's in two weeks, not a great rate but acceptable. Since then I've opened about 500 crates and not even 1 more 248. So, I guess all the 248's just ran out.


If you are a pvper, swtor is no longer for you because you'll never get BiS unless you are a no-lifer. Instead play low/mid pvp or find a new game because you'll never get BiS, so never again be able to Max level pvp...

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Since Yam hasn't responded, I'll do it in his stead.




The only bosses in Nim OPS that will give you a token are the 5 final bosses (and Tyth HM). Every other boss will drop a random 244/248 set piece that could be for any spec in the game (meaning it may not even be useful to anyone in your raid group).


You cannot get BiS by doing NiM OPS alone, unless you count getting lucky with rng from the CXP gains. The only way to get BiS in this game guaranteed is via pvp, and save up enough components to upgrade 242s to 248s.


You know me too well (also was sleeping in for once) :D


Yeah this right here. You will need to get MH, OH, Bracers, Belt, Headpiece, and Chest from crates or PvP since NiM doesn't drop it.

Edited by FerkWork
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Lots of PVP lots of CXP. Tons of crates opened. I had a super boost on 100% of the time until I was geared out in my main spec. I also had about 500000 cxp banked so I had 100something t4 boxes to open on day one.


Just keep plugging away at my gear. Can farm enough comms for 1 peice of gear every day or so which means fully geared in 1 month if you got no drops but had full 242 to upgrade.


I started with 9 peices and ended day 1 of t4 release with 11. Got two more that I needed from crates while I got the last three from components. Then I maxed my DPS set, then my merc heal set, then my merc dps set... etc... now I'm burnt the kcuf out.


Edit: This CXP rate and drop rate compared to 5.0... eh meh ged.

Edited by Wimbleton
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The gearing system in this game went from beyond terrible to just straight up terrible... some of the players adopted Stockholm Syndrome and are convinced it's not that bad and Bioware "made it better"...


In my mind Bioware still has a major amount of work to do before the gearing in this game is acceptable.


Why do you think getting high endurance gear without set bonus for practically doing nothing is better than current system?


Except for "right" to demand 50k hp for EV SM like players did during 3.x I don't see any point having high endurance, low secondary stats gear.

Edited by Halinalle
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I will never see 300. I currently am only at 53. I don't have time to grind, don't have time to do OPs nor am I in a raiding guild. I don't like PvP. So I do H2s, Flashpoints, Chapters till the come out of my ...... I can only play around 1 to 10 hours a week. Usualy more like 2 to 3 hours a week


Nope never gona see it..... and as for 400....the earth will end before that happens.


The CXP system for me and many others, SUCKS.

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If you only have two hours a week, you shouldn't expect end-game gear in the first place. Though keep in mind an augmented set of 230 gear is enough for any group finder content and even some HM operations. Edited by Eli_Porter
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I will never see 300. I currently am only at 53. I don't have time to grind, don't have time to do OPs nor am I in a raiding guild. I don't like PvP. So I do H2s, Flashpoints, Chapters till the come out of my ...... I can only play around 1 to 10 hours a week. Usualy more like 2 to 3 hours a week


Nope never gona see it..... and as for 400....the earth will end before that happens.


The CXP system for me and many others, SUCKS.


You admit that you don't do PvP nor operations. Then why on earth would you need BiS or even set gear in the first place? Most of the game content can be played naked, some require a bit better gear and only a small portion requires the good stuff. You wouldn't even have any set items if gearing was the same as in 4.0.

Also, let me remind you that from next week everyone can buy set gear for a few buttons.

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I will never see 300. I currently am only at 53. I don't have time to grind, don't have time to do OPs nor am I in a raiding guild. I don't like PvP. So I do H2s, Flashpoints, Chapters till the come out of my ...... I can only play around 1 to 10 hours a week. Usualy more like 2 to 3 hours a week


Nope never gona see it..... and as for 400....the earth will end before that happens.


The CXP system for me and many others, SUCKS.


I took me 12 days of casual play (work, house, garden) to go from normal level 58 (command rank 0) to level 70 and command rank 300. Reaching GCR300 is the easy part, just do PUG veteran Flashpoints over and over and always use Superior CXP boost from tokens.


Getting BiS is something else entirely.

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RNG gearing is terrible. SWTOR RNG gearing is even more terrible (terribler?). Destiny, for instance also uses RNG with its engram system but the higher light level you have the better chances have of getting better gear. It's bearable. SWTOR implemented RNG like a really really bad "loot lottery". It's mind-numbing for me.


I forgot about how Destiny did it. Its similar, but soo much better. When I played, I was 2 pieces away from BiS just from playing the many activities of the game. It was the variety of stuff that made it bearable though. Man... SWTOR should take note from them: Add lots of variety to the last tier. Make it easier to get to 248 (or whatever the max is) and give us a large pool of interesting gear that will add to different play styles. Make a raid specific set and a pvp specific set. Give us better chances of good loot drops, equally good for each item of the large pool. I would come back and play that.... If they are going to go with a crazy loot system (with lots of potential) they should probably make it all about the loot.


I was a defender of Bioware's system. Essentially, it is an excellent design concept. It is just poorly implemented. The idea that all activities can reward you is amazing, but they really went on the cheap long grind end of that idea. I am happy they fixed the raids etc, but the PVP is still pretty bad. I was tier 3 before tier 4 launched (with maybe 1 tier 3 piece) and did not even bother with tier 4. The trading up pieces thing is crazy. I barely even have any tier 2, just off set numbers for every slot. So the idea of playing pvp and hoping boxes paid out or saving up 1k (+/-) unassambled, per piece, just to get through to the final tier... no way. Its asking too much of my time for the reward involved. It really bugs me, because it would probably be faster for me to go back to tier 1 (with all the changes). As it stands though, since I was early to T3, I am punished the most due to the terrible early drops. For one piece I need to buy: T1 + T2 + T3 + T4 and for 75%: T2 + T3 + T4. 234s and 240s should not even exist.


SWTOR implemented RNG like a really really bad "loot lottery". It's mind-numbing for me


Just FYI - They do this everywhere in their game. They do not understand how bad RNG can be. For instance, I have only been playing the GTN. This is why I am subbed and I buy lots of hypercrates. I have gone through approx 20 +/- hypercrates in a row (*Over 550 packs - some crates were 30 and I also bought packs as well) without a single platinum (I did get all of the gold/silver ones I wanted). Someone paid about $1000 USD for those crates, possibly more. They have no idea how bad their loot system is under the hood. Im pretty certain they have no form of bad luck protection and if they do, it is not logged and saved for later use. Probably just: The more you open at once bad luck protection. It is without a doubt, the most brutal RNG I have ever dealt with. This game makes me feel worst than unlucky.


Their RNG is the only thing hurting this game and slowly killing the population. You have to be a masochist to enjoy this design (or a raider + or lucky). Games are suppose to be fun, someone at bioware forgot that. Playing the GTN is the last fun/ rewarding experience that exist for me in SWTOR and unfortunately, less and less people are around to buy stuff. I have hope that this game will turn around. It just needs to be fun.


[i am very happy they fixed Operations, even though I do not do them, I am grateful the option is there. I have done them in the past, but it is not fun to be the guy who does not know what he is doing when everyone else is a master at it. It was a step in the right direction and knowing that they are trying to make it better is enough for me to hang out and keep playing the GTN. I believe Bioware Austin will get this game back to fun, especially now with Keith at the helm. From what I understand, he is a semi hardcore player.]

Edited by IstariZen
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I've probably got 150-200 boxes after 300, and I still don't have 248 all around.


Do I care? No. I'm hopelessly over-geared for most of the stuff I do anyway. Maybe it makes a bit of a difference if you PvP, but if you don't? It doesn't matter one bit. It's just irrelevant. It really is.

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Just recently got to t3 on my weak arse Sage,and after a lot of fail groups and rude rude players but also some thouroughly decent people I'm currently at 200ish.

Over the weekend I opened over 20 crates,1 piece of 242 gear,every other drop was garbage implants/earpieces or crap orange gear.

The system is flawed and especially if you've done it already on your main,I'm sick of it tbh.

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