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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Male Force User companion...


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The love for Scourge and Arcann is noted and appreciated!


And no, characters who can die depending on decisions aren't out of the running :)


How wonderful!

If optional death doesn't rule them out, I'd love to see come of the class story npcs return as possible companions or something. Like Jonas, Darmas, Ardun, Jaxo and the like. I mean, Ardun would especially fit the male force user.

Wouldn't trade an arcann romance for them, but it would be great to have them back :D

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Also if possible, assuming Arcann would become a love interest, it would be nice if he could have his old costumization as an option, like a premade thing that all companions have! While I like the new Arcann and understand why he looks like that, the other version is awesome af!! :DIt was love at first chapter for me!


I feel like I'm asking too much at this point, but I just can't help myself. Forgief.:rak_03:


I agree!! but I'd also like to add in the option to be able to change his clothes. Because as much as I love the white tunic, there's just something about the idea of him in, let's say, canderous ordo's vest that sounds like it would be great..

Let us see those arms of his! ;)

Edited by Sheyshen
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I agree!! but I'd also like to add in the option to be able to change his clothes. Because as much as I love the white tunic, there's just something about the idea of him in, let's say, canderous ordo's vest that sounds like it would be great..

Let us see those arms of his! ;)


I'm just fine with the kotfe Arcann myself:rak_03: I can't quite imagine how it would look if his bare mechanical arm would show on certain armors and the way it would be attached to what part was cut off. Not that if mind it, I'm just not sure how it would work out!

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I agree!! but I'd also like to add in the option to be able to change his clothes. Because as much as I love the white tunic, there's just something about the idea of him in, let's say, canderous ordo's vest that sounds like it would be great..

Let us see those arms of his! ;)


Oh my dear sweet....*cought* yeah, would be interesting to see him in less...ahem... different armor...


I'm just fine with the kotfe Arcann myself:rak_03: I can't quite imagine how it would look if his bare mechanical arm would show on certain armors and the way it would be attached to what part was cut off. Not that if mind it, I'm just not sure how it would work out!


Or maybe a mix between the two ? ...robotic arm and shoulder plate and no mask..or vice versa ? :rolleyes:

Sorry,cant help it :D

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Do you mean like... Kai Zykken? Major gap being that I want him? :rak_03:





Oh god imagine him in the crew. Suddenly all the gear is missplaced!

"Reach for my lightsaber at my side and holds it up realising it is a flashlight" Kaaaaai I will get you for this!

"Starts running from the mob"

Edited by Wolfiry
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Oh my dear sweet....*cought* yeah, would be interesting to see him in less...ahem... different armor...


Well, I mean, I guess I could've suggested one of the relaxed vestments or covert energy sets. But I didn't want to sound too greedy. :cool:

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The love for Scourge and Arcann is noted and appreciated!


In terms of new characters vs returning ones, the team is 100% prioritizing returning characters for the time being, but that doesn't mean we could never introduce someone new, especially if it helps to solve a major gap like this.


And no, characters who can die depending on decisions aren't out of the running :)


Keep the great ideas and discussion coming!


Just wanted to ask. Do we back to expansions with back to Republic vs. Imperial war, like in Vanilla SWTOR 1-50 level story?

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Ha! Yes. I want Kai Zykken as a companion ASAP. He's such an annoying little turd. :D


This is for a male force using companion though, something many of us have been wanting for ages...years! And until now our requests for a good looking, powerful force using male companion to romance have fallen on deaf ears it seemed.

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The love for Scourge and Arcann is noted and appreciated!


In terms of new characters vs returning ones, the team is 100% prioritizing returning characters for the time being, but that doesn't mean we could never introduce someone new, especially if it helps to solve a major gap like this.


And no, characters who can die depending on decisions aren't out of the running :)


Keep the great ideas and discussion coming!


Thanks so much for the response! I've been feeling so hopeful about the game the past few weeks, it's really wonderful to see all the communication going on.


I'm really happy to hear characters who can die aren't out of the running! On that note, I'd like once more to put my vote forward for Arcann especially - I'm already hoarding Zakuulan decos for our eventual love nest/palace :cool:

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Has anyone mentioned Attros Finn from the Consular story? We don't have any Mirialan companions yet... :D


I think someone did. He was pretty cute ^.^


I keep listing Sith as people I'd like to see. Can't think of any other Jedi besides Attros. Trying real hard, but most of them seem to be written as older and preachy dad types. bleh. I just like me some bad boys I guess :)

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Problem is if you chose the light side choices on A-77 she died.


Shhhhhhh. Don't break my heart.

It could've been worse, I could've said skavak. I'm still upset about being forced to kill him. I actually kinda liked him.

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Shhhhhhh. Don't break my heart.

It could've been worse, I could've said skavak. I'm still upset about being forced to kill him. I actually kinda liked him.


I have to admit, I liked Skavak too! :p I would have chosen him over Corso! (not a hard choice, but still!)






I want Scourge back so I can kill him. He's a compulsive traitor. He's also likely incredibly dangerous, considering he was granted immortality by the Sith Emperor. Now that said Emperor is gone, his alliance of convenience with the Hero of Tython is likely over. He's been AWOL somewhere and for all we know, he's gone mad.


Oh dear! You've done it now.:rak_03: But I approve of you approving of Arcann.:rak_03:

Edited by Eshvara
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Marr (briefly)

Guss Guss Binks (a.k.a. "Guss Tuno")


Choza Rabaat


I want Scourge back so I can kill him. He's a compulsive traitor. He's also likely incredibly dangerous, considering he was granted immortality by the Sith Emperor. Now that said Emperor is gone, his alliance of convenience with the Hero of Tython is likely over. He's been AWOL somewhere and for all we know, he's gone mad.

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I have to admit, I liked Skavak too! :p I would have chosen him over Corso! (not a hard choice, but still!)



Oh god, I love the smuggler story but Skavak needed shot out of an airlock, with Corso following him shortly there after. I guess it is a testament to how well he was written that I hated him so much. On my female smuggler play through I found Corso to be really really creepy. I would be curious if any female gamers found Corse creepy as well or if it is just a male perspective that found Corso so creepy.

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Oh god, I love the smuggler story but Skavak needed shot out of an airlock, with Corso following him shortly there after. I guess it is a testament to how well he was written that I hated him so much. On my female smuggler play through I found Corso to be really really creepy. I would be curious if any female gamers found Corse creepy as well or if it is just a male perspective that found Corso so creepy.


I didn't find him creepy, just kinda boring. I liked Skavak's attitude though, so wrong, in the right way.:rak_03: But I guess i'm kinda an oddball.:D

Edited by Eshvara
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Oh god, I love the smuggler story but Skavak needed shot out of an airlock, with Corso following him shortly there after. I guess it is a testament to how well he was written that I hated him so much. On my female smuggler play through I found Corso to be really really creepy. I would be curious if any female gamers found Corse creepy as well or if it is just a male perspective that found Corso so creepy.


It's not just you, as a lady myself, I thought Corso was very creepy. I love the smuggler to death, but I just never warmed up to him as either a romance or even a friend to a female smuggler, he just rubbed me wrong with how he acted with my girl. So pretty much every one of my smugglers romanced darmas during the class story and then theron after because of it.

But speaking of smuggler npcs. Numen Brock would be a cool one to have come back. I liked that sweet talking twi'lek.

Edited by Sheyshen
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The love for Scourge and Arcann is noted and appreciated!


In terms of new characters vs returning ones, the team is 100% prioritizing returning characters for the time being, but that doesn't mean we could never introduce someone new, especially if it helps to solve a major gap like this.


And no, characters who can die depending on decisions aren't out of the running :)


Keep the great ideas and discussion coming!


Thank you for noticing our desire to romance Lord Scourge, it's been a really long time coming! Now if you could actually make it happen you'll be my hero. ♥



Do you mean like... Kai Zykken? Major gap being that I want him? :rak_03:



Keep dreaming Eric! :p Now if Kai was a Force User... he could be Theron Shan's annoying half brother who DID inherited the Shan force using trait. Imagine that? But no. :p


Shhhhhhh. Don't break my heart.

It could've been worse, I could've said skavak. I'm still upset about being forced to kill him. I actually kinda liked him.

I really would have loved to keep Skavak around and kill Corso instead. :o

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The love for Scourge and Arcann is noted and appreciated!



Yeah, I'm probably not gonna get Ravage--I can tell.


Even though it doesn't quite serve my interests to admit this, the truth is there's a heck of a lot of writing and back-story behind Scourge and Arcann already and that gives people more to grab a hold of.


Here is going to be my attempt to suggest an idea for a love interest like Ravage. In an earlier post, someone mentioned the idea of having a Zakuul knight who you could influence to be more light or dark side. You know it's common to have characters that started off light side and then got disillusioned. It's also not rare for someone who started off dark to get redeemed.


It might be very interesting to have a character who started off dark side and got extremely disillusioned, but not redeemed. So after the defeat of the Empire, and (presumably) after barely escaping the war with his life, now we have a former dark council member who is seriously questioning everything he's ever believed. Does he double down on his old philosophies and decide that he wasn't quite ruthless enough, not quite power-hungry enough? Or does he conclude that since all his peers failed too, maybe they were just on the wrong path altogether? Or does he simply think that he needs to be more practical, more shrewd, more flexible, less attached to any philosophy or code?


And if he comes to admire the player enough, maybe he starts to see things her way, whatever that way is.

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The love for Scourge and Arcann is noted and appreciated!


In terms of new characters vs returning ones, the team is 100% prioritizing returning characters for the time being, but that doesn't mean we could never introduce someone new, especially if it helps to solve a major gap like this.


And no, characters who can die depending on decisions aren't out of the running :)


Keep the great ideas and discussion coming!




Since they are not out of the running can you please do something about that then. My smuggler romanced Koth and since the area where some can kill him, nothing. I know some are also disappointed in the way Quinn's romance was handled.

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