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My only real problem with Scourge is that he Murdered the Exile and betrayed Revan. Now to be fair, he didn't murder MY Exile and betray MY Revan, but still, not the greatest for me. But I say bring on the LOVIN for those that want it. Me, I want Arcann! :p:
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This is a Male Force User companion thread not a Male Force User Love Interest Companion thread so I am not sure how it got to the point of being a point of contention for Scourge vs Arcann.


For the record, I would prefer Scourge simply because I think his character is more intriguing and has more depth, personal preference though. That being said, I am really not sure that Bioware will spend the time or money to throw another love interest into the mix. The cut scenes to bring Scourge back as a LI may be out of their reach and they would have to make him available to all communities. As for Arcann, there are those that killed him, so there is that even though Charles did post that it was not out of the question, whatever that means in BW speak.


Logistically speaking, I think they will give a generic male force user to everyone and leave the love interest stuff out. In the mean time, I would like for them to give a lot more attention to our original returning love interests instead of the deplorable, anemic, cringe worthy return of Quinn and Dorne.

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This is a Male Force User companion thread not a Male Force User Love Interest Companion thread so I am not sure how it got to the point of being a point of contention for Scourge vs Arcann.


For the record, I would prefer Scourge simply because I think his character is more intriguing and has more depth, personal preference though. That being said, I am really not sure that Bioware will spend the time or money to throw another love interest into the mix. The cut scenes to bring Scourge back as a LI may be out of their reach and they would have to make him available to all communities. As for Arcann, there are those that killed him, so there is that even though Charles did post that it was not out of the question, whatever that means in BW speak.


Logistically speaking, I think they will give a generic male force user to everyone and leave the love interest stuff out. In the mean time, I would like for them to give a lot more attention to our original returning love interests instead of the deplorable, anemic, cringe worthy return of Quinn and Dorne.


I'm pretty sure this thread was about love interest, even if the op didn't word it correctly.

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This is a Male Force User companion thread not a Male Force User Love Interest Companion thread so I am not sure how it got to the point of being a point of contention for Scourge vs Arcann.


For the record, I would prefer Scourge simply because I think his character is more intriguing and has more depth, personal preference though. That being said, I am really not sure that Bioware will spend the time or money to throw another love interest into the mix. The cut scenes to bring Scourge back as a LI may be out of their reach and they would have to make him available to all communities. As for Arcann, there are those that killed him, so there is that even though Charles did post that it was not out of the question, whatever that means in BW speak.


Logistically speaking, I think they will give a generic male force user to everyone and leave the love interest stuff out. In the mean time, I would like for them to give a lot more attention to our original returning love interests instead of the deplorable, anemic, cringe worthy return of Quinn and Dorne.


Sadly, I think you might be right. Generic is easiest and when have they gone above and beyond the call of duty when it comes to companions, especially love interest companions (except their precious Kaliyo who got a whole freaking chapter and was made to run with you). I would love to be pleasantly surprised, but at this point, I'm not holding my breath, especially as you say, because of that travesty of a return for Quinn. They catered to the thugs and murderers but for those of us who loved and romanced him, it was a rip off when compared with other returns. Not even a proper ftb moment, or anything truly good. I'm hoping that part of the story isn't finished and there will be more of our Quinn, but again, not holding my breath. :( It's a bit sad when all you have to look forward to is the most generic solution to every issue.

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Yeah apart fromt he fact that he's dead, I just don't see it happening either. But that wasn't really where I was going at.

You just seemed to imply from what I was reading, that wanted a mass murderer is odd, but you wouldn't mind having Valkorion, who ate a billion or billions of people! It makes Arcann seem almost innocent in comparison.


I mean I could be wrong, but that's how it came across, so I got confused.:D


Well, then let me put it in no uncertain terms so that you're no longer confused: I hate Arcann and want nothing to do with him myself. He is physically revolting to me and I don't like his personality. I don't much care for his voice either. He lacks any sort of charm or charisma. I was agreeing with Lammia's post initially.


Given a choice between him and Valkorion, I would rather Valkorion, because he's not ugly and I like his voice. He has a personality and charisma instead of the pouty man baby who sits on his father's throne and whines to his sister when things don't go his way. Waaaaah, the Outlander, waaaah. Sorry, but that's how he comes across to me. I'm not into people who can easily devour and destroy planets full of people. That to me screams raging psychopath, no thanks. Mass murderers don't do it for me. My name isn't Eva.


Sorry if that sounds harsh, but I wanted to make it plain how I felt, because you seemed to think I was sending mixed signals, so consider them unmixed.


I hope you get Arcann, I hope I get Scourge and all will be well in the world again, but sadly I think Misha is right. Bioware has so far always taken the easy way out when it comes to companions and romances. I reckon it has to do with budget or the ever tightening leash of EA around the creatives necks at Bioware, but that doesn't change how things have gone down before.


I hope we will be pleasantly surprised. I'm too stupid to stop hoping, let's just put it that way. :/

Edited by Lunafox
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I'm pretty sure this thread was about love interest, even if the op didn't word it correctly.


Perhaps, but the very first post says nothing about a love interest, just eye candy for the ladies.


So when are us female players, (yes we do exist), when we are going to get a male force user companion, all male companions seem to be everything BUT force users? Even a cartel bought version, please?


I know there's Xalek but come on i am taking a male companion worth looking at lol.


Either way, Scourge is there and so is Arcann, may all our dreams come true, but I doubt that bioware is going to have the inclination or the resources to play sandman where love interests are concerned. They will likely take the easy and cheapest way out and it will be a generic force using male companion who is easy on the eyes. I hope to be pleasantly surprised but I won't be holding my breath.

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Technically Vector is FS and I'm pretty sure Yuun is as well!


Already romancing Vector and he's not force sensitive, he's part of the hive. As for Yuun you can romance him if you can pry him off the fly paper trap.

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Look at the stats of Vector's staff, and what do you think the Great Song is? They do spell it out if you pay attention.


The Great Song is the Great Song, it's a Killik thing. I've played more than a half dozen agents, so I've been paying attention. No where is it stated in the lore that he's a force user. He was a diplomat for the empire, if he had force powers, they would have made him train to be sith. His abilities come from being a joiner, and from the Killiks.

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I don't mind if Scourge becomes romance or not, I just want another convo from him : I don't have any JK's that actually killed the Emperor (kotET only time he actually is gone/dead/), what will he say when he finds out his vision was wrong for anything not a Jedi knight, since the JK class story he's never actually defeated since he has two bodies at least at that moment.


I've always wondered about that. So if your Outlander is not the Knight, then it means in your story, Scourge was wrong or that the Knight is canon Outlander? hmmmmmm I always hate those canon discussions, but the Knight is pretty dang compelling.


Honestly for the companion, I feel like gambling and saying I want a completely new dude. Odds are that I won't be that thrilled, since I only like 3 out of the 9 male LI's :( But the surprise would be fun.


Of the known men in the game, Lord Scourge just seems like the no-brainer. They plan for him to come back anyway, he has a central story, his VA is ace, he's not killable, and most importantly, loads of people think he's hot :cool:

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Perhaps, but the very first post says nothing about a love interest, just eye candy for the ladies.




Either way, Scourge is there and so is Arcann, may all our dreams come true, but I doubt that bioware is going to have the inclination or the resources to play sandman where love interests are concerned. They will likely take the easy and cheapest way out and it will be a generic force using male companion who is easy on the eyes. I hope to be pleasantly surprised but I won't be holding my breath.


I don't know, I do get the impression Charles wants to make this happen! But I guess in the end all we can do is wait and see.

To me Arcann seems like the obvious choice, his fan base in this thread seems to be the biggest, after two expansions we were finally able to redeem him, his character is extremely attractive! He has his own cgi trailer

And he clearly needs love!!! "Please do us girls a favour Charles".:rak_03:

Preferably exclusively for females because we deserve one of those too when it comes to force using males, yeah?:D


I'd say Lord Scourge comes second with the vocal demands here and the rest don't seem to stand out. Probably because it's all messy with guys asking for females and a bunch of non force companions being requested.


At any rate I hope both Arcann and Scourge become available for females, but if it were to be only one for now, then definitely Arcann.:rak_03:


I really wish the forums had a poll function, it would have been so useful in situations like these, and external polls never seem to get as much voters as the one available directly. Boo!!

Edited by Eshvara
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To me Arcann seems like the obvious choice, his fan base in this thread seems to be the biggest, after two expansions we were finally able to redeem him, his character is extremely attractive! He has his own cgi trailer

And he clearly needs love!!! "Please do us girls a favour Charles".:rak_03:


And that is the problem. For many, this never happened. He remained despicable a-hole till the end. For many, he's dead. For many, they wouldn't get a Force male LI.

For some of those many, they'd still not want to "turn back time" to spare him to keep him (or make a new toon for this option), bc they want him dead, and would never want him as LI.


I repeat what I already once said: if he is made into one, he should not be the only available option.

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And that is the problem. For many, this never happened. He remained despicable a-hole till the end. For many, he's dead. For many, they wouldn't get a Force male LI.

For some of those many, they'd still not want to "turn back time" to spare him to keep him (or make a new toon for this option), bc they want him dead, and would never want him as LI.


I repeat what I already once said: if he is made into one, he should not be the only available option.


Arcann is only dead for those who don't care about him, according to Twitter That's 24% of the people, not exactly "many" as you called it. So the majority of people would still get a force using love interest that's male. So it kind of makes your argument invalid.

For people who don't use Twitter, and never knew! Now you know.:rak_03:


But like you I agree that he shouldn't be the only option either, just like whoever is becoming one shouldn't. I'd like more than one LI for females for my other toons.


Though to add, had Senya not been tied to Arcann's death, the percentage for his redemption may have possibly been lower. Not sure how much it mattered in the end. I don't want to come over completely biased.:rak_03:

But they wrote it the right way. Like hell I'd join someone who killed my son who could have clearly changed. I'd hunt them down until either one of us dies.:rak_06:

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This has been on my mind a lot - it's definitely a huge oversight that I want to fix along with all the characters that are still missing.


If folks want to share more of what they'd like to see from a character like this, we're all ears :)

The fact this is considered a priority for this game on its deathbed and not the litany of other issues, most notably the awful cash shop that has replaced actual gameplay in terms of where developement is focused, is embarrassing.

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Arcann is only dead for those who don't care about him, according to Twitter That's 24% of the people, not exactly "many" as you called it. So the majority of people would still get a force using love interest that's male. So it kind of makes your argument invalid.

For people who don't use Twitter, and never knew! Now you know.:rak_03:


I'm sorry, since when 24% is not "many"? It's one quarter. It's a lot of people. It's a minority, but it doesn't mean it's not many. :cool: I don't see my argument as invalid at all.

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I'm sorry, since when 24% is not "many"? It's one quarter. It's a lot of people. It's a minority, but it doesn't mean it's not many. :cool: I don't see my argument as invalid at all.


True, I was wrong, many does not mean majority exclusively, sorry about that:). But generally we do go by what the majority wants. And not choosing Arcann because 24% of the people killed him, is not fair towards the 76% of people that let him live and can potentially romance him, should they want to.


This doesn't mean that the minority needs to be excluded! But it's easier to prioritize, what can make a lot of people happy at a time.


Didn't you want Cytharat? He's gay and dead for many too. Hows that more valid than Arcann? While I liked Cytharat a lot and was sad I couldn't romance him, It would be kind of weird to me to make the first gay romance character and then make him available for all later on. They introduced him for a reason, making him multisex would defeat that point. I'd like him as a companion, but I think he should remain gay. Homosexual males and females need something exclusive too imo.

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Le sigh. Yes, Arcann is the new and shiny. The redeemed bad boy and sure his popularity in this moment might be higher than say Lord Scourge's but that doesn't necessarily mean he is the better option overall. Nor that he should be. Jump high and low about poll and thread numbers but a character's current popularity does not necessarily weigh up against a loyal fan-base who've been asking for someone else for five years. I'm inclined to doubt Arcann will be this popular when KOTFE hits its 5 year anniversary, and you'll likely find yourself in our position where you still care but everyone else is just stomping all over it because there's a new flavor of the month.


None of that is to say you cannot have Arcann; again, you want him? Good luck. Just can we please stop grasping at whichever fleeting 'data' to try and put someone else's preference down, or get confrontational about their preferences because they do not happen to match yours? You like Arcann, great. Does someone else prefer Valkorion? That's their right. Do others hope for Cytharat or a man like Cytharat? Awesome. Each to their own.


Also you know, since we as a female player-base have 'suffered' in terms of Male Romances period, Force User or otherwise, perhaps we can just support one another as a whole and stand together instead of questioning each other and getting argumentative? Just a thought.


At this rate I'm tempted to say give Kai Zykken Force powers and make him an LI so no one gets what they want (well save for Eric).


Now to get back on track, if existing NPCs are not an option then my preference would go to; a male Pureblood who's 'grey', who can be swayed to the Jedi as well as remain Sith. Who is available to both genders and has a reasonably interesting background story (little dark, perhaps a little tragic, not a doozy but not a screaming psychopath either). Someone who offers a nice middle ground.

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I guess we all want to make clear that others know what we personally want. While I don't mind supporting others, I feel like it diminishes my chance on Arcann, sounds nuts I know!! I guess the only one I'm against personally is Cytharat, whiles he's an awesome character, he wasn't meant for females. Other than that I support the rest.


I do think it's nice we all remain civil, I'm sure it isn't easy when it feels everyone is against your opinion! At least for me it isn't.:rak_03:

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True, I was wrong, many does not mean majority exclusively, sorry about that:). But generally we do go by what the majority wants. And not choosing Arcann because 24% of the people killed him, is not fair towards the 76% of people that let him live and can potentially romance him, should they want to.


This doesn't mean that the minority needs to be excluded! But it's easier to prioritize, what can make a lot of people happy at a time.


Didn't you want Cytharat? He's gay and dead for many too. Hows that more valid than Arcann? While I liked Cytharat a lot and was sad I couldn't romance him, It would be kind of weird to me to make the first gay romance character and then make him available for all later on. They introduced him for a reason, making him multisex would defeat that point. I'd like him as a companion, but I think he should remain gay. Homosexual males and females need something exclusive too imo.


I think if they were trying to make a point with Cytharat they would have made the same point with Lemda, which they didn't. Nowhere in RotHC does Cytharat say he is gay or that he isn't interested in women. All we do know is that male Imps are bolder about flirting with hot Sith :p

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I think if they were trying to make a point with Cytharat they would have made the same point with Lemda, which they didn't. Nowhere in RotHC does Cytharat say he is gay or that he isn't interested in women. All we do know is that male Imps are bolder about flirting with hot Sith :p


I guess it would have been better if X companion could turn you down like in DAI! Cullen didn't want my female dwarf And Dorian didn't want me at all. ;c

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The fact this is considered a priority for this game on its deathbed and not the litany of other issues, most notably the awful cash shop that has replaced actual gameplay in terms of where developement is focused, is embarrassing.


The game is not on its deathbed, can we please stop with the doom and gloom talk? Yes, the game may not have a playerbase as big as it used to have but that completely doesn't mean the game is dying. There is almost a weekly thread being started by someone that the game is dead or dying, if anything, you guys surely are consistent with those posts and threads :p


Onto a different subject, I really am a big supporter of Lord Cytherat coming back as a romancable companion. I loved him in RotHC and was very bummed he didn't join my Darth Imperius after Makeb as a companion. Perhaps that could be fixed in the future and a potential romance that was started in that expansion could continue then? :)

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True, I was wrong, many does not mean majority exclusively, sorry about that:). But generally we do go by what the majority wants. And not choosing Arcann because 24% of the people killed him, is not fair towards the 76% of people that let him live and can potentially romance him, should they want to.


This doesn't mean that the minority needs to be excluded! But it's easier to prioritize, what can make a lot of people happy at a time.


Didn't you want Cytharat? He's gay and dead for many too. Hows that more valid than Arcann? While I liked Cytharat a lot and was sad I couldn't romance him, It would be kind of weird to me to make the first gay romance character and then make him available for all later on. They introduced him for a reason, making him multisex would defeat that point. I'd like him as a companion, but I think he should remain gay. Homosexual males and females need something exclusive too imo.


I'm not sure why we're arguing, since we seem to agree on the important point: give us more choices than one to make happy as many players are possible.


I never said Cytharat was "more valid". I said I'd like to see him back, regardless of what they choose to do (adapt and existing comp or give a brand new generic one). I also never said "don't give Arcann." I said "if you give him, give the others something too."


I have the right to yell "Cytharat" as much as you "Arcann".

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I have the right to yell "Cytharat" as much as you "Arcann".


You certainly do, and I'd never stop you from doing so or even attempt to, I also never said you could not. :) Just like you I'm just posting my opinions. And unfortunately they clash with eachother. To a degree anyway.

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