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While I like Light Side Arcann, that doesn't mean he still can't be a conquerer in bed hehe. I wouldn't mind him being very confident when it comes to romance, some smugness wouldn't be too bad, or cockiness better said.


Definitely this. ;) Though I will forever be sad that I couldn't recruit dark side Arcann.. we would have gotten along so well and oppressed everyone together.


... I mean, led them compassionately but firmly. Yeah. That's what I meant.

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Definitely this. ;) Though I will forever be sad that I couldn't recruit dark side Arcann.. we would have gotten along so well and oppressed everyone together.


... I mean, led them compassionately but firmly. Yeah. That's what I meant.


Dark Side Arcann was cool, terrifying for sure, but perhaps a more rational Dark Side Arcann could also have been a recruitable option for in KotET. I could see a Sith character romancing them for sure and have a very interesting interaction with one another :)


And! Zakuul would have an Emperor and Empress in such a case especially if we could marry Arcann. Would definitely legitimise the Outlander's claim to the Eternal Throne more.

Edited by Ylliarus
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Dark Side Arcann was cool, terrifying for sure, but perhaps a more rational Dark Side Arcann could also have been a recruitable option for in KotET. I could see a Sith character romancing them for sure and have a very interesting interaction with one another :)


And! Zakuul would have an Emperor and Empress in such a case especially if we could marry Arcann. Would definitely legitimise the Outlander's claim to the Eternal Throne more.


I fully support this entire idea. ;)


Arcann is an interesting character to me and I'd like to see more interaction with him. I'm still all for varied options for female characters, and also some shared options... but I'm very pro-Arcann. *laughs*

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I'm not one to always add obligatory "kill himmmmmm!" remarks, but since team Arcann is so strong and has a chance of influencing the devs' decisions, I would like to ask the devs to keep in mind that some people's toons (mine, but I can't be the only one) are appalled by mass murderers, and even my most bloodthirsty Sith would never fall for someone who killed billions of people on 5 planets.


If you make Arcann romance-able, please add another option too, so that it's not a choice "this despicable monster or nothing". Also because those who punished him for his crimes and executed him, would have "dead guy or nothing".


Thank you.


I'm team Cytharat myself :D

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I'm team Cytharat myself :D


While I also support team Arcann... TEAM CYTHERAT GO GO GO. I really like Cytherat as well as he had such an amazing and interesting character concept, I really want to see more of him as a companion and potential marriage material :3

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I'm not one to always add obligatory "kill himmmmmm!" remarks, but since team Arcann is so strong and has a chance of influencing the devs' decisions, I would like to ask the devs to keep in mind that some people's toons (mine, but I can't be the only one) are appalled by mass murderers, and even my most bloodthirsty Sith would never fall for someone who killed billions of people on 5 planets.


If you make Arcann romance-able, please add another option too, so that it's not a choice "this despicable monster or nothing". Also because those who punished him for his crimes and executed him, would have "dead guy or nothing".


Thank you.


I'm team Cytharat myself :D


This...except that I'm team Scourge.


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I'm not one to always add obligatory "kill himmmmmm!" remarks, but since team Arcann is so strong and has a chance of influencing the devs' decisions, I would like to ask the devs to keep in mind that some people's toons (mine, but I can't be the only one) are appalled by mass murderers, and even my most bloodthirsty Sith would never fall for someone who killed billions of people on 5 planets.


If you make Arcann romance-able, please add another option too, so that it's not a choice "this despicable monster or nothing". Also because those who punished him for his crimes and executed him, would have "dead guy or nothing".


Thank you.


I'm team Cytharat myself :D


My most bloodthirsty Sith killed Arcann - not because he was disgusted or appalled by the deaths of Billions on numerous planets, but because Arcann had the temerity to oppose me. The ONLY crime I punished him for was for daring to defy me. I'd suggest that any "bloodthirsty" Sith who was actually appalled by the scale of Arcann's destruction isn't really that bloodthirsty at all.


My full on Psycho Sith thought Arcann was too soft to be good marriage material - all that power at his finger tips and he only killed Billions. Pffft.


All The Best

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My full on Psycho Sith thought Arcann was too soft to be good marriage material - all that power at his finger tips and he only killed Billions. Pffft.


Marrying Arcann... I really want and need that, it would be such a good backstory for why your rule/governance of Zakuul is legitimized especially if you choose to become Emperor/Empress (in case of Emperor I'd see Arcann becoming like a Imperial Consort or something like that). Also, I want Indo Zal to arrange the marriage celebrations... and Kai Zykken can be in charge of the entertainment I bet Eric would love that ^_^

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Revan, Scourge, and others are far more guilty than Arcann for worse. Besides his dad ate planets what chance did he have of growing up to be a stand-up guy? At least, he has remorse and repents!

This + he was manipulated from birth to be a killer lol...

In times of war there are no innocent parties. Considering that Arcann initially did not even destroy any planets just some ships....and actually brought peace to the galaxy...republic and empire were not destroyed, they were left to rule their planets as before, he did not impose any rules only that they pay him some resources....i mean...srsly ? ...thats all ?! ...as our characters says very clearly , he had all the opportunity to destroy both factions and rule over them, but he did not...there was a relative peace. Now im sure the empire and republic sides were butthurt cause they lost the war, but....Arcanns actions still did not seem "oh this homicidal maniac who kills everyone" to me...


Now after the outlander escapes, thats a different story. He knows Valkorion is someone connected to the outlander, he can sense it and yet ..he did not kill him/her...just got frozen in carbonite. And then you escape and all hell breaks loose lol ...And ask yourself this....if you were in his shoes and knew what Valkorion is capable of..wouldnt you do everything humanly possible to stop him ? ...


TLTR..in short...There are far more sinister people in this game then Arcann..i rly dont see why he gets all the hate . But yeah, maybe cause i actually liked his character and in some way kinda understand his frustration with his dad is why i dont see him as diabolically evil lol :D

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Revan, Scourge, and others are far more guilty than Arcann for worse. Besides his dad ate planets what chance did he have of growing up to be a stand-up guy? At least, he has remorse and repents!


This + he was manipulated from birth to be a killer lol...

In times of war there are no innocent parties. Considering that Arcann initially did not even destroy any planets just some ships....and actually brought peace to the galaxy...republic and empire were not destroyed, they were left to rule their planets as before, he did not impose any rules only that they pay him some resources....i mean...srsly ? ...thats all ?! ...as our characters says very clearly , he had all the opportunity to destroy both factions and rule over them, but he did not...there was a relative peace. Now im sure the empire and republic sides were butthurt cause they lost the war, but....Arcanns actions still did not seem "oh this homicidal maniac who kills everyone" to me...


Now after the outlander escapes, thats a different story. He knows Valkorion is someone connected to the outlander, he can sense it and yet ..he did not kill him/her...just got frozen in carbonite. And then you escape and all hell breaks loose lol ...And ask yourself this....if you were in his shoes and knew what Valkorion is capable of..wouldnt you do everything humanly possible to stop him ? ...


TLTR..in short...There are far more sinister people in this game then Arcann..i rly dont see why he gets all the hate . But yeah, maybe cause i actually liked his character and in some way kinda understand his frustration with his dad is why i dont see him as diabolically evil lol :D


I don't see Scourge as being anywhere near the murdering psychopath that Arcann was. In the book it states he killed dozens of Jedi and at least twice as many Sith. He had an agenda against the Emperor to save the galaxy and served with the Jedi Knight to achieve that. I think acting to save trillions of lives buys some atonement for the few that he killed. He didn't go around willfully devouring planets like Valkorion/Vitiate/Tenebrae did. Arcann burned at least five worlds and enslaved many others as resource slaves. Arcann has done nothing but a ritual with the Voss to atone for what he's done. Scourge took action and fought against his former master.


I don't see Lord Scourge as being worse at all. Lord Scourge is a hero for his actions, even when it meant making the hard choices like betraying Revan and Meetra.

Edited by Lunafox
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Lord scourge and Arcann both did horrible things that would make them seem as unfit love interests! I really don't care how awful they were, especially when it comes to Arcann.:rak_03: I prefer Dark side Arcann over LS any day. That said, I just want Arcann in general.:rak_03:
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My most bloodthirsty Sith killed Arcann - not because he was disgusted or appalled by the deaths of Billions on numerous planets, but because Arcann had the temerity to oppose me. The ONLY crime I punished him for was for daring to defy me. I'd suggest that any "bloodthirsty" Sith who was actually appalled by the scale of Arcann's destruction isn't really that bloodthirsty at all.


I disagree. Mine Inq is bloodthirsty but there's a line he wouldn't cross. 5 planets is that line. He's a Dark Side Sith, but he's not an insane psycho.


My other bloodthirsty Sith would only want to get revenge for 5 years in carbonite. And she did.


Whatever are your reasons, Arcann has more things going against him in my eyes. Imprisoning you for 5 years, murdering billions of people, hunting you down, denying you your own power and claiming it's his daddy inside you... With such a list, I can't imagine I'd ever have any kind of character that could touch him with a barge pole, if he were the only Force romancable option.

Edited by Lammia
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This + he was manipulated from birth to be a killer lol...

In times of war there are no innocent parties. Considering that Arcann initially did not even destroy any planets just some ships....and actually brought peace to the galaxy...republic and empire were not destroyed, they were left to rule their planets as before, he did not impose any rules only that they pay him some resources....i mean...srsly ? ...thats all ?! ...as our characters says very clearly , he had all the opportunity to destroy both factions and rule over them, but he did not...there was a relative peace. Now im sure the empire and republic sides were butthurt cause they lost the war, but....Arcanns actions still did not seem "oh this homicidal maniac who kills everyone" to me...


Now after the outlander escapes, thats a different story. He knows Valkorion is someone connected to the outlander, he can sense it and yet ..he did not kill him/her...just got frozen in carbonite. And then you escape and all hell breaks loose lol ...And ask yourself this....if you were in his shoes and knew what Valkorion is capable of..wouldnt you do everything humanly possible to stop him ? ...


TLTR..in short...There are far more sinister people in this game then Arcann..i rly dont see why he gets all the hate . But yeah, maybe cause i actually liked his character and in some way kinda understand his frustration with his dad is why i dont see him as diabolically evil lol :D


PREACH! And I say this as a total LS Goody two-shoes.

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I don't see Scourge as being anywhere near the murdering psychopath that Arcann was. In the book it states he killed dozens of Jedi and at least twice as many Sith. He had an agenda against the Emperor to save the galaxy and served with the Jedi Knight to achieve that. I think acting to save trillions of lives buys some atonement for the few that he killed. He didn't go around willfully devouring planets like Valkorion/Vitiate/Tenebrae did. Arcann burned at least five worlds and enslaved many others as resource slaves. Arcann has done nothing but a ritual with the Voss to atone for what he's done. Scourge took action and fought against his former master.


I don't see Lord Scourge as being worse at all. Lord Scourge is a hero for his actions, even when it meant making the hard choices like betraying Revan and Meetra.

The only reason Scourge went againts the Emperor because he was mostly looking out for himself ( doesnt he say that somewhere in the game ? :confused: ) and remember he betrayed his allies and after that went on to serve and kill for the Emperor for 300 more years ( i know because he was waiting for the JK, but still... i doubt the body count in 300 some years is less then in the millions lol)


Arcann....He killed his sister ...to save everyone....his own sister....to save the ones that , lets be honest, despise him and after he helps the outlander kill his father, the official " murdering lunatic" in this game :D ( the only reason he wanted to kill out character was to stop Vitiate/Valky/Tenebrae, like anyone else, he knew how dangerous he was and went to great lengths to stop him,even if it meant that a few million innocent died to save the entire galaxy ). And he will probably do more good because as he knows and tells you, redemption is beyond him all he can do is atone for the lives e has taken from now on...but i digress , i love both characters, for me they are the most interesting ones in the game, was just pointing out that "murdering lunatic " is debatable in this game considering all the things others have done or did or can do :D:p


Anyhow yes to Scrouge, Cytharat , Arcann and Kai Zaiken and whatnot romance lol :D:D

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Anyone know the Citadel expansion from ME3 ? :rolleyes: ...oooohhh i would even buy that if they would do it for swtor :D with accent on the teambuilding and romances (both old and new) and fun stuff ! :D ( mmmmm shirtless Theron and Arcann in hottub, drunk dancing Scourge and Malavai Quinn singing with Vette :rolleyes: )
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The only reason Scourge went againts the Emperor because he was mostly looking out for himself ( doesnt he say that somewhere in the game ? :confused: ) and remember he betrayed his allies and after that went on to serve and kill for the Emperor for 300 more years ( i know because he was waiting for the JK, but still... i doubt the body count in 300 some years is less then in the millions lol)


Arcann....He killed his sister ...to save everyone....his own sister....to save the ones that , lets be honest, despise him and after he helps the outlander kill his father, the official " murdering lunatic" in this game :D ( the only reason he wanted to kill out character was to stop Vitiate/Valky/Tenebrae, like anyone else, he knew how dangerous he was and went to great lengths to stop him,even if it meant that a few million innocent died to save the entire galaxy ). And he will probably do more good because as he knows and tells you, redemption is beyond him all he can do is atone for the lives e has taken from now on...but i digress , i love both characters, for me they are the most interesting ones in the game, was just pointing out that "murdering lunatic " is debatable in this game considering all the things others have done or did or can do :D:p


Anyhow yes to Scrouge, Cytharat , Arcann and Kai Zaiken and whatnot romance lol :D:D


I read the Revan book and played through JK more times than you can shake a stick at, so I know exactly what happened with Scourge and why he did what he did. He even says in game that he liked Meetra and Revan, but went against them because they weren't the ones in his vision. He did what he did by staying with the Emperor to bide his time and wait for the jedi that would destroy the emperor. He didn't stay with the Emperor because he wanted to serve him. He stayed because it was necessary to wait. And as I said previously, in the book it said he'd killed dozens of Jedi and at least twice as many Sith. Even if he went on a mass killing spree, there is no way he'd kill a million people over three hundred years or anywhere near to 5 planets worth.


I get that you Arcann fans love your mass murderer and that's fine by me, but Scourge isn't anywhere near the amount of damage Arcann did. We're going to have to agree to disagree about Arcann. He's no hero to me, and I'm very glad I murdered him with my main. I'd be fine never to see him again. That said, that doesn't mean that I'd deprive others of his company, I just know that I want no part of him myself.

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I get that you Arcann fans love your mass murderer and that's fine by me, but Scourge isn't anywhere near the amount of damage Arcann did. We're going to have to agree to disagree about Arcann. He's no hero to me, and I'm very glad I murdered him with my main. I'd be fine never to see him again. That said, that doesn't mean that I'd deprive others of his company, I just know that I want no part of him myself.


Didn't you say you wouldn't mind Valkorion somewhere? I guess you don't mind mass murderes either! I mean Valkorion is on a whole different level compared to Arcann or anyone else that has ever lived really.:rak_02:


Unless that was just a joke and you would never want a mass murderer as a LI.:rak_03: But then Lord Scourge is a mass murderer too, just not on the scale of Arcann.

Edited by Eshvara
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Didn't you say you wouldn't mind Valkorion somewhere? I guess you don't mind mass murderes either! I mean Valkorion is on a whole different level compared to Arcann or anyone else that has ever lived really.:rak_02:


Unless that was just a joke and you would never want a mass murderer as a LI.:rak_03:


I doubt I'd get with Valkorion even if it was possible. I like his voice actor though and in all honesty I found Valkorion's pixel's less abhorrent than Arcann.

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I doubt I'd get with Valkorion even if it was possible. I like his voice actor though and in all honesty I found Valkorion's pixel's less abhorrent than Arcann.


Yeah apart fromt he fact that he's dead, I just don't see it happening either. But that wasn't really where I was going at.

You just seemed to imply from what I was reading, that wanted a mass murderer is odd, but you wouldn't mind having Valkorion, who ate a billion or billions of people! It makes Arcann seem almost innocent in comparison.


I mean I could be wrong, but that's how it came across, so I got confused.:D

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I have to back Lunafox here, and yes I am biased obviously as I have adored Lord Scourge from the moment I met him in-game.


To the best of my knowledge, Lord Scourge was originally a Sith like many others arriving on Dromund Kaas to serve a Darth. Through her he learned of the Emperor's true intentions and on visiting Nathema, they encountered Revan. They captured Revan and Scourge spent years learning from him, talking with him and becoming 'friends' of sorts, or at least establishing mutual respect. They decided to take the Emperor on themselves as others wouldn't and Scourge helped Meetra free Revan. Sure during confrontation with the Emperor, seeing they were about to loose and they would all die, Scourge betrayed them, also fueled by his vision of the Jedi Knight. And then he offered his services to the Emperor, to stay close, to wait, to be there and be ready should his vision come true and I will not deny he likely committed a few abhorrent acts while serving the Emperor and maintaining his 'cover'. Still all of it with one purpose; stopping Vitiate and saving the galaxy. Is saving the galaxy selfish? Sure it might be, but I'm sure we'd all be selfish there in like... wanting to survive? And then he teamed up with his 'enemies', the Jedi, taking great risks and leaving the life he'd always known (the Empire), behind. Oh and lets not forget the way he lost his mortality, his ability to feel and live, enjoy life as the rest of us do which I'm pretty sure isn't easy and I think he's always been in agony.


Now I won't deny that Arcann has done certain things as part of his redemption too, good things like support us against his own sister. But he also killed his own brother... he annihilated 5 core planets because what? He got his panties in a twist over this 'Outlander'? Who by the way, he FREED in Chapter 1 and encouraged to kill his father, before attacking his father himself, and then playing the grieving, appalled son. He's held other worlds hostage, neglected his own people. Sure yeah, 'daddy issues'... but come on now.


Anyways, long story short I do feel there are vast differences in both the severity of crimes and the motivations behind them where Scourge and Arcann are concerned. And in my eyes Lord Scourge's were far more selfless and 'for the greater good' than Arcann's who during KOTFE especially appeared to just be this angry little tantrum throwing child with daddy issues murdering millions for the hell of it.


Btw none of this is to say he shouldn't be a LI. I support those wanting to romance Arcann getting the chance, as much as I hope to personally finally romance Scourge. I just do not agree with the assessment that Arcann is like Scourge, or even more innocent than Scourge. Just my 2 credits. :)

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I only just caught up, holy 25 pages later... I still stand by my original post in the thread but it's late and I've been drinking so a little more fun-times and thought I'd brainstorm the if's and who's.

Valkorian's voice *fans self* but .. loved his voice and attitude, and yet I'm happy he's gone and dead.


I don't mind if Scourge becomes romance or not, I just want another convo from him : I don't have any JK's that actually killed the Emperor (kotET only time he actually is gone/dead/), what will he say when he finds out his vision was wrong for anything not a Jedi knight, since the JK class story he's never actually defeated since he has two bodies at least at that moment.

Arcann I don't mind either way as well. He's never been redeemed, but willing to spend the res tof his life atoning for what he's done and I have a few characetrs that would go for him because of it.

^ They both seem to be the more popular choices but both have such demanding opposers :eek: play nice! we can all like differing characters without getting stomped on for it!

I'd like Ravage too (omg they're all Sith/dark side ... )

Vowrawn would be my next hopeful, yes yes another Sith. I play Empire mostly, ok! and most Jedi I meet are old ...


My warrior would love Somminick Timmns! they parted as friends in my stories. There's a jedi and mirialan in one *nods*


But please, please, please can they start doing justice to current LI returns... please! it's been despair each time one came back (only 6 so far too :( ) because we get next to nothing :(

Edited by Asmodesu
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I have to back Lunafox here, and yes I am biased obviously as I have adored Lord Scourge from the moment I met him in-game.


I think you and Lunafox are Lord Scourge's biggest fans!!


Now I won't deny that Arcann has done certain things as part of his redemption too, good things like support us against his own sister. But he also killed his own brother... he annihilated 5 core planets because what? He got his panties in a twist over this 'Outlander'? Who by the way, he FREED in Chapter 1 and encouraged to kill his father, before attacking his father himself, and then playing the grieving, appalled son. He's held other worlds hostage, neglected his own people. Sure yeah, 'daddy issues'... but come on now.

You have to be fair and see that Arcann did not ever mean to kill his own twin brother. They seemed inseperable until the last end. It doesn't change the fact that his brother did die by his lightsaber, but it was never intended.



But like you I'm not against Lord Scourge either, he is what made me play Fem Knight in the first place, and then quit a third of the way there because he wasn't available for romance! I did finish the story 4 years after that.:p

I hope they both become available for romance as I will certainly do them both! (no pun intended, but should be accepted:rak_03:) I really do hope that there will be more than one LI for females because one for all just wont work, when we all want something else.


But as Arcann and Lord Scourge seem to be the most asked for, I think they should both have the priority, and which out of those two need to have the priority is going to differ per bias.:rak_03:

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