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Male Force User companion...


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So when are us female players, (yes we do exist), when we are going to get a male force user companion, all male companions seem to be everything BUT force users? Even a cartel bought version, please?


I know there's Xalek but come on i am taking a male companion worth looking at lol.

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This has been on my mind a lot - it's definitely a huge oversight that I want to fix along with all the characters that are still missing.


If folks want to share more of what they'd like to see from a character like this, we're all ears :)

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A male force using companion who we can romance would be nice. Only one I can think of in game only had a very short run, could die and was only able to be romanced by men. That would be Lord Cytharat....I liked him as a character a lot and wished he had more screen time...I would have loved to have him as a companion, still would if we can get him back in game. Please Charles? ;)


He would totally join the alliance if he was still alive...which he technically is on all of my Imperial characters since I always saved him.

Edited by Nightfrogger
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If folks want to share more of what they'd like to see from a character like this, we're all ears :)

I'd love to see:


• male Trooper companion, not Jorgan's body type, but male body type 3 (someone who looks like they could actually hold an Assault Cannon)

• dual saber wielding companions

• Jaxo

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So when are us female players, (yes we do exist), when we are going to get a male force user companion, all male companions seem to be everything BUT force users? Even a cartel bought version, please?


I know there's Xalek but come on i am taking a male companion worth looking at lol.






Guss Tano


Lord Scourge

And probably more.

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When do we get a hybrid healer/dps stance? I want to see lightning shoot out of my companions finger tips, while they also throw a bubble on me that heals, or a HoT on the ground.


I mean the tank stance has quite good dps, Vette as an example.

The healer stance dps is terrible.

The dps role doesn't heal at all, obviously.


So a force using ranged companion that has ONE stance (if your even able to do that now after the tech changes I'm unsure how the back end stuff is now) Mid-High DPS with Low-Mid Heals/support.


if your scared of the low-mid heals, then go with three dps skills, one heal skill, one support skill, (something better than a single target stun)

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This has been on my mind a lot - it's definitely a huge oversight that I want to fix along with all the characters that are still missing.


If folks want to share more of what they'd like to see from a character like this, we're all ears :)


I don't think it'd be necessary to introduce an all new character who's a male force user (though it wouldn't be bad either) but maybe just expand on the ones we have. Add more to who we know, add the option to romance them. I know there's a bunch of people who have wanted to romance scourge for years, and me and another large group of people who've wanted to be able to romance arcann since he was first introduced. :cool:


I'm not against a wider variety of companions, but I'd rather have the older and current companions expanded upon rather than have a completely new one be added in.

Edited by Sheyshen
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But Arcann's dead. :p




How about a sneaky Assassin type dude? A mysterious fella who enjoys lurking in shadows, soft-soled shoes and prefers dark-colored crystals in his lightsaber? A fallen Jedi, maybe, who used to do Saresh' most hush-hush bidding until she went cray-cray, and now sees the Commander of the Alliance as his final hope of redemption (if Republic/Light Side)? Or alternatively, fell so far from grace that he might as well work for the main villain (if Imperial/Dark Side).

Even after all this, he's managed to keep his sense of dry, sarcastic humor. He'd probably get along well with Niko and Gault.

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This has been on my mind a lot - it's definitely a huge oversight that I want to fix along with all the characters that are still missing.


If folks want to share more of what they'd like to see from a character like this, we're all ears :)

I (and I expect many others) would be happy if you fixed Malavai Quinn giving him his player preferred customisation in cut scenes and original pose for his stronghold decoration please!


Back on topic - I'd like a romanceable male force using companion, who is a caster (since we already have several force sensitive melee companions - Lana/Senya/Xalek) and is either a Sith Pureblood (with hair) OR a Twi'lek (I always wondered why Zenith wasn't romanceable) OR a Nautalon OR a Chiss.

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This has been on my mind a lot - it's definitely a huge oversight that I want to fix along with all the characters that are still missing.


If folks want to share more of what they'd like to see from a character like this, we're all ears :)


OMG!! You've finally noticed us. Thank you.


And yes, I would love to give you feedback. I would like to see a male ROMANCEABLE force using character. I would prefer to romance Lord Scourge, but if that isn't possible for whatever reason, I would like to have a the chance to have a strong, good looking Sith...maybe even a dark council member. Ideally, I like Pureblood Sith or Human or Cyborg. (I'm not into Arcann so that's not for me.)


I would prefer someone important and with a very very nice voice. Jadus might be interesting if he wasn't completely insane...


Sith I adore: Scourge, Marr, Ravage, Vowrawn, Jadus, Arkous, Cytherat, Soverus...Praven before he went Jedi mode <.< These are just an idea of the sort of Sith I enjoy.


I hope you will take this under advisement. I would love a romanceable Sith companion. Thank you, Charles! <3

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This has been on my mind a lot - it's definitely a huge oversight that I want to fix along with all the characters that are still missing.


If folks want to share more of what they'd like to see from a character like this, we're all ears :)


:eek::eek::eek: Oh, hey! Thanks for popping in!


I don't really know what's possible at this point, obviously a lot of us would have preferred something like Kira, Nadia, Ashara, Jaesa, Temple or Lana. ... .... .... variety and substance, basically.


But it seems too late to do all that? I guess we have Arcann and he could be developed, but I'd prefer someone that wasn't a total turd for 2 expansions. Plus, I already killed him. :D


Lord Scourge seems like an obvious example of an existing personality that many ladies are pining for to be brought back. And not just for the knight, either! I think there are a lot of interesting things that could be done with him, now that the Emperor is dead(?) There is also Cytharat and Darth Ravage. Really, just pick any half way decent looking dude that isn't definitely dead.


As for someone new? Physically attractive with an interesting personality. I know, easy, right?

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This has been on my mind a lot - it's definitely a huge oversight that I want to fix along with all the characters that are still missing.


If folks want to share more of what they'd like to see from a character like this, we're all ears :)


WOOT! Thank you :)

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This has been on my mind a lot - it's definitely a huge oversight that I want to fix along with all the characters that are still missing.


If folks want to share more of what they'd like to see from a character like this, we're all ears :)


I just litterally subbed when I saw this post, go check your data or my data, IM NOT JOKING!! PLEASE ARCANN!!! I've been his biggest fan ever since he was masked and mad! There's no man more interessting in this game than him.

I think you created him/his story? It's totally amazing and I loved it from the start. Idk how much I need to write over here but HOLY HELL PLEASE!! PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

I had to fight for Arcann pretty hard during the past year, in a more serious manner than i'd like to admit:rak_03: BUT THIS IS SERIOUS!!! You should defenitly check out the "lets romance Arcann thread" it's worth it!!




Edited by Eshvara
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How about an Aussie-voiced Green Jedi Knight from Corellia? Human, body type 3, long Qui-gon type hair, veteran of the liberation from Imperial occupation. He worked with CorSec and other surviving Green Jedi to undermine the Zakuulan occupation and helped Force-user refugees escape and now wants to join the Alliance, if the player chooses to re-ally with the Republic post KOTET. Alternate dialogue for whether the player was vanilla Imp or Pub about the conquest/liberation of Corellia and the part they played.


If you ally with the Empire post KOTET, an Irish-voiced Human Sith Apprentice whose master was killed by Arcann during the Zakuulan invasion of Korriban wants to join up. Cyborg, body type 3, shoulder-length prequel Obi-wan type hair, mechanical left arm he lost in the escape from a squad of Zakuulan Knights. He linked up with the remains of Sith Intelligence under Empress Acina and ran recovery ops in Zakuulan territory to steal back holocrons and other Force-related artifacts looted by the Eternal Empire using underworld contacts.

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