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Server Hopping Republic GSF Weirdos are Ruining Queue's

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No! Do not engage! Repeat, DO NOT ENGAGE!


The enemy is looking for them 'good fights'. You want them to stop queing. Stay docked, let the timer run out. Play on your phone during the match.


You defeat the enemy by making the game no longer fun for them. They are ruining your fun, you ruin it for them right back.


I know this may be a strange concept, but some people actually queue up in order to play the game. Not for conquest, not for CXP, but because they actually want to fly! If we expand on that line of thought a bit, it can (just barely) be imagined that for these people, sitting for 12 minutes doing nothing is not fun. Even less fun than dying repeatedly for 5 or 6 minutes.


Now, here's another idea. Some players enjoy stomps, but other look for even matches. These players will swap factions if they're on the weak side, for example, or maybe leave if they don't have an alt on the other side.


But I'm sure that wasting an hour of playtime every time you feel outmatched works wonders if you're that way inclined.

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I agree. I too am disturbed by this course of events. And after they were done decimating impside in their OP strikes, these little turkeys went on imperial ships and did the SAME DAMNED THING to the Republic! Bioware has to do something to stop this. Terrible.






Your secret is safe with me.

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No! Do not engage! Repeat, DO NOT ENGAGE!


The enemy is looking for them 'good fights'. You want them to stop queing. Stay docked, let the timer run out. Play on your phone during the match.


You defeat the enemy by making the game no longer fun for them. They are ruining your fun, you ruin it for them right back.


What you're implying here is that you AREN'T looking for good fights, and instead want your side to squash.


One of the hardest things to find in GSF is good opposition, and I think people like you have become a little too spoiled by it.

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What you're implying here is that you AREN'T looking for good fights, and instead want your side to squash.


One of the hardest things to find in GSF is good opposition, and I think people like you have become a little too spoiled by it.



It's because he is one of them. good public statement though.

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Or, you could ruin their fun by learning to play the game you are taking time out of your day to participate in... then competing with them and winning.


It is not that hard to develop skills that will let you be competitive in this game. It is now easier than ever to get your ship's components quickly upgraded. It is almost comically easy. The new patch hands out so much requisition.


Come to this forum and ask 'how to I defeat these teams of skilled players?' and you will get a long list of excellent techniques you can use to improve, and you won't have long to wait to get your ship 'decked out.'


The notion that it is better to waste your own time along with everyone else's in some petulant display of anti-sportsmanship is execrable. Take positive steps towards improving your lot, making the game more enjoyable, learning how to play it.


- Despon


Amen. This is a team activity, not single-player. If they want single-player, hey, there's the tutorial area. Have at it.

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hope they will show up on eu servers ... i like to fight alone against all of them .. i dont like support ,,, its much more fun to be a one man army ... its better to die 10 times than 1time crying 4 help or running away... if u never started to run away u can learn to handle any situation .. . and there is still much to learn ..
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hope they will show up on eu servers ... i like to fight alone against all of them .. i dont like support ,,, its much more fun to be a one man army ... its better to die 10 times than 1time crying 4 help or running away... if u never started to run away u can learn to handle any situation .. . and there is still much to learn ..


I'm going to make a plaque and upon it inscribe your post.


Words to live by.

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What you're implying here is that you AREN'T looking for good fights, and instead want your side to squash.


One of the hardest things to find in GSF is good opposition, and I think people like you have become a little too spoiled by it.


What you are implying here is that you are not wanting good games and want to ROFLstomp. That is why you and many others that think GSF somehow belongs to them keep defending the practice.


Saying you want GSF to grow and defending ROFLstomps is an oxymoron.


<enter clique> or the rest of it

Edited by Lendul
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  • 2 weeks later...

It's been a few weeks since I made and replied to the thread, and just like I thought, the queue's have pretty much dried up completely now on Imp side Shadowlands. People simply got fed up with the nonsense and now they don't queue. There are also minimal responses in GSF chat. Yesterday was even GSF bonus day and in 3 hours of being queued during prime-time evening hours, I got one pop (in a group with another guildie). And in that match, we started off with 5 people and eventually got smoked in a match that was mostly 6 vs 8 the whole time. Congrats pub dogs, you did this to yourself :rolleyes:


Side note: Bioware giving everyone the free bomber and gunship hasn't brought any new players to GSF or caused any players that had left to return. Does anyone think this has made a positive difference?

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It's been a few weeks since I made and replied to the thread, and just like I thought, the queue's have pretty much dried up completely now on Imp side Shadowlands. People simply got fed up with the nonsense and now they don't queue. There are also minimal responses in GSF chat. Yesterday was even GSF bonus day and in 3 hours of being queued during prime-time evening hours, I got one pop (in a group with another guildie). And in that match, we started off with 5 people and eventually got smoked in a match that was mostly 6 vs 8 the whole time. Congrats pub dogs, you did this to yourself :rolleyes:


Side note: Bioware giving everyone the free bomber and gunship hasn't brought any new players to GSF or caused any players that had left to return. Does anyone think this has made a positive difference?

Shadowlands Imp has been a difficult place to get GSF pops for a very long time. It was also one of the most hostile places towards anyone trying to help people learn GSF that I have encountered. Before I set up the YouTube Channel, I held GSF School chats on various servers to help new people learn the game. SL Imp was, hands down, the most outright anti-learning place I have encountered. I am sure there are those who would like to learn there, but it's long been a place with a very particular attitude.


If you want to consistently get GSF pops, the go-to servers are Harbinger or TRE depending on the time of day. Ebon Hawk and JC both usually have matches rolling in primetime hours EST. I can't comment on the other Euro servers other than to say I think there are active ones. Overall, there are far more people playing GSF now than there were a year ago.


I do think the new ships helped a bit, in that they are additional resources that players don't have to spend Fleet Requisition on. Far more, though, the new increases in requisition and decreases in costs across the board make it a lot easier for someone to get their ship competitive. It now only takes a handful of matches to get the most important upgrades. It is a good time to be a new pilot in GSF, particularly if you avail yourself of the many resources that can help you become competitive.


- Despon

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Side note: Bioware giving everyone the free bomber and gunship hasn't brought any new players to GSF or caused any players that had left to return. Does anyone think this has made a positive difference?


Yes, although like Despon said it might be more the windfall of requisition than the actual ship unlocks themselves. Either way, Harbinger continues to pop frequently.


The intro to Starfighter quest, prior to 5.2.2, already gave enough requisition for purchasing a tier 1 bomber and tier 1 gunship at their old prices. The 5.2.2 changes steer players away from spending valuable fleet req on a less than ideal next tier ship, although the stock tier 2 GS and stock tier 3 bomber aren't terrible in their choice of starter components. But with the increase to requisition grant consumables, cheaper prices all around, and the Introduction to Conquest mission on the priority mission terminals on the fleet with its major fleet and major ship req grants, there is more than enough fleet requisition to unlock every meta ship within one match, or most of them plus some crew members.

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It's been a few weeks since I made and replied to the thread, and just like I thought, the queue's have pretty much dried up completely now on Imp side Shadowlands. People simply got fed up with the nonsense and now they don't queue. There are also minimal responses in GSF chat. Yesterday was even GSF bonus day and in 3 hours of being queued during prime-time evening hours, I got one pop (in a group with another guildie). And in that match, we started off with 5 people and eventually got smoked in a match that was mostly 6 vs 8 the whole time. Congrats pub dogs, you did this to yourself :rolleyes:


Side note: Bioware giving everyone the free bomber and gunship hasn't brought any new players to GSF or caused any players that had left to return. Does anyone think this has made a positive difference?


Whenever I fly there primetime, I get pops. SL is still second only to TRE and Harb in pops, it's more busy than either JC or TEH by a noticeable margin. That being said, it's extremely pub-stacked usually, so they might be having wargames while you wait. In my experience, you can get pops there fairly consistently even on impside.

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I find T3-4M to be a fairly reliable 12:00 to 14:00 EST destination if I want to grab a game during lunch.


If I didn't fumble the calculation from CET to EST 12 to 16 EST should be server primetime maybe a little bit more on republic side because of wargames. That off course could be longer than your lunch break. But if you fly as Ramalina I had a game against you before 5.2.2 with oly the two old starter ships and the Quarrel.

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If I didn't fumble the calculation from CET to EST 12 to 16 EST should be server primetime maybe a little bit more on republic side because of wargames. That off course could be longer than your lunch break. But if you fly as Ramalina I had a game against you before 5.2.2 with oly the two old starter ships and the Quarrel.


Yeah, in general my GSF alts are all Ramalina on pub side and Rama-Imp imperial side.


Indeed it is longer than my lunch break, but when my lunch break starts is highly variable, and ranges from about 11:30 to 3 p.m. Except on those occasions where I'm busy and forget it entirely.

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Whenever I fly there primetime, I get pops. SL is still second only to TRE and Harb in pops, it's more busy than either JC or TEH by a noticeable margin. That being said, it's extremely pub-stacked usually, so they might be having wargames while you wait. In my experience, you can get pops there fairly consistently even on impside.


I've tried getting some pub pilots to go impside with me when things are lopsided, but people are really reluctant, unfortunately. Or they say something like all their characters over there already finished their missions, which is weird to me, too. If you're a regular GSFer, missions are just a little CXP gravy... you'd think you'd rather more pops and even matches.

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Shadowlands Imp has been a difficult place to get GSF pops for a very long time. It was also one of the most hostile places towards anyone trying to help people learn GSF that I have encountered. Before I set up the YouTube Channel, I held GSF School chats on various servers to help new people learn the game. SL Imp was, hands down, the most outright anti-learning place I have encountered. I am sure there are those who would like to learn there, but it's long been a place with a very particular attitude.


To me this sounds as if these people explicitely did NOT want any Newbies within GSF on that server - and rather form a "closed circle" of GSF playing people.

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To me this sounds as if these people explicitely did NOT want any Newbies within GSF on that server - and rather form a "closed circle" of GSF playing people.

These were people who wanted to complain that ____ IS OP! NERF IT! instead of learning how to actually play the game in an effective manner. They were people uninterested in in examining the reasons for their losses and instead sought to vilify the people they lost to as cheaters and/or 'dishonorable' (or more colorful terms). As someone who spoke to the denizens there and gave them ample opportunity to ask any questions they had about the game, I can say without any lack of clarity that they had no intention of learning. I believe they were perfectly happy to have new people play so that there was an audience for their derogatory vitriol who would buy into it wholly. After all, when you have the 'veterans' telling you the other side cheats or are a bunch of _____, and you keep losing, it's easy to buy into that mentality instead of trying to improve yourself and examine why you are not performing well.


- Despon

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Well, with that little information a Newbie gets within the game, how is he or she able to tell whether someone cheats or not ?


I don't believe that people cheat in GSF. However I alwa<ys believed that people were so much better than me and the learning curve was so steep that I never felt anything else than frustration.


At one point I just gave up, believing I will never be that good. I tried it a few times afterwards, but with the same result. I find more fun in reading Tolkien's translation and comments of the Old English "Beowulf". (Right now I'm actually reading a book about colour, culture and languages.)


I stopped PvP as well, because people insisted that I was bad. Okay, I'm bad, then, that's why I lose so often, and have the feeling I can't contribute at all. There is always someone better, faster, more professional than me.


I decided to just have this neverending feeling of frustration anymore. I just don't have that much of resilience. I decided that my life is too valuable to me to constantly have the feeling of worthlessness and frustration. I only do what I'm good at these days.

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Well, with that little information a Newbie gets within the game, how is he or she able to tell whether someone cheats or not ?


Doesn't matter. When players are really bad, cheating assumptions are their number one way of broadcasting how terrible they are. They literally can't even comprehend what good play looks like.


It's not that something LOOKS like cheating to them though: it's how they respond to that perception. If they assume that the cheating is real instead of questioning their own understanding, that's a real problem.

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Well, with that little information a Newbie gets within the game, how is he or she able to tell whether someone cheats or not ?

They absolutely should have more information in game, I have advocated for that for years and have done so in numerous posts since this latest dev-blitz happened.


I provide an outside source of information at GSF School, but that sort of material should always be supplementary to what the dev team provides to teach people how to play their game. Anything in-game will reach far more players. The more in-depth analysis stuff Mika and I do on the channel is valuable either way, but the raw beginner tutorial need should be covered by Bioware in-game. It wasn't, so I made what I did.


I take issue with the presumption of cheating when faced with vastly superior competition. I had an experience on TRE recently where I started some new alts. With the massive boost to fleet req gained from the Intro to Starfighter quest (you get 25000 now instead of 5000) and the decreased component costs, you can upgrade a single ship to a competitive level within one or two matches, if that is how you choose to spend it. Anyway the short version of the story is: I did that, put up big numbers (though actually, my side lost in those games) and immediately some guy came over to my faction and accused me of using 'half a dozen known exploits,' amid other insults. I told him I'd be glad to explain to him how I did everything I did and indeed even show him a recording of the match from my perspective so he could see it all, but this apparently was meaningless to him so he kept haranguing me and said he'd have a team of people reporting me. He couldn't actually tell me what I had done that constituted cheating, of course... and concluded by telling me I was a 'kid' whose 'generation doesn't know what honesty is.'


A few days later someone whom he had apparently convinced that I cheated also accused me of being a cheater when I was on the other faction, on the same side as the accuser. I had made a comment in ops chat trying to get my team to go to C or something, and the guy replied 'cheat for us too pls.' I engaged him in some conversation after when he made some more unfounded claims, said he'd 'forgot to print scrn two days ago when you told the other 2 ppl you use to cheat and enjoy doing it cause u make an enemy upset.' I told him I had never said such things and he replied 'i'll register it so i'll be able to prove my words.'


What he intended to register and where were never made clear, and the guy eventually relented and said he 'i maybe wrong about you but not others.' But the point very clearly is that these people could not even conceive of someone playing at the level I did without cheating. And I can show people very plainly how to do precisely that without cheating.


Lack of knowledge about the game and how it works is what precipitates this. I once had an accuser convinced I was hacking because.... I strafed while charging my railgun. Ignorance and unwillingness to look at the reasons for failure bring this on.


At one point I just gave up, believing I will never be that good.


I stopped PvP as well, because people insisted that I was bad. Okay, I'm bad, then, that's why I lose so often, and have the feeling I can't contribute at all. There is always someone better, faster, more professional than me..

I have no issue with players who are playing to the best of their ability level, wherever that line falls. If you make the effort to learn the game and give it your all, I won't ask anything more than that. I would suggest that there are many ways to contribute positively to a team that don't revolve around having high twitch skills... just knowing how to be in the right place at the right time, holding a satellite neutral for a few seconds while your team regroups, can make all the difference. GSF offers ships and roles that do not require high twitch skills. Many of the parts of GSF I'd like to see improved are utility and support weapons/abilities.


I'm not trying to convince you personally to resume playing, but I do firmly believe that there is a place in the game for anyone who approaches it with the mindset of learning how the game works and finding a way to positively contribute to their team.


- Despon

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Doesn't matter. When players are really bad, cheating assumptions are their number one way of broadcasting how terrible they are. They literally can't even comprehend what good play looks like.


It's not that something LOOKS like cheating to them though: it's how they respond to that perception. If they assume that the cheating is real instead of questioning their own understanding, that's a real problem.


Ya i mean, i got 42 kills in a death match before because 3 people kept charging at my railgun head on, not arcing, not using their scouts evade just straight into the railgun... thats just suicide you dont run straight into a charging gunship unless you have a death warrent or are a bomber using charged plating, you go at an arcing angle. Then i got hate mail, and kept getting called a cheater when it was 3 scouts that kept charging my position when i was attempting to flank the rest of their team.


Also nothing wrong with people between servers. Between the Ebon Hawk and the Harbinger people change all the time between the servers because sometimes it could get stale or they have friends on both servers.

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I don't believe that cheating exists in GSF. THe game is as fast as possible, and for good players there simply is no need for cheating, so why should cheating exist there ?

The only ones who would like to want to cheat are Newbies who don't understand how to come over an enemy - in single-player offline games I did so many years ago, like in Icewind Dale, since I never quite understood the (A)D&D rules. And to this day, they are still a bit strange to me.


However, this never kept mefrom having multiple "***???" moments.

Where is the fun in getting shot by scouts so fast that I'm rendered into being an non-contributor in terms of competition ? Do some players prefer to have non-competition via curbstomping other players ?

What's the sense in snatching away as much kills as possible from me as a Newbie so that I'm rendered into being a non-contributor ? What kind of logic lies behind taking away the only rewarding thing GSF provides to Newbies which is having a successful kill ? Is this just another facet of "Newbies have to learn" strategy ? Snatching away their kills so that they learn to become faster and battle against their "getting their stuff snatched away" ? How can I become faster as a scout which takes away from me the opposite side's ship kill ? Is this a "nudge" to make me fly a scout, too ? Or a gunship ? Nothing is faster and as deadly as a scout.


I have horrible memories of them, getting shot by 2-4 shots by them without even knowing *why* Veterans of course know why. Good if they tell those Newbies like me. Apart from the fact that I was never told before I gave up GSF. This was the early time of GSF, before these new outside-game knowledge resources came up.


On the other hand, trying to be such a good pilot when I thought I'd become one over time when flying a scout, I had the experience of being cannon foidder, too. By other scouts, mostly, as far as I can remember. No-one had told me I had to max out evasion, for example, even a few points into it didn't help much to me. I was simply too bad.


My worst point, however, is my dyscalculia. The term "5%" doesn't say me a single thing regarding game mechanics. It looks awfully low, if I try to imagine a cake on my dish divided in parts so that I can eat a piece of it which makes up 5 % of the whole cake. Am I right that 5 % out of 100 $ is just 5 $ ? It just looks so awfully small - will it ever help me to have 5 % evasion ? Yet scouts just can almost never get hit (partly because they are so fast, too).


In short : The GSF rules set GREATLY rewards people who are good with math. Same goes for ground PvP.


Being good at writing but inherently insanely bad at maths, I have found no place, no point in this game which could help me -

- especially since programmers ALWAYS think in numbers than in text-stories. I'm sure that ANY math formula can be fully explained in pictures and in words alone, yet no-one does so. Explaining in mental pictures (like my example with the cake from above) seems to be so much frowned upon ...


With my dyscalculia I really don't belong into GSF. And that was just another point where I just gave up : I was simply unable to calculate everything. Even now, 5 % sounds so incredibly small to me ... like a siungle drop into the ocean, so to say ...


From my highly subjective point of view, GSF os broken so much on an psychological level that finding it rewarding is a thing only found after a very, very, very long search. And only for people who are good at maths.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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What's the sense in snatching away as much kills as possible from me as a Newbie so that I'm rendered into being a non-contributor ? What kind of logic lies behind taking away the only rewarding thing GSF provides to Newbies which is having a successful kill ? Is this just another facet of "Newbies have to learn" strategy ? Snatching away their kills so that they learn to become faster and battle against their "getting their stuff snatched away"

There is no kill-stealing in GSF.


A kill is worth precisely as much requisition gain as an assist. The player who has 20 assists has gained just as much as the player with 20 kills in terms of game-based rewards. The player who gains the assist loses nothing.


There is also no label on each enemy player that says 'this player has been shot the most times by ____ so that player is deserving of the kill.'


It is a team game, and every kill --no matter who delivers it-- brings that team closer to victory.


In short : The GSF rules set GREATLY rewards people who are good with math. Same goes for ground PvP.

I'm an artist and musician by trade. I can't do math beyond algebra. I seem to do ok.


If you need help with builds, there are many non-numeric resources (like 'asking someone') that can put you in a very competitive scout or whatever build.


- Despon

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