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Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ - Road Map 2017


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Some great ideas floating around and you taking the time to read everything and respond daily is a great example of progress in communication.


Some suggestions to improve the game further:


Your Player Communications on forums is a welcome change, but tried in the past with "meh" progress. Some ideas around this to maximize input.

  1. How about an OFFLINE survey via Email alert to all subscribers. (Survey Monkey is CHEAP)
  2. Present OPTIONS and ask for constructive feedback on which option would make more sense or replacement.
  3. Limit input to SINGLE POSTING per account (Maybe outline this early on - Edit only stuff)
  4. End date of that input and then provide a summary of the results. (Not outcome/actions)


BUG Fixes:

  1. For the love of all those annoyed about these - PUBLISH them as "Completed", "Fixed" or "Not possible - why" some place.
  2. Communicate not just in the Patch Notes, but take that massive list floating around and bullet them out.
  3. Show the PROGRESS on these as that goes a long way when folks go "They never fix anything"
  4. Like: Why do we keep showing up on fleet stunned and unable to cast anything after being on Nar Shadda stronghold on logout (Constantly).


QOL Changes:

  1. Welcome them all and any you can provide!
  2. CXP Grind - Please make this very large unlock for ALT's after you ding 300 first. (100% vs not using 25%)
  3. Collections Unlock for items that are not in collections account wide unlock. (GSF Ships - Like to account unlock all those I bought)
  4. LOVE seeing that Unassembled Components a Legacy currency is happening - Please put in 5.2.2 if possible
  5. Outfit Designer - You obtain a bound item then you can "Collections" recover at anytime (Delete it). Clear out our inventory of stuff we keep for cosmetics.


Other IDEAS:

  1. Player Select Menu - Ability to LOCK your characters in place. (Like I want these FIVE on first page no matter how many of 30 I log into)
  2. Fleet General Chat - We really need some moderation during peak times as it's become a toxic cesspool beyond normal PVP banter of GitGud.
  3. SOLO QUE Rewards for GF SM daily. You are required to sit on fleet and wait for someone to LFM and they que with 8 people. WHY? Add the benefit to both that person that ques, but also the group by using GF without having a FULL 8 person group already. I know this is technical issues and will annoy some folks, but I'd sit in que as a healer and watch 2-3 people asking for a healer (After I've been qued for like 30+ min).
  4. PVP/GSF - Can you please for the LOVE of all make these balanced. When it's IMP vs IMP we shouldn't see lopsided geared players/ships. Yes - we know some group up with voice communications, but then the other heavy hitters solo qued should be on the other team then. Eight players with MAX Gear or Ship perks vs Eight players that include 4 noobies and 4 casual is a complete wipe fest and not fun (Hence moves less people out of que the next period).

Edited by dscount
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I agree - but I'm afraid they change there focus to only raids and flashpoints. Did they really believe that ten thousends of raiders will only wait thar they release OPs´?


Go here:




Hit "rank" so that it inverts the list and shows the bottom ranked players.


You'll see that there are 25,219 *ranked* characters in Season 8 alone. And that's just Solo Ranked. And ranked is a small portion of the PvP community.


To do ranked PvP you must sub.


So yes, I think the numbers are actually there to support focusing on endgame group content, and I think there is empirical evidence to support that opinion.


Sure, yes, some of that number are CXP farmers (nearly all of the ones you see at the bottom of that list are, for sure), but no more than 1-2%, end even those fools are probably doing other endgame activities; the majority of pure story players probably don't grind CXP (I mean, why bother? That would be the dumbest use of time *ever*. "I need BiS to survive Vaylin!!!" lol)

Edited by stoopicus
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I couldn't have said it better myself... and you know what the real shame is?

Lots of the new people fly through those early story's and planet quests from the vanilla game because of accelerated speed events, planet syncing, dumbing down the game and making it too easy... you used to have to atleast do some or close to all of the planet quests to move onto the next world. Some of those stories were good.

I haven't been able to pvp at the times I play because it's died, so I decided to do a few early story and planet quests.. I started out to do them all on Tython, only to find out that there are a heap of missing side or planet quests now. When did they remove them and why did they remove them?

I was looking forward to the quest about the two Jedi who are having a love affair and you need to approach them about it.. but it's gone and so are a few others 😢

Now I'm wondering how many of the old quests I used to do have been removed.

Making all those changes has ruined some of the best parts of the game and new people are missing out on what the game should be.

Not sure if someone said this or not yet, but they aren't gone. You have to open up your big map, and I believe on the bottom left side, there's a box that says exploration missions. Tick that box and the missions will show up again. That option should be on by default. If someone has been through the game and doesn't want it, they'll ignore it or turn it off but a new player wouldn't even know where to look. And quite a bit of old players don't even know it's an option as you demonstrated.

Edit: I see Ezio got you. But yeah, I did those Tython missions just the other day too.


Turn exploration missions on by default bioware.

Edited by Krazhez
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Yeah I did that quest the other day.


I also found a while back that sometimes my map settings reset. Like, I had turned on all the vendors and other map icons, and exp missions, and then noticed later that they were all off. Seems like a subtle client bug that happens sometimes.


But yeah. Turn on exp missions by default, Bio.

Edited by stoopicus
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Yeah I did that quest the other day.


I also found a while back that sometimes my map settings reset. Like, I had turned on all the vendors and other map icons, and exp missions, and then noticed later that they were all off. Seems like a subtle client bug that happens sometimes.


But yeah. Turn on exp missions by default, Bio.


Getting on soon to test,


Edit :

So I was able to do some testing and everyone was correct about the enabling the map. I appreciate the help from everyone and I'm sorry I might have been a bit argumentative.

What really amazes me is you can't even interact with these quests givers if you don't have that map setting on. You can't talk to them even if you are in a group with someone who has the setting enabled. To me that seems totally backwards and it doesn't encourage new players to try those parts of the game because frankly, they don't even know they exist.

Who ever thought that was a good idea needs some serious help.

Edited by Icykill_
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This is not happening. It was mentioned as being desired by the players, to rub salt into the wound. It is NOT happening.


From the roadmap:


We are reviewing ways to improve use of your wide range of characters, and one of our top priorities is to make Unassembled Components a Legacy currency. This allows you to play with any of your alternate characters while gaining benefits across your entire Legacy




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From the roadmap:


We are reviewing ways to improve use of your wide range of characters, and one of our top priorities is to make Unassembled Components a Legacy currency. This allows you to play with any of your alternate characters while gaining benefits across your entire Legacy




Does that say it is happening in 5.x? Does it say it is happening at all? No to both. Compare that verbiage to the cases where the roadmap declares something is happening by some date. All that the roadmap says is that they know we want it.


Look at what they said about the same subject in notes for 5.1.1 and 5.1.2; the same thing they're saying again in this roadmap. Best case it *** might *** appear in the next roadmap.

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Does that say it is happening in 5.x? Does it say it is happening at all? No to both. Compare that verbiage to the cases where the roadmap declares something is happening by some date. All that the roadmap says is that they know we want it.


Look at what they said about the same subject in notes for 5.1.1 and 5.1.2; the same thing they're saying again in this roadmap. Best case it *** might *** appear in the next roadmap.


Gotta agree with Mike, I got burned on this exact hope last time based on the statements he linked.

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Deewe, you've been here since the start right?? Anyways, i'm very sure they have thought of that, as we have thought about that ourselves. It can be bad to think about it too much, even if you know answers.


EA does not have SWTOR on the front burner, which is very unfortunate. Right now Bioware alone is helping to make 2 or 3 other Star Wars games, plus this 1 plus doing more content for Mass Effect: Andromeda which EA thinks is doing well, and looks good.


I would, and do hope that EA will give Bioware Austen the teams at least as big as when Beta was happening along with all the other resources. I'm not saying that EA doesn't care about Swtor, but it would be nice if Swtor had more resources for the resources they need.


I hope in being at the EA access/play event on the 10th through 12th of this month and Test Battlefront 2 and try to lobby for Bioware Swtor. Wish me luck on that heheh.:)

For once I'll go with the short version: Good Luck and have FUN!

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Just let me start by saying that I came to this game because I am a fan of Star Wars. I did not play MMO's before this. I have played other games involving PvP and hated them because of the amount of @sshats out there. That being said, I love this game, even PvP, which I only started due to DvL last year. My only dislike is the tunnel effect. By that I mean the original class stories, chapters 1-3, were unique to each class. Rise of the Hutt Cartel tunneled that into two stories, One Empire, one Republic. Shadow of Revan tunneled it even further to one story arc, with maybe 1 unique mission, if you were lucky. Then KotFE came out with its one size fits all story. I have not done KotET yet, I was doing the rest of the classes stories for Ch 1-3. The one thing I would beg from the Devs is a return to the unique class story arcs. This is what the game is truly missing. It is what made the original great, and what needs to be returned to make it great again. In addition, I am hoping for a few more PvP maps, a few more Ops to be added. And a few more Flashpoints. I don't want much do I. Other than these few things I feel this game is the best MMO out there, maybe the best video game PERIOD. Oh, one more thing, if EA/Bioware could come up with a fix to allow me to play KotOR 1&2 on Windows 10 that would be great. I really want to play the backstory. Thanks, and keep up the good work.
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This is not happening. It was mentioned as being desired by the players, to rub salt into the wound. It is NOT happening.
It's not??? @Eric, @Charles, ummm guys - Let's make sure this does happen and please toss away all salt shakers.
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It's not??? @Eric, @Charles, ummm guys - Let's make sure this does happen and please toss away all salt shakers.


So. One of those occasions I'd rather be wrong.


"Challenge accepted" as Lana might declare. But, will it be met? Time will tell.

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It's not??? @Eric, @Charles, ummm guys - Let's make sure this does happen and please toss away all salt shakers.


Thanks Keith. You are too cute. You deserve some homemade brownies for that. :p

Edited by casirabit
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Does that say it is happening in 5.x? Does it say it is happening at all? No to both. Compare that verbiage to the cases where the roadmap declares something is happening by some date. All that the roadmap says is that they know we want it.


Look at what they said about the same subject in notes for 5.1.1 and 5.1.2; the same thing they're saying again in this roadmap. Best case it *** might *** appear in the next roadmap.


See this is where you and I differ. I rather give them a chance instead of being negative about things and just for the record before you make the comment, I have been here since launch and seen a lot that hasn't happened but that is no way going to make me think they are not going to do it.


I will give them a chance unlike a lot of people but then again that is my nature. My boyfriend and friends has always told me I am too trusting. Maybe I am but I refuse to be negative on a game. there is way too much negatively in real life right now.

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See this is where you and I differ. I rather give them a chance instead of being negative about things and just for the record before you make the comment, I have been here since launch and seen a lot that hasn't happened but that is no way going to make me think they are not going to do it.


I will give them a chance unlike a lot of people but then again that is my nature. My boyfriend and friends has always told me I am too trusting. Maybe I am but I refuse to be negative on a game. there is way too much negatively in real life right now.


All that matters is the delivery. Like I said, I'm really happy to see the amount of community engagement we have recently - but just the same mike_carton is feeling burned by previous mentions there for a reason.

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See this is where you and I differ.


Takes all kinds to make a world. The trusting, the paranoid, the cynic, the optimist...So long as we can disagree without being disagreeable, it will make for interesting conversations.


I also count my chickens after they hatch...


To be really clear: I'm glad - like most others - at the increased interaction and transparency. It does come with its own set of risks. Not being able to deliver on all promises is one of them - happens sometimes due to circumstances out of one's control. I do hope too that we keep up our end of the bargain - maintaining a respectful distance while affecting an easy familiarity, being cognizant that not all wishes will be fulfilled and that there will be inevitable disappointments and human failings.


We're definitely at a better place than we were only a short while ago. I hope we all work towards extending that trend.


Edited by mike_carton
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Takes all kinds to make a world. The trusting, the paranoid, the cynic, the optimist...So long as we can disagree without being disagreeable, it will make for interesting conversations.


Hear, Hear! I was going to say something similar, but not as eloquently as you put it. There are absolutely going to be times where we say we want to do a thing, but we have to redirect and change course. When we realize we can't deliver, we'll tell you and explain what's up. Hopefulllllly, the change will be for the better, but in some cases, we'll have to refer back to your message.


Longer term, I'd like all of us to be in a position where we're comfortable with the direction of the game, you have a lot of confidence we are on top of your concerns, and you'll get to a point where you are willing to be flexible (a sneaky term for being understanding and agreeable). Not asking for anything right now, except dialog.



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Takes all kinds to make a world. The trusting, the paranoid, the cynic, the optimist...So long as we can disagree without being disagreeable, it will make for interesting conversations.


I also count my chickens after they hatch...


To be really clear: I'm glad - like most others - at the increased interaction and transparency. It does come with its own set of risks. Not being able to deliver on all promises is one of them - happens sometimes due to circumstances out of one's control. I do hope too that we keep up our end of the bargain - maintaining a respectful distance while affecting an easy familiarity, being cognizant that not all wishes will be fulfilled and that there will be inevitable disappointments and human failings.


We're definitely at a better place than we were only a short while ago. I hope we all work towards extending that trend.



Ha so true!

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