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Starting to believe the reviews now?


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None of my friends are unsubbing, and I thoroughly enjoy playing this game.


Far better game than the dumpster fire of a game I used to play.


This. One of my best friends that I've been playing WoW with for years (and who has been subbed to that game since mid BC) is considering unsubbing till their next expac comes out, because she's having so much fun in swtor with me. I find myself playing very little WoW.


The game is far from perfect, and has some major flaws, but it's a lot of fun, more than enough fun to keep me around until they can fix them.

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Problem with mainstream media is that they only deal with mainstream stuff. So in the end it all regresses to the mean, DA2 is a prime example, it doesn't do anything new, uses default everything and is barely an RPG, but it is a simple action game and that works for the mainstream media. ANY game that tries to do something actually new will either be passed up by those mainstream media or get a bad review.


Indie games with bugs tend to get butchered by those mainstream media, but when it's an "AA" title from a "major" publisher suddenly it's all about the gameplay (Skyrim anyone? That game's not even playable on most state of the art PCs without 3rd party patches as it can't handle over 3or4G of RAM, which most every gamer's PC has...it still got raving reviews though and no mention of the bugs).


While a lot of the whining on the forums after a game's release might just be trolls doing what they do best I still feel the community around the game is the best indication of whether a game has any real problems or not, but filtering the disingenuous trolling from the honest criticism is an art in itself.


I would never use the community to gauge a game. They have the exact same threads after release as every other mmo. Even WoW had horrible threads and "this game will FAIL" threads all over it. I form my own opinion of a game and then view how successful it is by legitimate news regarding how well its selling and what not. I just find it funny seeing all the DOOM AND GLOOM threads I typically see in every game here. Especially when its impossible to deny the success its seen so far.

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before the game release alot of reviews gave it bad reviews and the ppl here didnt like them. After playin the game a bit i can tell those reviews were pretty accurate and u see less of the ppl who said this game was "awsome" and more ppl unsubing. this game clearly wasnt ready


yeah...everyone is unsubbing and the game is gonna F2P within 3 months, right ? *rolleyes*

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Ok, apart from any other Bethesda game can you name the game that compares with Skyrim please. Thanks in advance, I look forward to seeing what it is.


This comment merely show your ignorance of the history of computer games and an entire genre.


For a partial list Click Here.


To highlight some classics, that, as per your demand, were not developed by Bethesda:


Fallout 1

Fallout 2

Fallout: New Vegas (Built on the Oblivion engine and published by Bethesda, but developed by Obsidian, with a completely different team including some members of the original Fallout teams, and, if a daresay it, better than Fallout 3.)

Deus Ex

Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Batman: Arkham City

The GTA Series (There's a lot of these.)

Mount and Blade (ok, so not as big as these other titles, but I'm a fan, so I had to mention it.)

Spore (Space phase especially.)


And this barely scratches the surface. Now, I'm sure you're going to argue that Skyrim is the "biggest and best and none of these compare" I'm going to have to point out that it's also the newest one on the list. At any given point, many of these other games could have held the title of "biggest sandbox". In a few years, another game will come out that will make Skyrim seem small in comparison, it's the way development goes.

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I think it's kinda funny.... I log onto the forums and every time there's a new "THIS GAME SUX, WOW DID IT BETTER" or something of that ilk, or ofcourse just plain old "THIS GAME SUX, IT'S GOING TO BE DEAD IN SIX MONTHS", yet when I log onto the game and group with people pretty much all I see is "Man, I love this game", "This game is awesome!" etc.


I'm not saying THIS post is a hater post, but I'm pretty sure that a lot of the hater stuff you see on this forum is down to people not getting much attention when they spew that the game is rubbish in-game, so they come onto the forum where those of us who like the game feel obliged to respond because we don't want all negativity on here.


ALL reviews need to be taken with a pinch of salt, because none of them are ever going to be totally unbiased. It's impossible. A rating of a game is an opinion, and hence, biased due to that persons likes and motivations.


A hardcore star wars fan, who love voice acting in games and a good story is going to give this game an excellent score. A CoD player who just wants to kill **** with big guns is going to hate this game. Neither is right. Reviews should be used to learn about aspects of the game so you can make your own opinion as to whether you want to buy it.

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But this is the reason of the forums. If you see problems it is very normal to come and post it to the forums. If you see perfection (like you do for instance) you have nothing to post. I wonder how we can call these that in spite seeing perfection they still come to hijack threads or offend people of the first category. Really man. Go enjoy the game and leave the ones with the concerns to the forums. Fair enough? :)


nah it is fun to troll the trolls :p we have jobs also and we cant' play there :p but we can always be on forums :PPP


and yes forums are for the complaining sort of types :p those that do not come to forums are the ones that


a) enjoy the game

b) they will quit it sillently as any mature consumer must do. If you do not like it you stop paying it, if you have a suggestion about something that can work better you post it

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before the game release alot of reviews gave it bad reviews and the ppl here didnt like them. After playin the game a bit i can tell those reviews were pretty accurate and u see less of the ppl who said this game was "awsome" and more ppl unsubing. this game clearly wasnt ready


No, I do not believe those reviews. Why? Because this game is fun for me, and I'm enjoying myself.


Then again, I didn't set my expectations really high like SOME people do. This game came out almost exactly like I had expected it.

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I would never use the community to gauge a game. They have the exact same threads after release as every other mmo. Even WoW had horrible threads and "this game will FAIL" threads all over it. I form my own opinion of a game and then view how successful it is by legitimate news regarding how well its selling and what not. I just find it funny seeing all the DOOM AND GLOOM threads I typically see in every game here. Especially when its impossible to deny the success its seen so far.


You knew though in your gut that WoW would be amazing. The feeling of the world, the openess, the characters laughing and dancing, RPing, the tools were there. And it was Blizzard.


TOR simply doesn't have any kind of proper vision. It's fine now but it's just too old to compete.


If GW2 does HALF of what it promises, it will sweep everything. If TOR offered some great SW moments or some actual vision with its mechanics, it would have a chance.


Hell, they can't even offer us speech bubbles...

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I concur, though only real gamers and who are not SW freaks can see the flaws. The game is fine for inexperienced players and also people who eat SW for breakfast, lunch and dinner.


This game is bad. Period.


i hate star wars and have been playing mmos since UO first came out. SWTOR is a fine game.

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before the game release alot of reviews gave it bad reviews and the ppl here didnt like them. After playin the game a bit i can tell those reviews were pretty accurate and u see less of the ppl who said this game was "awsome" and more ppl unsubing. this game clearly wasnt ready


You will of course be able to link to said reviews?


We're waiting.




How about i link to some instead:

IGN: http://uk.pc.ign.com/articles/121/1214622p1.html Positive with a user average score of 9.1

Gamespot: http://uk.gamespot.com/star-wars-the-old-republic/platform/pc Not reviewed just yet, but average player review is 8.8, Metacritic score of 88.

Gamesradar: http://www.gamesradar.com/star-wars-old-republic-review-diary-level-30-45/ Positive.


But hey, you keep spouting nonsense without anything to back it up. I'm sure everyone will believe you.

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You knew though in your gut that WoW would be amazing. The feeling of the world, the openess, the characters laughing and dancing, RPing, the tools were there. And it was Blizzard.


TOR simply doesn't have any kind of proper vision. It's fine now but it's just too old to compete.


If GW2 does HALF of what it promises, it will sweep everything. If TOR offered some great SW moments or some actual vision with its mechanics, it would have a chance.


Hell, they can't even offer us speech bubbles...


WoW is anything but "open" bud. I feel much more cramped in WoW than I do in, say, Gothic, even though it's that much smaller. The world seems really unnatural to me. I'm not saying the game is bad, but it doesn't give me a feeling of openness and freedom in the slightest. TOR has that problem too, but I can overlook it due to the Bioware storytelling style (which is what kept me going through Bioware's other games where the worlds are even more atrociously cramped, at least here you have some space).


Also, I believe speech bubbles are on their way.

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You knew though in your gut that WoW would be amazing. The feeling of the world, the openess, the characters laughing and dancing, RPing, the tools were there. And it was Blizzard.


TOR simply doesn't have any kind of proper vision. It's fine now but it's just too old to compete.


If GW2 does HALF of what it promises, it will sweep everything. If TOR offered some great SW moments or some actual vision with its mechanics, it would have a chance.


Hell, they can't even offer us speech bubbles...


I actually didnt feel that way about WoW. I enjoyed it for about 10 months but I just never felt attached or part of something big. The story was just not interesting. This game makes me feel like im in the star wars universe making a difference and NO mmo has really offered that to me and ive played almost all of them. Honestly your opinion of the game just makes no sense, its almost as if you havent played this game. No vision, seriously? Not offering star wars moments, seriously? your concern is speech bubbles, seriously?

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I actually didnt feel that way about WoW. I enjoyed it for about 10 months but I just never felt attached or part of something big. The story was just not interesting. This game makes me feel like im in the star wars universe making a difference and NO mmo has really offered that to me and ive played almost all of them. Honestly your opinion of the game just makes no sense, its almost as if you havent played this game. No vision, seriously? Not offering star wars moments, seriously? your concern is speech bubbles, seriously?


Its not just spech bubbles bro, this games mechanics are 2009 while they copied everything from World of Warcraft yet still cant execute a proper game. I pitty myself for ever pre-ordering and this game has thought ma lesson.


I will never ever pre-order a game.

I will wait 1-2 months before I even consider playing a new game.


Thanks Bioware and EA



I just hope you all do the same, We paid for unfinished product.

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I would never use the community to gauge a game. They have the exact same threads after release as every other mmo. Even WoW had horrible threads and "this game will FAIL" threads all over it. I form my own opinion of a game and then view how successful it is by legitimate news regarding how well its selling and what not. I just find it funny seeing all the DOOM AND GLOOM threads I typically see in every game here. Especially when its impossible to deny the success its seen so far.


There's two kinds of threads, the "this game will fail threads" without much actual content and the ones dealing with actual issues. I concentrate on the latter ones and decide how much of an issue I consider those issues to be for me personally. I also try to find threads by people with similar tastes (hardcore RPG players, usually, though for MMOs this is not applicable, as much as they like to pretend otherwise, most MMOs have very little RPG to them)


Review sites concentrate on some imaginary average gamer, I (un)fortunately don't fit that stereotype nor do a lot of others, still games get designed more and more for that stereotype because that would sell more (because it results in good reviews, see the paradox here?). Unfortunately doing well in a niche market seems to no longer be a viable business strategy, resulting in abominations like DA2 (sorry, I'm one of them PS:T/Fallout/BG/IWD/DAO cRPG players) which is a hack and slash game with a very linear story (or two very linear stories, you get to choose!) and a simple combat system modeled after MMOs.

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before the game release alot of reviews gave it bad reviews and the ppl here didnt like them. After playin the game a bit i can tell those reviews were pretty accurate and u see less of the ppl who said this game was "awsome" and more ppl unsubing. this game clearly wasnt ready


4 lines, 9 spelling mistakes. That's like averaging 1 every 5 words.


I usually don't point stuff out like this, but how do you expect anyone to take you seriously?

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The game got quite some good reviews how ever they aren't honest.

They are spot on that SWTOR is a great game don't get me of, it's an unpolished gem.



Truth be told SWTOR has a lot of game breaking bugs , even more minor bugs.

You can't speak of a smooth game when it has massive performance issues/memory leaks/tons of crash bugs/Black screen/bosses not dropping loot and class quests being bugged.


Not to mention minor ones like companions getting stuck/sith corruption/clicking on a item not working/chat box locking up/Action bars bugging/people getting stuck and go on.



The game is also not released with some core features.


AA/High res textures/Combat log/Colour matching/ Customizable UI/ Options like putting auto camera off and go on.

These are basic things for a game being released in 2012.



I just can't justify a high score and call it a smooth game with these bugs.

Edited by TheHauntingBard
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Its not just spech bubbles bro, this games mechanics are 2009 while they copied everything from World of Warcraft yet still cant execute a proper game. I pitty myself for ever pre-ordering and this game has thought ma lesson.


I will never ever pre-order a game.

I will wait 1-2 months before I even consider playing a new game.


Thanks Bioware and EA



I just hope you all do the same, We paid for unfinished product.


I pity your English teacher... And please keep on telling people to unsubscribe, you going to get sued for damages, remember the Producer is EA, they don't like stuff like this, you think because you are a kid you aren't going to get sued but you'd be surprised...

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before the game release alot of reviews gave it bad reviews and the ppl here didnt like them. After playin the game a bit i can tell those reviews were pretty accurate and u see less of the ppl who said this game was "awsome" and more ppl unsubing. this game clearly wasnt ready


Funny, nearly all the reviews I have read have been positive, and I tend to agree with them. This game's got some rough edges, but I'm definitely having more fun with it than I have with any other MMO at launch.


So yes, I believe the reviews.

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