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Subscription Rewards Should Not Deny Content Forever


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You see it, but is it really there? Like I said, I think the main reason most people want to keep rewards exclusive is so that they can think they are envied (never mind whether they actually are or not).


But, hey, whatever makes you feel big.


If there is no envy, then why is there so many whiners trying to gain access to something to which they KNOW they are NOT entitled to have access.


Why are so many of those whiners trying to cast the blame for their "being punished" at the feet of those who actually MET the criteria to have access to those subscriber rewards, including the bonus chapter?



It is far easier to play the victim, than it is to look in the mirror and place the responsibility where it belongs.

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The idea of the Monthly Subscriber Tokens mentioned above seems like the best idea.


I've said several times that I would like to see a "veteran reward system" introduced and implemented alongside the time specific subscriber reward promotions, with separate and different rewards for each system.


A "token" reward system could work, provided that the past subscriber rewards were not included as "future options" and remained exclusive to those that actually earned them at the appropriate time.

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Making those past subscriber rewards available again would only undermine the effectiveness of any future subscriber reward promotions.


Accept the fact that you did NOT meet the criteria to receive those past subscriber rewards and look at that as incentive to remain subscribed so as not to miss out on any future subscriber rewards.



That said, I think BW would do well to complement the time specific subscriber rewards with some different "veteran subscriber rewards".


Using both types of reward systems would reward players with some rewards for total amount of time subscribed, while also rewarding players with different rewards that are only rewarded for being subscribed at specific times.


BUT BW didnt do the same with canceled speeders, why not DO the same with sub rewards? WHY sub rewards are more important THAN the canceled speeders?

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The past subscriber rewards should remain exclusive to those that actually MET the criteria to receive them, IMO.



To offer them again, by any means, would have a drastic negative impact on the effectiveness of future subscriber reward promotions, IMO. After all, why should Johnny subscribe now ( when BW needs the subscribers and the revenue they generate) if he can just wh8ine and cry on the forums and be able to get it later for a pittance.



I see a lot of envy and entitlement on these forums. There also seems to be a large emphasis on trying to justify that entitlement and attempts to cast those who actually MET the criteria for those subscriber rewards as "big, bad bullies" who want to "punish those who did NOT meet the criteria to receive the subscriber rewards and make their lives miserable."


what is your opinion that BW bring back the canceled speeders of 2012? and add them into CXP packs? WHy those people that played back that time and gain those speeders to feel like **** now?

Its the same thing, since they bring the canceled speeders back they should bring and sub rewards back.

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There is nothing wrong with free rewards being sold for real money on website (not CC on Market). Only exclusive players that met condition got them for free but others would have to pay. Items and cosmetics should remain locked, but stories no. Companions no. They should have stand alone prices on the website, price they are worth for, so not free like it was gifted to exclusive players, but also not at the price of full expansions or full real games out there. If they would cost same price, then they would include the same exclusivity benefits that exclusive players had, which is the premium status and every single reward that came with it. That way everyone pays same amount for same stuff.
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Subscriber rewards shouldn't lock up content to only those who were subscribed at the moment, such as the HK-55 Bonus Chapter or Nico Okarr pickup mission. You guys don't win over would-be subscribers by punishing them for not being here earlier. That's a sure way alienate them. Please come up with better ways to reward subscribers. There have been many ideas posted on improving that. Make content available to everyone. Maybe not right away, but give everyone a way to unlock this stuff. You can make Nico and his mission unlock like Treek, same with HK.


The more you tighten your grip, the more subscribers that slip through your fingertips.


HK chapter was to say thanks to subs for being a sub for a certain time and I enjoyed the HK Chapter it was really fun.

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what is your opinion that BW bring back the canceled speeders of 2012? and add them into CXP packs? WHy those people that played back that time and gain those speeders to feel like **** now?

Its the same thing, since they bring the canceled speeders back they should bring and sub rewards back.


Why? WHY do you people always insist on making this comparison?


These mounts are simply in-game items, no more, no less, that were removed for WHATEVER reason and now they are back.


But you're trying to compare this to SUBSCRIBER INCENTIVES and they aren't even close to being "the same thing" but somehow you guys keep trying to make this desperate comparison just to get something you don't have cuz you missed the boat.


FFS enough of this.

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If BioWare were to cave in to the entitled Johnny-come-lately, then Johnny-come-lately would undermine the whole game promotions purpose. After the entire promotions system collapse, as no subscriber in their right mind would take BioWare at their word, public trust in this business would be crippled. All because self-entitled WAH'ers who want it all, even though they didn't follow the rules like everyone else and didn't support and invest in this game in its dire moments.


You didn't put up the capital when this game was in its slumps, its only fair you DON'T DESERVE to reap the upside perks of the result of that time period. It's absurd. If someone puchased stock when a company was doing poorly, and if the stock rose, it'd be crazy to hear people cry about buying the stock at the initial price (or worse, at a 'pittance') only to sell it at the current higher price to get a quick nice payoff.

You didn't invest in this company at its low, you DON'T DESERVE ANY promotional payoffs this game had as a following result. And this topic and other grubby undeserved perk grabs should NEVER be an issue in this game.

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Why? WHY do you people always insist on making this comparison?


These mounts are simply in-game items, no more, no less, that were removed for WHATEVER reason and now they are back.


But you're trying to compare this to SUBSCRIBER INCENTIVES and they aren't even close to being "the same thing" but somehow you guys keep trying to make this desperate comparison just to get something you don't have cuz you missed the boat.


FFS enough of this.


I agree. I had the speeders before the whole CXP drop thing and can stomach that, but an absolute gamebreaker would be to bring back the gear from launch, as it'd be no different than bringing back old pvp rewards.

Edited by Willjb
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  • 3 weeks later...
{Another swift comeback.}


I'd like to think there's a problem with the forums today, making people think these threads are newer than they actually are. If not, and this is just a sad attempt at bumping this back up, I feel sorry for you that there is so little support for this that you had to do that.

Wow, the hostility in this thread is incredible. I did a search and came up with nothing. That's why I posted it.


If BioWare were to cave in to the entitled Johnny-come-lately, then Johnny-come-lately would undermine the whole game promotions purpose. After the entire promotions system collapse, as no subscriber in their right mind would take BioWare at their word, public trust in this business would be crippled. All because self-entitled WAH'ers who want it all, even though they didn't follow the rules like everyone else and didn't support and invest in this game in its dire moments.


You didn't put up the capital when this game was in its slumps, its only fair you DON'T DESERVE to reap the upside perks of the result of that time period. It's absurd. If someone puchased stock when a company was doing poorly, and if the stock rose, it'd be crazy to hear people cry about buying the stock at the initial price (or worse, at a 'pittance') only to sell it at the current higher price to get a quick nice payoff.

You didn't invest in this company at its low, you DON'T DESERVE ANY promotional payoffs this game had as a following result. And this topic and other grubby undeserved perk grabs should NEVER be an issue in this game.

Apples and oranges, this isn't stock, and a lot of the newcomers didn't even know this game existed when it came out, nor during its "dark times." (Some would argue right now is the dark time even.)




Whoever originally came up with the token idea understands what's going on here.

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Except if I remember correctly those were never marketed as exclusive subscription reward, implication being they can come back. Which I hope they do.
I realize this is an old post, but the thread was bumped and I posted these in the other current thread related to this idea.



"Want Exclusive Color Crystals This March? Choose Your Path!"


"LAST CHANCE to pilot the Rapid Recon Walker: Go Premium Today!"


"LAST CHANCE TO CLAIM A RARE BOUNTY: Unlock Shae Vizla -- legendary Bounty Hunter -- as a new Companion to fight by your side!"




Subscribe by October 19th to get the Exclusive Knights of the Old Republic-Inspired Swoop Bike.


Congratulations: Your reward has arrived! Thanks for your continued loyalty.


Those are all from SWTOR email.

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I can see both sides of the argument, on one hand there are some cool promotional items I wish I had got but I also have some promotional items that are cool and I don't want people to just get them because I subbed for them in a limited time. I think that the current way they do things is fine, if people missed a reward they missed it, tough luck there will be more.
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This thread isn't about items or mounts. This thread is about content, regardless of how small or brief it is. (Companions could count as content, if they actually contribute to conversations or have their own observations on things.) Edited by Tofu_Shark
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This thread isn't about items or mounts. This thread is about content, regardless of how small or brief it is. (Companions could count as content, if they actually contribute to conversations or have their own observations on things.)


No, this thread is a whine about how you didn't follow the rules, and now think you're being punished for not following the rules.


If you want the thing, do the thing that get's you the thing. I can't get a ring from the SuperBowl XXXVIII. That doesn't mean I should get it if I ask.

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No, this thread is a whine about how you didn't follow the rules, and now think you're being punished for not following the rules.


If you want the thing, do the thing that get's you the thing. I can't get a ring from the SuperBowl XXXVIII. That doesn't mean I should get it if I ask.


^LOL, I know really.


There are a lot of dreamers among the WAHers; their philosophy is:

"If you WAH~, it will come." - a skewed "Field of Dreams" pipe dream.

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This thread isn't about items or mounts. This thread is about content, regardless of how small or brief it is. (Companions could count as content, if they actually contribute to conversations or have their own observations on things.)

You already qualified companions in your original post. Regardless, the premise is the same for rewards. I'm not sure if "Look at me ... I'm helping" is the contribution that qualifies for you anyway.

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