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Hood/Mask issue


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I presume the reason they're taking time to include a hood toggle is that there aren't models for each of the robes with both the hood up and down, which requires the artists to add them in order for the toggle to be implemented properly. You may notice that the hoods don't just go down when you equip a mask, they disappear entirely.


For the hood and mask issue I think, like others have mentioned, they removed it because of clipping issues. I think they're taking the same approach as they are to the color matching feature, that they want to wait until it's in a completed state before they add it back in. I support that approach, I just wish they would give some information on what their plans are for this.


As to the response to the ticket saying that this is intended, you have to remember that the person responding is their support team, not their developers. How hoods and masks are implemented currently, any time you put on a helmet it removes your hood. In that sense, the person who responded to the ticket is correct, it is working as intended. But that doesn't mean it fits with dev intentions for the future. They could very well be working on or intending to implement working hoods with masks underneath.

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I now cannot play my Sith Inquisitor AT ALL because of this. Which is a shame, because it's the class I was most looking forward to playing. Normally how gear looks doesn't affect me too much, but I can't stand looking at my Inquisitor's mask without a hood, especially when I expected this feature to be in the game after many screenshots and trailers featured inquisitors with the hood/mask combo.



The trailers you released advertised this specific look, and then you don't allow the player to have that specific look that you plastered all over the media for this game? That's pretty much blatant false advertisement. Very disappointed.

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Since i only had the chance to beta test the game during the last testing weekends, i have no idea how things were working during beta... anyone who was a beta tester for longer can tell us if there were actualy any problems with characters wearing both hoods and masks?
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Is this a victim of the "there was clipping so instead of reworking the models, we simply removed the combination" mentality that gutted many of the character customization options?


Seems like it...


Didn't stop them from doing a half-arsed job on various NPCs in mission/class storyline cinematics.


I faced off against a rival on my Sith Warrior who got turned into a cyborg... all the mechanical stuff on his face was totally static, so when he moved or talked, the metal just clipped through his face. Looked horrible.

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what happen to the "we will be listening to the community and seeing what they wanna see in the game...you are the people who decide what kind of changes we need to make to the game, because the game is for you guys" in the "coming up" video? (

at 1:44 )


we want hood + mask toggle so if you expect to do what you say u do on the vids give us the hood + mask toggle in the next weekly patch.


/sign as obvious

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Again i must reiterate some key points...


Clipping- Obviously wont matter much since you arnt bothering to fix half of the clipping make out scenes or Xalek's face clipping into his robes anyways.


Promises- as stated in my last post linking to the video "players decide" as spoken in the video.


This Thread- 20 pages of complaints


i rest my case...until another reminder is necessary

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Yeah it worked pretty well in beta. Perhaps even an hood toggle would be nice like the show helmet one. But I hear ya for some reason this is very irritating. Not even Revan has a hood lol.



Edited by Folgrin
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not sure what good this will do, but




If you say in that video that was linked earlier that you are always listening to the community and we are who decide what gets put into the game, then put this into the game, if this thread isn't enough, there are plenty other threads I found using the search function complaining that this WAS in the beta, and isn't now.


Bring it back, i beg you, no.... *WE* beg you, if you really do listen to us, then seriously, put this back in, **Sooner rather than later**.


honestly a big suprised no CM/DEV has commented on this thread, chances are you guys have seen it by now...

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...from the other thread...


Since there is mechanic already in place that allows the hood to be removed with certain head armors then the implementation for parametering it would be trivial.


1. Introduce a user configurable parameter (lets call it Show hood) alongside with Show headgear to preferences.

2. This setting is then stored (along with other user preferences) for your character at the server database.

3. Then we implement an accessor method to read this parameter value from the database. Lets call it showHoodPreference().

4. There should already method which checks if the head gear allows hood, as demonstrated by the behaviour of the game. Lets call this headgearAllowsHood() for now.

5. When the engine is rendering your toon it should then do the following logic:



If(showHoodPreference() &&


showHoodOnCharacter = true;


showHoodOnCharacter = false;



6. The value returned by showhoodPreference() is ALWAYS the dominant parameter on the above comparison when using the && operator and the headgearAllowsHood() doesnt even need to be called if it returns false.


...and there you have it, logic to implement user preference for keeping those pesky hoods down and you dont even have to pay me anything.


Now get to work you lazy BW coders!!!

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