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Everything posted by Stiria

  1. Alright, Just wondered, saw something in my mail that may have indicated something more deliberate on Biowares part, mailed a crystal to my other character and it showed up as "Advanced ******************* Color Crystal", and it happened to be one of the items I was referring to. Thanks though for the reply.
  2. Hey guys, checked forum for this, couldn't find anything recent, apologies if it's been answered already; I recently put a few items for trade on the Market, but when I personally search for said Item, I cannot find it, nor any others of the same item type. This is what I mean; opening a few boxes from my Alliance Commander's cut, I got a Ice Cat mount thing. Searched the AH for the item, no one appeared to have it. Put it up for a reasonable asking price, and went on my way. Next day, it's back in my mail didn't sell, that's cool no big deal. Put it up again, lowered price. My friend finally gets the same mount and puts it on the AH. Tells me about it, and we both search the AH for the mounts, neither of us can find it, the mount doesn't appear to show up on the market, at all. I don't follow, whats going on. This is not the only Item it's occurring with. It is a bug, or what, did I really get it on the AH, but just can't tell who else is selling, or is there a bug? Thanks in Advance, will return at a later date to see replies.
  3. Ok, even though the tutorial that pops up says level 50, you can't actually start the quest until you are level 51. I got the quest now, after I hit 51, the mission terminal gave it to, but only after I hit 51. Whatever...
  4. The mission terminal has a greyed out quest icon, pretty sure it's the Revan one showing up there, clicking on the holoterminal in the center of the room is where you get access to Hutt Cartel. Besides that, clicking on both does nothing.
  5. Hey guys, I have the Hutt Cartel expansion, bought it a long time ago, besides that I'm a subscriber anyway, so even if I didn't buy it, I would still have access to it. I'm having an issue starting the quests. The in-game tutorial says all you have to do is get level 50 and click on your holoterminal on your ship. This doesn't work for me, even after completing story for Jedi Knight/Sith Inquisitor. Got a new character to 50, tried to start it, nothing happens when I click on the terminal. Even have the mail saying "Welcome to Hutt Cartel Digital Expansion". It won't let me start the missions on two level 50 characters, a Jedi Knight, and a Sith Inquisitor. However, I have it already started on another Sith Inquisitor and a Jedi Counselor. Even finished it on a Sith Inquisitor a few days back. I can't start the quests, and It's REALLY annoying. Have a ticket open, since last Friday, doesn't seem to help, haven't gotten a response from that, that's awesome. Anyone else have a solution to this problem? What am I suppose to do, just level to 55 and start the Revan stuff? If anyone has a solution, please let me know.
  6. Hey guys, I have the Hutt Cartel expansion, bought it a long time ago, besides that I'm a subscriber anyway, so even if I didn't buy it, I would still have access to it. I'm having an issue starting the quests. The in-game tutorial says all you have to do is get level 50 and click on your holoterminal on your ship. This doesn't work for me, even after completing story for Jedi Knight/Sith Inquisitor. Got a new character to 50, tried to start it, nothing happens when I click on the terminal. Even have the mail saying "Welcome to Hutt Cartel Digital Expansion". It won't let me start the missions on two level 50 characters, a Jedi Knight, and a Sith Inquisitor. However, I have it already started on another Sith Inquisitor and a Jedi Counselor. Even finished it on a Sith Inquisitor a few days back. I can't start the quests, and It's REALLY annoying. Have a ticket open, since last Friday, doesn't seem to help, haven't gotten a response from that, that's awesome. Anyone else have a solution to this problem? What am I suppose to do, just level to 55 and start the Revan stuff? If anyone has a solution, please let me know.
  7. it was supposed to be fixed, 3 patchs ago, or 4 i lost track, but it is SOOOO annoying and needs to be addressed, not ignored.
  8. Just a suggestion here, obviously being in the suggestion box an all... Can you remove certain dialogue from companions after they reach a certain point in the affection and their story arc. I'm not talking about having a conversation with them, I'm talking about when you right click on them running around in the fleet or something, and they have a small little something to say about whatever. Example - I've been running around with Ashara on my Inquisitor for the longest time, and she is around 8000+ affection, she's accepted her place at this point through her story, so could you do away with some of random things she says like "I don't really have a choice, do I?" She may not have a choice... but she is FARRR more accepting of me at this point, than she was when I first got her. After all, she does refer to me as "My lord" and "Yes, Master". So she does consider me her master at this point. Also another thing, maybe add in some new ones when reaching certain points in their story arcs. For example, having romanced Ashara, maybe have her say a few lines with her expressing her love for you or something. Or if you didn't romance her, but she's accepting of you and you've maxed out her affection, maybe just something friendly. Removing the "I don't really have a choice, do I? and the "Don't make me go against my teachings" line after a certain point would be cool. I'm one of those people who enjoy hearing their companions talk to me when I click on them, hearing their voice is cool, just having them respond in general is cool, but its kind of annoying when they say things that don't seem to pertain to them anymore. I'm sorry I don't have a huge amount of examples, because I've only played a few characters to the higher tiers. However, one more thing. Having them turn to the dark side with Jaesa, the concept behind that is pretty cool, I'd really dig something like that happening to Ashara. just some thoughts i guess.
  9. not sure what good this will do, but /signed If you say in that video that was linked earlier that you are always listening to the community and we are who decide what gets put into the game, then put this into the game, if this thread isn't enough, there are plenty other threads I found using the search function complaining that this WAS in the beta, and isn't now. Bring it back, i beg you, no.... *WE* beg you, if you really do listen to us, then seriously, put this back in, **Sooner rather than later**. honestly a big suprised no CM/DEV has commented on this thread, chances are you guys have seen it by now...
  10. This is a suggestion I'd like to throw out there, because well... I just finished watching the opening intro again and since I've been playing a Sith Assassin I kinda want to look like this... You know the helm that the Assassin is using in the intro, the one with the bars accross the face. Well, i know there are a few helms that look like that, and I like the look of it, but I would like it about 50,000 times more, if the hood of a hooded chest was up at the same time , like it is in the intro. So, my suggestion is too maybe implement a a way to toggle hoods on hooded chests and it still go up when a head piece is on. Because that helm + a hood would look so cool ingame...
  11. The title doesn't explain my purpose here, but it may get your attention. I mean really, who is going try this right? Given how moderately hard to get the magenta crystals are and only a few people have the schematic, on my faction that is. Here is my question... Can you learn the other schematics for the magenta crystals through reverse engineering one you have? IE - This is confirmed to have worked, At least for me it has worked once....I was sorting through my gear in my bags, and came across a robe I had crafted a while back that was of purple quality. I didn't sell it, but instead I RE'd it and i got a new schematic of the purple quality. Does anyone know if this works for the Magenta crystals? I only ask this, because the +33 Pwr, 33 endurance and 33 crit crystals all have schematics that drop from that boss on belsavis. Just wondering if its possible to learn the endurance one, say from REing a cut power one. I imagine its going to be hard to figure this out with 100% certainty because probably not a lot of people are even going to try it, but if anyone knows, let me know plz, thanks.
  12. cool. thanks for the info and quick responses.
  13. alright, got a question about the crew skill mission recipes. since searching is disabled on the forums or i'm just too blind to see it, and when i click on the stickies it keeps telling me the forums are undergoing maintenance... ok, so, question is simple. those reicpes you can find/buy from the market that grant a mission for the mission skills (ie - underworld trading, arch, etc etc). Are those one time uses? (not the recipe, but the actual mission after you use the recipe) Will the mission pop up again at some point? maybe a cool down or something like that? Or are they literally only one time missions? any help would be grateful, thanks in advance.
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