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Hood/Mask issue


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I agree with this so much...

Any Sith Inquisitor that's off Dromund Kaas, look at your Codex page for Kallig. He's wearing the iconic Inquisitor mask... with a hood. It looks incredible! However, when actual inquisitors equip it without the ability to wear a hood alongside it, it looks okay at best. With a hood, it could change from looking 'okay' to 'freaking amazing'. I've noticed this with a great many masks and helmets. Of course things like the Marauder's shark-finned helmet shouldn't be compatible with a hood, but things like Kallig's mask and most of the facemasks should. It would greatly improve the aesthetics and customisation options for our characters. Just my two cents.

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It seems this issue has only the supporters... I do not see any resistance... I think it is pretty clear what community wants... Anyway who would doubt about Revan´s mask under hood? You cant doubt about such a thing... No player would do that... It would be like putting medieval sword to Jedi instead of lightsaber... There are things about SW that no one can doubt about and Revan without hood is one of them...
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Give us our hoods back dammit!


There is NO reason whatsoever to make it so that you cant have both hood and mask/helmet...


sure, there might be a few clipping issues, but far too few to make a difference.


Besides, all they need to do is add a hood/no hood marker on each helmet to mark the ones that cant be used with hoods.

They obviously have a system for this already since helmets and lekkus automatically remove hoods, but helmets didnt use to do it in the beta, but lekkus still did.


So, just add that lekku marker to any helmet that wont fit under a hood and the problem is solved.

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This is stupid not to have hoods without masks or hoods with helmets specially after all the advertisements with characters wearing these items so ***?? Being it back! This is the series that invented/pushed this look in the first place, without it is like star wars galaxies :(
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This is a huge pet peeve of mine.


Just look at all the Sith Warriors in the Hope cinematic (Republic intro in-game).

They are all wearing masks + hoods.

Why can't we do that in-game?


Just another disappointing feature, just like how bounty hunters can't actually use their jet pack for anything (animations for abilities that can be used without flying anyway don't count) despite the bounty hunter in the cinematic using her jetpack to fly up to a ledge far above the battle.

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