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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

WHAT is stopping you form making your own premade ?


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I pre-made everyday.


Nothing wrong with that.. it's just very annoying went it happens in Solo Rwz. I think more needs to be done in order to prevent from queuing in any shape of form as group in Solo Rank

Edited by VIZIOO
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You sound really angry, why is that? If people don't want to group with you, perhaps a little self examination is needed. Ask yourself why, perhaps your 1k dps isn't quite as good as you think it is; perhaps it's because you give off a Dahmer-esque vibe. Work on being a better player and a better person, then maybe one day you'll get that purple whisper asking you to join group (rather than asking you to l2p).


Now the important stuff's been said I can reply to your insightful comment. I'm not sure which server you play on, but on my server there's MORE than ONE premade running around at any particular time. They're all over the place, sometimes it's a group of two, maybe a group of three, but they're there; and you're playing against them all the time.

And yeah, I do consider it spectating when not a single player on the opposing team can manage 1k dps. You must enjoy playing against that kind of team, since you're the one that's against premades. I suggest you consider playing in lowbies, that'll be more to your standard.


You are sort of an idiot huh? Ok genius, I'll just adapt your strategy of the gods and next time most of my team is fully healed I'll just stop, maybe alt-tab & surf a little on the web instead of doing stuff to help my team that doesn't involve healing. I'm sure no-one will whisper me and say "Stop queueing", like they do to you all day long.

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You are sort of an idiot huh? Ok genius, I'll just adapt your strategy of the gods and next time most of my team is fully healed I'll just stop, maybe alt-tab & surf a little on the web instead of doing stuff to help my team that doesn't involve healing. I'm sure no-one will whisper me and say "Stop queueing", like they do to you all day long.


Look here salt mine, I'm not convinced English comprehension is your strong suit. My entire point was your team doesn't need any help when playing against pugs, who don't have a single player capable of inflicting damage above 1k p/s; your team will win regardless of whatever you do (hence why I said I dislike playing against teams full of pug bads). Perhaps you should indeed alt-tab during a game; I suggest when you do, you try googling "hooked on phonics".

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You are sort of an idiot huh? Ok genius, I'll just adapt your strategy of the gods and next time most of my team is fully healed I'll just stop, maybe alt-tab & surf a little on the web instead of doing stuff to help my team that doesn't involve healing. I'm sure no-one will whisper me and say "Stop queueing", like they do to you all day long.


He is not interested in objectives, he is only interested in being top healer on the boards. Reminds me of a healer on our server who doesn't heal other healers.


"Objectives are the job of DPS, healers are special"



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He is not interested in objectives, he is only interested in being top healer on the boards. Reminds me of a healer on our server who doesn't heal other healers.


"Objectives are the job of DPS, healers are special"




I fight a constant battle in my mind about which healer I want to be when I solo pug. Do I want to be able to do my "job" and stand at mid like a moron healing 7 people (yes, 7)? Or do I deprive the lemmings of healing and go take/guard because the 7 all went to mid?


I love the matches where there is one (ONE) guy who gets it, and the two of us actually affect the match outcome because we support each other in guarding/healing/calling, all without communication beyond the inc calls. That's all it takes sometimes, is two people knowing what to do. It's comical when the other side starts whining in chat after the match (sometimes during) about premades on our side. Uh, no, it was 6 lemmings and two complete strangers who knew what they were doing and supported each other.


I'm not a premade player, I only solo queue, but I understand 100% the reason people would want to casually premade based on the very real lemming mentality that pervades this game.

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I love the matches where there is one (ONE) guy who gets it, and the two of us actually affect the match outcome because we support each other in guarding/healing/calling, all without communication beyond the inc calls. That's all it takes sometimes, is two people knowing what to do. It's comical when the other side starts whining in chat after the match (sometimes during) about premades on our side. Uh, no, it was 6 lemmings and two complete strangers who knew what they were doing and supported each other.


This happens so often. Last time it happened to me was today. Me on conc oper and some arsenal merc carried og huttball to 6-4 win, and enemies blamed it on a premade. Then when i said back "just bcos you trash, doesn't mean we had a premade" i got reported for harassment and stalking. Jebaited


or the other day when i was solo on a mara in acw and guarding offnode. Our team happened to have 3 healers, enemies said nothing until they noticed the guild i was in. Then started the basic "tas trash" "tas queing with 3 heals again" etc.

People just want to find things to blame, rather than try to learn. Easier that way i guess.

Same goes for gear whiners, sure, there is gear gap. But cmon, in no way does the gear affect that much that you lost the match just bcos of it. (this is coming from a dude that doesn't even have full 242 yet, 230 stuff mixed with 240 and 242, with one mod and enh of 248)


And incase some people think that premaders do it to stomp bads, i don't think majority does.(not saying no one does)

I for example do it just to avoid as many mongs as possible. And it isn't any apex voice comm-trinity-stompeveryone-premade. Its people logging in and asking "anyone for regs". That's it, no voice comms or any bs. Wins come from knowing maps and classes

Edited by Kirpputori
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This happens so often. Last time it happened to me was today. Me on conc oper and some arsenal merc carried og huttball to 6-4 win, and enemies blamed it on a premade.


Whoa, no credit? Well ****.


Tbh, me and another mara were also doing a fair share of work.

But I didn't know that operative was yours, neither did I know the other guy and we sure as hell didn't queue up as a premade.


The premade accusation was made even better by the fact that the opposite team actually DID have a full premade in it though. rofl.

Edited by Evolixe
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Whoa, no credit? Well ****.


Tbh, me and another mara were also doing a fair share of work.

But I didn't know that operative was yours, neither did I know the other guy and we sure as hell didn't queue up as a premade.


The premade accusation was made even better by the fact that the opposite team actually DID have a full premade in it though. rofl.


well, yea there was some another oper doing fair share too (guessing that was you?) But figured i don't bother typing whole match up there and mentioned me and merc bcos we had the ball most :D:p

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well, yea there was some another oper doing fair share too (guessing that was you?) But figured i don't bother typing whole match up there and mentioned me and merc bcos we had the ball most :D:p


Nah I was on Mara. Basically playing support/Predation bot :rolleyes:

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Nah I was on Mara. Basically playing support/Predation bot :rolleyes:


Now i feel bad for not even mentioning the mara on my second post :mad:


But yeah, still even if our team had all played objectives and theirs wouldn't have, the point stays the same. People usually just need something to blame, and "enemies out played us" is a no go -> premade(/gear)

Edited by Kirpputori
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well, yea there was some another oper doing fair share too (guessing that was you?) But figured i don't bother typing whole match up there and mentioned me and merc bcos we had the ball most :D:p


I'm sure you know this, and it's not what you meant... :p But just because you did the scoring doesn't mean you did all the work. I've been playing around with a DPS sorc for just a bit, and just got out of a huttball. I was a pulling-machine! I don't think I ever touched the ball, but I was right there, pulling the ball carriers up to the ramps so they could just do their speed/roll in for the score. Sure they got all the glory, but I got the bottom of the score board! Wait... that came out wrong. :D

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I finally have a good answer for this thread.


I have now seen this over and over. No matter how many friends you have, or skill, with 5.2 gear disparity, when you end up against one of the "l33t" PVP guilds, who only recruit number farmers with full gear, and your just trying to make an alt, or even your brand new first 70, and the entire team is being spawn camped by BiS number farming premades.


This is why solo que an group que need to be separate. you have bad teammates? they probably do too. it doesn't make it ok to grab 3 of your 248 buddys and steam roll pug after pug cause you cant handle a loss.

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I finally have a good answer for this thread.


I have now seen this over and over. No matter how many friends you have, or skill, with 5.2 gear disparity, when you end up against one of the "l33t" PVP guilds, who only recruit number farmers with full gear, and your just trying to make an alt, or even your brand new first 70, and the entire team is being spawn camped by BiS number farming premades.


This is why solo que an group que need to be separate. you have bad teammates? they probably do too. it doesn't make it ok to grab 3 of your 248 buddys and steam roll pug after pug cause you cant handle a loss.


Thank you for your valuable input.

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I know your being sarcastic. I have a bit of an abrasive personality.


However, when I saw this topic go up, I agreed with OP. "Why don't you make your own premade?" Before I add my 2 cents to anything I like to consider all options, even if it means playing devils advocate to myself.


There are lots of reasons why solo queue and group queue should be separate, and the only reality based one that I could reasonably agree for no separation was shorter queues. There is a reason ranked has a group queue, and a solo. There is a reason pvp guilds who premade and roll regs do it. and its not for UC. sure some do, but Ive seen guilds on harb (not naming names) who camp the only node the enemy has without even collecting it.


The biggest thing I've noticed, and I've brought it up enough to hate saying it again myself, is gear. Warzones in 5.2 are like ganking in 3.0, a lvl 60 ganking a lvl 55 cause he can. Mind you, 55 vs 60 wasn't impossible, it was just seriously stacked in the 60s favor. To put it in prospective, I have a lvl 300 sin. I do not warzone with him, because if I use him, I literally farm ppl... before they can even respond, or dcd. its that bad. I want a challenge, I don't want to steamroll in 5 secs a nub.


Which brings it all back to topic. Imo premades shouldn't be allowed in solo because gear disparity matchups, and utter lack of match making, making your tnk/hl/2dps the checkmate of wzs from 12:00 pm to supper.

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I know your being sarcastic. I have a bit of an abrasive personality.


However, when I saw this topic go up, I agreed with OP. "Why don't you make your own premade?" Before I add my 2 cents to anything I like to consider all options, even if it means playing devils advocate to myself.


There are lots of reasons why solo queue and group queue should be separate, and the only reality based one that I could reasonably agree for no separation was shorter queues. There is a reason ranked has a group queue, and a solo. There is a reason pvp guilds who premade and roll regs do it. and its not for UC. sure some do, but Ive seen guilds on harb (not naming names) who camp the only node the enemy has without even collecting it.


The biggest thing I've noticed, and I've brought it up enough to hate saying it again myself, is gear. Warzones in 5.2 are like ganking in 3.0, a lvl 60 ganking a lvl 55 cause he can. Mind you, 55 vs 60 wasn't impossible, it was just seriously stacked in the 60s favor. To put it in prospective, I have a lvl 300 sin. I do not warzone with him, because if I use him, I literally farm ppl... before they can even respond, or dcd. its that bad. I want a challenge, I don't want to steamroll in 5 secs a nub.


Which brings it all back to topic. Imo premades shouldn't be allowed in solo because gear disparity matchups, and utter lack of match making, making your tnk/hl/2dps the checkmate of wzs from 12:00 pm to supper.


We've just discussed the gear disparity issue in another thread, and came to the conclusion that it's ~10%, which might be decisive in real close duels or some arenas, but most of the time it's not, period. When some are doing double/triple the damage/healing of others (excluding the cases of node guarding etc.), there's a bigger problem than a 10% gear disparity. Thinking people are getting owned because of the "BiS premades farming poor pugs" is just pointless self-justification. I give you that lots of the time games are lost simply on matchmaking and there's little to none you can do, but even when they aren't, those premades steamroll pugs. I know what gear people I queue with are wearing, and I can tell you that lots of time it's not BiS 248, it's more around 240s, and we still destroy pugs.


The best thing you can do to improve your PvP experience is to group up, bring your own healer and try your best. You don't have to spawncamp poor pugs, you don't have to just farm their pylon, hell, you don't even have to be on voice comms. Just group up and make warzones a little more balanced place. Actively refusing to do so is just victimizing yourself when in fact you are given all the tools to be competitive.

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You've explained why my idea isn't a good one.


But why is yours better? Why should groups be allowed in "solo" queue when their not in ranked?




A side note. Eric Musco said in an interview the backlash of the removal of 8v8 ranked wasn't intended. Supposition: I believe he may have been implying that if they had it to do over, they might not have at this point.


edit: What I keep hearing over an over from group queueing defenders is a kind of "don't fix what isn't broken" attitude.

This is just my opinion of course, but it sound to me like you may stand to lose.. what? you may actually have to queue vs other premades? The question comes down to, what is best for this game, allowing a solo que to allow groups, and not offer any alternative to players without groups? Or create a group queue, so if you decided to group, you got to fight anothers group. pug vs group- group vs group.

Edited by Seterade
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You've explained why my idea isn't a good one.


But why is yours better? Why should groups be allowed in "solo" queue when their not in ranked?


Solo Queue and Queue Solo don't mean the same, and there's an actual functional difference between the two. What you have for regs is not a solo queue, it is a mixed queue which you can enter solo or with a group. You're looking at it the way "it's meant for solos but groups are just trolling themselves into it", but what if we interpret it as a group queue that allows a solo option too so you don't have to stand around the fleet shouting for people to group with?


This is just my opinion of course, but it sound to me like you may stand to lose.. what? you may actually have to queue vs other premades? The question comes down to, what is best for this game, allowing a solo que to allow groups, and not offer any alternative to players without groups? Or create a group queue, so if you decided to group, you got to fight anothers group. pug vs group- group vs group.


I don't care about queueing against other premades, depending on who I'm with we have a good to excellent win ratio against other premades, so I couldn't care less about having tougher opposition. If that meant most of the stupid stays out of my games, I'm even supporting the idea. In fact, the best games are the challenging ones, not the facerolls (goes for being on either side of the faceroll, though I will admit, facerolling is still better than getting facerolled).


There are some issues you have to consider when making a group-only queue, though.


First of all, not all groups are 4-man trinitiy setups. Sometimes you just queue as 2 dps, sometimes 2 dps and a heal, sometimes a tank and a heal, you get it. And lots of the time you simply cannot really find people you'd want to group with, major PvP guilds have 1-2 members online, your friendlist is either offline or has left the game for good, and looking around the fleet doesn't really help, either. Matching 8-man groups in this system is problematic, because you can't match a 4-man group with a 3-man one, because the remaining spot cannot be filled with a group. So not only the population issue comes to play (i.e. the pops are long enough as it is, and you still want to, say, double them by halving the number of people in each queue), but the group size distribution would also mean groups being skipped, which would just increase the queue times.


Second, there's the issue of group composition. In the current state of the wz queue, it's acceptable to queue with about any group composition and you can probably get away with it. Even if you don't queue with an objective tryhard premade (Sin/Jugg tank, Sorc healer, Marauder, Operative/Assassin/Sniper, but at least one stealther), the randomness of your pugs still somewhat guarantees that you won't be at too much of a disadvantage. If you take this random factor out, it leaves only a few setups to be viable, especially since you have to expect that the enemy team will be a double trinity premade (which has a way greater chance than now), and you still have to be able to pull your weight against them. Do you take a healer as a 2-man group? If you do, you might have too many healers and low damage. If you don't, you might have too few healers, especially if others think the same way. The randomness currently makes these issues less important, but the more you take the randomness out, the more you have to deal with these problems too. In short, a group queue would kind of require you to go with very specific 4-man setups.


Third, it wouldn't really solve anything. Most games are not trash because of the premades but because of the lack of matchmaking and/or the players. 4 Sorc healer games? Still not solved. One side has no healers and the other has 2? Still not solved. Some people can do triple the damage/healing of others? Still not solved. Stealthers not knowing how to sapcap? Still not solved. Guards not calling? Still not solved. People having no idea about the player distribution? Still not solved. Not sending your only healer to guard? Still not solved.


Fourth, not all premades are good. I know, some t-r groups queue up for regs and spawncamp the hell out of basically every group, but they are a small minority. Most premades are average, just like the solo players. There's a pub guild on TRE that you see almost exclusively in premades. Recently they switched to all commandos, and they still suck.

Edited by Schoock
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This happens so often. Last time it happened to me was today. Me on conc oper and some arsenal merc carried og huttball to 6-4 win, and enemies blamed it on a premade. Then when i said back "just bcos you trash, doesn't mean we had a premade" i got reported for harassment and stalking. Jebaited


or the other day when i was solo on a mara in acw and guarding offnode. Our team happened to have 3 healers, enemies said nothing until they noticed the guild i was in. Then started the basic "tas trash" "tas queing with 3 heals again" etc.

People just want to find things to blame, rather than try to learn. Easier that way i guess.

Same goes for gear whiners, sure, there is gear gap. But cmon, in no way does the gear affect that much that you lost the match just bcos of it. (this is coming from a dude that doesn't even have full 242 yet, 230 stuff mixed with 240 and 242, with one mod and enh of 248)


And incase some people think that premaders do it to stomp bads, i don't think majority does.(not saying no one does)

I for example do it just to avoid as many mongs as possible. And it isn't any apex voice comm-trinity-stompeveryone-premade. Its people logging in and asking "anyone for regs". That's it, no voice comms or any bs. Wins come from knowing maps and classes


You might consider hiding the fact that your were guarding a node as a Marauder if you want to not look foolish calling other people trash.


Everybody's a friggen PVP Super star....

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You might consider hiding the fact that your were guarding a node as a Marauder if you want to not look foolish calling other people trash.


Everybody's a friggen PVP Super star....


Please Grim, don't discourage maras from guarding a node. You're cutting into my solo kills.

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You might consider hiding the fact that your were guarding a node as a Marauder if you want to not look foolish calling other people trash.


Everybody's a friggen PVP Super star....


Blood Ward, Dual Saber Throw, Gravity Vortex, Obfuscate (with Ruthless Aggressor), Force Camo... why are Maras bad nodeguards?

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Blood Ward, Dual Saber Throw, Gravity Vortex, Obfuscate (with Ruthless Aggressor), Force Camo... why are Maras bad nodeguards?


They're easily controled by CC effects, they can't stay invisible, they have no stealth detection, and they're melee.


A Marauder guarding a node is begging for a sap cap in most cases.


Sniper is good for it because even though he can't be invisible he is extremely hard to control crouched and can just spam the hell out of sweeping blaster as a means of stealth detection. Excellent DCDs and self heals make them a much longer kill.


OPs and Assassins are good for it because they can stay invisible and anyone rolling up on a node has no idea where the guarded is and whether or not its an Assy or a OP, and can delay a cap and buy time for help to come with their impressive CC kits.


Two Assys or OPs or 1 on 1 roll up invisible on a guarding Marauder, they don't even have to kill you, they'll hardswap you and make you watch them cap right in front of your eyes.


An Engineering sniper. Same thing only difference is he'll just chuck you out of melee range , root you, plasma probe you, slow you and than cap right in front of you.


Lone Marauders are easy prey for the true masters of PVP [Assy's, OPs, Engineering snipers]. Marauders lack stay power alone, they aren't tanks, they cannot heal, lone marauders can be beaten by attrition often times.


DCDs are fleeting, thier up time is short, people know that, you pop a DCD the Assy or OP CCs you so you won't gain the benefit of it while being able to attack. They have more CCs than you have breakers, they can turn invisible, they can slow you and they can root you. 1v1 assuming competency, the Marauder is not going to beat an Assy or an OP. They're the best duelers in the game. That 1v1 happens on the node, the consequences of that alone can lead to the loss of the node right there.


That's why most of the time you see [or rather don't see =p] Assys and OPs as node guarders. Engineering snipers are taking on that role lately more and more as well.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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They're easily controled by CC effects, they can't stay invisible, they have no stealth detection, and they're melee.


A Marauder guarding a node is begging for a sap cap in most cases.


Sniper is good for it because even though he can't be invisible he is extremely hard to control crouched and can just spam the hell out of sweeping blaster as a means of stealth detection. Excellent DCDs and self heals make them a much longer kill.


OPs and Assassins are good for it because they can stay invisible and anyone rolling up on a node has no idea where the guarded is and whether or not its an Assy or a OP, and can delay a cap and buy time for help to come with their impressive CC kits.


Two Assys or OPs or 1 on 1 roll up invisible on a guarding Marauder, they don't even have to kill you, they'll hardswap you and make you watch them cap right in front of your eyes.


An Engineering sniper. Same thing only difference is he'll just chuck you out of melee range , root you, plasma probe you, slow you and than cap right in front of you.


Lone Marauders are easy prey for the true masters of PVP [Assy's, OPs, Engineering snipers]. Marauders lack stay power alone, they aren't tanks, they cannot heal, lone marauders can be beaten by attrition often times.


Just off the top of my head.


Easily controlled by CC effects? Blood Ward is 6 seconds CC immunty, Gravity Vortex is another 6, that's 12. Then can Camo (can't CC what you can't see), you can Dual Saber Throw with a little travel time and Force Charge with no travel time (both 30 meters), Obfuscate makes CC have 90% chance to miss, with Ruthless Aggressor you have 75% more chance to resist all CC.


Few classes can get better than this. And if you're against 2 stealth, for ANY class it's only a matter of time before they get sapcapped. Except maybe PT with Shoulder Cannon, but they can be burst down by 2 pretty quickly.

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Easily controlled by CC effects? Blood Ward is 6 seconds CC immunty, Gravity Vortex is another 6, that's 12. Then can Camo (can't CC what you can't see), you can Dual Saber Throw with a little travel time and Force Charge with no travel time (both 30 meters), Obfuscate makes CC have 90% chance to miss, with Ruthless Aggressor you have 75% more chance to resist all CC.


Few classes can get better than this. And if you're against 2 stealth, for ANY class it's only a matter of time before they get sapcapped. Except maybe PT with Shoulder Cannon, but they can be burst down by 2 pretty quickly.


You have to be un CCed in order to use Bloodward and that's if you were foolish enough to waste a utility point on it in the first place. The same applies to obfuscate. The Assy or OP isn't going to come at you so you can see him coming, the first your even going to know he is there is when your stunned from invisibility. So you are already CCed. Even assuming you were able to use Bloodward, the Operative can still use knockback on you and you can still be slowed as thats a movement imparement not an incapaciting one.


Any class effected by 2 stealth, sure, it's just a matter of time, unless of course, you yourself are a stealth class. They can't see each other invisibly, so that's why they make the best guards. Furthermore, even one stealther rolling up on you as a Marauder, if they are competent will beat you 1v1.


In the case of gravity vortex that assumes that the marauder is a Fury marauder, and that was not stated in the original post. Carnage and Annihilation don't have those passives.


As far as force camo goes, you really wanna try to outstealth an Assassin or a Operative? Camo lasts 4 seconds, and they know it. If it is two stealthers who have rolled up on you, you being in stealth is not going to mattter, they will both start channeling the node and thus force you out of stealth to stop them. But given that it's 4 seconds to begin with, during which time you are doing nothing to protect the node, they're not going to care if you hide for 4 seconds, they know you'll be right back. Chances are if you did that, one of the stealthers would immeditely go into stealth and wait for you to pop back out and stop the other stealther who is now channeling so that the invisible one can now come at you from stealth and CC u on the spot. - - I don't recall the name of the CC but they have one that lasts long enough to keep you CCed and have enough time to cap right in front of you.


The reason taking bloodward is a waste as an anti cc mechanism is that it turns one of your best DCDs into a "CC breaker", if you will [its preventitive yes, but it still changes its intended use], If you are going to use your Saberward as a means of not being effected by a CC for six seconds, than you are not using it at a time when it is most suited to use it. 6 seconds isnt an awefully long time either. And now you have just wasted one of your best DCDs to delay a CC that in the case of an OP or an Assy, they will just follow up with another CC because they have so many. It might buy some extra time for help to arrive, sure, but than again, it might not. Now your Saberward goes on to cooldown for 3 full minutes.


Can a Marauder guard a node? Sure he can, but he's is a bad choice to do so. Marauders excel at offense, as a guard you are wasting a strong potential DPSer who could can be used to much greater effect to assault and take another Node for the team, while at the same time leaving your team's node in a subpar defenders hands. So, why would you have as a guard, someone who has far less of a chance of successfully guarding the node than someone who's much more well suited for it? The team is far more likely to have their node taken if defended by a Marauder, than if it was defended by an Assassin, an Operative or a Sniper. The stealther is far more able to delay a cap and wait for help to arrive than a Marauder.


When the enemy team learns that a Marauder is guarding a node, they will make a push for it immediately because it will be viewed as a good opportunity to grab a node.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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