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WHAT is stopping you form making your own premade ?


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Once you are more skilled queuing solo won't be so intimidating to you.


Once you invest more time in the game learning the classes, combat and warzone mechanics, you'll want higher returns for your investment than the solo queueing scrubs can offer.

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Otherwise it creates lopsided teams queuing back to back to back thus inadvertently killing the queue for a bit each time people group up like that.


You know what else can cause people to not queue? The amount of useless that you have to endure almost every match.

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Discourage them ? And the reason for that is ?


I hate to promote laziness in this game. And I hate to come here and ask for stupid things just because some people are lazy and feel entitled to win or that the game owes them something.


Look man, I am a sith assasin on TRE and I que solo most of the time and when my friends are online we group up with a heal and a few DPS and que up.


I never really complain about solo ques because I am realistic to expect that I will get wrecked sometimes because MY team might be worse than the others who are a possible premade. It's just how it is.


Requesting a separate solo que is just wrong. As if it would solve your problem. What if you que SOLO que and you end up in a team with 0 healers vs a team with 3 healers who all qued solo just like you.


Do you think it changes anything ? You will get wrecked....


How about trying to become better instead ? You might want to ask for a separate que for returning players also... or a casual que. :mad:


Discourage new people ? Again, you continue to promote entitlement and lazyness. New people getting slaughtered ? Well, we've all been through that at some point and it's part of the learning.


New people should stop expecting that they will be good after 2 matches.


After 2 matches? Lawl, I've come across the same people day after day for weeks now and they've had way more than 2 matches worth of experience and they still haven't gotten any better.

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Once you invest more time in the game learning the classes, combat and warzone mechanics, you'll want higher returns for your investment than the solo queueing scrubs can offer.


So what are you saying, anyone who solo queces is a scrub, and you are in a position to make that blanket statement because you're a PVP Super Star or something?


The time investment you put in has the higher returns of increasing your own skill and has nothing to do with anyone else whatsoever and entitles you to nothing.

If your one of those people who thinks everyone who plays in regs/ solo queces is a pleb, than play friggen Ranked with the rest of the idiots who think that makes them better than anyone. Everybody is a shyter to everyone else, it's rediculous. It's a damn video game....like Pac man.


Everyone no matter how badly they suck, has every right to play PVP. Does it screw some of the teams up because some the noobs don't know what they're doing? Sure it does, but how are the suppossed to learn how to PVP well other than through experience and trial and error? Osmosis?


We all sucked just as badly once apon a time.


If winning is the only thing that matters to people than they should stop playing any game in the world because you can lose sometimes or they should start cheating.


Sure I want to win, but I'm not telling anyone who's new to the game or doesn't have experience to kill themself, or uninstall or never quece again like those those ranked assO's who think being one of the better players in a video game means a thing.


The only time you should be looking down your nose at anyone is when you are helping them up.


It's one thing if people aren't even trying, or they just sit there and do nothing because the only reason theyre there at all is because they want UCs and they don't care about how that effects the other players. They're assOs. But if someone just isn't all that skilled yet, or they're new to things and so they can't break 2k yet, that doesn't make them scrubs, it makes them the same exact thing we were when we were new to it and weren't that skilled yet. You can read every guide in the world, every tool tip, you can practice your rotation on a dummy until your arms fall off, none of that is going to make you a good PVPer. Only direct experience in PVP will.


You sucked, I sucked, we all sucked. Anyone who says differently is a liar.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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So what are you saying, anyone who solo queces is a scrub, and you are in a position to make that blanket statement because you're a PVP Super Star or something?


The time investment you put in has the higher returns of increasing your own skill and has nothing to do with anyone else whatsoever and entitles you to nothing.

If your one of those people who thinks everyone who plays in regs/ solo queces is a pleb, than play friggen Ranked with the rest of the idiots who think that makes them better than anyone. Everybody is a shyter to everyone else, it's rediculous. It's a damn video game....like Pac man.


Everyone no matter how badly they suck, has every right to play PVP. Does it screw some of the teams up because some the noobs don't know what they're doing? Sure it does, but how are the suppossed to learn how to PVP well other than through experience and trial and error? Osmosis?


We all sucked just as badly once apon a time.


If winning is the only thing that matters to people than they should stop playing any game in the world because you can lose sometimes or they should start cheating.


Sure I want to win, but I'm not telling anyone who's new to the game or doesn't have experience to kill themself, or uninstall or never quece again like those those ranked assO's who think being one of the better players in a video game means a thing.


The only time you should be looking down your nose at anyone is when you are helping them up.


It's one thing if people aren't even trying, or they just sit there and do nothing because the only reason theyre there at all is because they want UCs and they don't care about how that effects the other players. They're assOs. But if someone just isn't all that skilled yet, or they're new to things and so they can't break 2k yet, that doesn't make them scrubs, it makes them the same exact thing we were when we were new to it and weren't that skilled yet. You can read every guide in the world, every tool tip, you can practice your rotation on a dummy until your arms fall off, none of that is going to make you a good PVPer. Only direct experience in PVP will.


You sucked, I sucked, we all sucked. Anyone who says differently is a liar.


First of all, it was a response to a similarly stupid comment.


Second. Just yesterday I told a Sorc I think 3 times to stop Afflictioning people so we can attempt a sapcap. Do you think he stopped? And it wasn't some random noob, it was someone that does PvP every single day. The amount of people that come "help" sapcapping but just just sap pointlessly only to spook the guard is staggering. Extra points if they're Juggernauts. And I didn't even mention your average DPS hero that you can heal for 8-9k HPS, they simply won't do more than 2k no matter what. You don't have these people? I might consider transferring to your server.


I never told anyone to kill themselves, I also don't usually tell people to uninstall. I did not deny them their right to queue, though I believe at some point it is kind of good advice to tell people not to queue until they at least familiarize themselves with the intricacies of the chat window. Is that too much to ask? Probably, noone gives a f*** about those insults anyway.


Even if a solo queued game is not burdened by the people described above, it is, with a quite high probability, going to be one-sided because of the lack of matchmaking. Show me the disciplines of people in both groups and in 40% of the cases I'll tell you who will win. Show me their names too and I'll make that at least 75%. I make mistakes too, of course, but when I f*** up hard I at least say sorry.


I don't care about stomping pugs, it's boring. But if I lose, I want to lose to some exceptionally good players, not because on the IQ scale of -20 to -10 they happened to be closer to the -10.

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First of all, it was a response to a similarly stupid comment.


Second. Just yesterday I told a Sorc I think 3 times to stop Afflictioning people so we can attempt a sapcap. Do you think he stopped? And it wasn't some random noob, it was someone that does PvP every single day. The amount of people that come "help" sapcapping but just just sap pointlessly only to spook the guard is staggering. Extra points if they're Juggernauts. And I didn't even mention your average DPS hero that you can heal for 8-9k HPS, they simply won't do more than 2k no matter what. You don't have these people? I might consider transferring to your server.


I never told anyone to kill themselves, I also don't usually tell people to uninstall. I did not deny them their right to queue, though I believe at some point it is kind of good advice to tell people not to queue until they at least familiarize themselves with the intricacies of the chat window. Is that too much to ask? Probably, noone gives a f*** about those insults anyway.


Even if a solo queued game is not burdened by the people described above, it is, with a quite high probability, going to be one-sided because of the lack of matchmaking. Show me the disciplines of people in both groups and in 40% of the cases I'll tell you who will win. Show me their names too and I'll make that at least 75%. I make mistakes too, of course, but when I f*** up hard I at least say sorry.


I don't care about stomping pugs, it's boring. But if I lose, I want to lose to some exceptionally good players, not because on the IQ scale of -20 to -10 they happened to be closer to the -10.



I can't argue a lot of your points, you're right in many of them.


Of course you're going to find many of the types as you have just described above. I'm not trying to defend those that should know better, only those that perhaps have not yet had the time or the experience to know better or make an educated judgement call. But we can't apply the same standard as to what an 'acceptable amount of time' to learn some of these intricacies of PVP to all, because people learn at different rates and time since joining a game and time actually spent playing the game aren't always the same. Some people play a few days a week, others play several hours each evening, so you can't color everything with the same stroke.


Perhaps you take a different view of those who somehow proscribe personal value with skill played in game. God knows there are "bads" crawling out of the wood work. But I don't feel it gives people the right to flame, embarress or stalk a player because of poor performance if they are at least trying. When I see people flaming people, calling them shytters, making fun of them, and worse yet when it becomes 'the thing to do' by the 'leet' crowd, just because someone doesn't meet their high leet standards [but is trying at least], I neither can, nor will mind my business. Maybe that's wrong of me, I don't know. Most of the people on the Shadowlands who know me I think would describe me as one of the top performing Carnage Marauders [not saying I'm the best, I'm saying II'm not the best]. I come in first for top damage frequently [at the expense of objectives to a certain degree if I'm to be fair, but I dont ignore them,], so I do care about performance and I do care about trying to win. I'll put forth the effort to the best of my ability. But when I see another marauder who can't even break 1k regularly, I'm not gonna rip on him and im sure as hell not going to call anyone who's trying a scrub.


That's the kind of crap that gives PVP them bad name, that i hate to say, it justly deserves. People want to blame to low PVP population of lack of new maps, gear differences, class imbalances, etc., but I don't believe those are the real reasons. People are intimidated. They see all the people being flamed on fleet. They see how they never let stuff go even well long after the fact. It's like High school politics


Perhaps I read too much into your comment, and from your response that does seem quite possible, and if that is the case, I apologize.


I think back to when i first started really PVPing and it wasn't even all that long ago, I was a progression raider for years before I really got into PVPing, so maybe like a year. Even with all the experience I had from progression raiding [HM and NiM], going into PVP was like a whole new world and I couldn't believe how someone who could pull the DPS I was capable of doing in PVE, could suck so bad at PVP. I couldn't break 1.2k to save my life and I knew my class and rotation great! Sucked sucked sucked. The only reason I didn't get picked on was because of my reputation from Operations, people knew my dps was good [at least in PVE] It took me time to adjust to the differences, they're totally different beasts. But, after a while, things just started to click, and that was only experience. Experience was the only way I was going to get better. Time passed and I did get better. Now, hitting 3-4k no big deal [not always of course, depends on the length of the WZ]


I won't lie. I like being considered one of the big hitters. I wanna come in 1st place every single time if I can! heh [but, I can't of course, God knows I get my *** kicked enough by snipers and mercs!]. PVP is suffering enough as it is without all this my e-Pen is bigger than your e-Pen crap. We should be happy that some people aren't all that great because it makes it that much easier for us and makes us look even better!


No one is getting laid because of how high their DPS is. It most cases, if the chick you are trying to bag finds out you like pretending to be Darth Vaders illegitimate great great great great Grand-father, you're improving your chances of not getting laid!


Again, If i read too much into your comment, I apologize.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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Point being, they need to separate queues.


There is another problem with separating queues other than the wait times.


What happens when 3 people queue together .. where does the 4th/8th person come from to fill the group?


Should it come from the solo q'ers? How to deal with less than 4 friends queueing together yet remain as a 4v4/8v8?


Would this also slow down queue times?


Point being, it's fine as it is, kinda.


The best option would be to bring back 8v8 ranked as that would take many of the better premades away from regs and into ranked scenario. The best games are the ones that are hard to win, and premade vs premade are just that. Though without 8v8 ranked it's luck of the draw whether it's premade vs premade (good game) or double premade vs 8 solo (boring).

Edited by uppen
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I can't argue a lot of your points, you're right in many of them.



I won't lie. I like being considered one of the big hitters. I wanna come in 1st place every single time if I can! heh [but, I can't of course, God knows I get my *** kicked enough by snipers and mercs!]. PVP is suffering enough as it is without all this my e-Pen is bigger than your e-Pen crap. We should be happy that some people aren't all that great because it makes it that much easier for us and makes us look even better!


No one is getting laid because of how high their DPS is. It most cases, if the chick you are trying to bag finds out you like pretending to be Darth Vaders illegitimate great great great great Grand-father, you're improving your chances of not getting laid!


Again, If i read too much into your comment, I apologize.



I play on the red eclipse.... I don't know how my performance can be rated. I not the best when it comes to ranked because that 4v4 environment isn't my for my playstyle, but I am doing pretty well in regs and its what i acutally focus on. I specialize on making unexpected enemy turret and Pylon caps.. anyway..


Your post was very good to read and by the way you've written, you seem like an intelligent person.


I remember that there was a sin in ranked who pissed me off so hard... that I flamed her and added to the ignore list...


A few days ago I saw here on the fleet at PVP terminal and was wearng new armor and I wanted to compliment the new looks, but I couldn't because I was ignoring. I really forgot about it, and I was like.. what the hell ?? I ignored this guy because he made me lose some ranked matches ??:confused:


I removed him from ignore list and I talked to him and he was a real nice person who didnt fit my "expectations" once...


I admit that sometimes in the midst of getting raped by hordes of mercs and snipers... I lose control and let the "hate flow through me"... but it's really stupid.


I totally agree with the fact that for example ranked has much lower population because it literally drives away and discourages newbies from even trying.


I don' t think that this this is the correct attitude PVP-ers should have, but no one can really stop them.

Edited by DavidAtkinson
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Bob and Banderal, you guys are awesome. :D


Thinking about it, I guess I have not done any grouping for warzones in quite a while, probably since before 5.0. People just aren't motivated to play much anymore. Guild activity has really tanked aside from running operations every now and then since that's basically the only reasonable way to gear. CXP is too slow, Unassembled Comms is too slow. Even so, most people I know in this game are offline by the time I log in. Life has been pretty busy, so I can only play for maybe an hour before it's time to hit the sack - at which point everybody is offline. Solo queue or don't play.


I'm not the type to just randomly whisper people I see in warzones and ask to group with them. Solo queue imp side on harbinger is not bad. There are actually a large number of solo queue players. I don't have a problem with friends grouping and simply being better. I do have a problem when roles are mismatched, because that's not necessarily winning by being better.


Probably the most frustrating matches I've ever experienced had little to do with roles or premades, but simply being on a team with players who didn't seem to care if we won or lost, or being on a team with players who seemed like they had never run a warzone before. Solo queue marauder dying repeatedly, always feeling like I'm going against 5v1 no matter which node I go to.

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Seriously 3 pages for this thread.


Clearly if these guys REALLY wanted to fight on an even playing field and they have a group they would Q ranked. Ranked pays more and it is a chance for REAL groups to play against other teams of their caliber.


These guys just want to stoke their own egos by PuG Rolling.


PuG Rolling has been an issue since the first WSG was released and shut down Tarran Mill.

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If they don't solo queue they won't have anything else to blame other than their own personal skill.


Plus everyone will see their rank :eek:


But that is why there should be a group regs Q. I think it would pop more than ranked. For a lot of people "keeping score" is too serious after a day full of real life.

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I get as frustrated as the next guy when I get in sync with a premade that is roflstomping the queue, but I don't think making separate queues for regs is the answer with the low populations we're seeing now. The quickest solution is to group up with any other skilled players you see and try to balance it out. That or stop queueing for 5-10 minutes and see if you can avoid that premade the next cycle.
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Population is so low at the moment, that I'm either with my friends or against them. Nice to see 2,3, or 4 people I know in almost every WZ in peak times. - We could easily team up, but what's the point? It's only regs? -And none of us take it that seriously any more. - And my friends know how I play, and I know their playstyle(s). If we're in the same team we play to our strengths, and watch each other's backs and do what any pre-made team would do.


-That and working odd hours. After midnight it's usually OPG followed by 1 or 2 Arenas followed by loooong times between pops - so basically its the games way of saying 'bed-time.'

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There are a few threads here that blame PREMADES for ruining unranked PVP experience as if premades are some sort of cancer or "Luxury" that only certain "CHOSEN" players have access to.


Seriously guys. The question is: What is stopping you from making premades of 4 people yourselves ?


First of all this is an MMO which gives us the option to group up with friends or people you enjoy playing with. Why do you need to blame others from playing warzones with a group of friends ? I think it's pretty natural that it happens. It's like in schoolyard football. You team up with your buddies.


Unsurprisingly this complaint might come from the Pub side since they are the ones getting trainwrecked by imp premades a lot of times.


Nothing is stopping you from becoming friends with a healer.. or a tank or a good DPS and group up with them.


Real PvPers want fair challenging wars, not a flip of the coin of either facerolling or getting facerolled, thats not PvP thats closer to PvE, and frankly is quite boring to skilled people.


Lets get real, you are just whining because you want to keep facerolling all day long without a chance of losing right? Tell you what, lets create 2 queue types then, a fair one which is balanced between premades and non-premades we'll call that queue the: "Fear me I'm a real PvPer" queue. And another queue for you and your faceroll buddies called the: "Practice queue for pvpers who suck and cannot win without premade versus non-premade". That make you happy?


I do both premades and non, in either I want a fair matched game most of the time (I know all the time is not possible). PvP on here is not hardcore, nor should anyone who dominates on here with their premade be feared. Its like remedial practice PvP on this server, lets get hardcore and even it up.

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You don't even have to be friends. I whisper people after a warzone to team up. Most are usually willing to unless already on team or done with dailies.


So you group just to group? What good does that do? So instead of four random players getting grouped by the system, you now have four random players who form a group and queue as a group. No real difference there.


The advantage of a pre-made group is most commonly voice comms. That means someone has to step up and offer whatever voice comms they have available. But there are issues with that too:


- some guilds discourage dissemination of their voice comms to non-guild members

- players have their voice comms preference: some prefer TS over mumble over discord

- are "teammates" willing to wait when they decide on one piece of software and one of their group does not have it?


It won't slow down queue times for anyone that isn't in a group. It's no different from ranked. This would just be for the people scared of getting a low rating in ranked season. They could run groups of 4 and then it not be as detrimental to their e-peens when they get smashed by a better premade team. They designed arenas to be 4v4 so that's where a group of 4 people grouped together should be put, is in queue with another group of 4.

so groups of friends who prefer objective PvP over deathmatch are screwed...I think not.

and as someone else points out happens when a group only has three, or a couple decide they want to PvP together?

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Real PvPers want fair challenging wars, not a flip of the coin of either facerolling or getting facerolled, thats not PvP thats closer to PvE, and frankly is quite boring to skilled people.


Lets get real, you are just whining because you want to keep facerolling all day long without a chance of losing right? Tell you what, lets create 2 queue types then, a fair one which is balanced between premades and non-premades we'll call that queue the: "Fear me I'm a real PvPer" queue. And another queue for you and your faceroll buddies called the: "Practice queue for pvpers who suck and cannot win without premade versus non-premade". That make you happy?


I do both premades and non, in either I want a fair matched game most of the time (I know all the time is not possible). PvP on here is not hardcore, nor should anyone who dominates on here with their premade be feared. Its like remedial practice PvP on this server, lets get hardcore and even it up.


Who said that matches aren't fair when you que with your premade ? I lost plenty of matches as a premade and won plenty more. It's not a GUARANTEE that if I que with a healer, I will win the match.


Solo que and group que separated is the worst idea ever, mate. Look at how bad matchmaking is in solo ranked. You gonna end up in a team melee team vs 5 mercs and 2 healers. Good luck


After that, you gonna come whine about it on the forums.


You are just trying to put words in my mouth. I never said that premade is a magic formula that will win you 10 out of 10 matches. I dont group up with take a seat hardcorers.. that's very rare. I play with my friends.


Oh, and I solo 80% of the time, and I dont whine about it. Even if I get slaughtered by the other Premade, or merc army or whatever.


Team oriented competitive environments are like this. The other team might just be better than yours. end of the story.

Edited by DavidAtkinson
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So you group just to group? What good does that do? So instead of four random players getting grouped by the system, you now have four random players who form a group and queue as a group. No real difference there.



I am guessing you really don't understand what its like to have a good team.


You do not NEED voice comms...AT ALL.


First off, the pvp in this game isn't overally complex with dozens of variables turning the tide at every moments notice, and if you don't constantly communicate all is lost. There is at most 1-3 objectives, huttball, doors, nodes.


After a warzone I don't invite just anybody just to swell the ranks. I look for people who perform. How they act in a warzone. When you see a tank guard swapping and playing their role well. A healer that is aggressive and not just standing in a puddle heal only casting dark infusion. When you see a DPS preventing caps, rushing to the aid of another node long before help is called because they realize that the people killed didn't come back soon...which means they are attempting something else. Most players with situational awareness will realize when suddenly its a 6 v 3 and assume the missing members are headed to your other node. Especially on novare when you can pan your camera and easily look. They are aware when the team has multiple stealth because they can expect them to attempt your other node.


You don't NEED to communicate, a lot of it is expected without words. I don't need to say "Get ahead for passes" in huttball. A good player will do that automatically because they know that is how to win. They will seize opportunity and make it so. A good player will notice when 8 people are fighting at one door in voidstar and instantly go cap the other one. A good player will mark heals, and focus them so you don't have to communicate. "Target heals." A lot of the stuff in this game is common sense for good players. The NEED for voice comms is a myth. Will it help, sure, but for the most part when you are aware of your surroundings you can usually predict 90% of what your other teammates need or want in a premade based on how they are playing.


So at the end of every warzone if I saw someone who acted this well and they performed well..I invite them. It will make my team better, and we will do better. I don't sit there and argue for teamspeak or mumble or w.e. I don't even use that junk. You don't need to.


I can already tell you don't fully understand this game or have the skill to see that players who have great situational awareness don't need to voice chat. The other 10% can be said in words. Simple calls that in voice chat will miss the ears of 4 other teammates who aren't on your premade.


So if you think voice chat is a necessity to perform well, it is not, you are misinformed and have never played with good players. I have never used it in a 4 person premade. I have only used voice chat with my rl friend, mainly cause we like to talk while we play.


4 random players, may be random in personality, as I don't know them, but it is not random in choice.

Edited by VixenRawR
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Well as lovely as it sounds to some. Bioware won't create a solo que. We both know it. All the things that we want that are practical or convenient wont happen. I think we would all rather have cross server and cross faction ques. If we had the players I'd say just try to match teams. If there are groups of two queing, but them against each other. Same with multiple groups of 4. Sadly we have neither the players nor the company behind the game to care.
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Honestly the best is when you find a player on the enemy team that is annoying. I mean there is annoying as in runs and gets all medpacks on the maps and is guarded with a pocket healer...then there is annoying because they actually are a challenge to kill and they focus you. I try to invite them aftewards if I can.
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