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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Update on Roadmap


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So, what I read from your comments is we need to offer a new Character Perk - "Vehicle Collision Prevention". I'll look into it. <grin>





Just make sure your have an attorney on stand by when people forget to take out the insurance. (giggles)

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So, what I read from your comments is we need to offer a new Character Perk - "Vehicle Collision Prevention". I'll look into it. <grin>



Or we need to upgrade our speeders and other vehicles to have seat belts and airbags. And maybe give the creature mounts the ability to dodge without being given a command to do so to avoid things.

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So, what I read from your comments is we need to offer a new Character Perk - "Vehicle Collision Prevention". I'll look into it. <grin>

And, airbags. Airbags with either the Republic or Empire symbol on them.


*crash* airbag poofs out, character mumbles, "For the Republic" or "For the Empire." Make it so.

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So, what I read from your comments is we need to offer a new Character Perk - "Vehicle Collision Prevention". I'll look into it. <grin>


This could be funny in another context, but considering that the entire thread is devoided of content (and nothing more than a publicity stunt), this can only be described as trolling. Unless you have info regarding something of value, like when content and class balance are coming, please stop.

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You can read. He said the end of the month. Telling him off this late after he's given a timeline isnt going to make the roadmap appear tomorrow. Now if we hit June and it's another month then by all means. But give him a chance

I know he said that. Still--almost half a year for a roadmap is not good in general. Roadmaps for games should always be released around the first month or 2 of the year so we have lots to expect for the remaining 10-11 months. I also never told him off so please just stop it. :rolleyes:

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Clarification: The "line" between PvP and PvE players is drawn by the raging children that play only one of the two. I myself can understand the frustration of PvP players, though I don't like PvP as much as PvE (however I don't lash out when I don't get more story/PvE). As you stated, there is a lot of lashing out by those that play both sides. When PvP things are mentioned, the PvE player rages. When PvE things are mentioned, the PvP player rages. Instead of having and exercising self control, they needlessly lash out anywhere as if it accomplishes something. Between the ragers and those that spread misinformation, the line is thus drawn.


Statement: There are those in my guild that prefer one type over the other, but they don't go lashing out and are very helpful and fun people to play with. Anyone with the ability to step back and think knows this.


Statement: Regarding your conclusion, I agree with it 100%. It's the very thing I've said many many times before. The "me first" attitude is becoming more prevalent.


The fact that you wrote this in HK style totally made my night!

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I know he said that. Still--almost half a year for a roadmap is not good in general. Roadmaps for games should always be released around the first month or 2 of the year so we have lots to expect for the remaining 10-11 months. I also never told him off so please just stop it. :rolleyes:


EDIT: Sorry EA doing other Bioware games has also been confirmed by EA as well, not just some stupid Internet sites, sorry about that.


What most people should know here, is that from other well known internet sites, is the fact that Bioware Austin and their other offices around the world are either doing other IP's or Other Star Wars games. So, Keith and Swtor as a whole is no longer the first come first serve royalty that it really should be, or at least on par with the other Upcoming games from EA coming out in the Fall of 2017 or later 2018.


Remember, we can complain, but Keith does cannot just tell EA: give me more money without a Stock-holders conference depending how much money they want.

Edited by MandFlurry
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So, what I read from your comments is we need to offer a new Character Perk - "Vehicle Collision Prevention". I'll look into it. <grin>


Come on, this is Star Wars - an era far into the future where advance tech reign. We _need_ self-driving vehicle which we already have the tech in year 2017. We _need_ to be able to select a point on map and our vehicle will auto travel there (auto path-finding). BTW, many other MMOs have already implemented path-finding auto travel for years. Hope to see this in SWTOR.

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Come on, this is Star Wars - an era far into the future where advance tech reign. We _need_ self-driving vehicle which we already have the tech in year 2017. We _need_ to be able to select a point on map and our vehicle will auto travel there (auto path-finding). BTW, many other MMOs have already implemented path-finding auto travel for years. Hope to see this in SWTOR.


Heh, can't even get companions to reliably follow you everywhere and you want auto-travel :rak_03:

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Staff has hinted previously that they don't like to comment on the forums as it raises the wrath of the (insert whatever term you want to call the folks around here).


Not even surprised. There's yet to be a single change that the PvP forums didn't **** all over.


I kinda get the criticisms all the PvPers have for the game, because sometimes it does fee like PvP has lost more content than gained in the past few years. An unnecessarily harsh gear grind, no open world PvP at all, "PvP worlds" such as Iokath, Ilum and Tatooine being made entirely PvE centric, etc, but other criticisms I just don't get.


Like they criticize the lack of incentivization for Ranked PvP. Bioware can't *********** incentivize it. You know why? Because every time a newbie enters Ranked PvP, some douche starts raging at them. The other day I was in Ranked and two really idiotic trolls had a 2-win streak, and since it was just 4 of us who were opposing them in each match start saying "haha keep queueing you nearly got this" or "get farmed" or inane stuff like that. What can Bioware do to help if you're literally driving players away every time they queue up?


So yeah. Completely get why Bioware never comments on those forums. Any producer/community director would need to be paid triple to deal with that toxicity.

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Like they criticize the lack of incentivization for Ranked PvP.


Do you have a pointer to this? Not disputing, I simply missed it and would like to know what you're referring to.


FWIW the biggest den of toxicity I have found is fleet chat. Harbinger WZs are tame and polite in comparison to fleet and DK.


Yeah, there's some smack talk in PvP. That's true of any game though. The stuff you describe actually doesn't sound so bad. The true toxicity in ranked is probably frustration from teammates in yolo. I haven't seen that myself but I have heard of people being pretty unkind to new ranked players there.


Then again, ranked isn't the place you want to L2P, either. I can understand SOME frustration if someone comes in to ranked without knowing how to fight in arenas.

Edited by stoopicus
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This could be funny in another context, but considering that the entire thread is devoided of content (and nothing more than a publicity stunt), this can only be described as trolling. Unless you have info regarding something of value, like when content and class balance are coming, please stop.


Oh lighten up. It was a joke and most of us appreciate the attempt. It is nice when they attempt to joke at times. I for one appreciate the attempt of humor to lighten the mood.

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This could be funny in another context, but considering that the entire thread is devoided of content (and nothing more than a publicity stunt), this can only be described as trolling. Unless you have info regarding something of value, like when content and class balance are coming, please stop.


Conflate much?


This thread is..... <read the title and gold posts> an UPDATE on what is coming in the form of a "roadmap".


It is NOT a policy, direction, and content discussion thread. ;)


Note: I do not have high hopes for the roadmap when it comes, but that does not in any way mean this thread is something other then what it actually is... an update about a coming roadmap.

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Oh lighten up. It was a joke and most of us appreciate the attempt. It is nice when they attempt to joke at times. I for one appreciate the attempt of humor to lighten the mood.


I agree.


And this exemplifies something that is often overlooked in discussions ---> players taking their game too seriously, while being devoid of any form of light hearted exchanges between studio and players (something many players have actually complained about and demanded in this very forum over the years).

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This could be funny in another context, but considering that the entire thread is devoided of content (and nothing more than a publicity stunt), this can only be described as trolling. Unless you have info regarding something of value, like when content and class balance are coming, please stop.

Oh me, oh my, people making light hearted jokes on an internet gaming forum. How horrible. Don't these people understand how serious it is that there are people waiting for an update on a video game? I have no idea how they can justify making jokes when such high stakes are involved.

Edited by DarthDymond
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Do you have a pointer to this? Not disputing, I simply missed it and would like to know what you're referring to.


Sorry, no pointers on hand right now, but any time someone mentions "Ranked is dead" on the PvP forum, you'll get a lot of people complaining that it's Bioware's fault. Many claim it's because they don't incentivize with decent rewards, others claim that it's because they removed Ranked 8v8, which was far, far deader than Ranked 4v4 anyways.


FWIW the biggest den of toxicity I have found is fleet chat. Harbinger WZs are tame and polite in comparison to fleet and DK.


Can't argue there. I log on to smack people with lightsabers and get a 15 year-old, attention-starved, edgelord who can't stop talking about Trump. :rolleyes:


Yeah, there's some smack talk in PvP. That's true of any game though. The stuff you describe actually doesn't sound so bad. The true toxicity in ranked is probably frustration from teammates in yolo. I haven't seen that myself but I have heard of people being pretty unkind to new ranked players there.

Smack talk has a limit though. Too, too many people think they're somehow Gods of the game or some nonsense, and can't shut up in Ranked. New players have a limit to how much **** they'll take before giving up and going back to regs.


The best part is that the person talking smack is constantly matched with 1000-1200 rating players.


How **** do you have to be to get matched with players who you say are ****, even when other players are available.




Then again, ranked isn't the place you want to L2P, either. I can understand SOME frustration if someone comes in to ranked without knowing how to fight in arenas.

Everyone is always L2Ping. A new ranked player is always gonna be at a lower skill level than everyone else in the queue, even if he was a master at reg warzones. I am not even saying don't be frustrated, I'm just saying that players need to draw a line on how much they vent, otherwise they'll drive away everyone.

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So, what I read from your comments is we need to offer a new Character Perk - "Vehicle Collision Prevention". I'll look into it. <grin>


If you're entertaining new Character perks, how about "Legacy Affection for companions". We have so many comps and so many alts, this seems to be a logical thing to offer.

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Yes I"m aware of his post, which, coincidentally, is this very same thread we're in now. If you'll take note, the first person to post was yours truly. I just didn't feel like catching up on 12 pages of bickering. I'm also aware of the dev tracker, but usually these kinds of things (roadmaps) get their own web pages and not forum threads that will show up in the dev tracker. Hence my asking in case there was a webpage I've missed.

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Hey everyone,


Wanted to provide an update on my first Producer Roadmap, but getting it published is taking longer than I anticipated. Partly my own fault, as my Dad came to visit and I took a few days off over the past couple of weeks to spend time with him. This ultimately slowed my progress but I am back in full swing now and pushing to get the roadmap completed.


I honestly thought I would have had the roadmap done and communicated already, but, I realistically need more time to finalize it. Translated: That means end of this month, but with full intention of delivering it sooner. <sad face> This is not something I wanted to tell you, but I promised to keep you up-to-date on what’s happening.


While you continue to wait, here’s a few highlights of Game Update 5.2.2 scheduled for mid-June (yes, in 2017):


  • The Nar Shaddaa Nightlife event returns with old and some awesome new rewards
  • New Character Perks to increase your speeder piloting speed to 120% and 130%
  • Companions will gain influence through standard crew skill missions
  • Full Tier 1 gear available from existing Fleet vendors using Command Tokens – this means you can obtain a full bonus gear set for under 800 Command Tokens. You will be able to choose the type of gear you want to purchase (DPS, Tank, or Healer).
  • We made a variety of changes to Galactic Starfighter – primarily aimed at reducing the cost, increasing requisition rewards, and offering all players a Gunship and Bomber as standard ships (available in your hangar).


I will continue to pass on roadmap updates as I have them. We do have an exciting year ahead of us and I look forward to sharing it you.




Tier 1 gear for command tokens...This is awesome, I can dust off some of my favorite alts...Thank You for that one

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