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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Update on Roadmap


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Hi all,


As I told you yesterday, I wanted to make sure I gave you a daily update about the Roadmap. When you get to know me better, you’ll realize how important it is to deliver on my word. Also being transparent means I’m setting myself up for an onslaught of negativity, even though the intention behind my communication is a gesture of good faith between us. I sincerely appreciate everyone who’s been very understanding, and I take to heart the less flattering comments to see how I can do better next time.


I saw a shirt the other day that made me laugh, “I’m a Lead Producer. Yes, I am crazy! What sane person would actually do this job?” In all seriousness, I’m totally enjoying the interactions with you, and can’t wait to initiate new discussions about what’s next with SWTOR.


So I am up to my 4th Command Rank 300 character and I have been putting a lot of thought into what to level next. It’s a pretty hard decision you know? I have quite a few characters and I really do want to spend time with all of them. Do I play Imperial or Republic this time? I just finished my healer so maybe my tank? :)


Oh, Roadmap status update! It’s still May – albeit the last day of May, but the Roadmap is being posted this afternoon! Huzzaah!




Merc dps seems the way to go nowadays :cool:

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Great to hear about the roadmap! I think my highest command level is at like... 125-130ish? I stopped playing during 5.1 because of a problem with my launcher, so I've only just now restarted the past few weeks. Looking forward to seeing what we have in store :)


I would also like to take this opportunity to say I'd very much like an Arcann romance :~)

Edited by Mewsy
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Hi all,


As I told you yesterday, I wanted to make sure I gave you a daily update about the Roadmap. When you get to know me better, you’ll realize how important it is to deliver on my word. Also being transparent means I’m setting myself up for an onslaught of negativity, even though the intention behind my communication is a gesture of good faith between us. I sincerely appreciate everyone who’s been very understanding, and I take to heart the less flattering comments to see how I can do better next time.


I saw a shirt the other day that made me laugh, “I’m a Lead Producer. Yes, I am crazy! What sane person would actually do this job?” In all seriousness, I’m totally enjoying the interactions with you, and can’t wait to initiate new discussions about what’s next with SWTOR.


So I am up to my 4th Command Rank 300 character and I have been putting a lot of thought into what to level next. It’s a pretty hard decision you know? I have quite a few characters and I really do want to spend time with all of them. Do I play Imperial or Republic this time? I just finished my healer so maybe my tank? :)


Oh, Roadmap status update! It’s still May – albeit the last day of May, but the Roadmap is being posted this afternoon! Huzzaah!




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Thank you, Keith, so much for keeping us informed so we weren't left wondering what or when. That in itself makes a huge difference. As for what you delivered, :jawa_smile::jawa_smile::jawa_smile: I am very happy with the road map, and I really needed the booster to wake me up this evening, and to keep me going this year. Thank you!

(Not that he'll see this.)

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The roadmap was an interesting read, thank you Keith for doing that - I know I'm not alone in appreciating it.


I'm excited about the upcoming event, a little disappointed about the Manaan SH not coming out til July, but somehow I'll remain strong :'( I guess I'll keep hoarding all the Zakuulan decos I can get for the eventual Zakuul SH...


I'm really hoping the next big story update allows us to interact a bit more with our companions/romances - that's always the hope though, I suppose.


Anyway, thanks again!

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Good job Keith. For once I can say I'm excited with the direction SWTOR is going as a whole. Umbara delivering new PvP and Flashpoints, a new op (albeit slow release), and updates to Galactic Starfighter.


If you need any input on GSF, the entire community has hundreds of pages and threads of suggestions in the GSF forum, including developer-started threads that were never replied to.


~ Eudoxia

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Just checked forums and... OMG! Excellent work Keith. I've not read the Roadmap yet, but the fact you managed to pull it off at the last minute and make your committed date speaks volumes. Not sure how many rounds of booze you have promised to co-workers and management teams, but good work!


You have restored some of my faith in the communications around here. Thank you!


Heading over to read the notes now. Heck I might even continue SUB after next week if I like what I see. :D

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Keith, I think you are a great guy and I believe you are really making an effort to make things better, so don't take this personally.


I just read the Roadmap, and I am horribly disappointed. I am one of the players who re-subbed when MONTHLTY story chapters were promised. That didn't happen. Then the big chunk of story last fall....ok that was great, but nothing to tell us how things would work going forward. Then War for Iokath, MONTHS AND MONTHS LATER. That was good for what there was, but way too little interaction with Quinn for those of us who love him and do NOT want him dead. Plus this chapter/update seemed shorther than ever. And now we learn that we are waiting THREE MORE MONTHS for what? A FLASHPOINT?


I guess a lot of other people who like pvp, operations, and other group content will be happy.....maybe they outnumber us story people, I don't know. But honestly, after reading this......I could just cry. I don't know how much longer I can justify keeping my sub going. Being able to customize companions is nice, but pretty small compensation for what we really want. I am playing vanilla class stories over and over now and still enjoying those somewhat, but it's slowing down.


Even though I am very unhappy right now, I still wish you the best of luck, and thank you for all your efforts.

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In a few days we will be back here complaining about what took them so long to get out the roadmap, because there wont be anything special on it...


-every 1-2 months an OP boss...

-one new flashpoint in the distant future...

-one new stronghold in the distant future...

-10 new comps in the distant future...

-customizable comps in the distant future...

-cxp point bonus or even legacy wide cxp in the distant future...

-10 new cartel packs immediately after next weeks downtime!


Thx for listening...*drops-mic*


Well, i just quote myself...hahaha...i "nailed" it...sadly.

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I just read the Roadmap, and I am horribly disappointed. I am one of the players who re-subbed when MONTHLTY story chapters were promised. That didn't happen.

If we get back 2-3 group players for every 1 of the story only players who leaves, I'll take it. The story folk still have stuff to look forward to, they just need to be patient, like everyone else was. I'd rather have the raiders back tbh.

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Thanks Keith. I appreciate the roadmap and most of the roadmap I like.


Not a fan of pvp but I imagine my boyfriend will like them.


Sure not everyone is going to like everything but that is to be expected.


Nice stronghold and I am hoping the view of the ocean meant Manaan!


Have a great day and again thanks!

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If we get back 2-3 group players for every 1 of the story only players who leaves, I'll take it. The story folk still have stuff to look forward to, they just need to be patient, like everyone else was. I'd rather have the raiders back tbh.


Not all story players will leave. I like the story, not a fan of pvp or large groups but I do like some group activities. I honestly like doing things with my boyfriend without us having to do something twice. I rather no one leave. I am not a fan of people separating into groups like raiders, solo, pvp players. That does nothing but hurt the community.

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Not all story players will leave. I like the story, not a fan of pvp or large groups but I do like some group activities. I honestly like doing things with my boyfriend without us having to do something twice. I rather no one leave. I am not a fan of people separating into groups like raiders, solo, pvp players. That does nothing but hurt the community.

Tell the person I quoted - he's the one who said he only came back for story.

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Keith, I think you are a great guy and I believe you are really making an effort to make things better, so don't take this personally.


I just read the Roadmap, and I am horribly disappointed. I am one of the players who re-subbed when MONTHLTY story chapters were promised. That didn't happen. Then the big chunk of story last fall....ok that was great, but nothing to tell us how things would work going forward. Then War for Iokath, MONTHS AND MONTHS LATER. That was good for what there was, but way too little interaction with Quinn for those of us who love him and do NOT want him dead. Plus this chapter/update seemed shorther than ever. And now we learn that we are waiting THREE MORE MONTHS for what? A FLASHPOINT?


I guess a lot of other people who like pvp, operations, and other group content will be happy.....maybe they outnumber us story people, I don't know. But honestly, after reading this......I could just cry. I don't know how much longer I can justify keeping my sub going. Being able to customize companions is nice, but pretty small compensation for what we really want. I am playing vanilla class stories over and over now and still enjoying those somewhat, but it's slowing down.


Even though I am very unhappy right now, I still wish you the best of luck, and thank you for all your efforts.


I am a story person but only story items were done last year and even though they were great they left out a lot of people by doing that. This time they are doing it differently and some of them have waited over 2 years for a new operation.


Each person has something different but we cannot do everything for solo players and nothing for raiders or pvp players. They need to do something for them as well. The monthly chapters were promised last year not this year. Even when the new expansion broke they stated they would not be doing monthly chapters.


Yes there will be some but not monthly.

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PvP class balance at the earliest in July. With a few delays here and there, I shall simply say...


... see yah folks in August ^^


Ya. I have 5 more days on my sub, and till Aug there is no reason to unsub at all (even then).


TBH, I think what is coming is inline with what was anticipated and appreciate the communication from BW on that front. But, nothing is coming till Aug. For PvP unless the class balance changes will be done ahead of time and are open on PTR for everyone to test and provide feedback, it will be the same as it is now (just something different broken). It does not seem to be the case, and I seriously doubt BW have neither the man power nor the capacity, evident by how things have been going since 5.0.

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Keith, I think you are a great guy and I believe you are really making an effort to make things better, so don't take this personally.


I just read the Roadmap, and I am horribly disappointed. I am one of the players who re-subbed when MONTHLTY story chapters were promised. That didn't happen. Then the big chunk of story last fall....ok that was great, but nothing to tell us how things would work going forward. Then War for Iokath, MONTHS AND MONTHS LATER. That was good for what there was, but way too little interaction with Quinn for those of us who love him and do NOT want him dead. Plus this chapter/update seemed shorther than ever. And now we learn that we are waiting THREE MORE MONTHS for what? A FLASHPOINT?


I guess a lot of other people who like pvp, operations, and other group content will be happy.....maybe they outnumber us story people, I don't know. But honestly, after reading this......I could just cry. I don't know how much longer I can justify keeping my sub going. Being able to customize companions is nice, but pretty small compensation for what we really want. I am playing vanilla class stories over and over now and still enjoying those somewhat, but it's slowing down.


Even though I am very unhappy right now, I still wish you the best of luck, and thank you for all your efforts.


Considering those of us who were PvE players had to wait TWO AND A HALF YEARS to get a single new ops boss... my sympathy for you is limited. Story players not only got two expansions with 99% solo-only content, but also a gearing system that lets them get set bonus gear through doing solo content alone. Raiders? They got jack and squat.


Now it's your turn to be patient, and suddenly having to wait three whole months is the most horrible thing ever and it makes you want to cry... how do you think we felt for the two and a half year long group content drought?! When you just have to wait until 5.3 for more story and--again--we waited two and a half years for a single ops boss to be released?


Be fair, not entitled. Solo players had their turn at being focused on for two straight years of content. Let other kinds of content have the spotlight for a while without throwing a fit about it, okay? That's the adult thing to do.

Edited by AscendingSky
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Must be something in the air, I gotta agree with TUXs :)


Seriously, the story-first players got 2 straight years of focus, and it's not like Iokath was devoid of story (and I suspect Umbara will have some as well). Maybe it's time to give the large-group-PvE folks some shinies?


Like the roadmap, can see why polishing it wasn't a short affair. There's a whole lot of "What are we going to have in which patch? Are you sure! buried under the short bullet points.


It's been a long and winding road from the start of the rebuild of 4.0, and the end is not yet in sight; but there are signs pointing the way.

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