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PvP Warzone Level Brackets


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I'm sure this has been covered elsewhere so I apologize for being a noob.


But I cant seem to find a clear answer on the current warzone level brackets....I've read 10-29, 10-39, 49-54...


Someone please clarify.

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I'm sure this has been covered elsewhere so I apologize for being a noob.


But I cant seem to find a clear answer on the current warzone level brackets....I've read 10-29, 10-39, 49-54...


Someone please clarify.


There is only Regs 70's and ranked now. Noone queues for anything else because of the removal of WZ comms. Made lowbie pvp pretty much a waste of time imo...

Edited by PoshTS
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There is only Regs 70's and ranked now. Noone queues for anything else because of the removal of WZ comms. Made lowbie pvp pretty much a waste of time imo...


Not entirely true if you're on Harbinger, I've leveled a few characters into their 40's this past week.

The brackets are: 10-40 & 41-69 then lvl 70 pvp

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70 pvp is dead because players are impossible to kill, so matches are like running around covered in bubble wrap throwing marshmallows at each other. The strategy has been reduced to, get an objective first, because no-one will ever be able to take it from you. That's it, the entire tactical strategy manual contains 1 sentence.


This makes low and mid level PvP the only real PvP now, and it would be nice if they would break up the brackets into smaller chunks, but only when queues are populated heavily enough to support this without long queue times.

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70 pvp is dead because players are impossible to kill, so matches are like running around covered in bubble wrap throwing marshmallows at each other. The strategy has been reduced to, get an objective first, because no-one will ever be able to take it from you. That's it, the entire tactical strategy manual contains 1 sentence.


This makes low and mid level PvP the only real PvP now, and it would be nice if they would break up the brackets into smaller chunks, but only when queues are populated heavily enough to support this without long queue times.


This is a very Biased and Inaccurate statement. It's simply not true

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I miss dieing a lot in pvp, an I miss the deciding factor of a win not being whose team has the healers. but I will say, I love globaling the offnode guard and grabbing while he pitifully calls for hlp after hes dead.
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70 pvp is dead because players are impossible to kill, so matches are like running around covered in bubble wrap throwing marshmallows at each other. The strategy has been reduced to, get an objective first, because no-one will ever be able to take it from you. That's it, the entire tactical strategy manual contains 1 sentence.


This makes low and mid level PvP the only real PvP now, and it would be nice if they would break up the brackets into smaller chunks, but only when queues are populated heavily enough to support this without long queue times.


I feel like there is some truth to the complaint about healing. I have not played much yet since my return, but I have noticed that unless you have a couple solidly geared dps, it is incredibly hard to kill a healer. I have seen 3 or 4 dps on one healer before, who is not being healed by anyone else, and that healer will not go down to 3 or 4 dps classes all bursting on them. To me that seems a little strange. In most other MMOs, that follow the trinity format, healers usually cannot stay up when being burst by 3 or 4 dps. To sum my statement up, I feel healing/absorb shields in SWTOR may be a little over the top.

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70 pvp is dead because players are impossible to kill, so matches are like running around covered in bubble wrap throwing marshmallows at each other. The strategy has been reduced to, get an objective first, because no-one will ever be able to take it from you. That's it, the entire tactical strategy manual contains 1 sentence.


This makes low and mid level PvP the only real PvP now, and it would be nice if they would break up the brackets into smaller chunks, but only when queues are populated heavily enough to support this without long queue times.


We know the gear gap and Bolster is a major issue for lvl 70 enjoyment. The expectation was Keith was going to communicate with us about this when he did the roadmap, which is now delayed. But he posted some stuff about the road map and still didn't mention the pvp gear gap.

I've replied to his thread about the roadmap as he usually reads his own threads.

Can I suggest everyone who is concerned about this gear gap to go and post in his thread he created for the road map.


Here is a link to the post I made. But the more of us that post there, the better.

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It's not a fix let alone a band-aid


They changed things so much with 5.0 that they are slowly creeping back to pre-5.0 gearing. It's just taking way longer than it should.


4 years ago I called the patches and expansions the dumbing down of the game for a more simple minded casual playerbase. It has gotten bad on some servers.


SL is loaded with mercs, sorcs, and juggs. It's quiet comical. I actually put down my jugg and jumped on my operative healer for a challenge. The past 2 nights I got on a sniper and "troll probed" the WZs. 1 comenter said, "How many Engi snipers do the have!!?" It was just me spamming probes in Queshball :rak_03:



Back on topic though. 10-40 and 41-69 then end game @ 70


There really should be every 10 levels but the population would support it. Unless they merged servers.


1 east

1 west

1 eu English

1 eu french

1 eu german


But that won't happen because of names, guilds, strongholds. It would actually push more players away

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70 pvp is dead because players are impossible to kill, so matches are like running around covered in bubble wrap throwing marshmallows at each other. The strategy has been reduced to, get an objective first, because no-one will ever be able to take it from you. That's it, the entire tactical strategy manual contains 1 sentence.


This makes low and mid level PvP the only real PvP now, and it would be nice if they would break up the brackets into smaller chunks, but only when queues are populated heavily enough to support this without long queue times.


Must be interesting to PVP on US servers.


Come to TRE in EU, we have it all, people are actually dying in warzones, we have imp premades, rep die-hards, stealther duos trolling people, Snave, hackers etc. I am doing even reg PVP now since i need components for the zillion 242 gear pieces i have from HM ops that need upgrading to 248 and must say, its not bad at all. I do the daily and weekly for ranked and non ranked. both are great, unless its a bad rep side day where imps faceroll us with premades.


But all this has nothing to do with GEAR!! Its enough if you go in with a 2 dps 1 sin tak, 1 sorc heal combo, you pretty much wreck everything. Bolster is good as it is, if you dont like it, WoW is around the corner or what ever other game you think is better.

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