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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Need more people like Icykill_


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Dear Bioware, please listen to people who are active in the forums. Such as Icykill_ . This individual only posts positive comments with new and fresh ideas on balance and class changes. They always provide constructive feedback and always defend this game. Now it is your time to listen to (I'm assume) her. She has amazing ideas and if you listen to them, they will make this game even better. Have one on one sessions where you guys discuss what changes could be made and what new ideas can be implemented. I feel like Icykill_ is a community manager who responds to players and is active in the community. To everyone else, people follow Icykill_ as an example. To Icykill_ , thank you for being so positive and providing such great ideas.
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Dear Bioware, please listen to people who are active in the forums. Such as Icykill_ . This individual only posts positive comments with new and fresh ideas on balance and class changes. They always provide constructive feedback and always defend this game. Now it is your time to listen to (I'm assume) her. She has amazing ideas and if you listen to them, they will make this game even better. Have one on one sessions where you guys discuss what changes could be made and what new ideas can be implemented. I feel like Icykill_ is a community manager who responds to players and is active in the community. To everyone else, people follow Icykill_ as an example. To Icykill_ , thank you for being so positive and providing such great ideas.


IDK if this is a dating attempt, but it sure looks like one.


And yes, we surely need more people that tell us Mercs and Snipers are just fine.

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lol she came back, made a bunch of posts, probably just played lowbies and now is leaving, WOW!


Lmao. Don't forget she was in her own instance on harbinger. That server was dead as for her. No one there and nothing popped.


I must have missed her I'm quitting post. Oh well. No biggie.

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lol she came back, made a bunch of posts, probably just played lowbies and now is leaving, WOW!


BW isn't falling all over themselves to accommodate her every whim.

Edited by Ratajack
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IDK if this is a dating attempt, but it sure looks like one.


And yes, we surely need more people that tell us Mercs and Snipers are just fine.


I want to get in on the dating IcyKill thread! Dear IcyKill....even though I'm really fun, don't be expecting fawning comments, and you should bring some cab fair for after, but I'm ready to chill when you are. :cool:

Edited by Darkside
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No idea who Icykill is. Thought this was gonna be a post about a blogger or a Twitch user.


How on earth do you miss her almost daily new threads schooling the studio on what should be changed, what's broken, etc. etc. (centered around only PvP) here in general forum? :)


She is generally fairly balanced in her comments here (even though I disagree with many of them), but I do find the daily complaint/demand threads a bit tedious at times. So I appreciate her not going all hyperbolic on every thread, while she advocates for what she is passionate about. Nobody can acuse her of not being passionate about SWTOR PvP. :)

Edited by Andryah
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Positive posts???


Sorry only positive if you agreed with her point of view which for the most part I did not. Is polite in how she writes her posts, far more polite than I am. However polite and positive are not the same thing.


I don't generally like her posts for two reasons 1. Multiple posts on the same issue. 2. Thinks she has every right to tell BW to change other paying customers accounts to benefit her.


Still I have agreed with her at times when the above two points don't come into it.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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Dear Bioware, please listen to people who are active in the forums. Such as Icykill_ . This individual only posts positive comments with new and fresh ideas on balance and class changes. They always provide constructive feedback and always defend this game. Now it is your time to listen to (I'm assume) her. She has amazing ideas and if you listen to them, they will make this game even better. Have one on one sessions where you guys discuss what changes could be made and what new ideas can be implemented. I feel like Icykill_ is a community manager who responds to players and is active in the community. To everyone else, people follow Icykill_ as an example. To Icykill_ , thank you for being so positive and providing such great ideas.


Nice try Icy...

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Positive posts???


Sorry only positive if you agreed with her point of view which for the most part I did not.


Yes. Difficult to agree with posts saying Harbinger is a dead server. Yeah sure the hamsters have died, but the server isn't dead. PvP never pops. I queue within mins of her posting that and it took 2 min to pop. 2! Then I realised that she didn't mean regs she meant lowbies. It's all she does. What's the point in only doing lowbies? I mean seriously.why? If my gameplay consisted of lowbie PvP only I'd quit too. You can't even develop any REAL grasp on class balance in low levels.

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While I do not know who she is on Harbinger, she does tend to flood the forums with multiple topics at times.


With that said I tend to view her as a reporter on whats going on the server i.e. current pvp exploits, bots now in <70 pvp matches, etc.

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Dear Bioware, please listen to people who are active in the forums. Such as Icykill_ . This individual only posts positive comments with new and fresh ideas on balance and class changes. They always provide constructive feedback and always defend this game. Now it is your time to listen to (I'm assume) her. She has amazing ideas and if you listen to them, they will make this game even better. Have one on one sessions where you guys discuss what changes could be made and what new ideas can be implemented. I feel like Icykill_ is a community manager who responds to players and is active in the community. To everyone else, people follow Icykill_ as an example. To Icykill_ , thank you for being so positive and providing such great ideas.


Thank you for the kind words 😊. It's always nice when someone says nice things about you.


I try to be positive, but that's not always the case, often Bio need some hard truths.

As others have so kindly pointed out 🙄, I can be a bit contentious and I have strong opinions as lots of us do 😉.

I do always try to do/say what I think is best for the game as a whole and not just one small group and sometimes I offend people with my views. Just know that even when we disagree, its not personal. But I will also not back down if I feel strongly about something. I do try to be respectful and I think healthy debates that don't get personal are good for the game. I've changed my opinion many times when people make a good case.


To Patroller, I like your idea of having some open discussions with Bioware. another player called Snave has done just that with live interviews with Eric. Unfortunately nothing ever comes of it and the hard questions or topics are mostly deflected. I think many of us would love Bioware to open up communications and actual find out what we want and listen.


Lots of the ideas I do have are often inspired from ideas other people have and I just try to flesh them out or take them to the next lvl. Some of them are just common sense and Im surprised Bio haven't already thought of them. Over the last five years there have been some great ideas and solutions to problems from many in the community.

There are lots of passionate people who are active forum posters and without them I think this forum have died long ago. Without them to "shout" from the roof tops and hold Bio accountable, the game might also have died by now.


First and foremost I want this game to succeed, but I also want people to have fun doing it. But I wouldnt go as far as becoming a community manager, my skin's not thick enough for that 😉


For the people who posted they want to date me 😂😂.. sorry, I'm taken 💕💕



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Dear Bioware, please listen to people who are active in the forums. Such as Icykill_ . This individual only posts positive comments with new and fresh ideas on balance and class changes. They always provide constructive feedback and always defend this game. Now it is your time to listen to (I'm assume) her. She has amazing ideas and if you listen to them, they will make this game even better. Have one on one sessions where you guys discuss what changes could be made and what new ideas can be implemented. I feel like Icykill_ is a community manager who responds to players and is active in the community. To everyone else, people follow Icykill_ as an example. To Icykill_ , thank you for being so positive and providing such great ideas.


a few points here


1. Icykill is no different than anyone else here and i won't put him or her on their own seat and presented like a god to worship. not even eric and keith are beyond being the same as everyone else and i won't treat them any differently, but that doesn't mean i will violate rules to cuss at them or anyone else for that matter.


2. i received a pm a few days ago from someone who thinks a comment i made in the iokath traitor thread in the story section s worthy enough to pm me about how good the response was, but at the same time this person was also picky about my spelling, frankly i couldn't care less about my spelling but even so we all have our own moments where we look good. and i just accepted that it was a one off. it's nothing to get worked up about.


3. everyone has their own opinions, so if you want to make icykill your god on these forums to worship, that is your choice but if you don't agree with my opinion that is also your choice but just goes to show that not everyone agrees with everyone else. we are all individuals, we have our own goals and motivations.


4. we are all hypocrites, no one and i mean no one is immune to making contridictary choices at some point in our lives, so while your singing someone elses praises, a week later you may even come up with a comment that icykill is the one you hate the most for one reason or another because your hero worship turns sour.


5. how do i know this is not icykill on a second account trumpeting your own horn?

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5. how do i know this is not icykill on a second account trumpeting your own horn?


Here are a few reasons why it's not me

I'd never want to feed my personal trolls

I'm confident enough not to need others approval

I wouldn't pay Bioware any more money after what they've done to the game.

I don't blow horns.. 😉

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Which one ?


This one:


I've been wondering why i never see Icy and Trixie interacting with each other in these Forums.

I feel like when Icy leaves the game and the forums, then we see Trixie pop up and start posting and when Trixie leaves, Icy comes back.

Just an observation.

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