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Need more people like Icykill_


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What is this? Politics? We are talking about the person now and not the arguments? Shut up!


This thread isn't about icykill, it is about a certain behaviour on the forums, picking icykill as an example.

"More icykill-like behaviour on the forums and we'd be better off, who agrees and who doesn't."

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What is this? Politics? We are talking about the person now and not the arguments? Shut up!


This thread isn't about icykill, it is about a certain behaviour on the forums, picking icykill as an example.

"More icykill-like behaviour on the forums and we'd be better off, who agrees and who doesn't."


Doesn't matter. I'd be surprised if the thread isn't deleted. And no I didn't report anything but naming people will already draw moderator attention then the toxic nature it devolved into will be enough to ensure it doesn't get moved to anywhere but deleted.

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Doesn't matter. I'd be surprised if the thread isn't deleted. And no I didn't report anything but naming people will already draw moderator attention then the toxic nature it devolved into will be enough to ensure it doesn't get moved to anywhere but deleted.


I get banned for three months for making a good natured joke to someone I know and these idiots can make threads titled with the exact names of other people [even using the underscore _ in the name] in violation of ToS to bash them and they won't even get a slap on the wrist.


But I'm no Rat either.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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Dear Bioware, please listen to people who are active in the forums. Such as Icykill_ . This individual only posts positive comments with new and fresh ideas on balance and class changes. They always provide constructive feedback and always defend this game. Now it is your time to listen to (I'm assume) her. She has amazing ideas and if you listen to them, they will make this game even better. Have one on one sessions where you guys discuss what changes could be made and what new ideas can be implemented. I feel like Icykill_ is a community manager who responds to players and is active in the community. To everyone else, people follow Icykill_ as an example. To Icykill_ , thank you for being so positive and providing such great ideas.


Being a white knight isn't going to get you anywhere with women bruh lol.

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I get banned for three months for making a good natured joke to someone I know and these idiots can make threads titled with the exact names of other people [even using the underscore _ in the name] in violation of ToS to bash them and they won't even get a slap on the wrist.


But I'm no Rat either.


"Privacy" here, lol. It's all just nicknames anyway.

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BW ought to pay attention to Icykill_ because she makes well-thought-out posts.


I would rather read a single post from someone who I disagree with but can make their point logically and effectively than any ten posts from someone I agree with but can't write.

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It's a she.. LoL.. plus I prefer other girls 👯..


One thing I admire about you Icykill is that you are both confident in yourself and open about who you are and what you like and dislike. :)


I continue to be amazed that people do not acknowledge a fact that you have never hidden in the forum. They either don't read, or don't recall, or have unstated issues.

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