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Decline in Voice Acting?

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I've finished KOTFE/KOTET on both my female Jedi Consular and Jedi Knight. I'm familiar with their voice-acting work from other projects as well, and I really enjoyed them throughout the game. I've finished most of the Class Stories and I've seen a lot of YouTube videos. I can't help but to feel like some of the voice acting has been declining in quality, and maybe even direction.


Consular really started off okay but then improved throughout the game... I was never much of a fan of Athena Karkanis but she really did a good job in KOTFE/KOTET. It just sounds like she was actually having fun recording her lines and she did take her role seriously. When she had to shout or be emotional, she delivered it. Unfortunately the same can't be said about the female Jedi Knight. Kari Wahlgren s a great actress. I've loved her work in Guild Wars and Elder Scrolls Online. She's perfect when the character needs to be calm and quiet, but apparently, she can't sound emotional. During the last confrontation with Valyin on Odessen her line delivery was absolutely awful. It's a very intense moment and she's about to deliver the killing blow and it sounds like she's casually talking in a tea party. She also lacked immensely during some of the speeches and other shouts.


I also noticed that Jennifer Hale sounds incredibly off during the new episode? I could barely recognize her, and she's one of my favourite voice actresses out there. The delivery of all Imperial females also has decreased immensely, being the Inquisitor the most noticeable one.


I honestly always disliked Nolan North's work in MMOs. His voice becomes so bland, dull, emotionless... and I don't get why. I understand that the male Consular has to sound wise and all of that but he has done such incredible work in singleplayer campaigns such as Uncharted, Assassin's Creed, Deadpool, Borderlands... His voice just mauls my ears as a Consular. I also couldn't stand his work on Guild Wars 2.


How come some that this is happening? Have you noticed any declines or improvements?

Edited by TheRandomWolf
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I've finished KOTFE/KOTET on both my female Jedi Consular and Jedi Knight. I'm familiar with their voice-acting work from other projects as well, and I really enjoyed them throughout the game. I've finished most of the Class Stories and I've seen a lot of YouTube videos. I can't help but to feel like some of the voice acting has been declining in quality, and maybe even direction.


Consular really started off okay but then improved throughout the game... I was never much of a fan of Athena Karkanis but she really did a good job in KOTFE/KOTET. It just sounds like she was actually having fun recording her lines and she did take her role seriously. When she had to shout or be emotional, she delivered it. Unfortunately the same can't be said about the female Jedi Knight. Kari Wahlgren s a great actress. I've loved her work in Guild Wars and Elder Scrolls Online. She's perfect when the character needs to be calm and quiet, but apparently, she can't sound emotional. During the last confrontation with Valyin on Odessen her line delivery was absolutely awful. It's a very intense moment and she's about to deliver the killing blow and it sounds like she's casually talking in a tea party. She also lacked immensely during some of the speeches and other shouts.


I also noticed that Jennifer Hale sounds incredibly off during the new episode? I could barely recognize her, and she's one of my favourite voice actresses out there. The delivery of all Imperial females also has decreased immensely, being the Inquisitor the most noticeable one.


I honestly always disliked Nolan North's work in MMOs. His voice becomes so bland, dull, emotionless... and I don't get why. I understand that the male Consular has to sound wise and all of that but he has done such incredible work in singleplayer campaigns such as Uncharted, Assassin's Creed, Deadpool, Borderlands... His voice just mauls my ears as a Consular. I also couldn't stand his work on Guild Wars 2.


How come some that this is happening? Have you noticed any declines or improvements?


Nolan has never been on the level on swtor since the start honestly, no depth in his voice acting on this game, it's not just the JC story being dull as dishwater but his monotinous voice overs made it even less appealing.


Compared to Mark Bazeley who did the male sith warrior, you can really get a feel for the character he is portraying which made the story more engaging, also the way Mark delivered his lines on the dark side options.. he is probably one of the most epic at it. A Brilliant VO and i love the work hes done.


Jen Hale has done so many voice overs on so many games i'm surprised her voice can keep going, she maybe one of the best in the business but honestly her voice overs have been bland on SWTOR. a bit more emotion in the voices would be nice.


Kari has a good voice but she hasn't really got the most of the chance when it came, i'm certain she could of done better on the class storyline.

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I don't know. I think the consular female voice was great throughout KOTFE/KOTET. My consular is my favorite character. She sounded exactly like she should have. I haven't taken my night through it yet. I figured why bother if they're not bringing back her Doc. I'm only taking those through it who have a reason to, either LI or romancing Theron. I have 14 characters so that entire thing will be a challenge.
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During the last confrontation with Valyin on Odessen her line delivery was absolutely awful.


The voice actors are currently on strike and EA is one of the companies they're striking against. I'm guessing with the dates but more likely those sessions would have been recorded right before they went.






Those actors and actresses may have not been too happy at the time and done what they did on purpose.

Edited by dr_mike
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Am I the only one who actually loves the male consular's VO work? :p I've played through the consular story twice now, with a male and female consular - and truth be told, while the story was boring, I was fully engaged in it because of the male consular's voice acting. (I've since taking him at least partway through KOTFE - and it was due to voice acting alone that I suddenly realized he was falling in love with Lana. An entire romance started because of the way he delivered ONE LINE that isn't even remotely romantic. It was adorable.)

Female consular, on the other hand... for the first time ever since I started playing this game, I found myself spacebarring occasionally through the class story. *hangs head in shame* But, hearing the news that she's gotten exponentially better in KOTFE/KOTET - yay! I do plan to take my female consular through KOTFE/KOTET, romancing Theron, and I'm looking forwards to it.


What about the male trooper's voice? He was never very emotive (well...he *was* at certain times - like the Jaxo situation, gah that just about broke my heart), but in SOR and beyond... the poor guy sounds so flat and weary. Which, I guess, is part of the trooper's overall character: they've gone through so much crap that it's wearing them down noticeably.

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My Jedi councilor was named after a fighter pilot, and I found the voice acting really fit the real person.


The thing is, when you train yourself for every bad situation you can imagine, you remain calm. I think the consular nails how a very very powerful Jedi would be.

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Mark Bazeley does pretty damn well as a LS Sith, too...my maurauder sounded so bloody relieved that Quinn was back.


As as for my Male Imperial Agent - well, Bertie Carvel always delivers...and I've seen what else he's been doing in between, so it's not like he hasn't been busy. Great job, gentlemen, both of you!

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