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Funny for the day?


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There are a few lines that made me smile. Almost everything Gault says. His comment on a failed crew mission: "You win some - you lose some. You just lost some." His response to "I trust Gault.." : "Don't do that.....I'm joking!"

Also HKs comments in KOTFE about the effectiveness of the industrial cleaning stuff against the infestation on the gravestone. Theron's "I don't like Tatooine, but I like saying Tatooine." Lanas "Ready to commandeer, commander?" and Theron's "Did you really just say that?" or sth like that.

My inquisitor when meeting..I think it was the head honcho of the heralds of Zildrog. "So you're the king of the crazy people?"

Even Koth, who I despise, has one good line, when Tora calls him "Fat Fingers." "That's CAPTAIN Fat Fingers!"

Also a lot of the stuff on Rishi is really funny.

Edited by Mongorr
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i can't find the right video on youtube that has the sith warrior using the intimidate option about eating slestack and Tumarr raw and then using a further threatening conversation roll by using their bones to pick the sith warriors teeth clean. the two of them then run off and then your warrior declares the judgement that neither of them will run off as he says he will kill them.


i saw this video on youtube on it a while back. most of those i've seen use the attack option instead.

Edited by Celise
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Basically every line my smuggler has in his entire class story had me rolling xD Love his constant wise cracks


The one that specifically made me fall in love with the smuggler was "Is that a hair cut or did a womp rat crawl on your head and die?" I laughed for a good ten minutes at that line. I couldn't further the cut-scene after that until I stopped

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Basically every line my smuggler has in his entire class story had me rolling xD Love his constant wise cracks


My gosh, EVERY. OTHER. LINE was a smart-alecky remark. Confronting...ahem, that person who betrays you...on Corellia. "He's only in it for the hot...lady...rebels!" With the smuggler looking and acting like they can't believe what just came out of their own mouth. XD

Oh! And! Feylara and her...poorly...thought-out plan to kill the smuggler. That whole sequence had me choking with laughter.

"Ah, Feylara? What's that shield of yours running on?"

"Portable battery pack. Why?"

"You know those only last a few minutes, right?"

[right on cue, the shield fades away]

"............oh no."


My mom and I play this game together occasionally. We're nearly done with a Jedi Knight's storyline - we're going to do a smuggler run-through next. I can't wait to see her crack up at everything; I hope she finds it as hilarious as I did. :D

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I think Imperial Agents reaction to KotFE "so I've gone from commander of sith intelligence to … commander?"

First time i heard about Asylum "so who's getting committed?"

Pretty much the rebuilding of the gravestone montage (HK committing wild life genocide) (no words needed)

The one and only thing I remember about

before chapter 8 of KotFE

On Iokath scaring Theron.

And pretty much everything Z0-0M says.

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My gosh, EVERY. OTHER. LINE was a smart-alecky remark. Confronting...ahem, that person who betrays you...on Corellia. "He's only in it for the hot...lady...rebels!" With the smuggler looking and acting like they can't believe what just came out of their own mouth. XD

Oh! And! Feylara and her...poorly...thought-out plan to kill the smuggler. That whole sequence had me choking with laughter.

"Ah, Feylara? What's that shield of yours running on?"

"Portable battery pack. Why?"

"You know those only last a few minutes, right?"

[right on cue, the shield fades away]

"............oh no."


My mom and I play this game together occasionally. We're nearly done with a Jedi Knight's storyline - we're going to do a smuggler run-through next. I can't wait to see her crack up at everything; I hope she finds it as hilarious as I did. :D

See I really need to run through a smuggler again. I actually recall very little of the actual ines of dialogue and all but I do remember laughing CONSTANTLY at the cutscenes. It really helps when your rocking an AWESOME smuggler-esque outfit. Outer-rim gunslinger jacket with primary dark gray dye is ALWAYS my go to xD Short wavy hair, and you know he's got a "Kai Zykken soulpatch"


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Running though the sith Inquisitor story on tatooine where the guy your chasing calls you cute and your Inquisitor says "I'm not cute, I'm deadly"


Also on the HK-55 bonus chapter, at the top of the elevator the exarch says "I'm ready for the test" :D

Edited by Nightblazer
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"...so unless you want to spend your final moments being shaken to death by the dulcet tones of the Kashyyyk Life Day choir, I'd reconsider."

Outlander: [Wookie impression]


Just ran through Vandin with my male consular. And was promptly startled out of my chair at that option. I thought, for a brief second, that they had actually pulled audio from the movies with that Wookie roar.

No, that was actually Nolan North, doing one absolutely amazing roar. Seriously. Wow. O_O (And this is after hearing the male knight and female warrior hilariously fail with it...male knight sounds like a mildly ill kitten. Female warrior just yells into the recording microphone, sounding a little frustrated.) Even if it breaks the character's personality to threaten Dretcher, I do it every time, just to hear the utter hilarity that is all these distinguished voice actors trying and mostly failing to roar like a Wookie. :D

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"...so unless you want to spend your final moments being shaken to death by the dulcet tones of the Kashyyyk Life Day choir, I'd reconsider."

Outlander: [Wookie impression]


Just ran through Vandin with my male consular. And was promptly startled out of my chair at that option. I thought, for a brief second, that they had actually pulled audio from the movies with that Wookie roar.

No, that was actually Nolan North, doing one absolutely amazing roar. Seriously. Wow. O_O (And this is after hearing the male knight and female warrior hilariously fail with it...male knight sounds like a mildly ill kitten. Female warrior just yells into the recording microphone, sounding a little frustrated.) Even if it breaks the character's personality to threaten Dretcher, I do it every time, just to hear the utter hilarity that is all these distinguished voice actors trying and mostly failing to roar like a Wookie. :D


Nolan North is an amazing voice actor. Nails it.

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Care to share the funniest line you've heard in the game?


For me, I must have taken Vector through on my agent so it's been eye opening taking Kaliyo.


Kaliyo on Lokin: If he tries to talk to me, I'm tearing his head off, otherwise I'm fine with this. :D



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When the psych droid greets you on entering the psychiatric ward on Belsavis, Iresso says "Somehow I always knew this day would come."


And then you do Iresso's conversations.


What would happen to him if that holocron in his head ever started...leaking?

He'd probably end up in the Belsavis psych ward.


That's either horrific or amusing depending on your sense of humor. :eek:

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