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How many people play this game?


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I'm level 37, and got a few friends playing it too, we play on Bergan Colony, and some areas can be completely empty.

Which is sad, because this is actually the first mmorpg i've truly enjoyed. I tried WoW, got bored, guild wars 2 lost my attention, and nothing else seems entertaining enough. Yet this is the first mmorpg i've actually loved playing.

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I'm level 37, and got a few friends playing it too, we play on Bergan Colony, and some areas can be completely empty.

Which is sad, because this is actually the first mmorpg i've truly enjoyed. I tried WoW, got bored, guild wars 2 lost my attention, and nothing else seems entertaining enough. Yet this is the first mmorpg i've actually loved playing.


Begeren Colony is the smallest of the still active servers in NA. As such, it largely relies on finding and playing within a guild, rather then depending on random grouping, GF, or crossing paths in game.


If you are guildless.. BC is not the right server for you. You probably want to consider moving to Habinger, or considering an east coast server like Ebon Hawk.

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Someone's going to come along with "more bots than people" post so I'll just go ahead and throw that out now to save time waiting.


I know I was on Ord Mantell a few days ago (I run the simple first planet heroics when I get bored) and I counted 3 groups of four bots running the content. It's been a bot script for that planet for quite some time.

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See, EA / Bioware? This is how you confuse and deceive your player base - by leaving dead servers open who don't know any better, and straying or stranding those players off the 'beaten path'. $ # @ /\/\ E. :mad:

Server mergers now or soon!

EXACTLY!!!! THIS is why dead servers hurt this damn game.


OP, you just picked a dead server. Do yourselves a favor and reroll on Harbinger. Night and day difference.

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EXACTLY!!!! THIS is why dead servers hurt this damn game.


OP, you just picked a dead server. Do yourselves a favor and reroll on Harbinger. Night and day difference.


I'm on Begeren Colony. It's not dead - there just aren't many people out questing on worlds. Most of the population's gathered at the fleets or in their guilds.


OP, a warning. Harbinger's known for being ridiculously toxic and unwelcoming to new players. If you want a friendlier community, try Ebon Hawk. It's *slightly* less populated than Harbinger (not by much; the other night, I was on the Imperial fleet, there were nearly 200 people - this is an east coast server, it would've been about midnight on the east coast at the time). But Ebon Hawk is, by far, the more friendly and welcoming of the two servers.

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They should probably make it so that new accts cannot roll up a new character on the low population servers. Perhaps to import friends you could have an invite code or something, but happy new players just bumbling around and choosing a server because the name sounds cool and then are immediately disallusioned is not good. Edited by Stellarcrusade
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They should probably make it so that new accts cannot roll up a new character on the low population servers.


I don't think putting up road blocks on new character creation is a good idea. You never want to tell a new customer that they can't do something or limit their actions.


This is something we work with in E-Commerce. You don;t want to tick off customers who want to give you money. I forget the numbers and google'ing won't pull them up but abandoned transactions is a very real problem.

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BC doesn't seem that bad to me. Granted, it's the only server I've ever played on, but I have no trouble finishing my dailies during prime-time, and pops are solid into the late hours on weekends. I wish the population were bigger, to increase the chances of better match-making, but the server doesn't feel dead to me, at least not for PVP.
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I've only ever played on one other server on the west coast (can't remember the name now since I'm no longer on it) when Ebon Hawk was getting hacked, but other than that, I've had a lot of fun on TEH. I'm always getting invites for group missions, WBs, and I've lost count of how many Guild invites all of my toons have received. The only thing I'll say about it that I don't care for much is sometimes the GenChat on DK can get a little weird but then I just turn it off.
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They're lucky they didn't happen to choose Jung Ma. I imagine they would have been shocked at the emptiness there.

This is precisely why leaving dead servers open can be hurtful to a game. At the very least, they should give some indication of player population in the server info.


Everyone should be able to know what type of server they are joining, and how many people are typically playing on it.

Very few new or returning players are going to drudge through an internet search just to educate themselves- and they shouldn't have to. The information should be readily available, in-game.

Edited by SourOrange
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I'm level 37, and got a few friends playing it too, we play on Bergan Colony, and some areas can be completely empty.

Which is sad, because this is actually the first mmorpg i've truly enjoyed. I tried WoW, got bored, guild wars 2 lost my attention, and nothing else seems entertaining enough. Yet this is the first mmorpg i've actually loved playing.


how long is a rope?

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I played on the Begeran Colony since I started (June 2015). That was my main server until it lost players.

I transfered to The Harbinger, but general chat can be [reallyinappropriate. The Ebon Hawk another great server to play on (as mentioned before by other people).:D

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Saying Harbinger chat is really inappropriate is understating it....a lot. Being in a guild may help with the seeming lack of people, or change to a larger server community but unless you like racist and sexist comments and extremely juvenile behavior don't come to Harbinger.
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"How many people play this game?"


You, me and your uncle`s neighbour. Most of the players that you see in Fleet chat are bots. BW are using hundreds of bots with high AI to make you more confortable in-game (You wont pay to play an empty MMO game, right?). They can chat and answer your questions, just like "Cleverbot". Just queue and do some OPs and FPs and you`ll see their true identity.

Edited by iankalo
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Some time ago they claimed 1 mil active players, but thats a very general statement and was long ago. Subscriber numbers will never be published as it will be bad publicity I would say.


Nevertheless, there active server numbers are going down and most are dead, which is not good for new players who are first time to MMOs and dont check the server populations upfront. I wonder myself what Bioware is planning with this.

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See, EA / Bioware? This is how you confuse and deceive your player base - by leaving dead servers open who don't know any better, and straying or stranding those players off the 'beaten path'. $ # @ /\/\ E. :mad:

Server mergers now or soon!


Actually if you are new to the game then re-rolling on a populated server is far more pratical then demanding a server merge because you chose to roll on a low pop server. This smacks of a new account created to demonstate a non existent issue of population problems and i am really sick of you people constantly trying to force your agenda on the rest of the players in this game !!!

Edited by CaptainBlackjack
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I've only ever played on one other server on the west coast (can't remember the name now since I'm no longer on it) when Ebon Hawk was getting hacked, but other than that, I've had a lot of fun on TEH. I'm always getting invites for group missions, WBs, and I've lost count of how many Guild invites all of my toons have received. The only thing I'll say about it that I don't care for much is sometimes the GenChat on DK can get a little weird but then I just turn it off.


I want to point out - Ebon Hawk is a role playing server. Many guilds are heavy RP. But there are many that are light RP or just PVE/Raid. The good thing about TEH, is that most players respect each other. I rarely see Rp'ers getting griefed while RP'ing on fleet, as an example..

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