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Vector Hyllus - The LoveBug thread - Haters make your own :P


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I can try, but it won't be good quality. Of course fraps acted weird and cut the thing into two parts for some reason so now there's a big glitch in the first sentence he utters :mad::mad::mad: Sorry about that :(


But anyway gimme a minute~




I guess I'll have to drag another agent through kotfe kicking and screaming so I can try again to get a good video of it :confused:




LOL yeah


Yeeey, thank you Grania!! I guess there are mixed feelings but I enjoyed it. :) It was kinda sweet to be honest.

I think it's the same VA, but he does sound a bit different.:rak_02:

Edited by Eshvara
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Thanks for posting the video! I only had a secondary non-Vector-loving agent through to the end of KotET so far - didn't begin it with my main agent because I couldn't bear to make her lose Vector until we could get him back quickly. The non-romance version is very short and doesn't have too much feeling (imo) compared to the romance one, so it's great to see that my main agent has good motivation for finally beginning KotFE. :)


The return is short compared to full chapters. But all in all, if you separate the romantic content of companion returns in chapters (Jorgan, Torian, Kaliyo and Vette) from the main content that everyone experiences, I don't know that there's all that much difference compared to the romantic content of the recent returns?

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As for where he was found...


The dialogue makes clear that he wasn't there the entire time and doesn't specify when he arrived; moreover, even if he had arrived significantly earlier, he did identify legitimate other priorities, even to the extent of not wanting to be found. Of all the quibbles people have with his comeback, this is the least significant IMHO.



I READ all of that in the "certain information that shall not be mentioned" but if you go with the Romanced route, you don't get a whole lot of explanation about why he was there or why it took so long to get him back (Don't hold me to that though. Because we can't replay the mission I made sure to record it so I can rewatch it. I might have missed something. My 4 year old has this uncanny ability to KNOW when dialogue is being spoken in video games and she makes it her personal mission to start acting up when it happens.)


My beef isn't with him taking so long to contact the agent (I'm assuming that was under the "Took you long enough" option, which I didn't take in game because I wanted to lock in the romance). I UNDERSTAND everything from the story perspective. I just don't get why it wasn't House Cortess if we absolutely had to meet him on Alderaan and it would have been preferable, more exciting, and would have given at least the ILLUSION that more thought was put into the reunion rather than, "LOL, let's just put him on Alderaan because we would rather make Arcann's romance the story highlight of this patch."


In short, if my Agent were a real person, she would understand everything and of course more would be explained off camera as they go back to Odessen together. I just resent that it's become REQUIRED to fill in most of the story with head canon instead of just little bits and pieces.




P.S. Ang, sorry to see you go. But sometimes breaks are good. I just took a month long one myself and didn't play at all except to pick up my rewards. Also didn't realize the voice / mouth animations referred to poking companions outside of scripted content. I don't tend to do that, except accidentally -- notable exception being my monkey-lizard because I love the laugh.


Oh yeah, the burn out is strong with this one and I realize that. I was on a break until my sister took an interest in this game again. Believe it or not, I'm actually quite optimistic in real life but when I start letting things like a VIDEO GAME piss me off, I have enough self awareness to know that it's time to take a step back. That's why I'm extremely apologetic about my current negativity and I will attempt to stop for the remainder of my time here. I would much rather dissect the implications of what Vector talked about and how that would affect him as a character (one of the reasons why, even though it was jarring at first, I'm warming up to his voice sounding more hoarse and such. It adds

to his character development <----See? Optimism!)


As for clicking on the companions, I do it all the time, usually when I'm sitting in my stronghold waiting for whatever, or when I'm healing up with the class heal. My favorite from Vector is, "when we're done, perhaps we'll work on our memoirs." I will click and click on him until he says it, lol. And watching his facial animations as he looks contemplative, or pensive or whatever...it was a nice, immersive touch that is now bugged.

Edited by AngFour
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I can try, but it won't be good quality. Of course fraps acted weird and cut the thing into two parts for some reason so now there's a big glitch in the first sentence he utters :mad::mad::mad: Sorry about that :(


But anyway gimme a minute~



Thank you so much for posting this! :)


Poor Vector. Separated from his LI Agent, and reduced contact with the nest because of the pain of his loss. :(

He must have felt so alone for so many years.


(ALL these people looking for Vector and NONE of them thought to look on Alderaan. The Alliance is truly filled with idiots and I'm thoroughly convinced that the Commander has to write "R" and "L" on everyone's boots so they know to put them on the right feet :/ )

I agree with you 100%.


No one could find Vector -- Dawn Herald, Joiner, part of the Killiks on Alderaan ... while he was with the Killiks on Alderaan? The same Killiks that were an active part of the Empire's war efforts against the Eternal Empire, not hidden away the whole time? :rolleyes: Oh, please.


Vector's voice sounds different to me. But, I'm putting that down to the stress of the past few years. And, I'm loving the female IA's voice acting. When she says, "Vector!" I was like, "Girl, yasss!" I missed him!

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No one could find Vector -- Dawn Herald, Joiner, part of the Killiks on Alderaan ... while he was with the Killiks on Alderaan? The same Killiks that were an active part of the Empire's war efforts against the Eternal Empire, not hidden away the whole time? :rolleyes: Oh, please.




Something that Lana could have possibly mentioned, you know? Like maybe during KotFE when we were first unfrozen, looking around the swamps of Zakuul doing...whatever it was we were doing (I can't remember exactly what anymore) and she was giving us a generic rundown of what happened during the five years we were frozen. It didn't even need to be Agent specific. Having the Killiks be the front line during the war, the shock troops no less, should have warranted SOME mention, you know?



I know they probably had something more grand planned back when they first started KotFE. But I feel that if they weren't 100% positive that they could follow through, then they shouldn't have even attempted it. Honestly ALL of KotFE didn't need to happen five years in the future. Our companions didn't NEED to be taken away. Our characters could have participated in that war. Flip flop around a few things and the end could still have been the same. Because now we have rushed returns to check a box.


But that's a pipe dream now. Now it just feels like Charles only cares about HIS characters and everyone else was tossed to a writer who barely knows the vanilla companions' stories. It's...not ideal.


Hell, BW, hire some fanfic writers! You have a few right here, in this thread! Go to every love thread and you'll find them. Writers who put much more thought into the characters than the whats-her-face BW writer who is obviously in love with only Arcann :/


As a side note:



The Alliance Alert from Aeygo: Seeing as the mission is Agent only, I feel he didn't need to explain what the Killiks are. It was a bit generic. Could have had Temple give us the alert, through Aeygo or something, to make it a bit more personal (Talos Drellik did that to find fake Khem, it was a message through Ogorubb). But that's probably just me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


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I loved Vector's return even though I'd already read the conversation. Once added to animation it was lovely. I really hope

there is a place for Vector and the Killiks in any future storylines. After the way they were treated by the Empire, they deserve better with the Alliance. I was really hoping he's be back in a hive (cave) with the Killiks all there too rather than a room in House Thul


I initially thought Vector had a new voice, though as the conversation went on, it sounded more like the old Vector.


Hey Lovebugs :)


I thought we deserved a love letter from Vector too, so I wrote one for you all. :D


I hope you will like it: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14036277/chapters/32328969

Fantastic, thank you :)

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Vector's return was beautiful. I had to youtube it, because my agent wasn't to that point in the story yet, but the return was well done. I thought it was interesting that Vector's VA's voice had gotten gruffer a bit since he last voiced Vector. It fit, though given that he and the agent have been apart for like seven years. It could have been longer, like most companion returns it was too brief, but when you consider the other much crowed about romance, Vector's was only a few seconds shorter. It was a bit of a stretch though that no one could find him in all this time. I think any one of us could've explained the absence better.


Vector, still wonderful to behold and completely in character for who he is. I liked it and will be working my agent now so that I can have my very own version of it. :)


Edit to add: Lovely letter Cowoline, nicely done, thank you. ^^

Edited by Lunafox
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I know they probably had something more grand planned back when they first started KotFE. But I feel that if they weren't 100% positive that they could follow through, then they shouldn't have even attempted it. Honestly ALL of KotFE didn't need to happen five years in the future. Our companions didn't NEED to be taken away. Our characters could have participated in that war. Flip flop around a few things and the end could still have been the same. Because now we have rushed returns to check a box.


But that's a pipe dream now. Now it just feels like Charles only cares about HIS characters and everyone else was tossed to a writer who barely knows the vanilla companions' stories. It's...not ideal.


Hell, BW, hire some fanfic writers! You have a few right here, in this thread! Go to every love thread and you'll find them. Writers who put much more thought into the characters than the whats-her-face BW writer who is obviously in love with only Arcann :/

Yeah, KOTFE didn't need to happen as it did and I still don't 'get' why they took our companions away at all. Something they should have never done without a set-in-stone-no-deviations step by step plan to return them properly, in a timely fashion and meaningfully.


There are some amazing FF writers. Biggest bright light for me today is not this sham of a patch but the fact one of those writers will be posting a new chapter update and her work is actually worth reading and I can count on it being immersive and beyond enjoyable. ♥


The one you're talking about is Samantha Wallbanger or something like that. Not impressed with her work one bit and while she may be preaching Arcann fandom, I don't think she knows him all that well either.


I curiously watched a YouTube of the Arcann romance and found myself laughing at him initially, then just facepalming, some cringing and eye-rolling and nah, it really ain't all that. Big tyrant of the galaxy, the man who's relentlessly tried killing you, bombed planets, made of fire and passion, the bad boy all his fans raved about... THAT guy has spent his free time making armor for his Commander? Is suddenly all shy and insecure? Give me a break. I didn't know redemption/healing rituals involved a full personality make-over but apparently, it does because he is the far, extreme opposite of who he was. His romance is a joke, he looks absolutely pathetic and it makes 0 sense to me.


"Kill the Outlander! Bomb these planets! RAWRRR!!"

"Oh uh, do you think maybe uh, this is all very new to me but *blush shy*, maybe you could care for me too one day? I made armors for you and everything"

<insert sweeping kiss animation stolen from Quinn in a sudden gesture of passion that does not fit the dialogue literally seconds before that>


If I was an Arcann fan who'd spent their time falling for KOTFE Arcann, his bad boy self with all his vigor, I'd be utterly disappointed with this wet towel, meek and subservient little boy they're trying to throw at me now. If curing and romancing Scourge would turn him into a fluffy little kitten that farts rainbows and sparkles, I'd not be thrilled but as it stands, I was never interested in Arcann and now actually got a good laugh out of this.


Vector's, while not perfect, was at least more to his character and did have an endearing line or two. His voice did sound different from years back but I do think it's still the same VA. I'm glad he's back. ♥

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Yeah, KOTFE didn't need to happen as it did and I still don't 'get' why they took our companions away at all.

My theory is that the powers-that-be (back then) had zero clue about the game and in their desire to make more profit decided on a one-fits-all approach by introducing what they thought would be a clean slate for companions and a new generic storyline. I think they thought everyone would be happy to cheat on their original companions by taking up one of the new romance options and I think their long term plan would have been to kill off or remove all the original class companions from the story except their own personal favourites (or the ones that they still had the writers for). I think it took a massive drop in subs and the results of the questionnaires they sent out to realise how wrong they were about how many of us viewed our original companions. Unfortunately they went too far to be able to fix anything properly and now we are left with short reunions which is basically them sticking a plaster (bandaid) over the massive wound they created and hoping we won't notice all the blood (plot holes) still spilling out.


I'm glad Vector's back but his return story is not what he deserved.

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Yeah, KOTFE didn't need to happen as it did and I still don't 'get' why they took our companions away at all. Something they should have never done without a set-in-stone-no-deviations step by step plan to return them properly, in a timely fashion and meaningfully.


There are some amazing FF writers. Biggest bright light for me today is not this sham of a patch but the fact one of those writers will be posting a new chapter update and her work is actually worth reading and I can count on it being immersive and beyond enjoyable. ♥


The one you're talking about is Samantha Wallbanger or something like that. Not impressed with her work one bit and while she may be preaching Arcann fandom, I don't think she knows him all that well either.


I curiously watched a YouTube of the Arcann romance and found myself laughing at him initially, then just facepalming, some cringing and eye-rolling and nah, it really ain't all that. Big tyrant of the galaxy, the man who's relentlessly tried killing you, bombed planets, made of fire and passion, the bad boy all his fans raved about... THAT guy has spent his free time making armor for his Commander? Is suddenly all shy and insecure? Give me a break. I didn't know redemption/healing rituals involved a full personality make-over but apparently, it does because he is the far, extreme opposite of who he was. His romance is a joke, he looks absolutely pathetic and it makes 0 sense to me.


"Kill the Outlander! Bomb these planets! RAWRRR!!"

"Oh uh, do you think maybe uh, this is all very new to me but *blush shy*, maybe you could care for me too one day? I made armors for you and everything"

<insert sweeping kiss animation stolen from Quinn in a sudden gesture of passion that does not fit the dialogue literally seconds before that>


If I was an Arcann fan who'd spent their time falling for KOTFE Arcann, his bad boy self with all his vigor, I'd be utterly disappointed with this wet towel, meek and subservient little boy they're trying to throw at me now. If curing and romancing Scourge would turn him into a fluffy little kitten that farts rainbows and sparkles, I'd not be thrilled but as it stands, I was never interested in Arcann and now actually got a good laugh out of this.


Vector's, while not perfect, was at least more to his character and did have an endearing line or two. His voice did sound different from years back but I do think it's still the same VA. I'm glad he's back. ♥


Yep this. 100% agree.

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It was a bit of a stretch though that no one could find him in all this time. I think any one of us could've explained the absence better.



My original head canon is that the Agent has always known where Vector was-"for the most part" is added after this update. Shortly after Ziost she and Vector made a rule that they can't travel together anymore for major missions. She kept the black box, you see. And so if anything were to happen to her, Vector would still have it and keep it safe until she returned. It fits with why she went on Marr's ship alone. (They also made their marriage official so they would have access to each other's bank accounts to fund any rescue missions.)


Any arrangements they made would have covered family members, the nest, and the location of the ship when/if it needs to be dumped. Fall back plans. Plans that Lokin and Temple would have been "in" on (Agent did not ever trust SCORPIO or Kaliyo so they weren't in on it). Cipher Nine is NOT an idiot. They aren't going to be blindsided THAT easily-especially not after the whole "Keyword" incident; they always have a plan. (Cipher Nine is also smarter than Theron and a better spy. Means nothing in this case, just thought I'd throw that in there :p )


So Nine just plays along with Theron and Lana not knowing where Vector is. She doesn't trust them enough to tell them the actual plan. The plan was always to hide out in the Killik tunnels on Alderaan. Lokin would be a contact for Vector; someone he can touch base with (which explains why Lokin was on Alderaan of all places).


EDIT: That was my original thoughts two years ago, when there was little information to go on. As time passed, I grew more hopeful and excited that maybe BW would come up with something better and have him on one of the new planets, or at least a DIFFERENT planet, so I came up with different head canons (my favorite being he was on Odessen all along, keeping tabs on Nine, but making sure the nest was safe, doing his job as Dawn Herald, before attending to his more enjoyable, personal business). I should have just stuck with the original head canon, I probably wouldn't have been nearly as disappointed :rolleyes:


Now to expand and add:


Now, Vector's distress and break from the nest still makes sense here. It's one thing to plan for tragic events, but to actually EXPERIENCE them? Utterly terrible, especially for him. The reason being is that becoming a Joiner strips everything away from you. Including any sort of coping mechanisms. Why have those when the nest can absorb it and ease it from you, right? But Vector deeply, DEEPLY loves the agent and the nest just couldn't handle it. And then he had to experience the death of all his nest mates one by one? Jesus, imagine the PTSD he should have had and could have had if there was an actual competent writer at the helm. The hoarse, tense, and trembly voice he DOES have fits here though (I've rewatched my video three times now as I work the change into my head canon for him and I'm beginning to like it).


Anyway, so Nine gets unfrozen. As soon as she can, she heads to Alderaan. Except Vector's not there anymore. What the deuce? Lokin fills her in on what he knows. Vector and the Killiks were the shock troops and they were pretty much decimated. Nine is rather perturbed that LANA failed to mention this, but that just gives Nine more reason NOT to trust her (I do NOT like Lana, no rhyme I can. I do no like her, Sam-I-Am). Things go even more pear shaped with Arcann, Vaylin, etc. Then Nine gets into contact with Temple. Temple's whole, "I have people looking for him" is code for, "I'll contact him through the special communicator you guys set up before your disappearance."


So now we have the "reunion." Nine TRULY is happy, because for a few weeks game time she had no idea where he was and was afraid he was dead. He's tired, battle weary, still struggling with coping with her loss and the loss of the nest. On top of that, the strain of finding a new place to nest with the remaining Killiks. Again, this guy should be more affected by PTSD, but that's hard to write for if the writer has never gone through it, so it's probably best to leave alone (Hell, NINE should be suffering from it as well, since Act 2, and if not then, then after his/her torture in Act 3. That's not even getting into Valk being in his/her head. ANYWAY...)


This got rambly, my apologies. I love thinking about character motivations and how events would affect them. I need to get my thoughts together and form a more cohesive, comprehensive "Think Out" of Vector and how the last seven years has affected him.


TL;DR: Nine always knew where Vector SHOULD have been, but for a little while was worried when he wasn't where he was supposed to be.


Edit to add: Lovely letter Cowoline, nicely done, thank you. ^^


I second this. It's a shame that BW couldn't have been bothered to have Vector send us a message. My friend put it best, "So, Vector: How does it feel to be an afterthought?"


Thank you for filling in where the paid writers should have :)

Edited by AngFour
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My original head canon is that the Agent has always known where Vector was-"for the most part" is added after this update. Shortly after Ziost she and Vector made a rule that they can't travel together anymore for major missions. She kept the black box, you see. And so if anything were to happen to her, Vector would still have it and keep it safe until she returned. It fits with why she went on Marr's ship alone. (They also made their marriage official so they would have access to each other's bank accounts to fund any rescue missions.)


Any arrangements they made would have covered family members, the nest, and the location of the ship when/if it needs to be dumped. Fall back plans. Plans that Lokin and Temple would have been "in" on (Agent did not ever trust SCORPIO or Kaliyo so they weren't in on it). Cipher Nine is NOT an idiot. They aren't going to be blindsided THAT easily-especially not after the whole "Keyword" incident; they always have a plan. (Cipher Nine is also smarter than Theron and a better spy. Means nothing in this case, just thought I'd throw that in there :p )


So Nine just plays along with Theron and Lana not knowing where Vector is. She doesn't trust them enough to tell them the actual plan. The plan was always to hide out in the Killik tunnels on Alderaan. Lokin would be a contact for Vector; someone he can touch base with (which explains why Lokin was on Alderaan of all places).


EDIT: That was my original thoughts two years ago, when there was little information to go on. As time passed, I grew more hopeful and excited that maybe BW would come up with something better and have him on one of the new planets, or at least a DIFFERENT planet, so I came up with different head canons (my favorite being he was on Odessen all along, keeping tabs on Nine, but making sure the nest was safe, doing his job as Dawn Herald, before attending to his more enjoyable, personal business). I should have just stuck with the original head canon, I probably wouldn't have been nearly as disappointed :rolleyes:


Now to expand and add:


Now, Vector's distress and break from the nest still makes sense here. It's one thing to plan for tragic events, but to actually EXPERIENCE them? Utterly terrible, especially for him. The reason being is that becoming a Joiner strips everything away from you. Including any sort of coping mechanisms. Why have those when the nest can absorb it and ease it from you, right? But Vector deeply, DEEPLY loves the agent and the nest just couldn't handle it. And then he had to experience the death of all his nest mates one by one? Jesus, imagine the PTSD he should have had and could have had if there was an actual competent writer at the helm. The hoarse, tense, and trembly voice he DOES have fits here though (I've rewatched my video three times now as I work the change into my head canon for him and I'm beginning to like it).


Anyway, so Nine gets unfrozen. As soon as she can, she heads to Alderaan. Except Vector's not there anymore. What the deuce? Lokin fills her in on what he knows. Vector and the Killiks were the shock troops and they were pretty much decimated. Nine is rather perturbed that LANA failed to mention this, but that just gives Nine more reason NOT to trust her (I do NOT like Lana, no rhyme I can. I do no like her, Sam-I-Am). Things go even more pear shaped with Arcann, Vaylin, etc. Then Nine gets into contact with Temple. Temple's whole, "I have people looking for him" is code for, "I'll contact him through the special communicator you guys set up before your disappearance."


So now we have the "reunion." Nine TRULY is happy, because for a few weeks game time she had no idea where he was and was afraid he was dead. He's tired, battle weary, still struggling with coping with her loss and the loss of the nest. On top of that, the strain of finding a new place to nest with the remaining Killiks. Again, this guy should be more affected by PTSD, but that's hard to write for if the writer has never gone through it, so it's probably best to leave alone (Hell, NINE should be suffering from it as well, since Act 2, and if not then, then after his/her torture in Act 3. That's not even getting into Valk being in his/her head. ANYWAY...)


This got rambly, my apologies. I love thinking about character motivations and how events would affect them. I need to get my thoughts together and form a more cohesive, comprehensive "Think Out" of Vector and how the last seven years has affected him.


TL;DR: Nine always knew where Vector SHOULD have been, but for a little while was worried when he wasn't where he was supposed to be.




I second this. It's a shame that BW couldn't have been bothered to have Vector send us a message. My friend put it best, "So, Vector: How does it feel to be an afterthought?"


Thank you for filling in where the paid writers should have :)


I like your way of explaining and handling things in your head canon. I enjoyed the read very much. It makes a lot of sense because as you say, Nine isn't stupid and I can't see her trusting Scorpio or Kaliyo with anything of such importance. Makes a lot of sense. Thanks for sharing that. :)


PS, also right about the writing, it's clear they've gone the way of 'bargain basement' when it comes to writing quality.

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If I was an Arcann fan who'd spent their time falling for KOTFE Arcann, his bad boy self with all his vigor, I'd be utterly disappointed with this wet towel, meek and subservient little boy they're trying to throw at me now. If curing and romancing Scourge would turn him into a fluffy little kitten that farts rainbows and sparkles, I'd not be thrilled but as it stands, I was never interested in Arcann and now actually got a good laugh out of this.


Well, you know what they say: "killer in the streets, virgin in the sheets!"

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Well, you know what they say: "killer in the streets, virgin in the sheets!"


That...was probably the most embarrassing giggle snort I have ever done :D :D


ETA: I just watched an Arcann video. I made my husband watch it with me. It really was cringe worthy and my husband said, "So THAT'S what happened to the author of 'My Immortal!'" He's not wrong. It's bad fanfic bad. Just, wow.

Edited by AngFour
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That...was probably the most embarrassing giggle snort I have ever done :D :D


ETA: I just watched an Arcann video. I made my husband watch it with me. It really was cringe worthy and my husband said, "So THAT'S what happened to the author of 'My Immortal!'" He's not wrong. It's bad fanfic bad. Just, wow.

Yup. Either the writer isn't as big an Arcann fan as she claims or she's just... so terribad at her job. But what do you expect from someone who snootily babbles "Lol I'm getting paid to write fan fiction!". Just wish she'd kept her untalented mitts away from our beloved original LI's.

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Yup. Either the writer isn't as big an Arcann fan as she claims or she's just... so terribad at her job. But what do you expect from someone who snootily babbles "Lol I'm getting paid to write fan fiction!". Just wish she'd kept her untalented mitts away from our beloved original LI's.


I didn't find it too bad, but it's that time of the month so I'm feeling more soppy than usual. For an ex-tyrant he's quite a likable fellow really, he even made us a nice knitted sweater- er, I mean bad a** armour... just like grandma used to make! What a good boy.

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I didn't find it too bad, but it's that time of the month so I'm feeling more soppy than usual. For an ex-tyrant he's quite a likable fellow really, he even made us a nice knitted sweater- er, I mean bad a** armour... just like grandma used to make! What a good boy.

Lol, I get ya, during that time I'm usually more receptive to this kinda stuff as well. :p


I'm not saying it wasn't sweet, sure it was, but in my personal opinion it didn't fit Arcann. Other guys for who such sweetness is more in their nature (Corso), sure, but for Arcann? It is such a far opposite of the Arcann we've dealt with in the past. He is a completely different person and while I believe the Voss ritual did a thing or two to temper his anger and hatred, this feels more like he got an entire change of personality. That's why, even if the intent is sweet and romantic, the entire scene is just laughable to me because I can't take him seriously that way at all.

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Lol, I get ya, during that time I'm usually more receptive to this kinda stuff as well. :p


I'm not saying it wasn't sweet, sure it was, but in my personal opinion it didn't fit Arcann. Other guys for who such sweetness is more in their nature (Corso), sure, but for Arcann? It is such a far opposite of the Arcann we've dealt with in the past. He is a completely different person and while I believe the Voss ritual did a thing or two to temper his anger and hatred, this feels more like he got an entire change of personality. That's why, even if the intent is sweet and romantic, the entire scene is just laughable to me because I can't take him seriously that way at all.


I mean, I guess it's possible that he had no prior experience or interest in such things when hatred and destruction were the only things that interested/consumed him prior to the cleansing ritual.


... Either that or the Voss slipped him some of that fine aphrodisiac herb. Perhaps he'll discover BDSM, he'd probably be good at it, best of both worlds!

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