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Vector Hyllus - The LoveBug thread - Haters make your own :P


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There is a thread on Reddit that Vector is only returning for Agents and no one else will get him. Plus it is rumored that he is returning via classic conversations. That's got to suck for those who romanced him.


It better not be that classic conversation crap. I'm not asking for 10 hours of chatting here, but if Bioware goes cheap on our LOVE INTERESTS coming back and only gives us that ghetto retarded KOTOR dialogue thingie, I'll be pissed. Off hand companions sure use the dialogue thing, but romanced companions need actually acting and speaking on both sides.


Please Bioware, don't go all cheap on us for our LIs. I'm serious, you'll have a lot of pissed off players.

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There is a thread on Reddit that Vector is only returning for Agents and no one else will get him. Plus it is rumored that he is returning via classic conversations. That's got to suck for those who romanced him.


If it really is Agent only, I can't imagine why they'd need the 'classic' mute protagonist way. It's not like they need all 16 voice actors (per language) for it, just 2. No cheaping out on us, Bioware :mad:

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There is a thread on Reddit that Vector is only returning for Agents and no one else will get him. Plus it is rumored that he is returning via classic conversations. That's got to suck for those who romanced him.


Vector is one of my favourite romances (top 3), if this is what we get especially when Kaliyo got an entire chapter to herself....

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All love interest characters and returns need to be fully voiced. I want my protagonist fully voiced. They'd better not cheap out. I hate the 'classic KOTOR' conversation/one-sided BS. People don't love it, they're just trying to see how low and cheap they can go before we start hunting them. :mad: Edited by Lunafox
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I read that about him being for agents only, which I'm fine with...but if it's that "classic" conversation crap I will riot a riot like they have never seen rioted.


I don't mind that they are adding group content (even though I'm not the least bit interested in it) but I am getting really tired of story being completely neglected for it, and I'm even more irritated that our LI companions are being shoved to the back burner after being taken away over 2 + yrs ago with promises of making them important to story again. That's some serious BS for people who enjoy the story/characters of the game.


Okay, I'm sorry I came out of lurking only to scream. I'll go back to lurking now that I've had my rant and let you guys continue your peaceful conversations. *apologizes profusely and fades into the shadows*

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There is a thread on Reddit that Vector is only returning for Agents and no one else will get him. Plus it is rumored that he is returning via classic conversations. That's got to suck for those who romanced him.


Blah -- just blah -- really, really not good if this goes live with the "black boxes" ... as an agent I protest !

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There is a thread on Reddit that Vector is only returning for Agents and no one else will get him. Plus it is rumored that he is returning via classic conversations. That's got to suck for those who romanced him.


If you scroll WAY down and look at one of the spoiler'd sections, it says that


there is evidence it is indeed fully voiced. There is a dialogue wheel and responses for each choice on said wheel.



I just hope they're interpreting that data correctly.


...are we supposed to be talking about this? XD

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I would be a bit disappointed if he is only for Agents :(. Vector is my favorite companion after Theron, and I would use him with my main if he would be available just because Vector! You just gotta love him.
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If you scroll WAY down and look at one of the spoiler'd sections, it says that


there is evidence it is indeed fully voiced. There is a dialogue wheel and responses for each choice on said wheel.



I just hope they're interpreting that data correctly.


...are we supposed to be talking about this? XD


Probably not, but it's been 2 years since most of my girls had all their crew back and their husbands. If it puts a fire under Bioware's butt, so be it.

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Probably not, but it's been 2 years since most of my girls had all their crew back and their husbands. If it puts a fire under Bioware's butt, so be it.


Yeah...know what you mean. :( I still refuse to take my agent through KOTFE/KOTET/Iokath because I don't want to lose Vector. Same with my smuggler - I am not losing Corso. Not until I know we can get him back. I sucked it up and took my knight through KOTFE, losing his beloved wife Kira along the way, but now I'm just worried she's lost forever. I want her to come back...


...gah. I want all of them to come back. And *not* in Alliance Alerts, either...unless - if and only if - they are a) fully voiced, and b) repeatable.

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If you scroll WAY down and look at one of the spoiler'd sections, it says that


there is evidence it is indeed fully voiced. There is a dialogue wheel and responses for each choice on said wheel.



I just hope they're interpreting that data correctly.


...are we supposed to be talking about this? XD


If this ends up being the case I will be one happy agent! My poor agent is just stuck redoing the same stuff because I REFUSE to run any of the stuff that will cost me Vector until I know when and how to get him back. I don't like the classic dialogue stuff at all. It's tolerable for non LI's but the LI's should have fully voiced scenes.


I kind of hope Vector is available for all classes, mostly because I made a smuggler version of my agent so I could play the character Pub side. She's just undercover, lol. Still, I don't care for Corso and Theron is just a friend. I can head canon the Vector romance, just as long as I can have him running along behind me.

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I kind of hope Vector is available for all classes, mostly because I made a smuggler version of my agent so I could play the character Pub side. She's just undercover, lol. Still, I don't care for Corso and Theron is just a friend. I can head canon the Vector romance, just as long as I can have him running along behind me.


Getting Malavai Quinn on all my main characters (4 beside SW) was the best thing in his crappy return. I'd really love to have Vector run with my smuggler who is in fact an Imp spy. I'd be disappointed if he can't :(

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Getting Malavai Quinn on all my main characters (4 beside SW) was the best thing in his crappy return. I'd really love to have Vector run with my smuggler who is in fact an Imp spy. I'd be disappointed if he can't :(


Smuggler spies unite!!! Sometimes you just have to have a little imperial agent on both sides. Now we need Vector to go with it. It's only logical, lol.

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Smuggler spies unite!!! Sometimes you just have to have a little imperial agent on both sides. Now we need Vector to go with it. It's only logical, lol.


That it is! And my smuggie double-agent is my Imp agent's cousin, so it makes sense for him to know Vector.

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That it is! And my smuggie double-agent is my Imp agent's cousin, so it makes sense for him to know Vector.



Now if we can just get Vector on Pub side the galaxy would be a kinder place. Seriously, he is one of the best companions in the game. It's like running around with someone who's quoting weird, mixed up Shakespeare all the time. I love his quotes! I don't know what half of them mean, but I love them.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Let's keep the Vector candle burning, a Vector reunion is still looking promising. I've only read the last couple pages of this thread since I left, but I walked into my stronghold on one of my agents just now and noticed the Vector holo wearing a strange outfit. Hadn't noticed it earlier, is it new or am I just unobservant?


/knock on wood

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Let's keep the Vector candle burning, a Vector reunion is still looking promising. I've only read the last couple pages of this thread since I left, but I walked into my stronghold on one of my agents just now and noticed the Vector holo wearing a strange outfit. Hadn't noticed it earlier, is it new or am I just unobservant?


/knock on wood


I looked at the companion customizations - those show new outfits for companions if they're returning/have returned (Zenith has a new outfit, yet he didn't come back/hasn't come back *yet* - he was supposed to...) - but Vector has his default outfit. :c Then again, some companions (Skadge, for instance) don't have their new armor, but instead their default one, so it's rather inconsistent.

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I looked at the companion customizations - those show new outfits for companions if they're returning/have returned (Zenith has a new outfit, yet he didn't come back/hasn't come back *yet* - he was supposed to...) - but Vector has his default outfit. :c Then again, some companions (Skadge, for instance) don't have their new armor, but instead their default one, so it's rather inconsistent.


Hrm. Thank you for the info, I don't know what to make of it all.




I don't know about this outfit either, just that it doesn't look appropriate for Alderaan

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Hrm. Thank you for the info, I don't know what to make of it all.




I don't know about this outfit either, just that it doesn't look appropriate for Alderaan


That's... odd. Holo!Vector looks like he has normal eyes. Or maybe that's just the way the holo looks*. XD And that outfit looks like a smuggler's outfit...weird. o.o

...wait. I wonder if Vector is coded to be like Theron or Lana - they wear the look of their opposite faction, i.e., put an Imperial officer's jacket on Lana and it'll turn into its Republic equivalent of an ordinary coat. I think holo!Vector is wearing the Republic equivalent of what companion!Vector is wearing (the version of Vector you have standing next to the holo).


*...unless his companion story is that he's broken away from the nest in the Agent's absence and we need to help him either reconnect to it or sever his connection completely :eek:

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That's... odd. Holo!Vector looks like he has normal eyes. Or maybe that's just the way the holo looks*. XD And that outfit looks like a smuggler's outfit...weird. o.o

...wait. I wonder if Vector is coded to be like Theron or Lana - they wear the look of their opposite faction, i.e., put an Imperial officer's jacket on Lana and it'll turn into its Republic equivalent of an ordinary coat. I think holo!Vector is wearing the Republic equivalent of what companion!Vector is wearing (the version of Vector you have standing next to the holo).


*...unless his companion story is that he's broken away from the nest in the Agent's absence and we need to help him either reconnect to it or sever his connection completely :eek:


Hang on a sec, let me look at my other Vector. Ok I think your first theory was correct. Both my Vectors are dressed similarly (not exactly the same) and both Vector holos are similar and not exactly the same. Even though I really liked your possible Vector story, like maybe he was off on some vision quest on Hoth and wasn't connected to the hive anymore! :o


Ok ok. yeah it's just a wardrobe malfunction but it does mean they've been fiddling with him recently, right? And by fiddling of course I mean screwing him up lol.

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