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Vector Hyllus - The LoveBug thread - Haters make your own :P


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Lol what. Flesh colored jeggings are a fashion no no, even if you're a hot guy. :D


*sniffle* kicking around my terrible fanart while it's down. For real though, his pants are rather beigeish...


OMG, wait, no they aren't are they? That's his "never nude" pants that he wears underneath his actual pants that are beige >.<


Well, now that FINE WORK OF ART is just pure garbage. Five minutes of my life just DOWN THE TUBES. I don't know how I can live with myself :D :D

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Well, now that FINE WORK OF ART is just pure garbage. Five minutes of my life just DOWN THE TUBES. I don't know how I can live with myself :D :D


Vector without pants is not a bad thing. I think you've captured the greatness of our favorite lovebug. I have zero objections to the idea that Vector would be cool with being a nudist. I mean really, he lived with a bunch of unclothed bugs before finding the agent.

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Vector without pants is not a bad thing. I think you've captured the greatness of our favorite lovebug. I have zero objections to the idea that Vector would be cool with being a nudist. I mean really, he lived with a bunch of unclothed bugs before finding the agent.


LOL, in my mind he's the opposite. This is what I kind of like about head canons, they can be different and it's fun to discuss them. :D


My reasonings as to why Vector is not someone who would declare a Pants Embargo:


He comes from a military family (his dad is/was a captain in the Imperial Army). So that's a double dose of modesty right there: Imperials normally don't dress that way (Imperial citizens themselves, not the Sith), and military personnel certainly don't. AND he attended the military academy (He mentions that he did complete Basic Training), so that's a whole lot of making sure your boots are polished to a shine, every hair is in place (and in a pre-approved haircut), cuffs resting perfectly on the wrists, and posture is ramrod straight.


As a diplomat, I imagine it was more of the same. He was a representative of the Empire and their ideals. As a first contact diplomat, I'm sure he might have worn the traditional garb of the local culture during state dinners and ceremonies-so long as it doesn't offend said culture of course. If it does, then he'd wear basically those clothes he was wearing when the Agent met him on Alderaan, if not his actual military uniform (the red shirt and white pants that we see Falner Oeth wearing).


As a Joiner, there is no thought of sex. Joiners are asexual when you get right down to it. Their purpose isn't to breed and so all those thoughts and desires are taken away from the Joiners when they're first joined. Remember that Vector had to outright rewire his brain through meditation and stuff to remember how to have sex and regain any semblance of desire. As for the clothes here, well most of the other Joiners probably wouldn't give immodesty a second thought, but Vector maintains more of his old self than the other Joiners do because he's Dawn Herald. So while he wouldn't be embarrassed by others' immodesty, his sense of modesty has been so ingrained due to his upbringing that he would still be, though he wouldn't have exactly known or even really understood why.


Now this isn't to say that he's embarrassed by his body. No way. But there is a time and place for that. I imagine that Pre-Joiner Vector was pretty prideful in his body. This guy was a super ambitious politician. Never forget that. His life was dedicated to it. And he would have understood pretty early on that looking good made his job a lot easier. So physically fit, a smooth voice (props to Ifan Meridith, BTW, for have that very distinct differentiation between Joiner Vector and Regular "Before FTB" Vector), and a huge killer smile (if you guys haven't done this-and please tell me you have so I don't think I'm super weird here-zoom in real close to his face. This guy, at the age of 26 when we meet him, has smile lines. That's a lot of smiling for someone who is fairly young. And those lines really accentuates how little facial expression he has as a Joiner) could go a lot further than backbiting and manipulation. I imagine he was a terrible flirt. Like not in a scumbaggy sort of way because he's nicer than that, but always a nice compliment on someone's hair or clothes, throw a wink at them and BAM, people adore him.


Post-Joiner Vector, well that's all gone. He even expresses his frustration at this. His life used to revolve around reading between the lines and body language and now he *knows* he ought to understand that the Agent is flirting with him, but he's not sure and he doesn't know the Agent well enough to understand her aura or listen to her song. As for his body image: Pftt. Ladies and gentlemen, this is a guy who was Captain America-d. Sure, he wasn't as weak and twerpy like Steve Rogers was before the serum, but becoming a Joiner totally jacked him up. He's a super soldier (That's what the Imperials wanted when they started doing the research into the Joining). He's stronger, more muscular, more flexible, and more solid than he was before the joining. And though he's not as much into his body image as he was when he was a diplomat...I imagine he's still pretty stoked to see that he looks better than he did before. Mostly because the Agent is pretty appreciative of his body :D


As for nudity as a Joiner on the Agent's ship? Yeah, no way. Kaliyo is mean. Doctor Lokin is far too interested in Vector's Joiner physiology. SCORPIO? *shudder* And Temple was raised with the same Imperial sensibilities, so she'd be pretty uncomfortable. So, alas, he only goes pantsless in the Agent's bedroom. Oh well, as they say, "Imperial in the streets, Sith in the sheets." :D :D


ANYWAY that was a huge dissertation to divert everyone's attention away from my terrible stick figures and Vector's flesh colored pants. I really wanted to get into what I think Vector and Anora's breakup was all about and how Vector, though he was probably the one who was dumped, was more at fault than she was. But I couldn't find a place to squeeze it in and I may do a write up on that later :)


Thanks for reading all of this (if you did) and, as always, this is in MY opinion. My head canon. Not saying anyone else's is wrong. It's just nice to be able to discuss these things with people who aren't my husband, lol :D

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Thanks for reading all of this (if you did) and, as always, this is in MY opinion. My head canon. Not saying anyone else's is wrong. It's just nice to be able to discuss these things with people who aren't my husband, lol :D


This is my first time posting and I'm kind of nervous about it, but I didn't want you to go thinking that no one read all of it ;)

I've seen you post around the forums and tend to agree with you! I like to drink my evening tea while reading your lengthy posts, please don't ever feel bad about that. I absolutely love your headcanon! It's very similar to my own and I thank you for sharing it. Vector is definitely my favorite LI and I wish Bioware would show him some more love. Hope you share more! :)

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Thanks for reading all of this (if you did) and, as always, this is in MY opinion. My head canon. Not saying anyone else's is wrong. It's just nice to be able to discuss these things with people who aren't my husband, lol :D


This is my first time posting in this thread. Even though I do like Vector as my Agent's LI, I never really got to terribly interested in prying in-depth into his backstory/brain/etc. But your post here really put a new spin on him for me and I really like it! Makes me see him in a new light! Thanks!

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Oh yay, headcanon! Mine's pretty different, but that's what makes it fun. It also makes it easy for all of us to share Vector, lol. We all have a different Vector.


In my head, the more serious Vector is the on duty Vector. I feel like there are a lot of little subtle moments where he shows a failry ornery sense of humor, even as a joiner. I don't think he's asexual as the joiner because I think he senses the animal instincts of the hive. In my mind he separates himself from the hive out of respect and concern for my agent, Inari. I think Vector himself was extremely demi, meaning he didn't physically desire someone until he was already falling for them. I think that carriees over once he's joined.


I think my take on Vector tends to be a bit less canon centereed though. I have a group of friends who all play swtor together and we write rp stuff outside of it. So there's a lot of other stuff in my headcanon that links all the pieces together. A friend writes Vector for me and I write Theron for her, so those versions of the boys are concrete in my head, lol. I also write Andronikos for another friend. I'll actually be meeting the VA for Andronikos next weekend, super excited!


Okay got sidetracked, back to Vector!

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This is my first time posting and I'm kind of nervous about it, but I didn't want you to go thinking that no one read all of it ;)

I've seen you post around the forums and tend to agree with you! I like to drink my evening tea while reading your lengthy posts, please don't ever feel bad about that. I absolutely love your headcanon! It's very similar to my own and I thank you for sharing it. Vector is definitely my favorite LI and I wish Bioware would show him some more love. Hope you share more! :)


Oh wow, thank you! I wish they would show him more love as well seeing as he's one of the more well developed companions in the game.


This is my first time posting in this thread. Even though I do like Vector as my Agent's LI, I never really got to terribly interested in prying in-depth into his backstory/brain/etc. But your post here really put a new spin on him for me and I really like it! Makes me see him in a new light! Thanks!


Yay! I'm glad my post made you look at him differently :)



In my head, the more serious Vector is the on duty Vector. I feel like there are a lot of little subtle moments where he shows a failry ornery sense of humor, even as a joiner. I don't think he's asexual as the joiner because I think he senses the animal instincts of the hive. In my mind he separates himself from the hive out of respect and concern for my agent, Inari. I think Vector himself was extremely demi, meaning he didn't physically desire someone until he was already falling for them. I think that carriees over once he's joined.



Oh man, yes about the sense of humor. There's one quote at the beginning of Act 2 where Kaliyo is going on about how "We should just bomb everyone (paraphrased)" and Vector is all like, "You are conscience of our team, as always, Kaliyo." And it ALWAYS makes me laugh. And the fact that Kaliyo took his comment at face value? Hilarious. I've seen people say, "Awww, he's such a cinnamon roll. He's so nice to everyone." And I'm like, "...Did you completely miss the SNARK in his comment? His eyebrows raised? The look on his face? How you could almost hear his eyeballs rolling? That was sarcasm, not him being nice. Just because his voice lacks inflection doesn't mean that it's not sarcasm. In fact, I think as time goes by, he realizes that people are taking everything he says at face value, or are at the very least unsure if what he's saying is serious or sarcastic, and it amuses him greatly. I also imagine he's "punny" as well.


As for asexuality as a Joiner, I was more referring to that PRIOR to the Agent entering his life. The pheromones rewired his brain chemistry and after being away from the nest for (the way I figure it time wise) over a year, it started making him realize that, hey, yeah I used to do and feel that way!


I get what you're saying about demisexuality, but, for me, that starts falling into the "This person is too pure to be real" and "the one and only" type tropes. I think Vector, were he a real person, is a flawed individual, just like everyone else. He's only human as the saying goes. I don't think he was a complete womanizer, he definitely isn't that type, but I don't think he abstained. He's a gentleman, so he doesn't kiss and tell. And we know for a fact that he had a girlfriend. A relationship that was serious enough to be talking about getting married. And as an Imperial, though they aren't Force Sensitive, they were raised with the Sith tenants in mind. Power, passion, and the like. So I doubt there was any thought of "Let's wait until we're married!"


(When I write or think about fictional characters, I LOVE flawed individuals and examining the things that makes them flawed. Vector is kind of a blank slate and so many different head canons work nicely with him. Just a few tidbits here and there provided by Bioware and the rest is left to our imagination.)


Of course what I just said still supports demisexuality, lol. He fell for Anora and so had relations with her. Then he became a Joiner and eventually has relations with the Agent. It's all still plausible and I can see why you support that head canon :)

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No , no definitely not Mr. Pure. I totally agree there. I think he was just very focused and driven, so he didn't really sleep around with anyone unless there was a real connection though. No, I suspect Vector has skills, lol.


It's always so fun to see how different aspects of the character we see in game effect how we all view that character. Totally fascinating, really.

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No , no definitely not Mr. Pure. I totally agree there. I think he was just very focused and driven, so he didn't really sleep around with anyone unless there was a real connection though. No, I suspect Vector has skills, lol.


Yes, absolutely driven. And probably incredibly frustrated by his transfer from First Contact to plain old ambassador of House Thul which was ultimately a dead end in his career and he knew it.


I doubt he slept with TONS of women, just more than only Anora and the Agent. I imagine more of making out in the closet at a party type things though. Nothing serious. Brief flings that both participants knew weren't going anywhere. I see a lot of this more at parties than in his actual personal life, to be honest. A LOT (in my head canon at least) more of it happened after being stationed in House Thul. More state dinners. More booze. More insufferable people talking about the same insufferable things. A bit of bitterness on his end and, "Hey, why the hell not?" A brief interlude of kissing and some petting to break up the monotony.


This guy was an adventurer. He read story books about pirates finding lost treasure (he mentions this on Hoth). He, BY REQUEST, wanted to be a first contact liaison. To seek out new life and new civilizations. To boldly go where no Star Wars character has gone before: Into the realm of being a Trekkie :D :D Joking aside, that's what he wanted to do with his life. And then...he got shifted into House Thul with the knowledge that it was going to be pretty much a permanent station. "Until the war ends." And we all know that the war goes on for thousands of years. How disappointing, right?


Oh, sure, he was still VERY GOOD at his job as a diplomat in House Thul. He has an incredibly strong work ethic. I just imagine it was dreadfully dull in comparison to what he had been doing previously. So having a few flings, not really serious, here and there broke up the monotony of his 36 page seating chart analysis and constantly banging away at those memoirs he knows will never be complete.


And so I totally imagine when he was approached to be First Contact once again to the Killiks, he jumped at the chance and then...well we all know what happened after that. *HE* didn't know he'd become a Joiner though. Poor guy was just so happy to get away from the same old same old. Away from the meaningless flings he might have had. Away from how he felt about the breakup with Anora. And now when he says that he wants to remain a Joiner, I imagine it's not just the compulsion of the nest that's making him say that. Yeah, some of it is, but everything looks, sounds, and feels different to him. It's new. It's exciting! And then the Agent comes along and he gets to travel again? Holy Hell, it's probably a dream come true.


I need to do my write up of him. I keep meaning to, but I don't because as soon as I look at the empty page my mind goes blank. He's just such a fascinating character and I really do wish Bioware would do better by him than just dropping him on us in a disjointed fashion when he does make his return, because we all know that's what's going to happen because BW only likes their female characters and only THEY get awesome stories and reunion scenes :mad:

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He's just such a fascinating character and I really do wish Bioware would do better by him than just dropping him on us in a disjointed fashion when he does make his return

Nothing's been confirmed yet, so...we can still hope. :o

because we all know that's what's going to happen because BW only likes their female characters and only THEY get awesome stories and reunion scenes :mad:

They like their female characters and hate their female players. I'm the last person to call anything or anyone sexist, but...it's starting to get rather blatant in BioWare's games.


Anyway, all this talk about headcanons for Vector and his personality before he was made into a Joiner is fascinating! *props head on hands and kicks feet in the air* I'm listening! :D (Oh, on another note, Anora's voice actor...isn't that Lana's voice?)

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I need to do my write up of him. I keep meaning to, but I don't because as soon as I look at the empty page my mind goes blank. He's just such a fascinating character and I really do wish Bioware would do better by him than just dropping him on us in a disjointed fashion when he does make his return, because we all know that's what's going to happen because BW only likes their female characters and only THEY get awesome stories and reunion scenes :mad:


Oh my god, don't even get me started on that! I'm like you, I don't throw around the term sexist very often either, but if some of the stuff I've heard about 5.4 turns out to be true I have every intention of writing a scathing editorial on it.. One of the perks of being a published author, (typos and senseless babbling in forum posts aside, lol) is that I have the opportunity to actually put my voice out there. Granted, if they bring Vector back my ruffled feathers will be somewhat smoothed.

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He's just such a fascinating character and I really do wish Bioware would do better by him than just dropping him on us in a disjointed fashion when he does make his return, because we all know that's what's going to happen because BW only likes their female characters and only THEY get awesome stories and reunion scenes :mad:

Here's hoping our wish is granted as there is nothing in the 5.4 patch notes about his return. Maybe they have read all of our feedback (and the feedback on Reddit) and are revising male love interest returns to be a bit more satisfying (we can only hope).

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Here's hoping our wish is granted as there is nothing in the 5.4 patch notes about his return. Maybe they have read all of our feedback (and the feedback on Reddit) and are revising male love interest returns to be a bit more satisfying (we can only hope).


I hope. I really, really hope.

Should we sacrifice unwanted Kaliyos and Skadges to the Great Lord Ptach in hopes that our wishes shall be granted? :D

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Here's hoping our wish is granted as there is nothing in the 5.4 patch notes about his return. Maybe they have read all of our feedback (and the feedback on Reddit) and are revising male love interest returns to be a bit more satisfying (we can only hope).



I didn't really expect him to come back in this patch. Even the miners were like, "Maybe 5.4?" I'm honestly hoping that whatever information that was retrieved was only partial because otherwise we'd be looking at a 2 minute conversation at best. I'm hoping that it was just the groundwork and it's for a much later patch, like 6.0, and it'll be a whole lot more satisfying. I didn't like the "Alliance Alert" aspect but I'm also hoping that it's an Alliance Alert like HK-55's was: a full blown bonus chapter that's repeatable.


That's a lot of hoping. Because I don't really recall BW mentioning any Alliance Alerts in any of their patches. They just happened to be there. So we still don't know for sure until tomorrow :/


Edited by AngFour
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Because I don't really recall BW mentioning any Alliance Alerts in any of their patches. They just happened to be there. So we still don't know for sure until tomorrow :/




they do mention Alliance Alerts in the patch notes. As there's nothing for this one...hm. And they didn't talk about anybody returning AT ALL in the weeks leading up to said patch, so...it's probable we won't get our LoveBug back until later.


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they do mention Alliance Alerts in the patch notes. As there's nothing for this one...hm. And they didn't talk about anybody returning AT ALL in the weeks leading up to said patch, so...it's probable we won't get our LoveBug back until later.



They do mention them? Okay. As I said, I don't *recall* them, so I wasn't completely sure. And seeing as BW went pretty silent in the last couple weeks and they haven't had any livestreams, well I tend to expect the worst. *shrugs* Still, I'm going to check my Alerts tomorrow. I won't EXPECT one, but I won't be completely surprised to see one, know what I mean?


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They do mention them? Okay. As I said, I don't *recall* them, so I wasn't completely sure. And seeing as BW went pretty silent in the last couple weeks and they haven't had any livestreams, well I tend to expect the worst. *shrugs* Still, I'm going to check my Alerts tomorrow. I won't EXPECT one, but I won't be completely surprised to see one, know what I mean?



Yeah, I get it. Well, we can hope. :D You check the Alerts, and I'll check Dulfy (none of my characters have even finished KOTFE yet! XD), and eventually somebody somewhere will know what's going on. :p


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Yeah, I get it. Well, we can hope. :D You check the Alerts, and I'll check Dulfy (none of my characters have even finished KOTFE yet! XD), and eventually somebody somewhere will know what's going on. :p



We'll synchronize our Swatch Watches (Ala "Parker Lewis Can't Lose" <---- TOTALLY dating myself) and we'll meet back here this time tomorrow!


That being said, I believe this is the first time I'm going to say, "I hope Vector doesn't come back any time soon." And by that I mean, "I hope they put some thought into his return and they don't give us a crappy two minute conversation and make him a mute paperweight afterwards."


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I just want to be able to run my agent through kotfe/kotet. I have been keeping her out of all the new stuff, even Iokath, on the off chance that it will result in me losing Vector and getting stuck with Lana, *shudders*. Yes, I'm that paranoid about it, and yes, I dislike Lana that much.


At the end of the day Vector will return when he returns, and in the way the devs decide to do it. Which sucks because I've not been impreessed with the returns so far and the more time cgoes by the more I want a good return that makes the wait worth it.

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