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BW, stop heading into wrong direction


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I like both the mouse droids and the walker. And controlling the little monolith thing in the Iokath story, though you don't get to do much with it...


Not everybody will like everything about the game. Space-on-rails missions ain't my cuppa, but I don't begrudge the people that do like it, nor BW for having it in the game.

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Controlable mouse droids?

Chunky walker combat?






It's a rep grind I don't feel any need to actually do.


First because the rewards for doing it are pretty lackluster.

Second, the game play for most of it is terrible.

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While I personally do not enjoy these "gimmicks" they are pretty much part and parcel to MMOs. WoW has been doing these sorts of gimmicks for years now.


So I would not call it the wrong direction, but rather a gimmick with about 5 minutes of entertainment value for those that actually enjoy things like this.

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"Gimmick" is a really good word for them. I don't care for the Walkers and "building up your alliance mats" grind, but other than that, I enjoy Iokath. It's the type of content we needed.... and need more of.


Reputation drops may be a little high though. I think I maxed out weekly rep for both factions on one toon.

Edited by Rion_Starkiller
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Feels like they are moving in the RIGHT direction now. Giving us a daily area with rep vendor. However, I was under the impression there would be quests for pvp in an area like Illum. But we do recall from the past how people threw tantrums back then about getting ganked. So much so that after Elite War Hero pvp gear was forever nerfed to be at least 10 levels lower than pve gear.


I finally feel they are on the right track knowing now that we've gotten our fill of story and want more activities to do at end game. Nobody is saying how great the new instant travel map is but I'll say it again and again. Saves a huge amount of time.

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I would like better rewards. Sorry the gear is horrible. (not sure yet about the Empire side) and those other items are only useable on mouse droids and walkers, so what good are they really.


Come on I know you can do better. What is the point of having the items if there is nothing worth it in the vendors, again.


Mouse droid was fun . Walker so/so.

Edited by casirabit
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Controlable mouse droids?

Chunky walker combat?




Because someone at Bioware thought "why don't we add a walker mission and a droid mission" just for the sake of adding one in an attempt to make the story seem more "interesting" by having variety.


This just screams forced, it was put in for the sake of it. There was no real reason to stick them in.

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I didn't personally hate the walker and mouse droid sections in previous story content, but I understand why a lot of people do. Why are those walkers so damn slow?! To be fair, you don't have to do those dailies. I agree the reputation awards are incredibly craptacular though. I personally was most disappointed that there were no decorations to be had, unlike other rep vendors. Nifty pixels for my strongholds I'm willing to grind for; yet another ugly set of legacy bound armor I'm not. Edited by AscendingSky
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I personally do like the walker and mouse droid missions, and yeah, I do understand why people don't like it also. And for the reputation, I like the rep armor at the imperial base but for the republic rep armor, why did they have to make it so... not republic-like ... to me it kind of looks like something a smuggler would wear, and only smuggler. Maybe even a pirate... but yeah.
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They are heading in the right direction by trying something new such as controlling walkers. At least they are trying to branch out and try different ideas to create a new or fun experience.


Now whether it works or is a hit just depends on each player. But unless it's tried then there is no way to know. The main thing is learning and either trying to fix to make it better or move on to something else.

Edited by Nightblazer
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Stomping on npc's never gets old.


Until you get to a spot where you are about to stomp on them and get dismounted from the walker. The screen goes black for a minute and by the time you can actually do something your companion is near death from the mobs you tried to stomp with the walker before dying horribly yourself.

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Until you get to a spot where you are about to stomp on them and get dismounted from the walker. The screen goes black for a minute and by the time you can actually do something your companion is near death from the mobs you tried to stomp with the walker before dying horribly yourself.


Ya, that was super annoying.

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Did the Op twice yesterday (16-man on one char and 8-man on another). Completed the story which was strangely compressed heavily in the end into one pre-rendered scene. Started doing the dailies until I discovered I had to "pay to do daily missions?!" Nearly fell out of my chair when I saw that. Somebody at BW got a bad batch of mushrooms.


Abandoned all dailies forthwith. Bye Iokath, till the next installment of "story." Story that fourth-grade creative writing sessions could compete with. :mad: With dialog worthy of the The Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest.

Edited by mike_carton
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  • Dev Post
Did the Op twice yesterday (16-man on one char and 8-man on another). Completed the story which was strangely compressed heavily in the end into one pre-rendered scene. Started doing the dailies until I discovered I had to "pay to do daily missions?!" Nearly fell out of my chair when I saw that. Somebody at BW got a bad batch of mushrooms.
You do not need to pay to do daily missions. That was for controlling a droid, walker, or turret, where there is a credit cost with some Iokath currency. The daily you were on indicated you needed to interact with the various terminals and when you did that, the quest advanced. This was only a training/tutorial mission to teach you were to go for each of the various toys. It just wasn't very clear since it immediately asked you to spend. I'll see if we can do something about that for the future.
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You do not need to pay to do daily missions. That was for controlling a droid, walker, or turret, where there is a credit cost with some Iokath currency. The daily you were on indicated you needed to interact with the various terminals and when you did that, the quest advanced. This was only a training/tutorial mission to teach you were to go for each of the various toys. It just wasn't very clear since it immediately asked you to spend. I'll see if we can do something about that for the future.


And how will I be doing the mission of killing 40 mobs as walker if I don't want to buy one with shards? I hate those walkers since I can't strafe and they can't jump AT ALL. Which means everything trips them and they are a horrible experience to walk in. Yea, I know, I am not forced to do that. That means I don't want the achievement.... BUT I DO!!




That's all I have to say.

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You do not need to pay to do daily missions. That was for controlling a droid, walker, or turret, where there is a credit cost with some Iokath currency. The daily you were on indicated you needed to interact with the various terminals and when you did that, the quest advanced. This was only a training/tutorial mission to teach you were to go for each of the various toys. It just wasn't very clear since it immediately asked you to spend. I'll see if we can do something about that for the future.


That's great and all... for the future... but why aren't you all QA-ing this stuff BEFORE it is released? It conitunally makes you look like amateurs and annoys the snot out of us paying customers that things are so slap-dash and half-baked when we FINALLY get a little new content.

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You do not need to pay to do daily missions. That was for controlling a droid, walker, or turret, where there is a credit cost with some Iokath currency. The daily you were on indicated you needed to interact with the various terminals and when you did that, the quest advanced. This was only a training/tutorial mission to teach you were to go for each of the various toys. It just wasn't very clear since it immediately asked you to spend. I'll see if we can do something about that for the future.


So this cost ... it is one time only?

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