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Really we had to wait this long for an open world pvp that doesn't even have pvp!


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Maybe it's just me but really guys you need to get your act together. A class balance pass should have taken precedence over this lame roll out. Right now the only thing Iokath is good for is harvesting crafting mats! There is NO compelling reason to do Iokath at all none, zipo, nada! Which leads to the fundamental problem which is NOBODY IS IN THE OPEN WORLD PVP ZONE. Which defeats whole purpose! Add to that the cost of the power shards is obscene to use things you would have to spend hours killing droids and crap. When someone finally does show up you can't kill them because the npc's make it impossible and just end up killing you. (Did you even think this through?) Now maybe this is meant for groups to do seeing as you need one in order to fight colossus droid's well what compelling reason am I to use to convince other peeps to do open world pvp when there isn't one! At the very least un-assembled comps should be offered to at the very least entice someone to actually do the content! I just don't understand your logic it's like your trying to drive this game into the ground.
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There are plenty of people doing Iokath stuff right now really.

They all just camp the **** out of the PvE instances of the zone. Which is a problem I forsaw weeks ago.


Most people know they are pretty average at PvP and are just afraid to get more

than they bargained for when entering a PvP instance. It's sad, but it's true.


Props to the handful of people that at least have the balls to walk around the PvP instances.

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So let me understand this right...one has to select a pvp instance for open pvp??? If True, then the only incentive to open pvp is to loot corpses that offer nothing more than Iokath currency? Where's the pvp dailies? What am I missing here?


I waited a few years for an immersive and well thought out open pvp model, and this is what BW gives us? Unless I totally missed the map door, I am pretty much done with this game.

Edited by Josewales
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There are plenty of people doing Iokath stuff right now really.

They all just camp the **** out of the PvE instances of the zone. Which is a problem I forsaw weeks ago.


Most people know they are pretty average at PvP and are just afraid to get more

than they bargained for when entering a PvP instance. It's sad, but it's true.


Props to the handful of people that at least have the balls to walk around the PvP instances.


There's nothing fun in doing dailies in the PvP area and getting assaulted by stealth gank squads. It does not have anything to do with being a good PvP'er or not, it's simple survival instinct.

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There's nothing fun in doing dailies in the PvP area and getting assaulted by stealth gank squads. It does not have anything to do with being a good PvP'er or not, it's simple survival instinct.


People really don't group up that often. And stealth being a pretty *********** strong offensive AND defensive ability is nothing new.


I generally always prefer PvP on. I like the danger of being stabbed in the back out of nowhere.

No matter what class I'm on. PvE zones are boring and uneventful.


They should've just made Iokath a massive PvP zone ala Outlaw's Den. Except the FFA part.

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Half assed and not thought through to the conclusion of the idea. I've been saying for years that they have collective ADD. They get half way through making something that might be a good idea and then "poof", another distraction or idea takes precendence and they only half do the job. It they just spent more time on the thought process and what the end outcome would be, they could spend the time doing things that will work.

Bioware guys.. learn about attention to detail

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There's nothing fun in doing dailies in the PvP area and getting assaulted by stealth gank squads. It does not have anything to do with being a good PvP'er or not, it's simple survival instinct.


Stealths have always had the advantage in OWPVP. I said weeks ago in the sniper nerf thread that the stealths would rule the OWPVP and got laughed at and ridiculed... guess I wasn't wrong after all.


That being said. Only trolls run in packs to gank 1 person. I've got no issues with stealth gank squads going up against an equal amount of other people or close to it. Sometimes it's fun when they jump you and you have to defend yourself.

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