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Is it me? or is Harbingetr still down?


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Come to Shadowlands. We have pie.


Yep, SL doing fine :)


Bit of Schadenfreude here for Harb to be down. Yes, everyone move to Harb! It's the best! It's the highest pop!

(if only it was up).


Perhaps old Garbinger is a victim of its own success, too many peeps and the server hamsters can't keep up.

Rollbacks, anyone?

Edited by xordevoreaux
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Does anyone know how to bind characters on a server that's not Harbinger to my legacy?


Once harb is up, farm a new toon to level 10 then transfer that toon to another server. THat's the only way.

Edit: Or transfer an already-existing toon from Harb to elsewhere.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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