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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Suggestion: Stealth Scan is Useless, it Needs to Also be Invisible


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What's the point of even using it if they can see the droids floating there and then just go around or wait?


Right now, stealthers have complete run of the place. Unless I happen to get lucky and drop it right on one stealth scan is totally useless.


Alternatively, make the area of the scan twice the size it is now cuz even if I stand right in the middle of my scan, the area is too small I still get CCd by a ninja that I never see.

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What's the point of even using it if they can see the droids floating there and then just go around or wait?


Right now, stealthers have complete run of the place. Unless I happen to get lucky and drop it right on one stealth scan is totally useless.


Alternatively, make the area of the scan twice the size it is now cuz even if I stand right in the middle of my scan, the area is too small I still get CCd by a ninja that I never see.


tbh it should be removed from mercs (they have plenty of tools and utilities already) increased to 10m diameter, extend duration and given to PTs since they do not have an enet to PREVENT escape, its only fair that mercs that do stop being able to SPOT escapee.


But as for current use : in fight when you believe someone will stealth out on you, or just after they do toward the "obvious exit" to pop them out. Or in the way toward the objective or in a choke point.


Lots of use for it.

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What's the point of even using it if they can see the droids floating there and then just go around or wait?


Right now, stealthers have complete run of the place. Unless I happen to get lucky and drop it right on one stealth scan is totally useless.


Alternatively, make the area of the scan twice the size it is now cuz even if I stand right in the middle of my scan, the area is too small I still get CCd by a ninja that I never see.



If you feel there is a stealther nearby.. ask for 1 more to guard the node. What you ask is just... *** I mean let's punish the stealther for being stealther and scan the ENTIRE map for stealthers.


A stealth capper will never be a threat to a good team who guards their Nodes properly. If you leave noobs and bads to guard turrets and Pylon, the chances of him being taken down or nindjad by a good stealther are really high. It's always the team's fault that they don't think of the possibility of stealths.

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If you feel there is a stealther nearby.. ask for 1 more to guard the node. What you ask is just... *** I mean let's punish the stealther for being stealther and scan the ENTIRE map for stealthers.


A stealth capper will never be a threat to a good team who guards their Nodes properly. If you leave noobs and bads to guard turrets and Pylon, the chances of him being taken down or nindjad by a good stealther are really high. It's always the team's fault that they don't think of the possibility of stealths.


Yeah but with pure blackout as a passive now a stealth can stand right next to you and you can't see them. If they were to revert it back to an ability I would agree with you. But if it stays as is then I think stealth scan should be invisible

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Yeah but with pure blackout as a passive now a stealth can stand right next to you and you can't see them. If they were to revert it back to an ability I would agree with you. But if it stays as is then I think stealth scan should be invisible


I think the radius should just be increased. At least to the point where a stealther cant mez you while you are standing in the middle of the scan, that is just ridiculous.

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Ok, I agree that stealth scan should be invisible to enemy players.




Stealth DOES NOT AT ALL, have the "run of the place".


Well played Engineering snipers

Arsenal Mercs

Well played Carnage Marauders



This is the pecking order right now. Everyone else is food.


I play an engi sniper in full 242s. I laugh off all stealth. First of all, due to "spotter" a passive, I can see all stealth within 30m. Second, i have a bunch or aoe and dots, they cant USE their stealth against me in any way because the second they engage they are both dotted and standing in AOE. They cant cloak, they will pop right back out. Third, Im immune to most of their cc if not all of it. My AOE even goes through merc reflect.


Stealth is not at all a problem and should be buffed if anything.


But, I do like the idea of invisible stealth scan cuz perhaps not all classes can deal with stealth like an engi sniper.


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What's the point of even using it if they can see the droids floating there and then just go around or wait?
To be rewarded for dropping it directly on them and ruining their opener. Or, better yet, drop it on them when they try to use one of their strongest escapes and completely negate it and very often guarantee they are dead.


I would invite anyone who thinks stealth scan is "useless" to play a stealth class in solo ranked with all the mercs in queue.

Right now, stealthers have complete run of the place.
That's kind of the point.
This forum makes me cringe sometimes :rolleyes:

hey man one of these days you'll see that juggernauts totally don't need a buff :cool:

Edited by yellow_
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Stealthers have a run of the place? LOL. If a merc can't currently hand a stealther their hindside then the problem is somewhere completely different than in how that ability works. But let's give mercs more powerful tools, they seem somehow lacking at the moment anyway :D:D


Now if it's a pair of stealthers that have some rudimentary coordination then the node is in serious danger but that is more a team level matter of choosing how to defend a node.

Edited by exfell
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What's the point of even using it if they can see the droids floating there and then just go around or wait?


Right now, stealthers have complete run of the place. Unless I happen to get lucky and drop it right on one stealth scan is totally useless.


Alternatively, make the area of the scan twice the size it is now cuz even if I stand right in the middle of my scan, the area is too small I still get CCd by a ninja that I never see.


The most op class requesting to be more op next you will want a one button easy kill ability. Second if you as a merc right now are guarding by your self then your doing it wrong. You should never be guarding leave that to snipers and ops and sin.... other wise you are a waste to the warzone..

Edited by Neoforcer
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What's the point of even using it if they can see the droids floating there and then just go around or wait?


Right now, stealthers have complete run of the place. Unless I happen to get lucky and drop it right on one stealth scan is totally useless.


Alternatively, make the area of the scan twice the size it is now cuz even if I stand right in the middle of my scan, the area is too small I still get CCd by a ninja that I never see.


No. It's a preventive ability and not a killer counter one. Use it to have a small zone that the stealther will avoid, like e.g. around you so you see him coming, or around a node. Or use it when you think that a mara or a stealther will vanish infight to make his life difficult. That's what it's for. Not more.

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