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Keith - As the new producer........


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:rolleyes: I have been in groups since launch so try this crap on someone else. Why would someone want to group up with someone like you? Maybe if some raiders would be a bit understanding they might get some people to group up with. They pay for the game just as much as you do and some of the people I know have been here longer than you and have supported this game since all the ups and downs and they do accept other playstyles, unlike you.


Now goodbye.


to everyone else: Sorry for my temper.


I fully agree with you. I have tried WZ's recently as I was doing conquests for the first time. WZ's are repeatable and give enough points to take you over the needed personal conquest level. I did have 230 and 234 gear but think without it I would not even have tried. So yes it is needed gear even for none PvP players. It is the only way to get some of us to at least try PvP out. However after the first few time in which I did have a good group to do the WZ (good on both sides) I soon started to get more and more intolerable players ranting at and berating others. Even though I was not on the receiving end of there rants, the players that were, I wonder how many will try again? I decided I won't bother again either. These sort are not worth my time and really don't deserve a group playing with them to begin with.

As for the player you quoted, he/she needs to understand 20 players online doing solo questing still equals multiple players online. It does not mean they have to group or play together. Its optional.


Anyway, Keith congratulation on the new job and look forward to see what you have planed for the game in the months to come.


@ Ben if you still read the forums, best wishes in your new job.

Edited by SavantDreadtech
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I think they had to do this. Trust was lost and can't be regained without a big change. Ben had lost it, repeatedly telling us how much he listened and the doing exactly none of what was asked for really hurt that trust. Now Keith may do no better but at least we can hope and he has a chance to earn that trust because he hasn't the weight of a history like Ben did.
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I think they had to do this. Trust was lost and can't be regained without a big change. Ben had lost it, repeatedly telling us how much he listened and the doing exactly none of what was asked for really hurt that trust. Now Keith may do no better but at least we can hope and he has a chance to earn that trust because he hasn't the weight of a history like Ben did.


/Agree. Though I encourage people not to get too hopeful, lest they get a bigger let down then the status quo. Trust results, not promises or talk.

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I think they had to do this. Trust was lost and can't be regained without a big change. Ben had lost it, repeatedly telling us how much he listened and the doing exactly none of what was asked for really hurt that trust. Now Keith may do no better but at least we can hope and he has a chance to earn that trust because he hasn't the weight of a history like Ben did.


As everyone wants and asks for different things within the game, You mean he was not listening to you. I had no issue with Ben and wish him well. Keith is a different person and will bring new things for the game. However even if Keith did everything you wanted him to he would still get as many negative posts as Ben did. As not everyone wants what you want.

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/Agree. Though I encourage people not to get too hopeful, lest they get a bigger let down then the status quo. Trust results, not promises or talk.

One thing I do feel bad for is Keith. Players are going to place extremely high if not almost unrealistic expectations and results from him.


Yeah, but I feel that you have to be optimistic and give people the benefit of the doubt. A person can rise to the occasion if given the chance. So be cautiously optimistic?

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Yeah, but I feel that you have to be optimistic and give people the benefit of the doubt. A person can rise to the occasion if given the chance. So be cautiously optimistic?


I agree. I am optimistic but at the same time I'm not going to set myself up for high expectations. I was just pointing out what others will most likely do.


Another thing is that people are going to start pushing for and reposting multiple times requests for changes they feel will made the game better just because there is a new producer.


Already saw one where they want Keith to go back and redo the entire story content from SoR to now and that just realistically won't happen. He can only move forward from what's out not go back and redo all that.

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As everyone wants and asks for different things within the game, You mean he was not listening to you. I had no issue with Ben and wish him well. Keith is a different person and will bring new things for the game. However even if Keith did everything you wanted him to he would still get as many negative posts as Ben did. As not everyone wants what you want.


You can twist it how you like, but the proof was there to be seen. Time and time again they did nothing anyone asked for, neither leaving it alone as the white knights would have, nor making any changes asked for by the rest. They simply made changes to distract without making any real change. So please feel free to talk for yourself on the topic, but you clearly can't speak for others as you seem to want to. If Ben had avoided the constant ringing of "We are listening" I would have had more respect for him, but alas he could not stop saying that. He would have done better saying we are looking for ways to improve the system, or some other phrase not implying doing something he clearly seemed to not be doing. It was a PR blunder and he just couldn't stop doing it.

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I agree. I am optimistic but at the same time I'm not going to set myself up for high expectations. I was just pointing out what others will most likely do.


Another thing is that people are going to start pushing for and reposting multiple times requests for changes they feel will made the game better just because there is a new producer.


Already saw one where they want Keith to go back and redo the entire story content from SoR to now and that just realistically won't happen. He can only move forward from what's out not go back and redo all that.

But can he remove Galactic Command?



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I think the biggest takeaway from the past few (2-3 years) is pretty simple: don't try to reinvent the wheel.


It gives me hope that Keith has been on the team for 6 years, so he has seen what the original vision of the game was and can, even if in very little doses, reinject it into the game.


This game used to be successful, just needed to be doing the same thing that it was used to be doing successfully.


No reinventing the wheel every major update, just stick to what you are good at and players have been loving.


The premise seems simple, how much of that is possible to be implemented in the shadow of the money hungry beancounters of EA, we will see.

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He can, but I wouldn't expect it till at least 6.0 at the soonest. They removed what was in 3.0 and 4.0 so he could remove GC but not going to be for awhile if it happens.


Even something that is a derivative of the old system and the new system would still be better, and may be achievable more quickly.

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Not sure whether to congratulate him or offer my condolences.


He's got a helluva mess to fix. BWA has had no trouble resurrecting Revan, but SWTOR...


I wish him well but I fear he won't be able to do much more, but hey, at least he has a chance at communicating better instead.


Pro tip for Keith: If the player base hates it, don't call it exciting every chance you get.

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Not sure whether to congratulate him or offer my condolences.


He's got a helluva mess to fix. BWA has had no trouble resurrecting Revan, but SWTOR...


I wish him well but I fear he won't be able to do much more, but hey, at least he has a chance at communicating better instead.


Pro tip for Keith: If the player base hates it, don't call it exciting every chance you get.


I like GC so I guess I'm not a player then? Shame, that I pay the same amount as all the "proper" players. I really don't get what people keep harping on about, now with the drops for ops in 5.2 gearing will be quicker than last year. The only thing that could be argued is to increase UCs in PVP though I'd personally prefer them to increase the bolster level. Getting rid of GC at this point would just be giving way to the elitist OP and PVP players who think BIS gear shouldn't be available unless you are hardcore. Ironically, these are the people who prevent new people from entering OPs and PVP in the first place.


Personally, I also think it's kinda sickening the amount of people here and on reddit that are hoping Ben was fired. I hope that he's will be happy wherever he goes next and ignores the nastier comments. I think it will be hard for Bioware to attract the top talent when in any of their game, their developers keep getting harrased and insulted by the so called "fans". We all need to step back and release that these developers are people. There are ways of bringing criticism without getting personal

Edited by RuthSimpson
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Congratulations to Keith and his promotion (?).


While I do think that this game needs life invigorated into it and that requires a new approach, I am also surprised by the previous responsibilities the new producer has.


I must admit, I never really understood what a producer does (neither movies nor games) the promotion of someone who keeps servers up and deals with CS stuff seems like a weird choice to be promoted to producer (who as I imagine it is also involved in game design). Maybe I simply don't understnd the responsibilities of the different jobs, but there is a small part in me that fears they just promoted someone to keep the thing runnign without giving any new major impulses to invigorate this game and "make it great again".


Truly though. if it is a promotion. All the best and good luck! (for all of us)

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Congratulations on the appointment and fingers crossed for a bit of sense.


I do hope Ben Irving's severance package will be determined by RNG, so he can be rewarded with a bit of fun and excitement on his way out.


I second this motion! Surely he'd be appreciative! We now how much he loves THE THRILL OF THE HUNT!!!!!!, after all!


How about his future job prospects be determined by strict RNG as well?

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I think they had to do this. Trust was lost and can't be regained without a big change. Ben had lost it, repeatedly telling us how much he listened and the doing exactly none of what was asked for really hurt that trust. Now Keith may do no better but at least we can hope and he has a chance to earn that trust because he hasn't the weight of a history like Ben did.


You're right, the change in lead producer is no guarantee things will automatically get better. Even if they do get better, it's not going to be within a short time frame. Content takes time to produce, code takes time to rewrite, art takes time to be created, etc. So I do hope people don't start piling on Keith within a month complaining that things aren't suddenly 100% improved. We need to give him a fair chance.


And you're also right about Ben. He'd lost everyone's trust, and he just kept digging the hole deeper with the tone-deaf statements he made in interviews and livestreams. Good riddance to him, and best wishes to Keith! Like I said in my earlier posts, I don't envy him his position; turning this game around would be a tall order for anyone at this point.

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I really don't get what people keep harping on about, now with the drops for ops in 5.2 gearing will be quicker than last year.


My complaint with GC has nothing to do with the speed. I don't like the RNG. Under the old system I knew exactly what I was going to get and when I was going to get it. I never spent my time playing simply to receive the exact same item I already had (and I'm talking specifically about earpieces, implants, and relics, because I've gotten a lot of duplication there, and since they're bound, they're worthless, so my time feels wasted). I also never had the issue of getting an "upgrade" for a specific slot that had a different distribution of stats, (i.e. If I had a Bastion or Bulwark earpiece, I purchased a Bastion or Bulwark earpiece to replace it, rather than having RNG throw off my min/maxing). So for me, the RNG is what I'm harping about when I complain about command crates. I know some of my guildies feel the same way, but I can't speak for anyone else.

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Already saw one where they want Keith to go back and redo the entire story content from SoR to now and that just realistically won't happen. He can only move forward from what's out not go back and redo all that.


You don't have to redo the entire SOR, just change a few masked character's voice over, and the NPC names. Make it not Revan.


You don't build a sky scraper on mud, you have to clear the mud, and put in a good foundation. Now, admittedly, pigs like mud, but it takes more than just pigs to get a healthy community.


Focus the new content on PVP maps until the crappy story line is sorted out.

Edited by ThrakhathSpawn
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My complaint with GC has nothing to do with the speed. I don't like the RNG. Under the old system I knew exactly what I was going to get and when I was going to get it. I never spent my time playing simply to receive the exact same item I already had (and I'm talking specifically about earpieces, implants, and relics, because I've gotten a lot of duplication there, and since they're bound, they're worthless, so my time feels wasted). I also never had the issue of getting an "upgrade" for a specific slot that had a different distribution of stats, (i.e. If I had a Bastion or Bulwark earpiece, I purchased a Bastion or Bulwark earpiece to replace it, rather than having RNG throw off my min/maxing). So for me, the RNG is what I'm harping about when I complain about command crates. I know some of my guildies feel the same way, but I can't speak for anyone else.


My biggest problem with GC, is it takes away family/community. I used to be able to take my raid team, pick up an ungeared pug or new guildie, take them through some fun ops that we can easily ace; and voila, fully geared stranger/friend. The game should be about the experience, not a grind. Getting given a full set of ops gear is a good experience, giving that set is a good experience. Putting people off on their own solo grind is not.

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My biggest problem with GC, is it takes away family/community. I used to be able to take my raid team, pick up an ungeared pug or new guildie, take them through some fun ops that we can easily ace; and voila, fully geared stranger/friend. The game should be about the experience, not a grind. Getting given a full set of ops gear is a good experience, giving that set is a good experience. Putting people off on their own solo grind is not.


Would the new changes in 5.2 not give you that back? I mean, soon GC will be a way just to let soloers/ casuals have a chance of grabbing BIS gear without committing to Ops and PvP. I like GC cus it encourages me try different things in the game . I wouldn;t have tried PVP without it, and I found I actually really enjoyed it. Same for flashpoints, the DvL event got me to try all of them. Before I was put off cus I thought I wasn't good enough. I encountered some right *insert favoured swear word* people but found I had a really good time.(I also encountered some nice people too :)) It also helped me improve my skills. I LIKE being able to try all these different things and still be rewarded for all of them. Though I've really liked the new changes they brought in for GC. GC really benefited my playstyle and I would hate to see it thrown out when they've improved it so much as well.

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