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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What a Hussy,,,!


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There must have been a healer in their pocket, no deaths, and the healing from the jugg was actually kind of low for what I am use to seeing. Although looking over the entire of the page, there had to be a lot of healing for so few deaths over all.
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LoL.. Nerf Bolster its OP, Nerf skill its OP, Nerf Juggs they are OP... oh look at that poor sniper sitting down there with no dps.. please nerf that one and only 🙄 Sniper who people say is OP and FOTM.. bahahahaa 😂


To be fair that sniper has high Obj points and was likely node guarding

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There must have been a healer in their pocket, no deaths, and the healing from the jugg was actually kind of low for what I am use to seeing. Although looking over the entire of the page, there had to be a lot of healing for so few deaths over all.


Its pretty obvious he had pocket heals with that kind of prot, and if its not enough, check who has the most heal in the screenshot, then check the guild chat :p

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Its pretty obvious he had pocket heals with that kind of prot, and if its not enough, check who has the most heal in the screenshot, then check the guild chat :p


Some people can't do 2k DPS in any gear on any char given any amount of healing.

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Some people can't do 2k DPS in any gear on any char given any amount of healing.


I'm not devaluating the game, said in my first post it was a pretty great game in both dps and prot. Just pointing out the obvious about the message I quoted.


Believe me, I'm seeing pubs with 3 healers on them still manage to die from bad dcd uses and not even using that uptime to get good numbers in.

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Going to play the skeptic here. Are we just supposed to take this guy at his word? Whenever I say anything like this without intricate proof, people scream PROOF OR IT DIDNT HAPPEN! For all we know he could have been skanking with full 242s. There is 0 evidence showing otherwise. This could just be people trying to downplay the gear disparity and make BW feel better about how awful the gear and bolster issue is in pvp atm. :rolleyes:
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This could just be people trying to downplay the gear disparity and make BW feel better about how awful the gear and bolster issue is in pvp atm. :rolleyes:


Or, maybe, to show that a good player can perform well on bolster, and that most of the differences attributed to bolster are either not, or just slightly related to it.

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Or, maybe, to show that a good player can perform well on bolster, and that most of the differences attributed to bolster are either not, or just slightly related to it.


Maybe. We will never know because it is just a picture of a scorecard with 0 evidence to support either side.

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skank rocking 208s




Very impressive numbers! BUT....


You LOST despite your godlike numbers and healers in your team:


that leads me to the conclusion: your a NUMBER FARMER: like majority of todays braindead pvp players who cares about nothing else except medals and valor. Minimal objective gameplay...big HUGE MEANINGLESS numbers...


this post sums upp pretty nicely the state of swtor pvp in 2017 - winning or objective game play is useless... its ALL ABOUT THE NUMBERS!

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Very impressive numbers! BUT....


You LOST despite your godlike numbers and healers in your team:


that leads me to the conclusion: your a NUMBER FARMER: like majority of todays braindead pvp players who cares about nothing else except medals and valor. Minimal objective gameplay...big HUGE MEANINGLESS numbers...


this post sums upp pretty nicely the state of swtor pvp in 2017 - winning or objective game play is useless... its ALL ABOUT THE NUMBERS!


I agree.

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Very impressive numbers! BUT....


You LOST despite your godlike numbers and healers in your team:


that leads me to the conclusion: your a NUMBER FARMER: like majority of todays braindead pvp players who cares about nothing else except medals and valor. Minimal objective gameplay...big HUGE MEANINGLESS numbers...


this post sums upp pretty nicely the state of swtor pvp in 2017 - winning or objective game play is useless... its ALL ABOUT THE NUMBERS!


To me you just come off as salty and jealous.


Yes they lost, but they do have some objectives, not the most however, and therefore what it tells me is he and his friend mostly offensively tried to take a new turret for a good part of the game. It was also quite a close loss. The enemy team had 2 healer as well, and its very clear the team was lacking in dps, so killing things fast enough can be a problem. The sniper obviously guarded all game, perhaps he'd have been better off fighting and that low dps jug would have been a better idea to node-guard, as well as the sorc with very low both dps and heals and obj. No idea what he did.


But I'm sure you never lose games where even tough you and a friend do good, you have a half of the team that is just too heavy to carry. You must be that pro.

Edited by verfallen
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Very impressive numbers! BUT....


You LOST despite your godlike numbers and healers in your team:


that leads me to the conclusion: your a NUMBER FARMER: like majority of todays braindead pvp players who cares about nothing else except medals and valor. Minimal objective gameplay...big HUGE MEANINGLESS numbers...


this post sums upp pretty nicely the state of swtor pvp in 2017 - winning or objective game play is useless... its ALL ABOUT THE NUMBERS!


Considering the final score is 20-0, I will assume this was a very close game and without a full video, I see no reason to blame the OP's actions.

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Very impressive numbers! BUT....


You LOST despite your godlike numbers and healers in your team:


that leads me to the conclusion: your a NUMBER FARMER: like majority of todays braindead pvp players who cares about nothing else except medals and valor. Minimal objective gameplay...big HUGE MEANINGLESS numbers...


this post sums upp pretty nicely the state of swtor pvp in 2017 - winning or objective game play is useless... its ALL ABOUT THE NUMBERS!


This comment contains enough salt to melt the polar ice caps.

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Going to play the skeptic here. Are we just supposed to take this guy at his word? Whenever I say anything like this without intricate proof, people scream PROOF OR IT DIDNT HAPPEN! For all we know he could have been skanking with full 242s. There is 0 evidence showing otherwise. This could just be people trying to downplay the gear disparity and make BW feel better about how awful the gear and bolster issue is in pvp atm. :rolleyes:


Nothing wrong with some healthy skepticism, I'm sure you've heard the saying "If something is too good to be true it probably is". It's like when you see a Sorc come in first place in damage, big end number to be sure, with 70% of it coming from dotspread, or an obscenely high DPS parse of an Operation Boss that is due to adds being in the mix to fluff the numbers. Not asking questions is a great way to learn nothing. As long as the question is asked respectfully, there should be no reason to take offense.


This might be a good example - http://imgur.com/tTbmTM4


6 Million damage, but, look at all the healing. There is no way I would have ever reached these numbers using Carnage [no dot spreads] in a gazillion years if it wasn't for all the green the healers were pumping into me. On the surface it looks great, but probably 1/3 of that is heals turned into DPS, I was just the conduit heh. Also take note of the kill rates. All the damage from the DPS didn't result in more than 2 kills from any one DPS member.

I wish I could take sole credit for it! Not on my best day! heh

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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Ok. My thoughts. Gear matters very little in that PvP takes skill and class over gear. Gearing does make survivability a little easier but good playing will do that too. As will healers that can cast without trouble. So by and large it's still relatively even. However I have had the unfortunate luck to go up against a fully augmented 242 Merc who was skilled and armed to the teeth. He was a tank. There was no damaging him. He wiped the floor with our carcasses. We knew from the moment the 4v4 loaded him that we were going to lose in our 230s. Luckily it lasted just long enough to get cxp Edited by americanaussie
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