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What is going on with this game?


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I'm am writing this not a a rant but mainly because I am a bit confused as to why are things going this way, or how is this supposed to make sense?


1st we get an expansion that the story was good. (I enjoyed it) But nothing new to it for several months.

2nd in That expansion the broke My main character. (Sith Sorcerer) Making it playing with it as a healer/or DPS not a s fun as it used to be.

3rd The gearing up system is by far the worse I have seen so far.

4th because of the gearing up system being so bad, Alts are pretty much unplayable.


Now it might sound as complaining, or whining, but I'm a paying customer.

I was hoping to finally start playing this game properly today. Now another week we have to wait but meanwhile we keep paying for this.

The more I keep thinking about this the more I can't help to think as to why am I paying for them to deliver me a broken experience. Can somebody explain this to me. Or if somebody relates to this I would love to read their input. Thanks.

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I have a number of playable alts that can either sm or hm. Can use mods and enhancements from crate drops of main that you already have and get set bonuses from easily pvp comps or ops.


IMO never geared my toons faster, and with 5.2 all boss op drops, should be no argument. Have unassembles now just chillaxin in my cargo holds in case of new alts.

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I think it falls to poor management that in turn trickles down to poor design and development due to cut backs in staffing if not cuts all across the board.


It's more than any one thing given how mediocre things have become for the last few years. No one issue could cause this much negativity to a game. It's a lot of issue going on at bioware.

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and personnally it's the first mmo i play which doesn't (and apperently never) have a new class in 5 years. :confused:


what's going on with this game? clearly bioware incompetence in this domain.

Edited by Thaladan
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EA has a long history of abandoning multiplayer games once they are past their prime. Examples are: Motor City Online and The Sims Online. Both were just starting to slow down and they closed the doors. No option to continue, no free to play, no release of server code for free servers. That will happen here someday too.


In contrast, Blizzard has never removed internet play for any of their games. And some are very old. I only state this as a suggestion that EA changes its policy and follows suit.

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Worst Devs of all time:


1. Jagex Ltd.

2. BW:Austin


Sadly the star wars story fell into the hands of people who dont care, and if they cared are not capable of doing the job.




Don't forget Laughing Joking Numbnuts! Or, as an acronym, LJN. With that rainbow of **** ugh :D;)

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EA has a long history of abandoning multiplayer games once they are past their prime. Examples are: Motor City Online and The Sims Online. Both were just starting to slow down and they closed the doors. No option to continue, no free to play, no release of server code for free servers. That will happen here someday too.


In contrast, Blizzard has never removed internet play for any of their games. And some are very old. I only state this as a suggestion that EA changes its policy and follows suit.


oh come on now you can still get a subscription to UO and DAoC from EA....... ... .. .. . do people play those games tho? Uh no. oh and you forgot to mention Warhammer online which got nerfed into oblivion. :(

Edited by CKNORTH
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EA has a long history of abandoning multiplayer games once they are past their prime. Examples are: Motor City Online and The Sims Online. Both were just starting to slow down and they closed the doors. No option to continue, no free to play, no release of server code for free servers. That will happen here someday too.


In contrast, Blizzard has never removed internet play for any of their games. And some are very old. I only state this as a suggestion that EA changes its policy and follows suit.

In the life cycle of MMOs SWTOR should be just hitting its prime. But because the developers minimized it into a recycled one size fits all conduit, then stripped its progression and loot systems in favor of a low-budget RNG loot lottery it will never see its prime ... or its potential. That is sad for any MMO that started out awesome. It's especially sad because it's Star Wars.


Genuine MMORPG developers settle into their games after a few years, expounding on what they have by producing more of the same iconic content just with QoL embellishments and game play improvements. They rarely ever forklift overhaul their product out of loyalty to their veteran player base.


That's not the case with pretty much every MMO EA has ever been involved with. You can now add to that list The Secret World. It is relaunching this spring, except that much of the existing character progression will be archived ... meaning veteran players' existing characters stand to lose a lot if they choose to transfer them over. I say choose because the game's developer FunCom (in a situation similar to Bioware) stood up to EA and is putting the new relaunched game on new servers, and will keep supporting the original so their veteran players don't get screwed.


When other devs make changes to their MMOs they do so while leaving the original game's progression and loot systems intact, introducing changes as additions instead of outright replacements. Not Bioware. When BWA essentially relaunched SWTOR as a single player KOTOR 3 wannabe with Fallen Empire they didn't give their veteran players an option for anything except to play it as is or leave. What we've been getting since 5.0 blew up in their face has been pure damage control. The player base retaliating against Galactic Command (or outright leaving) forced them to take the MMO aspects of the game out of maintenance mode. Now they're trying to do just enough to keep the peace.


Oh ... don't forget Earth & Beyond where EA out of the blue pulled the plug on that MMORPG, repurposed the tech and relegated the developer Westwood Studios to doing mobile apps.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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Sorcs aren't Brome. Their dps and heals are just fine.


Their DPS is at the bottom of the list now so sorcs have been nerfed quite hard...too hard in my view. So no they're not fine. There is too big a difference between DPS at the top end and bottom end. This makes them less wanted for the harder content as they put pressure on the team with regards to beating enrage timers in a number of HM and NiM boss fights. So no, I don't call that fine. In PvP it's also an issue from what I understand.


If you just solo stuff, then there's no big problem. Just takes a bit longer to kill everything but there it doesn't matter much.


As healers they are still very much viable although some of the changes do make it less fun to play them.


So feel free to explain WHY you think everything is just fine.

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EA has a long history of abandoning multiplayer games once they are past their prime. Examples are: Motor City Online and The Sims Online. Both were just starting to slow down and they closed the doors. No option to continue, no free to play, no release of server code for free servers. That will happen here someday too.


In contrast, Blizzard has never removed internet play for any of their games. And some are very old. I only state this as a suggestion that EA changes its policy and follows suit.

Not only has Blizzard not removed internet play. They are also releasing the original Starcraft remastered, fitting for our modern systems.

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Somehow last time I checked the way to make a deal is yo have something the other person wants and the other person has something you want.


However besides of the fact that we like star wars I'm failing to see what Bioware is offering that we want. Yet they want our money.


I think we need to start hitting them where it hurts. (in their wallets) I'm pretty sure once they see enough people unsubbing they will get the right idea. I for one if I don't see them fixing my min's class (the sorcs) soon I will definitely be unsubbing.

You are the emperor, The strongest so far. Yet I play the weakest class in the game. It's just stupid.

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Somehow last time I checked the way to make a deal is yo have something the other person wants and the other person has something you want.


However besides of the fact that we like star wars I'm failing to see what Bioware is offering that we want. Yet they want our money.


I think we need to start hitting them where it hurts. (in their wallets) I'm pretty sure once they see enough people unsubbing they will get the right idea. I for one if I don't see them fixing my min's class (the sorcs) soon I will definitely be unsubbing.

You are the emperor, The strongest so far. Yet I play the weakest class in the game. It's just stupid.


If the game, in your personal view, is not worth the monthly subscription.... there is a remedy for that.... stop subscribing, and go play a game that suits your needs/wants. There is a reason there are lots of MMO choices on the market.


If your intention here is to pretend you have a bargaining chip here and can force the studio to do what you want, I think you need to reconsider what you are doing and be more objective.


If your intention is to prosecute some sort of insurgent forum revolt against the studio... to what end.. why?

Edited by Andryah
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If the game, in your personal view, is not worth the monthly subscription.... there is a remedy for that.... stop subscribing, and go play a game that suits your needs/wants. There is a reason there are lots of MMO choices on the market.


That is essentially what he is about to do according to his post that you quoted and maybe did not read entirely?


The MMO choices on the market are diminishing rapidly at this time likely because of the aggressive monetization attempts by several large money companies. MMOs are too great of an initial investment to turn them over quickly and that has been the result lately because of bad management and design. The quality of existing MMOs on the market is very poor with the few decent games being subject to player preference...for instance I prefer SCI-FI genre games, specifically Star Wars.


If your intention here is to pretend you have a bargaining chip here and can force the studio to do what you want, I think you need to reconsider what you are doing and be more objective.


If this poster was alone I would agree however he is far from alone so the "chip" you allude to does exist and its value increases daily...


If your intention is to prosecute some sort of insurgent forum revolt against the studio... to what end.. why?


You already sorted this out for yourself...to insight change in a direction that improves the games situation so that people begin to once again enjoy their play time and thus the game and gamer prosper.

Edited by Soljin
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That is essentially what he is about to do according to his post that you quoted and maybe did not read entirely?


The MMO choices on the market are diminishing rapidly at this time likely because of the aggressive monetization attempts by several large money companies. MMOs are too great of an initial investment to turn them over quickly and that has been the result lately because of bad management and design. The quality of existing MMOs on the market is very poor with the few decent games being subject to player preference...for instance I prefer SCI-FI genre games, specifically Star Wars.




If this poster was alone I would agree however he is far from alone so the "chip" you allude to does exist and its value increases daily...




You already sorted this out for yourself...to insight change in a direction that improves the games situation so that people begin to once again enjoy their play time and thus the game and gamer prosper.


I don't Think I could have said it any better.

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From my experience, posting on the game forums has limited to no impact on how the game developers design their game. Many times the game developers don't even have a choice - they may be restricted by resources (time,money, staff) and can't do anything if they wanted to.


Unsubbing from a game that makes you mad/don't enjoy is your only real personal choice. But don't expect that your one subscription is going to make any difference

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From my experience, posting on the game forums has limited to no impact on how the game developers design their game. Many times the game developers don't even have a choice - they may be restricted by resources (time,money, staff) and can't do anything if they wanted to.


Unsubbing from a game that makes you mad/don't enjoy is your only real personal choice. But don't expect that your one subscription is going to make any difference


It is true that one Sub is not going to make a huge impact. That said if you have reached the point of cancelling your subscription you are likely not alone.


Basically the point is that ending your Sub will likely have the impact you intend it just won't happen overnight. Regardless of what people want to admit this game is in peril and it is because many Individuals felt the exact same discontent with how the game is being managed.


I just recently re-subbed after not subbing for 2 months. I would like the game to turn around and intend on giving the 5.2 changes a solid try but it does seem far too little at a glance. My future subscription is completely dependent on how 5.2 plays out within the few weeks I have to play it before my Subscription expires once again.

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I don't really buy the alt complaint anymore, as I've leveled up and geared four different characters since January.


Well for normal people who dont live and breath this game, this gearing system is a nightmare. Working for your gear is one thing, but gearing your toons relying on luck to get said gear is just stupid.

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Well for normal people who dont live and breath this game, this gearing system is a nightmare. Working for your gear is one thing, but gearing your toons relying on luck to get said gear is just stupid.


The difference is the set bonuses. You can run out and blow millions and be "fully geared up" easily enough. The question is does the person claiming to be fully geared actually have max tier set armorings...


My guess is maybe on a main...not likely on any alts.

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The difference is the set bonuses. You can run out and blow millions and be "fully geared up" easily enough. The question is does the person claiming to be fully geared actually have max tier set armorings...


My guess is maybe on a main...not likely on any alts.


I agree with you.


Then again.. the number of alts that actually require the set bonus is small. Yes... some players play multiple alts as effectively different "mains"..... I certainly do... but even then... the need for set bonus is so limited as to not warrant the effort to grind for it... it will come when it comes, and you can use older set bonus armor mods until then with little or no degradation of character performance, particularly when stacking them on modable gear with 240 mod and enhancements and MK10 augments. As for the non armor items.... set bonus does not even apply, and there is sufficient variety of crafted 240s in circulation now that you can pretty well tune for any weaknesses in not having the final set bonus armor mods.


What we actually have here is an instilled belief that all alts should be max geared.... mostly because in 4.0 they made the ability to do so fairly easy (which in the context of general MMO approaches to gearing, was simply too casual and too friendly, and players became spoiled by the low hanging fruit approach).

Edited by Andryah
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Well for normal people who dont live and breath this game, this gearing system is a nightmare. Working for your gear is one thing, but gearing your toons relying on luck to get said gear is just stupid.


Yeah there are a few factors to consider:

How much time does he play per week

Does he do operations and how often

Same with PvP

How much luck did he have with the GC boxes and what are the current GC levels on those 4 toons.




What does he consider geared up?



I'm pretty sure if he answered those questions honestly (which I doubt he will), we would be able to see what he's really talking about. I generally don't believe anything he says though.

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