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Game Update 5.2: The War for Iokath Delay


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It's frustrating that you have basically had this date for Updating out for a while and then at the last minute postpone it. You havd had four months to prepare this. How can there be anything wrong you didn't notice before? Seriously, I usually don't complain about delays, but this is ridiculous.


I would say you do owe your subscribers some compensation for this. We have been looking forward to this update, and an apology and continuing the CXP/XP bonus is not enough.

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Correct, this is not a bug fix. Think of the KOTFE/KOTET cutscenes with moving cameras, etc. We took some of that and applied it to the very opening cinematic for each Class.




Well, I hope that this is the start of BWA going back and making tweaks to the CH 1-3 stories. I know there are some things that could be fixed, like making Arca Jeth look like he did in the Tales of the Jedi Comics...

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The amount of over the top dramatics and overreaction in general in this thread is...:(


Now I'm sad that its been delayed, but if they are delaying it because they want to make sure they give us something good then I'm not THAT sad.


Plus with the event stuff being extended I can finish all my characters through KOTET at least.


Its not an overreaction dude think about:


1: On monday they updated the launcher saying to all players tusedays the patch is going live and servers offline. Why would f you do that? like seriously... you send a message out to everyone just to cancel that message a few hours later


2: I understand delay, like 1-2 or 3 days? but delaying it for 7 DAYS... that just means either there are too lazy and taking the week of because of easter. Or they knew they had to delay this for a while because alot of work remains to be done. Either way its very dishonest to push something back 7 DAYS at the very last day without a the slighest hint beforehand


3: My sub runs out 20 april... and i had planned this weekend to play alot of swtor. After that i have to work on exams. With this new delay it means iam only going to be sub for 2 days instead of 9 days. I had planned to grind some gear and explore the ops a few times. Now i can only grind cxp for 2 days and have 2 days to do the ops. Which iam probaly not going to succeed. EDIT: aka 7 days of sub gone to drain like all of you players.


People are right to be pissed when bioware treats us customers like ****.

Edited by assatrap
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OMG this is so bad. 1 day before lets say the biggest update after 2 years you want to delay it.

This means we have this new Operatoin finished in 2 more years. tihs is so bad. arent you ashamed?

Im so tired of reading your posts "we are so sorry". You are doing absolutley everything wrong. just ridiculous.

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after reading the thread i just can't stop laughing! there are folks that plan their vacation around a game????:D:D:D:D:D:D unbelievable

who cares if it's delayed a week, i certainly don't. if it's out it's out.

....planning vacations around a g..... lmao

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after reading the thread i just can't stop laughing! there are folks that plan their vacation around a game????:D:D:D:D:D:D unbelievable

who cares if it's delayed a week, i certainly don't. if it's out it's out.

....planning vacations around a g..... lmao


Let me formulate it in another way so that your little brain can comprehend it a bit better :)


lets say you and a bunch of friends had planned something fun an exciting adventure for a few days. You had planned this for a while like a month before. Your all excited for this tommorow and there are no hints for this to be canceled or anything.. Suddenly all these friends call you like 12 hours before your about to go on this exciting adventure and CANCEL it all! and forcing you to push it back 7 days.


Now how happy would you be?... lol

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No, your little brain just dont get it. People were waiting for this update many years. just keep on playing your story.

I will party hard as soon as there is a comparable game.

the only thing that keeps me here are the people i am playing with. And I know a bunch of people who think the same way. The day will come. Wait for it. it's going to be legendary :rak_03:

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founder myself tyvm:D and been around for a long time. when games turn to addiction is time to rethink a bit. i mean IRL if you have one beside swtor:cool:

joking, to a certain point i get the anger, but then again planning someones vacation over a game is just so far away from everything

and story? yep, played it once on imp and once on rep, done thx.

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Currently, the XP and CXP event is going to turn off as scheduled tonight. However, with the delay we definitely want to keep it running for you for another week. We are exploring options to turn it back on tomorrow through the new 5.2 date. I will post updates as I have them.




You have got to be kidding me. Delay it, and also get rid of the cxp boost. I know it is just a game, but seriously, this is incompetence at its finest if it gets turned off.....

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What needs to be recognized is that 5.2 will be quite a huge patch with tons of fixes, tweaks and stuff also to an extent content. This needs to be QA'd. Also as far as I remember this 5.2 patch feels kinda like how 3.2 was, being the biggest non expansion patch.


I get it is frustrating that we need to wait 1 more week, but I rather wait than have a patch full of bugs and game breakers.

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I feel sorry for everyone who planned their work lives around their online ones, using up entire holiday days for this week to explore the new update only to learn at the last second that it's now NEXT WEEK, they gave up possibly an entire years worth of holidays for something they now cannot enjoy and could have been. Personally I only get 13 working days off a year so you can bet that I too would be angry, but I already had the Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday off due to easter but I'm now working everyday next week except Wednesday and Sunday to make up for the days off I was given this week.


Disappointing that their information is all over the place. You don't hype stuff up till the last second then do a 180 and say you're delaying it due to "not being happy with the content", that's just bad advertising and it now means the servers will be emptier next week for the release due to all the time off people made for this one.

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I agree with the sentiment that people need to stop making the Cartel Market jokes, they're obviously different departments and there's no reason to berate the developer team with useless jokes just to make you feel better. I do however majorly disagree with the sentiment in the rest of the post.


This isn't a singular mess-up that people are angry about, it's a series of events which display nothing more than ineptitude on the side of the developer team. Perhaps ineptitude is a harsh word, but the only other explanation is deception, and I'd rather believe they're messing up than intentionally hiding information from the community.


To use your waitress and chef example, I'll give you how I see this year as having unfolded so far:

  • You enter your favourite restaurant. The restaurant was successful, enjoyed by many, but has randomly rebranded from a semi-successful Thai restaurant into a substandard Italian.
  • You order a diet coke. You're told it'll be five minutes. Half an hour later your drink arrives.
  • When your drink does arrive, it's Fanta. You send it back, the replacement does not arrive for another half an hour.
  • The Lasagne you asked for comes out as a Spaghetti Bolognese. Same ingredients, massively different result. You send it back and are disappointed.
  • You're told it'll be ten minutes until the lasagne comes out. Nine and a half minutes later, the waitress informs you that the chef will need another fifteen.


So yes, you're right. No point yelling at the front of house that the restaurant rebranded, it's obviously an executive decision. No point yelling at the interior decorator that the drink that arrived was wrong. People are however perfectly justified in complaining after this series of events, time and time again any action performed by the restaurant as a whole has been a let down.


All of these apply to the game in some way. So yes, while it might not be appropriate to scream that the end of the game is nigh when TOR rebranded into a Story-based MMO (wonderful idea), it's perfectly reasonable to call the developer team out on their inadequacies when everything they do is in some way, shape, or form, a let down. Their new gearing system was far too slow, and has had to be rebalanced several times. Their new operation had a single boss, and even then had to be delayed by a month, and then an extra week. These events on their own are excusable, but together pile up into an unfortunate mess that you cannot fault people for leaving. When do you complain, in your mind? Must you simply ignore the bigger picture?


Though I think we can all agree that any criticism needs to remain constructive, and not a witch hunt. I for one don't agree with the bashing Eric gets, since it seems to me he has very little authority over what he is allowed and not allowed to say. I respect that he has the willpower to stay in the position he has, most of his team seem to not manage to remain here too long...


Actual logic without white knighting. I like it.

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Today is my 40th birthday and I was really looking forward to my special birthday present from Bioware.


I extra scheduled my self-baked cake partée from 14 to 18, so that I could play a bit in the evening, before crying myself to sleep because I got old during the last two decades. :D


Any birthday greetings to me via PM (don't want to hijack this thread) are appreciated. Ever since I took my birthday date off Facebook, none of my friends (except the ones invited to eat cake, at least I hope they realise it's a birthday cake invitation...) has been saying "happy birthday" to me since 2014. Today, 13 hours into my birthday, I got two people messaging me. One is a former co-worker who I haven't seen in at least 10 years, the other the president of one of my former football clubs (which is a nice gesture). I wonder if my parents remember...


By writing this here, you might get an idea how much of a sad tosser I feel right now. ;)

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after reading the thread i just can't stop laughing! there are folks that plan their vacation around a game????:D:D:D:D:D:D unbelievable

who cares if it's delayed a week, i certainly don't. if it's out it's out.

....planning vacations around a g..... lmao


Why would someone plan their vacation around a game? Speaking from my own experience, this is a possible reason:


I work a full time job from Monday through Friday. When I come home, I am exhausted and I don't always have the energy to play certain content. Given that game updates are typically rolled out on Tuesdays, I will probably have to wait four days. Well this sucks because I know that most of my friends will be able to jump right in and start playing on day one. I want to share the experience with them so I am going to take some vacation days. Why not? I deserve it.



Actually, I think I should have given you the short version: I will spend my vacation days however the heck I want!


My coworkers teased me when I took a vacation day to see The Force Awakens on that opening Friday. I was going to wait a little while for the hype to dial down. And then it occurred to me that all of my family and friends would be seeing the movie on opening weekend. I immediately went online and bought a ticket for a 12pm showing. I had a fabulous time and I was so excited that I could talk all about the movie over the weekend. No one is going to tell me how to spend my vacation days.

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First of all, please excused me if I am doing wrong sentences, I am french.


I must say I am a bit deceived. The point is : big teasing for quite some time now with that huge one when Malavai and Elara appered.

I understand there is a need to do some last minte adjustments but at this point you don't discover that at the last minute.

I work for a company that release a unifinished product and it was such a mess ! So I understand your will. You want something great. Something that will be very good. But the disappointment is just coming from the timetable. You don't discover at the last minute some things that have to be corrected with a full week. Not when you have done such teasing.


I will wait because I really enjoy SWTOR. It is the best MMORPG to me. So please, with that delay, give us something that will take our breath away !


I don't care about bonus, that's not why I play and I think that people whose asking for are not enjoying the game as much as I do. I pay and play because SWTOR is my favorite MMORPG. That's all. So please continue to create and to develop that big universe we cherish.


Thanks for reading me and see you in one week :)

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Well, I was looking forward to new content, but it is better to wait jst a bit longer if it needs fixing. I mean it would be even worse if everything is bugged and unplayable.

And mistakes happen I understand that, but in return you could give us something this week, like cxp bonus or something.

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Well, I was looking forward to new content, but it is better to wait jst a bit longer if it needs fixing. I mean it would be even worse if everything is bugged and unplayable.

And mistakes happen I understand that, but in return you could give us something this week, like cxp bonus or something.


The thing is, BW have a running tally of mistakes and errors when it comes to this game. At first I was really understanding with BW, they were new to this, the game was just released and so there were problems, but over the years it gets old, they dont listen, they delay things, they break things, they make excuses, etc. It gets old, and eventually people will get mad.

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and with telling us in last Minute is totally showing NO RESPECT to Players and Community


it takes more then 2 years for new content and then this LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL

bioware close your company and do something else PLEASE

Edited by tonitirola
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Happy Birthday to you :):):):)






Today is my 40th birthday and I was really looking forward to my special birthday present from Bioware.


I extra scheduled my self-baked cake partée from 14 to 18, so that I could play a bit in the evening, before crying myself to sleep because I got old during the last two decades. :D


Any birthday greetings to me via PM (don't want to hijack this thread) are appreciated. Ever since I took my birthday date off Facebook, none of my friends (except the ones invited to eat cake, at least I hope they realise it's a birthday cake invitation...) has been saying "happy birthday" to me since 2014. Today, 13 hours into my birthday, I got two people messaging me. One is a former co-worker who I haven't seen in at least 10 years, the other the president of one of my former football clubs (which is a nice gesture). I wonder if my parents remember...


By writing this here, you might get an idea how much of a sad tosser I feel right now. ;)

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What needs to be recognized is that 5.2 will be quite a huge patch with tons of fixes, tweaks and stuff also to an extent content. This needs to be QA'd. Also as far as I remember this 5.2 patch feels kinda like how 3.2 was, being the biggest non expansion patch.


I get it is frustrating that we need to wait 1 more week, but I rather wait than have a patch full of bugs and game breakers.


Agreed. Whats the good of releasing the patch on time if it's going to be riddled with bugs and other things to piss players off? This is the very thing we get pissed at all the time when they do. Get the shzt right, or don't put it out. I'd rather wait an extra week than have a whole slew of new BS that I'm stuck with having to deal with for the foreseeable future on top of all the already present BS. I get the disappointment of a delay, but shzt happens.


Wanna make it up to us BW? Nerf the hell out of Mercs and and bring snipers down a peg or two vs. melee [movement control abilities] and all is forgiven =]

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