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Game Update 5.2: The War for Iokath Delay


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I came back for this update, but it doesn't really bother me that they're delaying it. I'd much rather they delay it then put out something that's unfinished and buggy. I only hope we get to keep the exp/cexp bonus in the meantime. Maybe I can catch up a little.
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If I wanted a static game that never changed or updated, I would be happy with any of the hundreds of games which are not MMOs. But content updates are part of the package of an MMO, and as a subscriber I am entitled to them. I am paying for the ability to log in and play as a subscriber, and I am also paying for periodic and timely updates with some sort of reliability that those updates will come when we are told they will come, and that they will not be suddenly delayed within hours of their supposed launch with no warning, no clear justification, and no compensation. This is not the first time BIoware has pulled this stunt, and even one time is once too many.


Would you please go find where it says that you are entitled to "timely" updates and then post it for everyone to see since you claim that is what you are entitled to. Go ahead I will wait.

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It's threads like this that make armchair developers and wannabes drive me completely insane.


As a professional software developer, I can say that this is not only common, it is pretty much the norm. Hell, the project I am currently working on these days is a couple weeks delayed already and the deploy is nowhere near the size of 5.2. The funny thing? the client hasn't complained. They've expressed their urgency but not a single bit of whine, and they are paying a LOT more than anyone here is for the service.

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Well well, this is very disappointing. I was actually looking forward to moving on from that whole "Knights" issue; maybe even SWTOR getting back to normal again.


Yes, and they're very sorry but 5.2 won't EVER be released and the storyline won't EVER move on.


It's one week, people. One. Week. Not a year, not ten years, ONE WEEK. You can't wait a single week? :confused:

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Yeah... I hoped, to have even one weekend of raiding with 5.2 before university starts again... fhat's life, sometimes it doens't work as we wish.


However, regarding the patch notes, this update is worth the waiting. And one week more to prepare isn't bad at all...

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It's threads like this that make armchair developers and wannabes drive me completely insane.


As a professional software developer, I can say that this is not only common, it is pretty much the norm. Hell, the project I am currently working on these days is a couple weeks delayed already and the deploy is nowhere near the size of 5.2. The funny thing? the client hasn't complained. They've expressed their urgency but not a single bit of whine, and they are paying a LOT more than anyone here is for the service.



Completely agree. I would expect more from a gaming community, but no, I came to expect too much from people. I thought using technology would make them smart, but they're still just so dumb.

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First off, GFY, second. I planned my vacation around this. I don't get many joys in life these days, and TOR is the only real Star Wars game in town. The release date on this was announced less than a month ago. They have been building this up for weeks. This is a PR disaster. They created this mess. You don't build a business model on delayed gratification, unless you want to go out of business. Not in a day and age where you have thousands of leisure and recreation choices available to the market. I spend hundreds when a new cartel pack is released and my sub has been continuous. I have ever reason to be damned angry.


Do I even want to know what "GFY" means...? I'm just going to guess the f-bomb is in there, and...


I think I got it. :/

So your automatic response to any sort of opposite opinion is a crude obscenity. Out of curiosity, when did that become acceptable? Ah well. Now I know your character, kind sir, so thank you for informing me in such a direct manner. :) You will be going on ignore.


Second, stop exaggerating everything.

"PR disaster" and "build[ing their] business model around delayed gratification" - because no other game ever has EVER delayed an update by one week. Ever. Never happened before. Totally unprecedented. By the same logic, no other game ever has EVER released something full of bugs that they really should've spent more time working on. Never happened.

"I have every right to be damned angry" - ...no, you don't. Mistakes happen. I sure wouldn't want to be around you at work or in friendships, because if this is how you treat a video game with one mistake...geez, people must be walking on eggshells around you all the time.

...also, planning your vacation around a video game update is probably not a good idea in general, because of things like this. Like I said, mistakes happen. (On the flip side, if they HAD released it tomorrow, it could've been so buggy as to be unplayable...and a patch scheduled for one week afterwards. :)) So don't get so dang worked up about something that you practically burst a blood vessel by throwing a temper tantrum. Grow up. Don't tell others to [...] off when you don't get your way. You aren't a child any longer, so quit acting like you are. You really think that makes people take you seriously? Sure, if you rant enough at the devs, they'll hurry right up and release everything on schedule, yessiree sir bob! Really?

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I'm one of the people who said: "i will be gone forever, uninstalled the game yadieyadieyadie" when 5.0 released. So i did. I uninstalled the game and left a game and a playerbase i loved. The 5.0 plans were no good to the game and it's playerbase. Statistics have already been showing proof, even more servers have become mostly unoccupied by players and less people were logging in.


Now with 5.2 i think you guys, Bioware, have made a good decision. Apart from new OPS bosses, which is really nice, i like the fact that you are leaning more and more towards the old way of gearing, while keeping the new one intact for the people who want to use that. Reading the patch notes and listening to your plans, it's safe for me to say that i can fully support this adapted road you have turned in to.


I have seen some old school players returning to the game and i hope it's not too late. Even if it would be too late, now you have my support for listening to the crowd and adjusting the game to it. Thank you. Resubbed and playing the game i still love. Please keep this up and don't fall back into the abyss.

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I had a bad feeling since the delay of the live stream...

I am not surprised really,just offended with you waiting the day before it is supposed to go live,to inform your playerbase about the delay!Sorry dude,but that's just WRONG!


Goodbye and good luck(you're gonna need it)

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Wow, this is a huge surprise.




"We want to ensure our updates release at the highest quality possible..."


Since when? My cutscenes are buggy. I get double characters in them. My own NPCs fall through the world (at this point I'm used to mobs in combat do that, but now my own companions do it, too.) Hell, I constantly see nodes spawn in the ground, unreachable.


5.2 must be an unholy mess if you decide to pull it last minute. If it's that bad, there's no way to fix it in a mere week. Also, how did nobody know this before today? Great communication in the company right there. Not.

Edited by Diefenbaker
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like ive said... a delay is better then BWs usual MO of releasing extremely buggy content. A step in the right direction for me... even if the delay itself is disappointing.


one thing that does baffle me in this thread however is the number of people who adjust their real life program to fit the launch of a video game patch/expansion. Seriously?!

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i think it is an good idea to delay the release.

if you are not happy with that, think about us.

the last releases all were a catastrophe, full of bugs.

i hope you learned from it and the week is enough

to give us a nice gaming experience. so i have another

week, to prepare some toons.


on the other think, i got the message via social media

8.5 hours ago. so the time between the delay announcment

and the update, is a bit short. maybe it would be better for the

next time, to do this decision a bit more early.




but okay. in jan you said, that the update will come end of march,

beginning april. and as i said, it will be end april. so i don't really

care, don't missunderstand me. but this is a point, many players

angers a bit. but i really like an update with less new annoying bugs,

than an early one. so good luck and please keep an eye on the

balancing of the classes and maybe rethink, how they should work

in theory, depending range and meele difference.

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You do realise that the storyline is accessible to anyone who is level 70 anyway right? You don't have to be subbed...





You guys have had how long to get this right, now? This does not inspire confidence. This isn't okay. You can't announce and then delay a major update at the last second. Had you announced this delay a couple of weeks ago, that would be different.


I feel like, at a minimum, you owe all subscribers a free week of sub time to make up for the delay, when many people have already subscribed with the expectation and intention of getting involved in new content tomorrow. This is completely unacceptable.

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So I requested off of work for this week- I only get like 2 weeks a year I can get off completely- really Bioware??? You could have at least patched the new gear into the watch and just delay the content...Now when it actually comes out I won't be able to play almost at all as they'll hike my hours for next week.....
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Okay, so you are delaying the day before launch in order to fix bugs. Then give yourself a week - but wait it's easter, so you have two days to fix all the bugs.


Am I the only one who is expecting another message like this next week?


(That you take your time is fine, but do get better at annoucing things. It just hurts your marketing to hype something and then have to delay it. All that effort is wasted. But perhaps you got delayed becaus ethey kept your developers is trying to safe Mass Effect Andromeda from the nightmare attention it has gotten?)

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The amount of over the top dramatics and overreaction in general in this thread is...:(


Now I'm sad that its been delayed, but if they are delaying it because they want to make sure they give us something good then I'm not THAT sad.


Plus with the event stuff being extended I can finish all my characters through KOTET at least.

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