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SWTOR is less than a month old, wow is 7 years old. Why do people compare?


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All of the things in your first list are things this game shares with other great Bioware titles that are worth playing for 40-50 hours.


Which is the exact problem I'm seeing right now. I'm enjoying this game for the aspects that BioWare pulled from the KoTOR series. But, as an MMO, the game is lacking.

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Wrong the bar was set to "Clone this game and you'll make this amount of money too." which stagnated the market for 7 years and created a bunch of flops. Why move to a new game that's the same as the one you're currently playing?


Totally agree, but this is not the game that shatters the "Let's do things Like WoW and rake in Phat Cash" wall. Extra Credits on Penny-Arcade TV had an interesting episode on MMOs where one of the topics they covered was what would be the next big thing in MMOs that wouldn't be like what had gone before.


That said I like the game for what it is, but I realize that what it is now is not that much different then WoW. Of course, keep in mind that there is a reason that McDonalds has more clones of it then any $250 a plate fancy eating place does... people like comfort and the familar.

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And how is wow right now?, you guys keep saying it as if wow was wonders, i played wow since vanilla, left before 4.2 patch


Here is the proof so you dont think im bull******** you.




As you can see the character was "Marshal", thats the old pvp system that was in place on vanilla, you dont see one of this often do you ?


Aniways, WOW is in terrible state right now, pretty much everything is being handed easily, Blizzard is using Rehused content like never before and the game is stale because blizzard content update cycle is just waaaay too long.


The game started declining since the Sunwell Plateau, Cataclysm was just the worst of the worst, and what are you supposed to get later ?


yeah right, FRICKING PANDAS !


seen tons of "marshals" in my time. also wow @ your gemming :l

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I totally agree with what you've said here.


The problem is, everything that defines the long term play experience of an MMO is in your second list.


All of the things in your first list are things this game shares with other great Bioware titles that are worth playing for 40-50 hours.




Yup. That said if I can get 300 hours ((the time they say it takes to complete 1 character to 50 and do all the arcs)) X 8 = 2400 hours of game play or 100 days of game play out of this game just from the stuff in my first list I'll consider the $60 + $15 a month well spent.


I went into this game knowing that if I played it like a KOTOR game that had a few social options and group only things, I'd be happy enough playing all 8 arcs to see what happens. Anything else was gravy, as they say.

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I know most of you want to be able to say this game of perfect because you hate the fact that there are a few games out there better than it but the fact is its not.


It is also very reasonable to compare the present version of wow to this present version of this game.


The fact is that this game could have learned from previous games and improved it based on those.

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Not only any MMO vet horse, just tired of seeing people beg for WoW in every new game that launches.


And how do you expect these changes the first month of launch?


WoW has MANY features now that were flat out denied at launch and were said would never be added to the game. One of them being faction changes which was shot down so many times it made my head spin.


So either wait or go back. The choice is yours.


The point is that it doesn't matter if WoW had these features at launch or not. It has them now. TOR, as a game developed post WoW's launch has to have these features in from the get go. It was suppose to be designed with these features in mind.

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it is the same genre of game. They are in competition. Why wouldn't you compare? WoW is old yes, however SWTOR is new, yet contains nothing new or innovative to the genre. If you dont compare this came to other MMO, then your doing it wrong.


The developers should have identified what their target audience wanted and what worked in previous games. They are neither improving on nor reinventing the wheel. Doesn't matter its only been out 1 week or 2. The game is 10 years past near the start of the MMO age. It should be improving it. Not a generic MMO with a SW theme.

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One area where the games should't be compared is the seamless zoning as people have said in WoW vs SWTOR.


WoW is consisted of mainly one planet with 3-4 different continents. When you switch continents the game...well goes to a loading screen. When you enter an instance there is a loading screen.


SWTOR consists of countless planets with different areas. When on a planet the zones are seamless. But when you go from one planet to another there will always be loading. Same with instances (which is like WoW).


The game is going to load your current activity, that be questing on a planet, doing an instance, being on your ship, etc. Switching between them will always involve loading screens. For any game.

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Yup. That said if I can get 300 hours ((the time they say it takes to complete 1 character to 50 and do all the arcs)) X 8 = 2400 hours of game play or 100 days of game play out of this game just from the stuff in my first list I'll consider the $60 + $15 a month well spent.


I went into this game knowing that if I played it like a KOTOR game that had a few social options and group only things, I'd be happy enough playing all 8 arcs to see what happens. Anything else was gravy, as they say.


As someone who at level 24 is already mashing the spacebar to get through the voice acting, what you just described obviously gives me a very different piece of math. :)


To each their own.


I came here knowing there would be features typical of Bioware titles, but I didn't buy the game for those. I bought it for the massively-multiplayerness of it, which I'm still waiting to see. Even my last disappointment, Rift, delivered on that part.

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Why don't the complainers go make us all the next great MMO, and then when you fail to complete the next MMO we'll all sit on your forums and complain how much your game is copy of everything else. There is only so many ways that you can create something that everyone is going to like, sorry but that is reality.


Bugs are going to happen no matter what kind of software you make, number one rule of software testing is "You can never find all the bugs" The more logic you add into a piece of software the more bugs you are likely to have. So are destructive, meaning it crashes your computer to where you the user are no longer able to use it, to minor crash but I'm able to get back on. Or maybe you get the annoying UI bug that you will only see when all the planets are in alignment, and we have a blue moon for the night. Crap happens there is nothing you can do about it, get over and move on. If it's so bad that you can't play then quit.


This game is not WoW, this game is not made by Blizzard, nor was it published by Activision. This game is new in my opinion, it's different, I get to swing light sabers, or I get to shoot lasers, heck I even get to shoot things while flying around in space. Answer this, when was the last time anyone saw in WoW a hunter's bullet, or arrow deflected by a sword? Oh and tell me when was the last time you got to make a choice on what you wanted to say to a quest giver? When was the last time you could go into an instance, and not face a loading bar? When was the last time you were able to send a companion to collect a resource for you? and please reference WoW when you answer the questions, use the comparisons from WoW to my questions. Bet it doesn't happen!

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As someone who at level 24 is already mashing the spacebar to get through the voice acting, what you just described obviously gives me a very different piece of math. :)


To each their own.


I came here knowing there would be features typical of Bioware titles, but I didn't buy the game for those. I bought it for the massively-multiplayerness of it, which I'm still waiting to see. Even my last disappointment, Rift, delivered on that part.


You obviously expected this game to be something different. The game always was going to have a big focus on the storytelling and a LOT of us are enjoying or leveling experience, listening to conversations, knowing why we are doing what we are doing, making choices and in some cases seeing the consequences of the same.


Enjoy the leveling experience, if one doesn't do that in SWTOR, they won't enjoy the game too much.

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But it's not really "people"; it's mainly young juveniles who don't understand the concept of things taking work. And no, I'm not old (26); I just use my brain.


Not understanding how things work? You should compare SWTOR to WoW because WoW is the COMPETITOR!! If you want customers you need to be better than your COMPETITOR!!! We live in a competitive society and we have the right to voice our opinions when frustrated. To simplify for you, here are the main points:


1. This game is an MMORPG

2. WoW is the #1 MMORPG

3. If BioWare wants MMORPG customers, they need a product that steers customers away from WoW (and AoC, WAR, Rift) and towards SWTOR by offering a greater playing experience and new features.

4. SWTOR is lacking in the "greater playing experience" area.


Why should we accept a 2011 product when it compares to a 2004 product e.g. SWTOR to vanilla WoW. Everyone that is comparing SWTOR to WoW is a responsible customer and wants nothing more than SWTOR to succeed.


You don't buy an iPhone 3G hoping some day for Apple to magically update it to an iPhone 4. You buy an iPhone 4 for an iPhone 4. Why should we have to wait for SWTOR to be updated to compete with 2011 WoW? That's what the development process is for. I'm a customer not a beta tester.

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Why don't the complainers go make us all the next great MMO, and then when you fail to complete the next MMO we'll all sit on your forums and complain how much your game is copy of everything else. There is only so many ways that you can create something that everyone is going to like, sorry but that is reality.


Look if I order a steak and don't like it from a place, I'm going to say so. I don't have to open up a Steak House to have the right to complain about it. Everybody who's on the board paid their money and they have the right to complain about not being happy with what they got. It doesn't change my opinion on the quality of the game.

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Oh, and how is that? SWTOR has a LFG system, go read the user manual! You don't have to spam a channel. Wait you want everything handed to you on a silver spoon. I'm so happy that BioWare didn't include have the crap World of Whiners has.


yeah, i actually do want the game to build a group of appropriate level/spec people for me while i quest. again, sorry you're more easily entertained.

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Look if I order a steak and don't like it from a place, I'm going to say so. I don't have to open up a Steak House to have the right to complain about it. Everybody who's on the board paid their money and they have the right to complain about not being happy with what they got. It doesn't change my opinion on the quality of the game.


Then what you do is, you don't keep going back for a so called bad experience. Send in your complaint and never go back. Bad choice to use as a comparison.

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One area where the games should't be compared is the seamless zoning as people have said in WoW vs SWTOR.


WoW is consisted of mainly one planet with 3-4 different continents. When you switch continents the game...well goes to a loading screen. When you enter an instance there is a loading screen.


SWTOR consists of countless planets with different areas. When on a planet the zones are seamless. But when you go from one planet to another there will always be loading. Same with instances (which is like WoW).


The game is going to load your current activity, that be questing on a planet, doing an instance, being on your ship, etc. Switching between them will always involve loading screens. For any game.


You're making a false dichotomy here.


There exists a whole spectrum of midpoints between what SWTOR has done and even what has been done in other games. The game doesn't have to be compared to a model of perfect seamlessness.


To give an example, the fact that I'm flying my taxi in Coruscant but I don't get to direct it. They could have at least made Coruscant feel like a world instead of a limited series of hallways connected only by taxi routes.

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Why don't the complainers go make us all the next great MMO, and then when you fail to complete the next MMO we'll all sit on your forums and complain how much your game is copy of everything else. There is only so many ways that you can create something that everyone is going to like, sorry but that is reality.


Are you really this ignorant? Just because people find something they dont like about it and offer feedback, they should just "go make one better"? It has nothing to do with us being able to create better. We want better from what we get. Everyone should always want better, it is how things get improved.



Bugs are going to happen no matter what kind of software you make, number one rule of software testing is "You can never find all the bugs" The more logic you add into a piece of software the more bugs you are likely to have. So are destructive, meaning it crashes your computer to where you the user are no longer able to use it, to minor crash but I'm able to get back on. Or maybe you get the annoying UI bug that you will only see when all the planets are in alignment, and we have a blue moon for the night. Crap happens there is nothing you can do about it, get over and move on. If it's so bad that you can't play then quit.


When bugs have been in the game for "months" and are pretty game breaking, they should be fixed. Ignoring the problem or "create another character" is not a very good excuse. What are you paying for if not for the developers to fix this kind of thing. It isn't just new content you know.


This game is not WoW, this game is not made by Blizzard, nor was it published by Activision. This game is new in my opinion, it's different, I get to swing light sabers, or I get to shoot lasers, heck I even get to shoot things while flying around in space. Answer this, when was the last time anyone saw in WoW a hunter's bullet, or arrow deflected by a sword? Oh and tell me when was the last time you got to make a choice on what you wanted to say to a quest giver? When was the last time you could go into an instance, and not face a loading bar? When was the last time you were able to send a companion to collect a resource for you? and please reference WoW when you answer the questions, use the comparisons from WoW to my questions. Bet it doesn't happen!


It is only new because it has a different theme. It feels different to you, but it will likely wear off when you realize its just illusion. When in WoW did we block with lightsabers? You didn't (as far as I know I never played wow but sure they dont have lightsabers), but its just a simple animation. It is no different then "dodge" or "block" in any other game. It isn't new, it just a simple animation for the same thing.


The choice doesn't affect the story very much at all. You can take all the choices out and you will still have the same exact story pretty much. Hearing a few lines of dialogue isn't a good reason to create an alt to sit through the same story.


Sending companions is good, it is new, its great yes...but really..thats the only thing maybe new.

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When was the last time you could go into an instance, and not face a loading bar? When was the last time you were able to send a companion to collect a resource for you? !


1. the load times in this game are equal to/greater than wow.


2. gather for you? you just want everything presented to you on a silver platter dont you? cant go gather your own mats/resources? hmm.

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The point is that it doesn't matter if WoW had these features at launch or not. It has them now. TOR, as a game developed post WoW's launch has to have these features in from the get go. It was suppose to be designed with these features in mind.


No it isn't supposed to be designed with WoW's very limited unique features in mind. That short list of things is what makes WoW WoW and not EQ or DAoC.


Every game does not have to have a Dungeon Finder or an exclamation mark over the quest giver's head.


They didn't have them before and they don't have to have one now. If every game adds those features then they can't create new features that are better. If every game tries to be WoW then something unlike WoW that is better can't be created.


WoW's basic features are the same as every other game's, WoW's unique features separate it from other games. Copying those just makes it a clone that WoW kids will rage about.


So what exactly is it you want? A WoW clone? Why when you have WoW already?

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Then what you do is, you don't keep going back for a so called bad experience. Send in your complaint and never go back. Bad choice to use as a comparison.


Not really, if other people talk about the play I'll certainly bring up my experience. Say that's what this forum is.. a giant place of people talking about the game.

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If you're mashing the spacebar to skip dialogue you are the architect of your own demise. You're intentionally turning the game into nothing more than just another WoW-style race to the top level, or a pointless quest-hub to quest-hub grind and then having the audacity to complain that the gameplay is just like WoW.
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If you're mashing the spacebar to skip dialogue you are the architect of your own demise. You're intentionally turning the game into nothing more than just another WoW-style race to the top level, or a pointless quest-hub to quest-hub grind and then having the audacity to complain that the gameplay is just like WoW.


wait? Voice acting is whats preventing quest-hub to quest-hub grind? It doesn't matter if Im reading the text or its being spoken to me, what follows is exactly the same.

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They have the foundation and ability to make a great game, and they're working on doing just that. It's really hard, if not impossible, for an MMO to launch with the polish and content of WoW. However, SWTOR has launched much closer than any other game to date.


Give them time.



They said that about Rift and others too, as for the OP this example has been used in another thread but I will put it here as well.........


It's like going and buying a new car and it having no air conditioning, emergency break, heater etc but it's ok, the model t ford didn't either.


You build on what your predecessors did and make it better, SWTOR while an ok game did not do that.

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