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SWTOR is less than a month old, wow is 7 years old. Why do people compare?


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BW would instantly ditch all of the "DON"T COMPARE SWTOR WITH WOW" people if they could have a portion WoW's audience, there's no question there, because they want to be compared to WoW except for it to be in their favor. The ideal situation is that SWTOR steals a ton of WoW's subs and stay that way. How do you steal WoW's audience? Well according to the Devs, you make WoW except put your own spin on it, like Warhammer, Conan, Star Wars... You don't make another EvE and expect to steal WoW's subs.


So no, SWTOR was definitely supposed to copy WoW, because they wanted that audience. Except they just didn't make the game good enough to steal it.

Edited by youwillburn
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People compare cuz they r mad that TOR is so successful, and finally we have something better than WOW in the mmo genre.


And this is why SWTOR, so far at it's peak, has just a small fraction of the sub's that WoW has?


Paying sub's will say who has the better MMO. Right now SWTOR just entered the game and Bioware/EA need to do some hard core strategizing to stay in it let alone be the best.

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How is WoW more linear?


SWTOR is MUCH more linear, you only have one place to level at in any given time. WoW has multiple places.


Why are you still here Papa? I mean you have constantly bashed and rebashed this game, why are you still subscribed? I am going to quote another poster with my next line and I hope the other poster doesn't mind if I use it as a signature. What you don't get is that the people who are playing SWTOR are here to play this game, some of us have played wow for 7 years and are tired of it. We are ready for something new and don't mind waiting for features to be added to this game to make it better. Thats why we make constructive suggestions and choose not to bash it. Some of us don't want all the features wow has, and read the quote below!



Btw, I still play WoW. It's a great game. But it's not TOR. And TOR isn't WoW. That is all.

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All cars share the same core features while they do not all have to share all the extra features, even if they cost the same.

step one:

you release in 2011 car like another lamborghini diablo 1990 in cost of veyron that is alredy in market - ufail so hard that i can't even explain


step two:

you ignore step one and what? half of you core features is broken half of extra is missing…


staill playing wow and won't cancel tor sub for now, i'll watch what will come in 2 month that i prepayed

Edited by navarh
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I see what you mean, but even without raiding there is MUCH more to do in WoW, more battlegrounds , a competitive form of pvp, achievements (this is a huge one, because it makes you do a ton of older content), WAY more dailies, etc etc. Basically, if SWTOR has 'x' at its end game, WoW has 10 times 'x'.


Let me list a few things about wow. Ill number them


1. Battlegrounds, I dont pvp and never will in wow. It was dumb and I hope this game is better and if not, Ill go pvp in battlefield 3 and not worry about any form of pvp in this game.


2. Im not competative in MMORPG's. If i wanted to compete with someone for somthing, it would be in IRL purposes that will actually better myself and my family. For example, winning a race where the price is $1,000 dollers. That 1 grand will go much farther then competing with people in a video game that is nothing more then a hobby.


4. Achievments ah achievments. What are they for? What do they do? The last achievment I was working really hard on was The Insane. I got everything to exalted including The Shen'dralar only to find out blizzard made them not be required. Alright so I went to work on darkmoon, the last one I needed. Blizzard then in turn added in the dailys for DMF and you never need to turn in a deck of cards again to get the achievment completed. Thanks for that slap in the face. However this made me see that achievments do nothing for you. Yeah they give titles somthings or a mount but its all cosmetic. Ooo look I have a dragon that.............stands there! "Does the Dragon fight and kill things and breath fire?" Nope its stands there though. Yeah no

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I see what you mean, but even without raiding there is MUCH more to do in WoW, more battlegrounds , a competitive form of pvp, achievements (this is a huge one, because it makes you do a ton of older content), WAY more dailies, etc etc. Basically, if SWTOR has 'x' at its end game, WoW has 10 times 'x'.


Obviously Bioware will continue to add in more endgame content. I agree that the lack of endgame content is a problem for some of the 50's, no way to know how many are bothered by it but probably quite a few.

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Why would I even want to deny that? Wow does have alot of end game stuff.


HOWEVER, with that said, the only relevent content is the current tier. My friend geared himself up without even stepping foot in tier 11 and then facerolled tier 12. After he killed each boss with me, we stopped raiding because, thats why we raid. We raid to see the bosses, the story, and when its over, its done.


If I get bored in this game with raiding, I can pvp, OR I can do space combat, OR I can collect holocrans that actually affect your character unlike LAW wow achievments. Point is, wow can have as much end game raiding as it wants but for me and my friends, once we clear the whole place the first time there is 0 incentive to go back.


I cant wait til they allow you to fully customize the inside of your ship. I am having much more fun right now on my sith warrior who is level 19(NOT MY MAIN) giving gifts to vette and watching her story unfold, then i would be in wow raiding twice a week, over, and over, and over, and over again some more, and did I mention again?

Holy hell, can you be any more of a fanboy? Space COmbat? Are you serious? Starfox from over a decade ago is better done then this games stinking pile of crap space combat. Holocrons, you are surely kidding, you really think they affect your character in a meaningful way? Go add up every single bonus then come back and say that with a straight face, the difference is so miniscule. And in TOR, once you clear the place, there is no incentive to go back either, except to hear different words and still get to the same conclusion. This dude dies, that dude doesn't die, doesn't make a difference, you'll never see him again.



Fact is, WoW is far better because yes, it has had 7 more years then TOR, but when you got out and want to buy a car, do you say "Oh, well the Honda Accord has been out since the 70s, so it's not fair to compare a 2011 Accord to a Chevy Volt because the just came out, of course they are going to have problems!". No, you look at them both, as they stand, and in this case, WoW is far superior, whether they stole ideas or not, Blizzards game is far superior, and TOR has no hope because Bioware is to arrogant to admit that linear gameplay is really unappealing and players want choice, and choices that make a difference, not some live or die scenario that either way doesn't affect you aside from +100 or -100 to your chosen alignment.

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A lamborghini diablo has a v12 enging. It had one back in 1990 when it was first release. Does that mean my 2005 chevy trailblazer or my 1996 toyota camry (which are both newer cars then a 1990 diablo BTW) should also have the added feature of a v12 engine? No, thats a stupid expectation and frankly and impossible one.


Apples and oranges, and just bad analogy in general.


How about this, lets say Microsoft Windows 8 comes out, and they decide not to include support for tcp/ip. Or any other internet protocol?


Would you defend after a month ?


Of course you wouldn't.


We EXPECT that our OS's include the ability to network with other machines and devices.Thus giving us the ability to interact with the internet. It's no longer considered an "Optional" feature it's a MUST HAVE feature before we'll even consider it.


Would you buy a cell phone that doesn't have a camera, or internet, or the ability to text? Would you defend such a product just because the manufacturer is new to the industry, or because its a brand-new model?


Only in MMO wacky-World do you have scores of people who will defend failures and then hang their hats on a developers promise to fix it sometime in the future.


I'd rather not reward failure myself as it reinforces the behavior.


Once (and IF) the game gets fixed, then and ONLY then, will I spend my money on it.


Heck, I remember the horrible release of AoC, and all the promises made by FunCom... Oh will fix this "soon" or we'll add that "soon". I'm still waiting on most of them to be fulfilled.


Clearly "Soon" is far overused in this industry.

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WoW is way more linear, and this game is way better then WoW. You are just a WoW fanboy and I laugh at that.


Also, why are you still here posting and re-subbing when this is a bug infested garbage game? The free time ran out already =)


My free time didn't run out already =)


And you've obviously never played WoW. In WoW you can travel anywhere throughout the world and pick up quests anywhere. In this game you travel down a narrow corridor from one quest to another with no deviation or player-choices possible.

Edited by Taurusaud
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step one:

you release in 2011 car like another lamborghini diablo 1990 in cost of veyron that is alredy in market - ufail so hard that i can't even explain


step two:

you ignore step one and what? half of you core features is broken half of extra is missing…


staill playing wow and won't cancel tor sub for now, i'll watch what will come in 2 month that i prepayed


Are you really going to keep on with that terrible analogy?


The core features in SWTOR are not broken and there are no missing features at this point until Bioware decides they need more at which point they would obviously be missing as they have yet to be implemented.

Does SWTOR require more features? Refinement? More content? Of course it does and it will have those in time.

Edited by ChipHazard
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Because the bugs and design flaws that are a huge problem right now where seen in Alpha and Beta and nothing was done. This had 10x WoW's budget. It had twice the development time. It also had "blueprints" to a successful MMO.


A bug seen a year ago in Alpha should not make it to live. And hundreds have.


Anything else?


12 year old kids that know nothing about game design should not comment on threads like these.


If you are looking for a perfect polished MMO that caters to your every need and want within the first year or so of release, you will be waiting an eternity. And even then, bugs WILL come up, and bugs WILL be overlooked in favor of more serious bugs, and aspects of the game.


Also, please don't post anything about WoW and SWTOR's release if you have not played WoW since release. You just look... idiotic.

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its fairly obvious no? Wow EXISTS as 2012 WoW, not 2004 wow, it isnt worth anything that swtor is in a better launch shape than wow is, the fact remains that if WoW is currently the best thing going, people will play what is Currently the best thing going


im not even saying i like wow (havent played it for years) but swtor is seriously missing some VERY basic features


tl;dr you cant release a game that would have been great 7 years ago now and wonder why people have complaints

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having closed beta tested wow and tbc, finally quitting after wotlk , i think alot of you misunderstand wow and where it went.


when wow started it was a long hard climb to being good. the game had alot of issues but the journey was pretty fun. I didnt even read the story i just liked dplaying it.


as vanilla strolled on and people did MC, bwl , original naxx etc. guilds flourished and it moved at a great pace.


then dailies hit, and naxx. not many guilds did naxx in vanilla. it was a super tough raid back then. 90% of peopel who said they did naxx in vanilla were probably lying. I didnnt do it , we tried it was a pain in the arse just to get into it.


so anyways, the first xpac comes out, flying mounts, arenas , battlegrounds, some failed open world pvp and 10 man raids. tbc was again a fun start at the beginning.


I noticed as the game went along something was disturbing. Oh yes, dailies, heroic farming, badge farming, raid grinding. they started lowering rewards for less challenging more reptitive gear.


still, people pushed along on tbc.


wotlk came out. pretty cool leveling, big world , more flying. same thing happened in that xpac. A lot of people quit towards the end of wotlk which is why cata was rushed out so quick. Blizz subs are dropping increasingly over time because gamers are tired of this MMO Schematic.


Repitition in a game is only fun so long and doing the same thing expecting different results is going to ultimately hurt swtor and blizzard. Blizzard at least added many innovative features over time. Creating things no other games had and taking great ideas from other games and sculpting it into their own.


the problem with swtor is that it tried to model after and idea that is 7+ years old not incorporating much of the innovation that happened after 2004.


just my personal opinion.




Very well presented post.

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There are still challenging things in WoW, albeit less than before.


Like? Hard Mode raid content? Meh, it's hard modes just like this game has. But to level up, gear up and get through the normal raid content... takes NO time at all.


RaF a character up to 80, finish to 85 and gear your char for raiding.. takes about 5 days, max. Can't say the same about this game.

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1. This game has attracted a lot of players who are new to MMO's. These players do not understand the nuances involved with MMORPG's. This amount of bugs in a normal RPG would be unacceptable. These people do not understand the difference between the two.


2. WoW attracted a lot of new MMO players. Those players played WoW for years, and again, do not understand the nuances of MMO's at launch because WoW was their only experience. It's a similar mindset of the first example of people.


3. People love to complain.


4. WoW people... Do not seem to have a very high level of intelligence. I base this off of people I know in real life who play WoW, and people who I've spoken with on voice chat in Rift who flocked to Rift to find a WoW replacement. I'm sure I'll get flamed for this, but whatever. I'm not saying if you played WoW you are stupid, but it is something that seems to have some consistency with the people I talk to.




This game is very polished for a brand new MMO. I've been playing since late beta. I've beta tested a few MMO's, and have not even bothered to stick around through the beta for most of them because of how terrible they were at launch, and even those games had limited success.


Give it time, enjoy leveling a few alts with other crafting professions. Are you doing 90% of the same thing? Yes. But that is what the spacebar is for. My alts are leveling ten times faster than my first character simply because I just mash spacebar through everything except class quests.


And if you truly do not like this game. Quit playing. Quit posting flame threads. Quit comparing it to a 7 year MMORPG that all I hear is complaints about these days. If you want to play a WoW clone, play Rift.

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Holy hell, can you be any more of a fanboy? Space COmbat? Are you serious? Starfox from over a decade ago is better done then this games stinking pile of crap space combat. Holocrons, you are surely kidding, you really think they affect your character in a meaningful way? Go add up every single bonus then come back and say that with a straight face, the difference is so miniscule. And in TOR, once you clear the place, there is no incentive to go back either, except to hear different words and still get to the same conclusion. This dude dies, that dude doesn't die, doesn't make a difference, you'll never see him again.



Fact is, WoW is far better because yes, it has had 7 more years then TOR, but when you got out and want to buy a car, do you say "Oh, well the Honda Accord has been out since the 70s, so it's not fair to compare a 2011 Accord to a Chevy Volt because the just came out, of course they are going to have problems!". No, you look at them both, as they stand, and in this case, WoW is far superior, whether they stole ideas or not, Blizzards game is far superior, and TOR has no hope because Bioware is to arrogant to admit that linear gameplay is really unappealing and players want choice, and choices that make a difference, not some live or die scenario that either way doesn't affect you aside from +100 or -100 to your chosen alignment.


Your making up my own mind? Star fox was cool, its also cool on my 3DS. I also like this games space comabt. If you dont then Im sorry.


Secondly holocrans are lore. They explain things that I am interested and give a small bonus. I would rather have them all and raid when needed then not have them and be gimping my toon, I dont care how big or small the boost. A boost is a boost. The story the datacrons give me is enough for me to go searching for them, even without the stat bonuses.


Thirdly as I said before, once I clear a place I dont go back. I didnt in wow, I didnt in FFXI, I didnt in Everuqest or Everquest 2, and I sure as hell wont here.


Fourth, the fact is, its YOUR OPNION that wow is better, not mine. Sorry but this game has kept my attention in the past 3 weeks then wow did in its last 4 months I played it before I quit.


Wow gave me 96 hours of playtime TOTAL in the last 4 months I played it. SWTOR gave me 105 Hours of total playtime in the last three weeks.


Also the alignment system is fun. I like choosing stuff even if it doesnt affect the outcome of anyone else. If sorry you do not enjoy it. You seem to be very angry at BW and im sorry you are. Im not, my wife isnt, my 10 friends arnt, neither are my 50+ guildys.


Wow can have all of the features it wants, I dont care. Ill never go back to a game where I pay 15 dollers for 24 hours of gameplay when I can pay the same amount and get triple the enjoyment and entertainment out of it.


Wow has everything it has due to time. SWTOR will as well as time permits. Compare this game to wow as it is now. Everquest has more features then wow but does that mean wow sucks? No, it means that Everquest has had more time to build on it then wow has, just as wow has had more tiem to build on it then tor.


Note that I am not accounting for how easy or hard each game's code is to code stuff in. I know that all of the games out probably dont use the same code, as I also no that not every game is going to be as easy to code as another.


I wouldnt be surprised if it took BW another 5 years to add in half the stuff wow has in it just because the code is much more complex to add stuff in then wow's code.

Edited by Darth_Grissom
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Wow, the Knights are really reaching these days.


Yes, EAware was just trying to "butter Blizzard up". :rolleyes:

"It [World of Warcraft] is a touchstone. It has established standards, it's established how you play an MMO. Every MMO that comes out, I play and look at it. And if they break any of the WoW rules, in my book that's pretty dumb," Zeschuk said.


Of course it has established standards. It's had 9 years (including development) to establish them. Which is the whole point of this thread. The wild cards in his statement are his definition of those established standards and WoW rules. Until he comes right out and states them (which he won't) it's all assumption, leaving people to put their own words in his mouth. The PR machine strikes again.


Zeschuk also addressed the social gaming trend, saying that triple-A projects are still alive and kicking thanks to Blizzard's success. "Bigger does work. Big has worked and frankly, WoW is the biggest. On a pure revenue basis it's probably the biggest game ever by a country mile. It generates so much revenue it's an incredible international business unto itself," he said.


Read: Kiss kiss. Hug hug. Keep the peace.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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Was about to write something similar.

Think all I can add is if you want to copy this tired formula you better go above and beyond.

Sadly Bioware isn't delivering that and for that you can compare it to WOW.


I wished they would come up with creative ideas and innovations, instead of that I got WOW in space.

It's fun for a few months but I doubt any one feels like 7 years of more of the same.


having closed beta tested wow and tbc, finally quitting after wotlk , i think alot of you misunderstand wow and where it went.


when wow started it was a long hard climb to being good. the game had alot of issues but the journey was pretty fun. I didnt even read the story i just liked dplaying it.


as vanilla strolled on and people did MC, bwl , original naxx etc. guilds flourished and it moved at a great pace.


then dailies hit, and naxx. not many guilds did naxx in vanilla. it was a super tough raid back then. 90% of peopel who said they did naxx in vanilla were probably lying. I didnnt do it , we tried it was a pain in the arse just to get into it.


so anyways, the first xpac comes out, flying mounts, arenas , battlegrounds, some failed open world pvp and 10 man raids. tbc was again a fun start at the beginning.


I noticed as the game went along something was disturbing. Oh yes, dailies, heroic farming, badge farming, raid grinding. they started lowering rewards for less challenging more reptitive gear.





still, people pushed along on tbc.


wotlk came out. pretty cool leveling, big world , more flying. same thing happened in that xpac. A lot of people quit towards the end of wotlk which is why cata was rushed out so quick. Blizz subs are dropping increasingly over time because gamers are tired of this MMO Schematic.


Repitition in a game is only fun so long and doing the same thing expecting different results is going to ultimately hurt swtor and blizzard. Blizzard at least added many innovative features over time. Creating things no other games had and taking great ideas from other games and sculpting it into their own.


the problem with swtor is that it tried to model after and idea that is 7+ years old not incorporating much of the innovation that happened after 2004.


just my personal opinion.

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and there are no missing features at this point until Bioware decides they need more
awwwww… now i get it

you need to start with that canon-like behavior at the first place



Give it time
oh yeah, gladly, but it is imposible

like was, many times, stated before in mmo-market time is everything, if u come too late and don't have anything major to bring to the table…

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oh yeah, gladly, but it is imposible

like was, many times, stated before in mmo-market time is everything, if u come too late and don't have anything major to bring to the table…


That doesn't even make sense in terms of the "mmo-market". No game has been polished right at launch. Every game took time to implement all of the features that fans wanted.

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That doesn't even make sense in terms of the "mmo-market". No game has been polished right at launch. Every game took time to implement all of the features that fans wanted.


Yes, but the features of a newly released game are going up against the current features of other games right at that point and time. While I'll admit, I can accept the bugs because you cannot copy the game code for a game, it's hard to accept features that are successful in other games (not just one) that are lacking in this one.

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