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SWTOR is less than a month old, wow is 7 years old. Why do people compare?


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say someone made a pepperoni pizza seven years ago. and everyone was like omg pepperoni pizza@!@!@!@ woot , and the masses loved it.


and a couple years later another guy is like dude ima make something better.


4 years later , he delivers crust.


that's basically what people are feeling with swtor. Features that are 10 years old and are just little things to improve functionality shouldn't be neglected.


sharding is a step back in quality not a step forward.


there are other examples. listen i like the game but for the money spent and the final product , you have to be scratching your head at where the game went. There are alot of great things in tor but call a spade a spade please. It is not a complete mmo, i dont mean raid content i mean it's missing alot of mmo features. SWTOR is modeled after a style of game that is also dying out..so hopefully bioware opens the game up a bit.

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And in this day and age, writing script takes time. Fixing things takes time. Seriously, for a game to launch perfectly, it'd take a decade to release, and then it'd be outdated. Not every bug is easily fixable. Fixing one bug normally causes other bugs.


This is without a doubt the most polished MMO launch ever. Edging out RIFT because TOR is about 3x the size of RIFT.


Also, keep in mind, TOR had the largest MMO launch of all time. If things are handled well, It could easily see 3 million subs at its peak.



If they don't hurry up and address a lot of concerns it will be the biggest flop MMO of all time.


My prediction at the current state of game and response from players. SWTOR will have around 500k subs this time next year. Book it! I currently don't see it expanding. Bioware spent too much money in Voice Acting instead of spending money on content / gaming engine / and mechanics.

Edited by rudols
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People compare because they want SWTOR to be the best game it can be, and SWTOR is competing against 2011 WoW, not 2004 Wow.


This is perfectly true.


Don't get me wrong, I like TOR and think it is great. But it is 2011 now, and competing against games in 2011. If TOR had launched back in 2004, then it would have been fair to make comparisons to vanilla WoW.

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On another note LFG was a fail tool that ruined the WoW comunity and turned it from that loving brother to the sinfull uncle we all hate for the sole reason people think and know "He isn't on my realm I can be a dick and not suffer consiquenses" but when faced with people on your own server if you do something bad you were flamed and flagged for everyone on your realm so see.


Also there is a verson of LFG in the game go to /who and flag your self for what your looking for, is it that hard?

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If the WoW fanboys really thought that game was as good as they claim it is then they wouldn't be here playing SWTOR, they never would've left WoW in the first place.


That's why I won't bother arguing with them anymore.


WoW sucks, that's why they're here. At the end of the day they defeat their own "point" every single time.


Am I on the WoW forums telling them their game sucks? No, I'm here playing SWTOR and/or discussing SWTOR on the SWTOR forums.


They defeated themselves just by being here.

Edited by PhoenixStar
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If the WoW fanboys really thought that game was as good as they claim it is then they wouldn't be here playing SWTOR, they never would've left WoW in the first place.


That's why I won't bother arguing with them anymore.


WoW sucks, that's why they're here. At the end of the day they defeat their own "point" every single time.


Am I on the WoW forums telling them their game sucks? No, I'm here playing SWTOR and/or discussing SWTOR on the SWTOR forums.


They defeated themselves just by being here.


I like you. :)

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If the WoW fanboys really thought that game was as good as they claim it is then they wouldn't be here playing SWTOR, they never would've left WoW in the first place.


That's why I won't bother arguing with them anymore.


WoW sucks, that's why they're here. At the end of the day they defeat their own "point" every single time.


Am I on the WoW forums telling them their game sucks? No, I'm here playing SWTOR and/or discussing SWTOR on the SWTOR forums.


They defeated themselves just by being here.


The problem with WOW is that a lot of people are tired of it. It's 7 years old, the content is repetitive at this point and people are dying for something new.


On the other hand people have 7 years invest in WOW and don't know that it's a sunk cost and therefore have trouble giving up 300+ hours of work.

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We compare the two because they are competing, the MMORPG industry is pretty much the only industry where people will say things like "This is brand new, while this has been going on for ages" with a straight face. Do you really think that people looking for an OS would accept "well it has a ton of security holes, crashes frequently, has memory issues and stops working randomly but we just made it!" ... oh wait, as a Microsoft user I withdraw my statement.
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If the WoW fanboys really thought that game was as good as they claim it is then they wouldn't be here playing SWTOR, they never would've left WoW in the first place.


That's why I won't bother arguing with them anymore.


WoW sucks, that's why they're here. At the end of the day they defeat their own "point" every single time.


Am I on the WoW forums telling them their game sucks? No, I'm here playing SWTOR and/or discussing SWTOR on the SWTOR forums.


They defeated themselves just by being here.


WoW doesn't suck. Come on. Its the most successful MMO period. Making that statement is just plain silly . I play this game and still play WoW to this date. You might not like WoW but it doesn't suck. Hell Bioware used a lot of ideas from WoW in SWTOR.

Edited by Meluna
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If a new software developer created an Internet browser with the same featureset of, say, IE 4.0, would you feel that it is fair to compare it to the current versions of IE or Chrome or Firefox because those had years of headstart?


And the follow-up question: if you recognized that the new browser was inferior to the established ones because of the things it lacked, would you still use it because it would be "unfair" to compare it to the ones that have been in development for years? I bet you wouldn't.

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having closed beta tested wow and tbc, finally quitting after wotlk , i think alot of you misunderstand wow and where it went.


when wow started it was a long hard climb to being good. the game had alot of issues but the journey was pretty fun. I didnt even read the story i just liked dplaying it.


as vanilla strolled on and people did MC, bwl , original naxx etc. guilds flourished and it moved at a great pace.


then dailies hit, and naxx. not many guilds did naxx in vanilla. it was a super tough raid back then. 90% of peopel who said they did naxx in vanilla were probably lying. I didnnt do it , we tried it was a pain in the arse just to get into it.


so anyways, the first xpac comes out, flying mounts, arenas , battlegrounds, some failed open world pvp and 10 man raids. tbc was again a fun start at the beginning.


I noticed as the game went along something was disturbing. Oh yes, dailies, heroic farming, badge farming, raid grinding. they started lowering rewards for less challenging more reptitive gear.


still, people pushed along on tbc.


wotlk came out. pretty cool leveling, big world , more flying. same thing happened in that xpac. A lot of people quit towards the end of wotlk which is why cata was rushed out so quick. Blizz subs are dropping increasingly over time because gamers are tired of this MMO Schematic.


Repitition in a game is only fun so long and doing the same thing expecting different results is going to ultimately hurt swtor and blizzard. Blizzard at least added many innovative features over time. Creating things no other games had and taking great ideas from other games and sculpting it into their own.


the problem with swtor is that it tried to model after and idea that is 7+ years old not incorporating much of the innovation that happened after 2004.


just my personal opinion.

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On another note LFG was a fail tool that ruined the WoW comunity and turned it from that loving brother to the sinfull uncle we all hate for the sole reason people think and know "He isn't on my realm I can be a dick and not suffer consiquenses" but when faced with people on your own server if you do something bad you were flamed and flagged for everyone on your realm so see.


Also there is a verson of LFG in the game go to /who and flag your self for what your looking for, is it that hard?


You are so wrong on every level. Right now there are more ***** in this game than there is in WoW. Try doing pugs in flash points and you will notice that everyone needs on everything because everyone has companions that can use the gear.


Now go ahead and flag EVERYONE on a realm.



Bioware will probably remove the "greed" button i next patch.

Edited by Marmerus
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Fortunately for me, I'm not a WoW player and only played WoW for a brief period of time before I decided it was not for me, so I don't really care.


Interestingly enough, the main reason I didin't stay in WoW also applies to this game (limited appearance customization), yet somehow I like this game better. Though, I suppose part of it is that at least we have orange gear (even though I hate how limited it is compared to games with more extensive, cumbersome and flexible customization options).


Anyways, I know there game could use a couple more features and improvements. But the game is still new and I have faith that the Devs will continue to improve upon it over time.

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No one is comparing the amount of content in WoW to that in TOR. No one intelligent anyway. That would be silly, I mean, WoW had 7 years of constant content development.


The gameplay features, on the other hand, can and should be compared. LFG tool, character responsiveness, good UI, etc.


High five, sir.

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Okey my point here is this.


"WoW is full of children" which tbh its true and will soon grow to be more true with the introduction of Pandas and Pokémon


Star wars is a dieing IP sadly.... probably one of the greatest ever made and 95% of its followers are 16 and older the majoraty of which are in their late 30's - mid 40's


the other 5% are the children that watch the clone wars series on TV or have parents that love star wars and are currently to young to be playing an MMO so for the most part I would assume this comunity to be more mature than wows "I'm a dick and I can get away with it" comunity.

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Fortunately for me, I'm not a WoW player and only played WoW for a brief period of time before I decided it was not for me, so I don't really care.


Interestingly enough, the main reason I didin't stay in WoW also applies to this game (limited appearance customization), yet somehow I like this game better.


If that's your main reason, you'd probably like to know they finally, after years, addressed this, and there is an appearance tab now.


It feels like hell froze over, but they did it.

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You are so wrong on every level. Right now there are more ***** in this game than there is in WoW. Try doing pugs in flash points and you will notice that everyone needs on everything because everyone has companions that can use the gear.


Now go ahead and flag EVERYONE on a realm.



Bioware will probably remove the "greed" button i next patch.


then your on a bad server on most realms people are polight enough to ask first.

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Just people need to give swtor time


When would that EVER be the appropriate role for the consumer?


This is not a lemonade stand being run by a couple of kids down the block. This is a video game distributed by one of the biggest empires in the industry.

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You sound like an idiot for thinking others can't have an opinion. I think WoW sucks, you thinking it doesn't won't change that. I'm on the SWTOR forums, where are you? On the SWTOR forums.


WoW sucks.


You play WoW? Are you playing WoW right now? Doesn't look like it.


WoW had no ideas, did you even read the OP? When it came out it got called an EQ clone all day everyday for a year or more because all it did was use the very basic MMO template and improve upon a few tedious UI features/quest features...ooh so amazing.


Wow being successful doesn't make it great. Jersey Shore is successful, MTV is successful, Justin Bieber is successful, Sarah Palin is successful, etc.


The only one who sounds like an idiot is you for thinking quantity equals quality. Cheap and easily accessible equals quantity. WoW is cheap and easily accessible to anyone with ANY computer. Most if not all other MMOs require you to have a gaming PC to make them look good and run fast.


The fact that you don't even know why WoW was successful is laughable considering you're the one who brought it up. Most people aren't gamers, most people don't own gaming PCs/laptops, and most WoW players aren't gamers. Do the math. WoW was many of their customers first game period.


Once again sir, I like you :)

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..... most of that Budget went into the Amazing voice actors if you remove that cost then its probably had less money than WoW or any other mmo at design + wow had once again 7 years of 10,000-ish players play £10, $15, etc etc to fund their game Swtor has most of those At launch and removed the useless **** wow failed at.


Most of the budget? Based on what knowledge? The most common budget estimate for this game was 135 million. Are you suggesting they spent something around 100 million on voice acting? Being upset about a game does not justify complete disregard for common sense. Aristotle hates you.

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