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What would your character do?


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It's obvious a computer game can't give you unlimited options to do with your character so some content will be left behind. But: What would your character do now?


My SI would get his *** back as fast as possible to Nathema to check those artifacts, which even Vitiate believed to be too powerfull.

Next he will cry for not trieng to bind Revan as a force ghost (made me really sad lol).

Then he will learn other powerfull force technics like Battle Meditation.

Also he will check out the Lord on Rishi, who promised him more lifetime, I mean he hasn't heard anything of him. Did he dare to use the immortality for himself??

Afterwards he will kill Acina, take over the empire, merge it with the eternal alliance amd crush the republic.

Oh and he will try to get Khem back, because he enjoys slaughtering people with him the most.


And your character? :D


Edit: Totally for got performing a ritual like vitiate to become nearly immortal.

Edited by ThePsyEagle
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Well I really like the death knight class and story in WoW and I sorta wish I could play out some death/ reanimation story line for my warrior.


Like perhaps she died from blaster fire at the last second as she was sitting unconscious on the throne while Lana and Theron try and fail to defend her. So Lana meets with Acina and whoever else powerful sith are still around like Vowrawn and come up with a ritual or alchemical way of bringing her back to life so she can continue to lead the alliance.


I haven't decided whether she'd be the type of undead that's intelligent and well preserved, lol, or if she'd be mindless and horrifying (but controllable). Either way would do, and then of course she'll have a perfectly tragic reunion with her spouse who finds out she died shortly beforehand.


Then the two of them would

take over the empire, merge it with the eternal alliance amd crush the republic


In the end, the galaxy would be ruled by an abomination more terrifying than the Emperor, yay! <3

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  • 2 weeks later...

My Consular and Inquisitor would have been able to talk sense into Senya, to get her to see reason. Don't need to kill him, but he can pay for his crimes by being locked into a nice little cell in which she can visit him. :p


Or, you know...make sure he was dead to begin with, so that scene never could have happened >_>;;

Edited by SithKoriandr
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- Agree with Senya in chapter 1 but upon meeting Arcann either kill him, or arrange a public trial and execution. Lock Senya up if she tries to stop it.


- Slowly merge Empire and Alliance together via diplomacy and careful planning with Lana, Acina and other Imperial patriots. Remove any opposition whether from Alliiance (Aygo, Jorgan, Hylo I am looking at you:D Also Theron if he wont walk away from Republic) or from Empire (up to and including murdering Acina herself, but only in a worst case scenario)


- Conquer the Republic with Gravestome, Etetnal Fleet and Imperial forces. Try to minimize bloodshed but do not show mercy unless its convenient or profitable.


-Slowly but firmly introduce Malgus's ideas into new Galactic Empire.

Edited by Gelious
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Mine would go clothes shopping with Theron Shan. He's been wearing the same jacket for 5+ years!!!!!



although if I had had "real" choices and not forced to play the line the game insists you play in order to keep certain companions, etc :


My Trooper <mostly lightside - except yes, I killed Sareesh> would yes - say that A. can be redeemed - BUT - there is still consequences for your actions. All is not forgiven. There are ethical laws which must be followed So, yes, there would be a "war crimes" trial for A. It would be a real fair trial too, not a "show trial". I would allow for no more corruption in my "new" republic. I would work towards making a truly just society, and open up trade relations with Iokath and bring the Sith Empire into the fold by working thru diplomatic channels with the new Empress. <and Vector, if you're out there somewhere, you could be the diplomat to arrange that!>


My Sith Inquisitor <darkside> would bring the Sith Empire back to its former "glory" and rule with an iron fist. I noticed something in my Republic playthru - <haven't played thru the whole story with my Sith yet> - there were only 10 chairs <I assume representing the Dark Council> in the Sith Emperor's new throneroom instead of 12 spheres as in the past. I wonder which ones are missing? Anyway, my Sith is just as interested in obtaining immortality - although unlike Vitiate/Valkorian - he wants to reign over an Empire, not be a g-d with no people left. So my Sith is more of a Palpatine than a Vitiate. :-)


I liked the cutscene of the entrance to the Iokath world - sort of reminded me <excuse the Trek reference in a StarWars conversation - but hey, I like them both> - first, when the gravestone all of a sudden takes off like a bat out of hell going really fast - of the scene with Q where Trek first encounter the Borg - and then of the Trek movie where the Enterprise encounters the entity that contains V'ger. <Voyager>. Machine beings planets, the whole 9 yards.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The next thing my main would do is abdicate leadership of the alliance to literally anyone who wants it. He is already rich as Croesus and has no interest in being a leader of any kind. None, Zero. The big three could declare all-out war on each other for all he cares. In fact, that would be good for business. Then he would do what he should have done as soon as he was unfrozen: GO FIND MAKO and pick up some bounties.


The greatest bounty hunter in the galaxy, and he can't track down his own damned wife.


Honestly, there would be no "next" for my BH. He would have told Lana in chapter 2 "thanks for the save, now **** off. Keep in touch."

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My SW, who is my main, would start with retroactively killing Koth. I feel robbed :(


That's what I get for NOT blowing up that building with Kalliyo in Chapter 10. Ironically, I didn't do it out of the kindness of my heart. I just hated Kalliyo at the time and didn't want her to have any fun.



(I did get some satisfaction on that front when I took my Inquisitor and "Prodigal Sith" Pureblood JK through.)


Secondly, I would kill Gault, because my hatred for him burns as bright as it does for Zenith and the aforementioned Koth. Add Hylo to the mix, because of the lip she gave my Warrior after that whole Broonmark recruitment thing.


Thirdly, remove all Ugnaughts from my base. Engineering skills be damned, I don't want porcine beasts running wild where I sleep.


Fourthly, procure/fix Lord Scourge. I saved the galaxy from Valkorion. Having two male Imperial Consorts isn't asking very much, he he he.


Last but not least, get Vowrawn on my team. Hell, he can be my third husband.

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My DS SI has taken the step to become emperor and using this alliance he plans to find a way of terrorising the empire and republic alike, sack their major worlds and force them to sumbit to his absolute authority. After which he will do two public announcements, one is his ascension to galactic emperor and will take steps to eradicate his enemies. the second public announcement is to publically execute traitors, collaborators, dissendents and so on and then reduce any and all resistance to rubble while enforcing his will on the galaxy. Not being blind to the threat around him, he will hunt down the hutts and force them into servitude, then find Jadus and have him executed.


My LS SW will continue in his role as alliance commander for as long as it remains his calling, but frankly he just wants to settle down with Ce'na while both of them are still young. However his main desire is to protect her and the people who trust him as the commander and fight the good fight. After siding with the republic, he is hoping to visit coruscant at some point for an official visit with Chancellor Medon and the senate to formalise the alliance between the sides.


My DS IA is emperor and has already caused enough chaos in his time by using others and others using him to conduct his affairs, he has always been crazy, wearing purple imperial armour with pink hair and beard. some even call him unhinged, but he is far from unhinged, in fact his is more cold, calculating and blood thisty.

using his position and someone elses attempt at killing him, he used the chance to kill acina and side with the republic but he wants nothing off the republic other than the resources to get at acina due to his incurable hatred of force users. His long term aim is to use his position to exterminate every and all force user in the galaxy.


my LS SI, she wants to become empress as soon as she is able to but she will not serve with Acina because as far as my SI is concerned, Acina is not trustworthy and she can sense clear resentment under the appearance of tranquiity from Acina. Already single handedly taken out 6 star fortresses, eternal champion of the fighting pits and commander of an alliance as well as former dark council member, her achievements are very impressive as is her connection to the force with the dark arts. She no longer represents the light or the dark any more even though technically she is light side by alignment. in practice, her dark arts conflict with her moral choices and yet they work together.

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I (my Sith warrior) would probably do what most good Sith would do and kick Acina to the curb and rule the Sith Empire. I'd have to work to abolish the jedi order, as well. Can't have those crazy zealots running around. I don't think I'd actually "war" with the Republic, too costly in lives and resources. It would be an ongoing, hostile negotiation.


I'd set up my own, new Dark Council with Sith who are more like Lana and Vowrawn: pragmatic, powerful, intelligent, and ruthless. I'd have to give Harkun a talking to - get him to train more capable Sith, tweak the curriculum a little bit. I'd step on some toes by working to end slavery for humans. The aliens might come later :D


I'd make everyone in the galaxy angry by marrying Theron immediately :D

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Everyone's talking about their plans to lead(or ditch) a civilization* and I'm just here talking about petty revenge and my harem :tran_tongue:


* I would likely pursue a Malgus-esque type of rule.


The Thirst is strong in you. :rak_09: Maybe you should start a "Who would you have in your Royal Eternal Alliance Stud Farm" thread :D

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What Crimsèn, my agent, would do:


  1. Theron Shan : Get him introduced to retail therapy, get him a white tuxedo after proposing. it's time to tie the knot, and it's time he got new clothing. Right, Bioware?
  2. Alliance: Recruit and utilize the Empire's beast Ciphers, watchers, fixers, etc to ensure it has the best spy network. build Odessen a separate shopping facility. Give Koth a desk job. Build a Vette Memorial...
  3. ZAKUUL : Is Darth Malgus in Arcann's carbonitr vault? Free him!



... Can't think of anything else.... Stick it to the Republic and implode it before Darth Sidious can.

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Lets see, my only toon going through this mess is my main LS JC, I leave all the others at Illum.


My JC sides with the Republic, which shouldn't be a surprise....she...and I have a very dim view of slavery. Even tho the JC is romanced with Lana, Lana would expect a Jedi to side with the democracy. When the JC took the eternal throne, she declared the Alliance to be a beacon of peace and hope. She also declared slavery a crime against all humanity/alienity(sp)? and is outlawed permanently.


With the combined Alliance and Republic forces, I bring the Empire to it's knees, and force unconditional surrender. The Dark Council is removed from power, slavery is abolished, and I set up an appoint light side Sith from the Empire's underground Light Sith movement...as mentioned in the LS SW story. I appoint this LS Sith to be the 'puppet' Emperor/Empress.


However, I do not 'force' Democracy on the former Empire. History has shown that forcing democracy on people can lead to civil war and power vacuums. The transition to democracy needs to take it's time and happen when the people are ready for it. When the time comes for democracy in the former Empire, the LS Emp will preside over a smooth transition of power...monitored by the Alliance.


The appointed LS Emp rules as a 'benevolent', yet firm. As punishment for their war crimes, former Dark Council and Sith alike are sent to labor camps and must perform menial labor for the rest of their lives. I feel this sentence is appropriate for former slavers, and is a more meaningful punishment. I feel execution is an 'out' for them that I will not let them have.


Wealth and assets from war profiteering belonging to the former Dark council and Sith war criminals, is confiscated, then given to former slaves as war reparations so they may begin to live a free life.


As for the Republic, I continue the Alliance, however, I keep contingency plans in place for possible Saresh type leaders coming to power in the Republic.


All in all, I seek a peaceful galaxy, which is what the JC light side commander pledged in the beginning when she took the throne.


Furthermore as head Jedi in the alliance, I reform Jedi code to be more liberal and much less a code, instead the Jedi code in the Alliance becomes a set of suggestions and guidelines for those Jedi living within the Alliance. I recognize the power of positive emotions, like love. I allow and encourage Jedi to pursue relationships and have families. I also see the benefit of force users having children....more force users.


Happy Jedi means they are much less likely to be corrupted.



Edited by AndorianTJ
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My full LS Jedi Consular would wake up with a start and then slowly realize KOTET/KOTFE was just a dream then go back to sleep knowing the Sith Empire still needs to be dealt with in the morning.


ditto for my ds jedi's, sw's, SI, bh's, smugglers, troopers etc.

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My LS JK would continue his peacekeeping efforts and continue to remain loyal to the republic and the Jedi that are out there even if the order fell. He would rather make sure everyone got a fair shot at having a chance, the sith had their alliance and the republic has theirs.


My LS SM would continue his cheeky routine to defuse tense or volatile situations with humor, he's a sucker for always haing the last word in a comical fashion. But as equally he struggles but continues to lead and administrate his alliance.

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