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Warning to Potential Buyers: the Facts about SWTOR.


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No, but this is completely irrelevant. Early cars were started with a crank, but you don't see that on modern cars. Technology has advanced, and just because Vanilla WoW did not include some features does not excuse this game from doing the same.


Then there are of course tons of WoW stuff that I would never want to see implemented here (cross-server LFG, dual spec, flying mounts, ...)


EQ had LFG system, WoW launched without it.

EQ2 had faction switching, WoW launched without it.

DAOC had conquerable keeps in PVP, WoW launched without it.

CoH had the first "Appearance System", WoW launched without it.


Just because it has been done does not mean it should be done. Perhaps Bioware is working on a better version of some features we have seen in the past, hence the increased development time. These are quality of life features, let them get the game engine up and make sure everything is worked out there, that is what is important.

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Spare us the tinfoil hat conspiracy theories


So established advertising practices in the form of both positive and negative propaganda campaigns involving competing business interests now falls within the realm of "conspiracy theory"? Who knew?


Or could it be that you simply have no idea how pervasive advertising agencies are? That you have no concept of how the business world really works? That you are heir to the throne of the kingdom of naivety?

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No, but this is completely irrelevant. Early cars were started with a crank, but you don't see that on modern cars. Technology has advanced, and just because Vanilla WoW did not include some features does not excuse this game from doing the same


That is a horrible analogy. Sorry, it does not make your point

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I'm just gonna say I'm out. I'm not gonna criticize this game's features or lack of features, I'm just gonna say one thing: after you spend a decent amount of time in the game, you will realize that THIS.GAME.IS.BOOOOORING.


Maybe I'll check it out again in patch 1.1 or something but I'm out.



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Mmmmm the feelings of those Blizzard paid trollers losing momentum in trying to unseat TOR is epic.



It's not just Blizzard trollers. There's plenty of Trekkie and EvE fanbois that feel threatened by this game.


Heck when STO launched there were Blizzard, EvE, and even a few SW:TOR fanbois trolling their forums with the exact same posts like the OP's.

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While most of what OP says is true in the literal sense, in a lot of cases he's trying to make things looks worse than they are by acting as if we were promised more than was delivered. I don't think anybody expected spaceships to be more than glorified flight paths, or for a planet's zone to feel big enough to be an actual planet. From there he proceeds to pile on every major criticism/feature request and act as if each and every one of them is game-breakingly inexcusable, and finishes it off with a light topping of opinions.


The only objectively incorrect statements are the "no option to skip conversations" thing (space bar) and the "no gear appearance customization" thing (orange gear.)

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I am really start to hate people like the OP your comparing a game thats brand new to a game that has been out for 7 years if you didn't play wow from day 1 then you have no idea what your talking about. I wish blizzard still had the forum post from their day one launch looked exactly like this forum does omg this doesnt work and im QQing about this and that. Seriously most of the wow veterans like myself that i know and have known for many years thru playing wow together have quit wow because of the issues with them making things beyond easy. If you don't like having to think and actually try at a game then please go back to wow and importantly shut up. We can't fly ok you couldnt in wow when it first dropped. We don't have a one click LFG ok wow didnt when it first dropped. See i can compare all your crybaby crap as well. The door is that way ----> you will not be missed


Bioware has been in dev on this game for how many years? Thats no excuse they just straight did not research the market and what mmo's were using feature wise.

They have been in dev on a mmo the whole time WoW was on top and they didn't learn a single thing or add any of the core features that nearly EVERY NEW MMO has shipped with in the past few years?


Half as5'd graphics engine with no AA and horrible shadows.... hell they didn't even ship the high res textures.... thats a pretty big whoa *** bioware aren't you some top game dev company?


Splitting up the community in a mmo is just a bad idea sharding was a horrible Idea and it will be seen here in about 2 weeks when they lose hundred of thousands worth of subs and theres only a few servers with actual population on them that means anything.


Broken quests and in game mechanics that should have been something taken care of in beta.... you can use the launch bs excuse all you want but heres the facts. I HAVE NEVER played a new mmo at launch with core things just straight broken. Yes theres bugs but not **** that was bugged in beta months before release.


Its very clear the bioware ignored what the community wants.


Hell they dont even have server forums if that doesn't scream we dont want you guys to form a community in this game its all about the single player experience and that is it.


Which is fine all that is perfectly fine. But all you players that waited years for this "mmo" are just trying to justify why you play it. When you run out of story and realize its the same story for every character your tune will change. fact is this games going to have a large exodus come month 2-4 if major changes aren't made. And its not just wow players that are like ummm mwhat is this its other players as well. Some that have been waiting years for this are even voicing their utter disappointment on the game itself.


The forums is filled with posts of why isn't this here why doesn't this work... when are you fixing this etc etc. Its not just a vocal minority doing this.


You get in game and you see people bashing the game nonstop at all hours of the day. And no they aren't all wow players.

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I just kinda wish we would actually show some intelligence over this whole fiasko and show good things about the game or actual flaws in op's statement.


The problem is that it has been done to death; in this thread, even. People have rebutted these points ad nauseum, but certain people keep claiming that this is not so. Those people are either blind, illiterate, trolls, or shills. Take your pick...

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Spare us the tinfoil hat conspiracy theories, I highly doubt Blizzard feels threatened enough by TOR to engage in any manner of underhanded misinformation campaign against it. They could lose a million subscribers a year and still have more money than they know what to do with for a very long time.


look up a company called Viralbuzz...I know for a fact that Blizzard uses them to promote their products on gaming forums. The reason I know was when I was consulting for Turbine they were shopping their services to them and their big selling point was they had Blizzard as a client for the past four years.

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The problem is that it has been done to death; in this thread, even. People have rebutted these points ad nauseum, but certain people keep claiming that this is not so. Those people are either blind, illiterate, trolls, or shills. Take your pick...


A huge ammount of forum posts per minute and threads disappearing off the top 10 pages in one hour without search function is probably the best option for majority of threads popping up again and again.

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The forums is filled with posts of why isn't this here why doesn't this work... when are you fixing this etc etc. Its not just a vocal minority doing this.


You get in game and you see people bashing the game nonstop at all hours of the day. And no they aren't all wow players.

You mean like every other MMo launch ever?


This game will do fine, Rift is doing fine and so is EvE. Far too many people are enjoying the game and its star wars to top it off.

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Potential buyers should check out the many features and videa content that can be found on this offical site and gaming sites, to make up there own minds if it is there cup-of-tea.


This game will not suit all people, and yet the people who it does not suit still feel inclined to leave there biased posts scattered on the forums because they probably didnt do any research into this mmo before they pre-ordered.


I mean if your going to buy and subscribe to something, you really should find out what your getting for your money.

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The problem is that it has been done to death; in this thread, even. People have rebutted these points ad nauseum, but certain people keep claiming that this is not so. Those people are either blind, illiterate, trolls, or shills. Take your pick...

Today I learned what a Shill was.

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You get in game and you see people bashing the game nonstop at all hours of the day. And no they aren't all wow players.


That is a lie.


I play on one of the most populated servers out there and I spent a lot of time in the game.


The only thing I have heard mention is the crazy forums Trolls and how it's laughable that they keep trying to smear the game. Most folks can't stop talking about how amazing the game is.

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They have been in dev on a mmo the whole time WoW was on top and they didn't learn a single thing or add any of the core features that nearly EVERY NEW MMO has shipped with in the past few years?


Which features would those be?

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I was a beta tester tooo, its sad that I feel almost the same way as this OP.


While the fanboys will flame this post, it is in a nutshell is the current state of the game.


and 200% correct on the fact that there were so many things that were ignored by Bioware that were pointed out in the beta stages.

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This is a warning to anyone who is considering buying SWTOR. Here are some things you should know about the game before you drop $60.


Starships. So misleading. Sorry, but you don’t actually get a starship. All you get is a flightpath from planet to planet that has the appearance (not functionality) of a spacecraft. You can’t control your ship manually at all. It just shoots a straight line through the galaxy and all you can see are blurred stars out the window. Want to actually CONTROL your starship? Nope, sorry. Want to FLY your starship? Nope, not happening. As if to apologize for this, BW has offered “space missions.” These also are just teases. You don’t even get to control where your ship flies in the space missions. Your ship is on “invisible rails” and all you can do is tell it to shoot. And the goofy enemy AI ships just fly right in front of you for you to shoot.


17 planets. Yeah…sorry, not quite. These “planets” are approximately the size of Elwynn Forest. It’s not like you can circumnavigate a planet and land your ship where you choose. Each “Planet” consists of 2-3 planes that you can walk across in about 4 minutes. Yay for being able to walk across your planet in 4 minutes.


No flying mounts, not even at max level. NEVER. The reason why is obvious. When each “planet” is the size of Elwynn Forest, being able to actually fly would put them in perspective and show the really quick.


Your character is a wimp. Unless you have a companion with you who gets in the way and prevents you from clicking where you need to, you’re going to get owned by the mobs.

No damage meters or other addons or any sort of customizable UI. This translates into no legit endgame. No way of quickly seeing who the fails are in your group.


No LFG. All you see in chat is LFM and LFG spam. By the way, all chat is pretty terrible. Barrens chat x10.


No dual spec. No achievements. No searching the auction house. Ability animations and cooldowns don’t sync. No day/night cycles on planets. No swimming. Spaceship improvements not visible. No target of target. Can’t sit in chairs or even target most NPCs. They’re just as inanimate as the walls and floors. Game has a single-player feel because the servers are split into smaller servers. This is called “sharding”. Literally. There are like 3 different instances of Korriban per server.


All characters look pretty much the same (all humanoid with slight cosmetic differences) and no gear appearance customization. When you’re walking around the imperial fleet, all the characters will look nearly identical. No target of target. Light/dark choices are pointless. If you answer each one true, you’ll be stuck somewhere in neutral, which gives no rewards. The only way you get benefits is if you answer all dark or light choices, so it’s not much of a choice at all.


Voice acting gets so old. The characters are extremely chatty and it’s not rare to get conversations lasting 5-7 minutes. If you’re the type of player who actually wants to play and not watch a movie, this game isn’t for you. No option to skip the conversations either.


In conclusion, this game feels like it’s still in the first month of Beta and they never took the advice of one single beta tester. It seems like they put all 300 million dollars into creating the story and voice acting, while leaving out all the basic MMO improvements that have developed in the last 5 years.


First person who posts can have my stuff. And don’t worry, I won’t let the door hit me on the way out.



Exactly my thought, this post should be stickied, and if I may add something I would definitely say that PvP combat is ridiculous and huttball is a complete joke, after 8 days of play time I already canceled my subscription, but I'll be glad to come back if changes are made.

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Potential buyers should check out the many features and videa content that can be found on this offical site and gaming sites, to make up there own minds if it is there cup-of-tea.


This game will not suit all people, and yet the people who it does not suit still feel inclined to leave there biased posts scattered on the forums because they probably didnt do any research into this mmo before they pre-ordered.


I mean if your going to buy and subscribe to something, you really should find out what your getting for your money.


Biased posts about how stuff is broken? thats not being biased thats stating facts lol.

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It's not just Blizzard trollers. There's plenty of Trekkie and EvE fanbois that feel threatened by this game.


Heck when STO launched there were Blizzard, EvE, and even a few SW:TOR fanbois trolling their forums with the exact same posts like the OP's.


Don't forget the Guild Wars 2 fanboys.

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I was a beta tester tooo, its sad that I feel almost the same way as this OP.


While the fanboys will flame this post, it is in a nutshell is the current state of the game.


and 200% correct on the fact that there were so many things that were ignored by Bioware that were pointed out in the beta stages.


If you were a beta tester and you knew what the game was going to be like then why did you purchase it?


Ever thought there was a reason Bioware ignored it?


Maybe this isn't the MMO for you.

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