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Phase walk


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My advice would be to plant it in a spot out of LOS from the main action, never use it until you have to, and always maximize it by taking the time to offheal to full whenever you use it, otherwise you wasted it.


'sins used to be able to use it to peel guards offensively as well (get someone to chase you, stun them, then PW back to the target ftw) but that seems like a waste for sorcs, who need it defensively much more.

Edited by stoopicus
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defensively, behind something to get good LoS whenever you use it, kite people away from the spot then swap back. Alderaan's trick someone gave you is great because it works defensively and offensively for one positionning.


Voistar, can be used to quickly go from an heal to another.


Other than that, you can also place it near a heal up powerup in some place, or to quickly get back in better position in huttball. I'm sure you'll find plenty of use for it :)

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Phase walk is a great oh **** move. Like people say, plant it at an LoS point and use it when you are in danger of dying. You can use it even if you are stunned ( though it does not break stun).


It is also useful to help with objectives. Plant it toward whatever node your team has so you can be there in half the time. If you are guarding in Hypergate, I always plant mine at the top of the little ledge. Then as soon as the pylons explode, I run out, use phase walk and am at the pylon before it even lights up. In huttball, I either put it by where the ball spawns in so I can grab it (this is especially great if you take the utility that keeps you from being leapt to after using phase walk) or I put it on the ledge of the opposing team's endzone so I can pull up my team's ball carrier. In quesh ball note you cannot put phase walk at the top where the endzone is, but you can put it on the ramp. In Odessen, I put my phase walk on a node at reset of each round. If that node comes up I will be back on it asap. Fun fact you can also phase walk while holding onto a mod. In voidstar and Odessen I put my phase walk up whenever I am running by a ledge. This way if I get knocked off, I can phase walk back up if I am quick enough. My advice is even if your team is running objectives and you do not need to run and help, still keep it up off cooldown. I used to never use it either and now I cannot get enough of this ability and much like extrication, it is one that sorcs do not utilize enough.

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y'all good with them bumping the CD for forcespeed back up too?


always a downside :p



Jokes aside, sins are in a pretty good position right now, and Phase Walk would make them most certainly OP.


That said, my main is a sin and I'd certainly abuse it :D

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y'all good with them bumping the CD for forcespeed back up too?




Phase Walk at it's core is an ability that fits the Assassin class anyway.

It doesn't fit sorcs who can't even make half as good a use of it as we could.


Hell, I can probably count the amount of times I've actually seen a sorc USE Phase Walk last month, on one hand.

Edited by Evolixe
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Phase Walk at it's core is an ability that fits the Assassin class anyway.

It doesn't fit sorcs who can't even make half as good a use of it as we could.


Hell, I can probably count the amount of times I've actually seen a sorc USE Phase Walk last month, on one hand.


I actually use it a LOT on my sorc. Its a class that has to run to self-heal currently, and without it in arena, it would be even more screwed. As DPS anyway. its probably one of the thing that makes sorc heals overtuned right now, that they can escape hardstun focus twice. I can't count on one hand the times I use it in ONE WZ sometimes.



I must say however, I don't doubt what you are saying. I can count on one hand the ammount of GOOD dps sorc or sage on my server.

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Yeah. In all seriousness sins are fine. I was joking. We were all ticked at first, then we found out we got some good buffs.


I wasn't joking. And I think the majority of the people that replied the same way weren't either.


Phase Walk is fun and provides endless possibilities in engaging gameplay. Sorcs can't use it like we can.

Because they don't get much of a chance to put it down. Nevermind put it down where people can't see it.


The fact that sins don't need it to be good in the current meta is completely besides the point.

Balance elements can be adjusted for that.

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I wasn't joking. And I think the majority of the people that replied the same way weren't either.


Phase Walk is fun and provides endless possibilities in engaging gameplay. Sorcs can't use it like we can.

Because they don't get much of a chance to put it down. Nevermind put it down where people can't see it.


The fact that sins don't need it to be good in the current meta is completely besides the point.

Balance elements can be adjusted for that.


I would agree. Sins can make better use of it. It was also our class ability in the first place. I'm just not sure what i would be willing to give up to have it back.

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I would agree. Sins can make better use of it. It was also our class ability in the first place. I'm just not sure what i would be willing to give up to have it back.


Higher cooldown Force Speed doesn't seem like that bad a tradeoff tbh.

It lets go of a bit Mobility as well as Survivability. Both of which are things that Phase Walk grants back in return.


Not sure if that would be enough to even it out, but there is only one way to find out. And that is doing.

Not just PTS. Since PTS is a joke in this game. Just let it go live and get some wings, then evaluate.


Phase Walk is a fun ability because of diversity.

Phantom Stride is not a proper replacement for it, what Bioware likely thought it to be.

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